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21574078? ago


Its basically everybody but us patriots. Youve got all univeristies, most media, most tech social media, and 75% of goobernment . We dont have prisons big enough.

21625380? ago

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21606083? ago

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21590524? ago

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21580181? ago

Honestly when you realign the leadership by taking out the corrupt, compromised, and/or treasonous heads of institutions, agencies, and businesses, the new patriotic agenda will naturally flow downwards. The "sheep" which is the vast majority of government workers, uni p professors, media workers, and tech workers, will fall into place with the new leadership and we can save the trouble of punishment to the select few stupid enough to not go with the new direction.

The majority of the non-conformists simply only need fired. Its after all far more trouble than its worth to charge a Associate English profession from Youngstown Ohio with sedition. But its absolutely worth it to charge and punish a regional FBI director or the dean of the College of humanities at Harvard.

21585533? ago

Well no fuck nail them to the wall. If these traitors think they got away with it theyll just find other avenues of distruption. I do understand what your saying i just dont agree with it. children are one thing adults who know better neeed to be punished idgaf if some will fall in line or not. And DJT obviously does t care about being considered agreeable. The reason we have fallen so far from the tree is weve allowed a corrupted system to begin with. These people arent reasonable and dealing with them ALL of them should occur. Even if it takes 20 years. They wanted to put you and i to death in fema camps ffs. 20 years hard labour imo for these pukes. Make them dig the holes for humanities survival. Its obvious they wanted to sacricfice all of us to evil forces instead of coming toether to save humanity.

Ihave tons of proof they have all known about what comes our way. Galatic superwave inc.

21589336? ago

Ok...lets see... Mass purges of millions of people, and forced labor camps. Ok there you little 2nd coming of Stalin. You DO realize you are advocating for basically Stalin's solution to stabilizing his nation after a widespread network of Bolshviks killed Lenin and then attempted to take over the newly formed Soviet Union. Stalin a military man of ruthless determination and highly loyal to Lenin's vision because went all the way down the the garbage collectors and purged all of Russia, in the end out rightly executing thousands of people, and sending millions of people to gulags. There something like 30% of the people died because the people who ran the gulags starved the forced laborers, and denied them even basic safety equipment.

Go ahead and see how many people support you when you tell them you want to emulate Stalin in your "solution" to widespread sedition in the USA.

Thankfully Q is a bit smarter than you are.

21590637? ago

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21590379? ago

And Q post this today.

I told you so.

21591302? ago

That's fuckin' awesome! <

21589526? ago

Q is on my side. And your hole rebuttle is flawed thats the commie side they got rid of artist and free thinkers. Where as hitler did the opposite he embraced them and got rid of commies and money handlers just like jesus WANTED. As far as my intelligence goes I am P i came just before Q. I actually chose a differnt path then him but he knows of it and we help eachother. He says i am one of his. But we are all one. Hence WWG1WGA.

IM not sorry we disagree on how to deal with them, im ok with it. They chose the path the live by. sounds like your worried about your own path.

freedom has nothing to do with safety it is actually the opposite. Using your own brain to asess every situation is what it was designed to do.

Or just have status quo and continue letting them off for thier evil ways. Fuck that.

21591312? ago

5:5 <

21575460? ago

Dont even need prisons, just seize/cut off their funding

21580613? ago

No, we need to lock them up.

21581439? ago

By all means...whenever we happen to get around to it...

21576776? ago

I like that, send these demo-rats to the poor house and let them beg for food. Take "everything" away from them.

21577480? ago

its true. every level from soros to clapper to the antifa losers will fold like a wet dishrag without money propping them up, giving them identity and psychological confidence.

21574399? ago

Thankfully excavators and bullets are cheap.

21575439? ago

Fuck the excavators. Make them dig their own.

21575867? ago

Bullets are cheap!

21582024? ago

Rope is cheap and gravity is free....

Think of all the crows they shall feed...

21576581? ago

Did the FEMA mass graves just disappear? I think not.

21574993? ago

I was thinking the Bin Laden treatment would be more appropriate.

21576547? ago

Doomers would get Muh Sea Level Rising

21576471? ago

The fish will hate you.

21575496? ago

Bin Laden died a few months into the Afghanistan invasion from kidney failure.

21575536? ago

I'll buy that. Haven't seen any good proof of it though.

21575949? ago

Good proof is that the Arab world reported on it, Western media didn't, then we got a couple of years with just audio recordings of Bin Laden before he "reappeared" looking a bit different than he used to.

21576384? ago

OK, that's plausible enough to look into.

21580285? ago

Steve Pieczenik stated that he died of Myfars Syndrome months after 9/11.