21599858? ago

Movie trailer Law Abiding Citizen (2009) at https://youtu.be/qsR8-zxV-3E

A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others involved in the deal.


21593366? ago

21600406? ago

It was a bit TOO obvious. SO petty and childish. He's not leadership material and thankfully the people see that. More and more are crying to disband both the monarchy and unelected House of Lords every day. Charles should be very, VERY careful right now. His errant son and brother are putting the royal family under very close scrutiny ATM with many crying for a republic.

21592576? ago

I bet & hope this brings about a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING in the Process. NO RELIGIOUS EVANGELICAL BULL SHIT. But a True Spiritual Awakening and all that Left psycho shit evaporates.

21592557? ago

One of two movies I own. That, and V for Vendetta. Literally no other movies on the shelf.

21592130? ago

i hope i get to see them swing from a rope until purple

21606061? ago

Well after yellow and blue comes purple. Keysrtone rt now is yellow. Green was first red was next followed by yellow. Take care.

21591668? ago

It's the only way....wipe it away, wipe it all away.

21592601? ago

This is necessary.... This is necessary...

21591184? ago

I sure as heck hope so. Looking at Q's prior meme with Pig and Nuisance, Patriots must realize that many, many of thousands of Conservative voters were burned out of their homes by these DS rats and the holidays will be SHIT for them. Many of them aren't being allowed to rebuild due to all the "restrictions' being put on them by the DS rats making CA residents jump through hoops to rebuild their homes. HAPPY HOLIDAYS is about as sick and sarcastic as it gets. These people are EVIL.

21592588? ago

They do the same with floods... Ended my normal life. A. Decade ago

21591436? ago

Sick fuckers! Commiefornia needs a thorough fumigation, the infested parasites are everywhere!

So sick of all their sceems and scams, all to grind down Anyone that has a buck.

Burning a community to the ground for money??!

They need to be burned at the stake on live TV!

Streamed all across the world!

21600358? ago

Agree wholeheartedly.

21592577? ago

What if I told you...

Make norcal a haven for white folk through local government.

Many whites move to norcal.

They see that alllcal is a place of plentiful resource, with only one disease...Liberalism.

They fight it. The fight comes to them. Allies show up, they win commifornia

21593827? ago

Remember: "The Enemy of My enemy is my friend".

Commies in CA are working either Mexicans, training them in Mexico and other south American countries to take back Atzlan.

I read about this in the mid to late '80's. There goal is to populate and infiltrate CA, AR and Texas...thus pushing Americans out.

21592598? ago

Whites never work together though...

21592708? ago

We do but we like to bitch while we do it.

21591183? ago

yawn - do it alreday; blah-bla

21591144? ago

Can't wait.

I'm in hell right now, I'd gladly fight my way out.


21590989? ago

I hope Q delivers. Been blueballing us for some odd 2 years now.

21593969? ago

3 years.

5 years to go.

21590745? ago

Is this the Q advent calendar?

Cause all I want for Christmas is Hillary on a rope.

21606141? ago

The consensus is we use barges and lot of planks. All re-usable.

21591833? ago

There wasn't a post on Dec 1st though.

21591451? ago

Delivered with a big bow on her head /griswold

21590416? ago

Holy Fucking Shit It's Really Fucking Happening Shoon

21590592? ago

Stand strong patriot!

We will get through it!!


21590591? ago

Holy fucking shit nigger it's really fucking happening soon.

There you go fixed it for you

21591089? ago

It's niggerfaggot you fucking retard.

21590923? ago

Try harder

21590350? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=YJnQnD9EXnw :

Law Abiding Citizen - "Its Gonna Be Biblical" - YouTube

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