21617208? ago

Past proves future.


Justice marker. Hmmmm and


Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING.

You are all Patriots.

The hard part is coming to an end.

The next phase will bring JUSTICE.



validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].” - Q


21617219? ago

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Posted automatically (#77800) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21597782? ago

He was deliberately put into the Trump campaign, to try and link Trump to Russia, as he had done a job in Russia for the IC prior, and was known anf trusted. Deep State would then point and say, "See, he is colluding via Carter Page".

It didn't work. <

21582840? ago

Q, please drop the hammer. How many more years do we have to live in slavery?

21583912? ago

Five more years, since you requested date fagging. That's when Trump should be done with it and can finally retire in peace.

21580621? ago

Avoid public spaces this weekend. Lord knows who they will "trigger"

21583915? ago


21579755? ago

Waiting sucks. I said it. I know I know. Good things come....

21578430? ago

As a Christian anarcho-capitalist, I have long advocated that all governments be abolished, since among other vital reasons, all governments are founded on doing unto others as they would not have others do unto them, i.e., governments can only exist via a continuous violation of Jesus Christ's Commandment of the Golden Rule due to their coercive regional monopoly on the ultimate control of the law, which is a practice they treat as a crime if their subjects attempt to engage in it.

However, I am also a Christian pacifist: Jesus Christ is my Gun, and He is the only gun I will ever need for eternity. Rather, all that is required for governments to collapse is for people to stop worshiping them: to stop granting their internal moral authority to them--in other words, to simply change their minds. I advocate a revolution of ideas, not a violent revolution.

In addition to writing on the foregoing subject, I have made it as easy as possible for one to obtain veridical understanding into the most crucial fields of sapient knowledge via my own writings. My below articles explain to people (1) theological ethics and soteriology in a comprehensive and logically-coherent manner; (2) how the known laws of physics prove God's existence while demonstrating the exacting and extensive consilience of the New Testament with said physical laws; (3) the nature of God in light of said physical laws; (4) the End Time, the Tribulation, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the foundation of Heaven on Earth, and the universal resurrection of the dead in light of said physical laws; and (5) the End Time in light of the history of the globalist oligarchy's self-termed New World Order world government and world religion agenda.

Item No. 1 is important vis-à-vis salvation for those who maintain that they already believe in Jesus Christ's Godhead. Items Nos. 2-5 are important in letting atheists, believers in other religions, and nominal ersatz "Christians" know that God as described by the New Testament does exist and that the New Testament is true. Items Nos. 2-5 are additionally important in giving believers in Christ a much deeper understanding of God and of the End Time, so that they may be strengthened in their faith during the events to come.

My following articles distill all of the most important aspects of veridical human knowledge into a comprehensive, coherent and unified whole: from theology, physics, science, ethics, legal theory, political theory, economics, sociology, evolutionary psychology, epistemology to history.

  • James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, archive.org/download/ThePhysicsOfGodAndTheQuantumGravityTheoryOfEverything/Redford-Physics-of-God.pdf , purl.org/redford/physics-of-god .

  • James Redford, "Video of Profs. Frank Tipler and Lawrence Krauss's Debate at Caltech: Can Physics Prove God and Christianity?", Apr. 18, 2019, pastebin.com/6bZDc7rB , archive.is/uHEyL , megalodon.jp/2019-0423-0435-52/pastebin.com/6bZDc7rB .

  • James Redford, "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 4, 2011 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2001), 60 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761, archive.org/download/JesusIsAnAnarchist/Redford-Jesus-Is-an-Anarchist.pdf , www.freezepage.com/1560442613QRSDHGPCAM .

  • James Redford, "Libertarian Anarchism Is Apodictically Correct", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 15, 2011, 9 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1972733, archive.org/download/LibertarianAnarchismIsApodicticallyCorrect/Redford-Apodictic-Libertarianism.pdf , www.freezepage.com/1560442546UTKUJCKYNM .

  • James Redford, "Societal Sadomasochism", Free State Project Forum, May 31, 2018, web.archive.org/web/20190419171853/forum.freestateproject.org/index.php?topic=28925.0 , archive.is/Flah8 , megalodon.jp/2019-0420-0219-34/forum.freestateproject.org/index.php?topic=28925.0 .

--James Redford

21578409? ago

my understanding through asides people iin the know on tv do, this will not be the thing've waited for. Maybe harrowitz will write lies for the media, again. Not saying he is evil, but its a mirror done before, so he may do it again to show up the last event or how the dems use reports and the media. This is more about exposure and trying to get peoples subconscious to think something is up, the arrests are time away. we have 5 years, or if with don jr, 13 years to drip this out., and after this report i recon we will have a month debunking all the lies that the media twist from it. Its all exposure. Q said fisa brings down the house, i think this will just clear the obstacle of nancy and shiff. Hope im wrong, I WANT THE TARMAC LIBERAL UNDO, but hink whats dripping out, theres so much corruption behind even this, so i expect them to skate on this and it to be another open for rallying each sides perspective harder, but we are winning each time these people think they have the winning lielight. Dark to light, sadly takes a while,t here a lot of darkness to bring to the light and we are barely at the first 5%

21578334? ago

As a Christian anarcho-capitalist, I have long advocated that all governments be abolished, since among other vital reasons, all governments are founded on doing unto others as they would not have others do unto them, i.e., governments can only exist via a continuous violation of Jesus Christ's Commandment of the Golden Rule due to their coercive regional monopoly on the ultimate control of the law, which is a practice they treat as a crime if their subjects attempt to engage in it.

However, I am also a Christian pacifist: Jesus Christ is my Gun, and He is the only gun I will ever need for eternity. Rather, all that is required for governments to collapse is for people to stop worshiping them: to stop granting their internal moral authority to them--in other words, to simply change their minds. I advocate a revolution of ideas, not a violent revolution.

In addition to writing on the foregoing subject, I have made it as easy as possible for one to obtain veridical understanding into the most crucial fields of sapient knowledge via my own writings. My below articles explain to people (1) theological ethics and soteriology in a comprehensive and logically-coherent manner; (2) how the known laws of physics prove God's existence while demonstrating the exacting and extensive consilience of the New Testament with said physical laws; (3) the nature of God in light of said physical laws; (4) the End Time, the Tribulation, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the foundation of Heaven on Earth, and the universal resurrection of the dead in light of said physical laws; and (5) the End Time in light of the history of the globalist oligarchy's self-termed New World Order world government and world religion agenda.

Item No. 1 is important vis-à-vis salvation for those who maintain that they already believe in Jesus Christ's Godhead. Items Nos. 2-5 are important in letting atheists, believers in other religions, and nominal ersatz "Christians" know that God as described by the New Testament does exist and that the New Testament is true. Items Nos. 2-5 are additionally important in giving believers in Christ a much deeper understanding of God and of the End Time, so that they may be strengthened in their faith during the events to come.

My following articles distill all of the most important aspects of veridical human knowledge into a comprehensive, coherent and unified whole: from theology, physics, science, ethics, legal theory, political theory, economics, sociology, evolutionary psychology, epistemology to history.

  • James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, archive.org/download/ThePhysicsOfGodAndTheQuantumGravityTheoryOfEverything/Redford-Physics-of-God.pdf , purl.org/redford/physics-of-god .

  • James Redford, "Video of Profs. Frank Tipler and Lawrence Krauss's Debate at Caltech: Can Physics Prove God and Christianity?", Apr. 18, 2019, pastebin.com/6bZDc7rB , archive.is/uHEyL , megalodon.jp/2019-0423-0435-52/pastebin.com/6bZDc7rB .

  • James Redford, "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 4, 2011 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2001), 60 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761, archive.org/download/JesusIsAnAnarchist/Redford-Jesus-Is-an-Anarchist.pdf , www.freezepage.com/1560442613QRSDHGPCAM .

  • James Redford, "Libertarian Anarchism Is Apodictically Correct", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 15, 2011, 9 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1972733, archive.org/download/LibertarianAnarchismIsApodicticallyCorrect/Redford-Apodictic-Libertarianism.pdf , www.freezepage.com/1560442546UTKUJCKYNM .

  • James Redford, "Societal Sadomasochism", Free State Project Forum, May 31, 2018, web.archive.org/web/20190419171853/forum.freestateproject.org/index.php?topic=28925.0 , archive.is/Flah8 , megalodon.jp/2019-0420-0219-34/forum.freestateproject.org/index.php?topic=28925.0 .


21577156? ago

MMMMMMPTMMMMP="TMMMsg,      \/   db`c"  dMMMMMP"      
MMMMMM  TMMM   d$$$b ^          /T$; ;-/TMMMP         
MMMMM; .^`M; d$P^T$$b          :  $$ ::  "T(          
MMMMMM   .-+d$$   $$$;         ; d$$ ;;  __           
MMMMMMb   _d$$$   $$$$         :$$$; :MmMMMMp.        
MMMMMM"  " T$$$._.$$$;          T$P.'MMMSSSSSSb.      
MMM`TMb   -")T$$$$$$P'       `._ ""  :MMSSSMMP'       
MMM / \    '  "T$$P"           /     :MMMMMMM         
MMSb`. ;                      "      :MMMMMMM         
MMSSb_lSSSb.      \ `.   .___.       MMMMMMMM         
MMMMSSSSSSSSb.                     .MMMMMMMMM         
MMMMMMMMMMMSSSb                  .dMMMMMMMMM'         
MMMMMMMMMMMMMSS;               .dMMMMMMMMMMP          
MMMMMMMMMMMMMb`;"-.          .dMMMMMMMMMMP'           

Fuck the Deep State!

21577060? ago


The only thing left is to play the cards. Game has been played out.

21576879? ago

The Watch:

Hour hand on 1

Second hand on 2

Minute hand on 6


The report is being released early? On 12/6?

21576360? ago

Forgive me for not knowing why we trust this Q post from 12/2 when https://qanon.pub/ does not have it. 8:47 pm EST

21576470? ago

I am in the west coast and it's on there. They are still dealing with delays because of all the qresearch shenanigans that have gone on over the past few months. It takes time because most of their people are volunteers, not paid workers.

21577339? ago

Thank you!

21576269? ago

21575980? ago

Here is a dig on the watch. It’s a “PORTUGIESER CHRONOGRAPH CLASSIC” made by the (IWC) International Watch Company based in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.

Website: https://www.iwc.com/en/watch-collections/portugieser/iw390301-portugieser-chronograph-classic.html

Manual: https://www.iwc.com/content/dam/rcq/iwc/15/34/31/6/1534316.pdf

Price: 21’500 CHF (Swiss Francs) or $21,674.16 USD


The top inner dial is hour & minute counter. The bottom dial is the second counter. Given the photo, that would read: 11:40:02

The time on the watch is: 1:29:11 (I am assuming due to the light)

21597595? ago


1:(2+9 =11):11

Thus 1 = A = Q in Isisian Codes

Thus this reveals:


11 is snake eyes or Pi, or God (11) over Satan (66) on the dice in a game of craps.

Satan on his belly as decreed by GOD in Genesis. <


Have an A1 day!

Kind regards,



21580176? ago

Good info, thank you.

21575772? ago

Reading Twitter comments makes one realize that there's a lot of people that are in for a rude Awakening when/if all this goes down. I understand that a large portion are bots, but there's plenty that aren't. What the frick are we gonna do with all these people? Serious question.... Cause when/if it does holeesheet it's gonna be 2016 with a coast to coast Hiroshimas on top.

At this point I'm actually wanting it and cool with turning a blind eye to whatever needs to go down. These people ARE sick.

21576528? ago

There will be bread and circus still. It just won’t be malicious.

21576144? ago

I think the term bot is considerably overblown, on both sides. Like our side abuses it and underestimates how many NPC's there are, and they underestimate how many patriots there are.

21575666? ago

The TDS on the POTUS' tweet is stunning. They just can't let go of their Russia thing and still actually believe only 29% of Americans are going to vote for him. Not sure where they get that, but perhaps that's how they explain away any win by him, that, once again, it can't be a fair vote. Must be ----MARTIANS!!!! https://invidio.us/watch?v=gGTRdpW8oZA

21575631? ago

Merry fucking Christmas anons.

Best December every!

Best Christmas every!

Q and Santa are bringing the hammer

21575563? ago

"Ammunition is finite."

Gotta be RBG.

21597606? ago

Or Carter, or The Queen.

21597664? ago

I don't think Carter would get the partisan juices going, but it'll definitely be a big name.

21597804? ago

[–] 21597782? 1 second ago

He was deliberately put into the Trump campaign, to try and link Trump to Russia, as he had done a job in Russia for the IC prior, and was known and trusted. Deep State would then point and say, "See, he is colluding via Carter Page".

It didn't work. <

21597962? ago

Jimmy Carter, not CarterPage.

21598064? ago

Whoops! Sorry. 😐

21598184? ago

No worries. Your statement about Carter Page was accurate.

21598224? ago

Luckily! 😂


21580959? ago

That works. I was thinking something ghoulish, but Justice Cyborg definitely works.

21576081? ago

That would give the media the most to scream about, and it would give the goons in the house a pivot from the circus show.

21575739? ago

Yeah there's likely only RBG and Carter. Jimmy's in the hospital with a uti. Those infections can be deadly especially in the old n crusty elderly.

21583877? ago

Don't mock. We'll all be old n crusty elderly sooner than you think.

21575501? ago

Ammunition is limited and most of them have been castrated; or even worse. ENJOY THE SHOW

21575426? ago

Q3643, taken maybe from the fairy embarkment on the Themes looking up the hedge row along A3211?

21575317? ago

Ironically his first post gave the exact date and time Hillary was going to be arrested

21575441? ago

In a greater twist of irony, the post was not signed ‘Q’. FOS

21575202? ago

The last drop which is not on here yet is a picture of London Bridge with Big Ben in the background. The significance of the shot is the filename:

LisaMI6.jpg (Note: MI-6 not M16)

The accompanying text ought to scare the crap out of Little Miss FBI Fancy Pants tonight...

Be ready, Anons.

Public awakening coming.


21579651? ago

Good Q eye!

21577116? ago

Don't know if the specific location of the shot is of any importance here. Looking at Google maps, the gangway seems to lead to Tattershall Castle, a "moored boat for riverside beers" if I am not mistaken. Maybe the scene of another Beer Hall Putsch, i.e. a failed coup d'état...

21583847? ago

Hmm, I've been to Tattershall Castle - it's in Tattershall in Lincolnshire. Is there a second one in London?

21589189? ago

Yeah, strange name for a boat. And probably completely irrelevant, I think big ben was the focus here. :-)

21576747? ago

Am totally on the same PAGE with you, Anon! She is fucked three ways to sundown. So she says it was just "talk." Yeah, talk among key actors in a coup attempt. Bye-bye Lisa. Bye-bye now. Fly away...fly, fly.

21575341? ago

She's so scared she's all over the news talking shit about Trump

21575930? ago

Likely texts saying awful things about Trump

21580736? ago

Which isn't illegal

21583832? ago

Meh, if they suggest or discuss anything seditious or treasonous, they are probably illegal.

21585133? ago

How is that illegal? They've released them.

21575432? ago

Exactly. She is desperately trying to be seen as a “Hero of the Left” before the IG Report is released. She knows she is doing time, and long hard time, as soon as the report comes out and her prosecution begins. She needs the sympathy of the brainwashed Left to keep her from going away for the rest of her Life or until a Dem gets elected President to pardon her - which both could be a helluva long time from now.

21575786? ago

Except Republicans have leaked details and it looks like there is no there there in the report.

21575599? ago

Considering the Dem party is down to its final year of existence, a VERY long time.

And her playing the victim card just doesn't work.

21576125? ago

When your back is against the wall, playing the victim card is all the Dems have left.

21575197? ago

Q3640, the person who took the pic is Caucasian and took it with a black cellphone, look at the lower left of the watch next to the band.

21575934? ago

Cell phone case is black anyway. And look up from the lower left to the rim closer to the center, near the band. I can see black and white/pink. Can we assume whoever took the pic is also wearing a dark suit?

Is that a window with daylight in the upper right of the face of the watch?

21576196? ago

Yup, the window also illuminates the desk. Also the around the face looks like lights maybe on the wall.

21575004? ago

Anyone know what the 1:29 watch signifies?

21575910? ago

december 9th

21575423? ago

Probably more than 1 meaning, but Q posted the pic less than 2 minutes after taking it...Shows Q team is with Q+...

21575524? ago

Got it.

21575283? ago

I am 98.5% sure I’m off on this. But I will take a stab.

First of all there is a reflection in the outer gold band of the watch I cannot make out.

But 1:29 = 12.

On December 12th there is a “Full Cold Moon”. The day before, on December 11th, Horowitz is in Congress in front of Linsey Graham’s Committee. Maybe there is going to be something that comes out of that session on the 11th that is going to make the 12th “memorable” and coincides with background on the effects of a “Full Cold Moon”?

Anyway that’s my thoughts about it.

I believe there is significance in the two inner dials on the watch face. But I have no idea what that is. I need to search IWC watches to find something more.

Also there is significance to the reflection on the outer watch casing. There was a previous drop that had something similar.

21575788? ago

Q post 129 is interesting too. [C]los[I]ng [A]ct: Dismantled

21575677? ago

On December 12th there is a “Full Cold Moon”. The day before, on December 11th, Horowitz is in Congress in front of Linsey Graham’s Committee.

In the Occult, of which Trump has been trained in, Full Moons are used as a ritual to harvest energy from your enemies and turn them towards your own ends. Despite common belief to the contrary, the energetic effects of which actually begin the day before and end the day afterward. In other words, the Horrowitz Report just coincidentally happens to drop on the beginning of a day where it is ritualistically beneficial to "Harvest" the energies of our enemies, to turn them to our own end.

Full Cold Moon sure sounds like a frigid way to end it all, may God have mercy on their souls, for they will find little if any reprieve here on this Earth soon.

21575514? ago

That's not totally outlandish. Reflections seem to be pretty important.

When I start doing the numerology thing, I'm a bit too linear in my thinking. I was going with January 29th, which doesn't seem like an important date at all.

21576105? ago

I just posted more info on the watch and should be at the top of the latest posts. You might see something there.

21577149? ago

Supperimpose. Shhh.

21575469? ago

Also December 12th is the British election date. After Boris gets elected, perhaps he drops something about British intelligence’s plot to spy on Trump and entrap him?

21574415? ago

Conveniently ambiguous in case the Horowitz report is a dud

21574295? ago

FUCKING FINALLY!! Weve been waiting a long time to hear this. To all the doubters and distracters maybe now you want to admit that this is real and very much happening.

21576775? ago

I get your excitement but can I ask;

If no public awakening will your excitement have been premature?

What will u think if no public great awakening?

Disclaimer; I fully believe it's coming but the years have made me apprehensive about getting too excited. At this stage I'm reserving my celebrations until all we've known becomes undeniable to even the most retarded NPC

21597494? ago

Epstein was indeniable. <

He and his Island, are the Keystone that connects, the Royals, The Vatican, Ukraine, Romania, and all the Child Trafficking and SRA/Sacrifice.

21603113? ago

The royals done a deal to sacrifice Andrew to save the rest.

Rinse and repeat.

Still no public great awakening.

Media still building false narratives without care or fear.

Until that changes nothing will change.

21603929? ago

Cracks forming. The Royal Institution won't survive in current form.

Charles and his connections to Jimmy Saville, means he is coming soon.

21604890? ago

How long ago was Jimmy Saville?

You living in la la land?

21605962? ago

You are dreaming!

21576949? ago

At this stage I'm reserving my celebrations until all we've known becomes undeniable to even the most retarded NPC

Then you'll never Celebrate my friend. Some of the NPCs will not see reality, regardless of what you try to show them.

21579064? ago

Let me rephrase.

Until all we've known is reported to the masses. Until the media are forced to report the truth. Otherwise what difference does it make. I keep thinking we're winning but then I talk to people.

21576739? ago

It's like a movie. I the movies they play with timing music to mess with your emotions.

Just when you can't take it anymore, they leak out, shit is going down.

21575598? ago

The doubters and distractors are paid shills, trolls and useful idiots. Should major arrests (like Rainier, Bronfman and Epstein were not big in themselves) and public awakenings to the elite's evil happen very soon, the doubters and distractors won't admit to a damn thing. They'll just crawl back to the rocks they came under.

21574268? ago

3643: Google is the biggest political special interests party. They have completed their take over of the Democrats. Gone against DoD. Working with China. Implement censorship on US citizens. Control operatives at the highest level.

21580213? ago

Google is 100% deepstate and their most powerful asset. They were created by DARPA and clearly have gone highly rouge off their original mission. Or maybe this is their original mission: To be the system the Deep State used to subvert the democratic processes of the Republic and gain control though information manipulation and censorship.

21583780? ago

and clearly have gone highly rouge

How do you know the color? Is it something to do with Red October?

21574085? ago

3642: Justice marker = not enough popcorn!!

21780825? ago

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21773612? ago

Hope the pop corn is good mines organic. ;)

21773655? ago

Kek how did you wind up on this post from Dec. 2nd?

21773887? ago

Now you know why we review and the corn pops away.

21773667? ago

I live with a frog next door to my soul he keeps chirping kek


Part of the puzzle is review.

Anything else youd like to know? My puzzle is 80% complete and i can see the overview.

21773682? ago

Kek how appropriate!

Well I just posted this: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3567880

What I've been trying to put my finger on is what exactly will trigger military tribunals? I am leaning toward Mexican Cartels being designated as terrorists organizations because I'd wager many in Congress are getting kickbacks, and could thus be declared as enemy combatants.


21773804? ago

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21773763? ago

Type in blue here.


Then find post 1007

21773751? ago

Potus gave the signal to drop all bombs, or bombs away. Which was plus plus plus. Q has showed us this and this is what led me to oct 2nd.

Im trying to find you the crumbs. But got off path. I will tho. The next color is yellow. We started publicly with green the man whos death forced a response.

Then operation was red. The tree flotus decorated was yellow and Q mentioned yellow after red. So we are now in operation coded with the color yellow. Search what yelow means. And how this signals where we will be soon. Roughly blue will be in april. Its all in the posts. Colors like in a football play blue 34 rw left out. As an example. Some colors have been excluded as per need to know and they arent public. The stars will fall from the skies in april which will be enough to put the masses into a frenzy two large EQ will happen when the next solar event occurs feb 2 or 22 as the date is 2020 2 2 . I thought jc would be here for christmas but now i am realizng he will come as salvation after the falling stars in aprill. Which is also + ++ +++. < Q showed is the falling stars. Also bombs 1000 rays of light bombs and stars. As far as the time for tribunals if its not done before all this happens there wont be a need choas will kill them as it wont be safe to walk the streets.

21773799? ago

Okay wow, how did you tie bombs away to +++? I have a relatively recent post on +/++/+++ that I can dig up if you're curious, but I'd wager you don't need to read it kek.

Holy shit about the Christmas decorations...I am going to need to watch that video again it seems.

Searching qmap.pub for yellow gets some hits, but I don't think it's what you're inferring.

Your dates "almost" align up with Bill Barr's "watershed" moment of May to June.

The only thing I know for sure is I don't seem to have enough popcorn kek.

21773935? ago

Check this out . .. this hole Opost is too legit to q uit.


21773897? ago

This whole operation is Color coded. <

Remember what I said a GORILLIAN times on here, that numbers, letters, sounds, colors, and geometric shapes are all one and the same.

So we have Numerology in play, connecting to Gematria, connecting to colours. Where are the sounds and geometric shapes in all this? NMBRFG.

21773858? ago

Dont forget post 123 kek. Holy fug hes telling you < what the dame code is.

21773835? ago

Look again.

Use Q posts online its unfiltered.

Post 679, 134, 126, 124

They look like bombing runs. Or stars falling.


21773792? ago

Easter falls on significant in realtion to what easter is the day he arose.


Purple will follow blue as it is revered for royality amd his second comi)ng is a royal event.

21574078? ago


Its basically everybody but us patriots. Youve got all univeristies, most media, most tech social media, and 75% of goobernment . We dont have prisons big enough.

21625380? ago

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21606083? ago

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21590524? ago

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21580181? ago

Honestly when you realign the leadership by taking out the corrupt, compromised, and/or treasonous heads of institutions, agencies, and businesses, the new patriotic agenda will naturally flow downwards. The "sheep" which is the vast majority of government workers, uni p professors, media workers, and tech workers, will fall into place with the new leadership and we can save the trouble of punishment to the select few stupid enough to not go with the new direction.

The majority of the non-conformists simply only need fired. Its after all far more trouble than its worth to charge a Associate English profession from Youngstown Ohio with sedition. But its absolutely worth it to charge and punish a regional FBI director or the dean of the College of humanities at Harvard.

21585533? ago

Well no fuck nail them to the wall. If these traitors think they got away with it theyll just find other avenues of distruption. I do understand what your saying i just dont agree with it. children are one thing adults who know better neeed to be punished idgaf if some will fall in line or not. And DJT obviously does t care about being considered agreeable. The reason we have fallen so far from the tree is weve allowed a corrupted system to begin with. These people arent reasonable and dealing with them ALL of them should occur. Even if it takes 20 years. They wanted to put you and i to death in fema camps ffs. 20 years hard labour imo for these pukes. Make them dig the holes for humanities survival. Its obvious they wanted to sacricfice all of us to evil forces instead of coming toether to save humanity.

Ihave tons of proof they have all known about what comes our way. Galatic superwave inc.




21589336? ago

Ok...lets see... Mass purges of millions of people, and forced labor camps. Ok there you little 2nd coming of Stalin. You DO realize you are advocating for basically Stalin's solution to stabilizing his nation after a widespread network of Bolshviks killed Lenin and then attempted to take over the newly formed Soviet Union. Stalin a military man of ruthless determination and highly loyal to Lenin's vision because went all the way down the the garbage collectors and purged all of Russia, in the end out rightly executing thousands of people, and sending millions of people to gulags. There something like 30% of the people died because the people who ran the gulags starved the forced laborers, and denied them even basic safety equipment.

Go ahead and see how many people support you when you tell them you want to emulate Stalin in your "solution" to widespread sedition in the USA.

Thankfully Q is a bit smarter than you are.

21590637? ago

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21590379? ago

And Q post this today.


I told you so.

21591302? ago

That's fuckin' awesome! <

21589526? ago

Q is on my side. And your hole rebuttle is flawed thats the commie side they got rid of artist and free thinkers. Where as hitler did the opposite he embraced them and got rid of commies and money handlers just like jesus WANTED. As far as my intelligence goes I am P i came just before Q. I actually chose a differnt path then him but he knows of it and we help eachother. He says i am one of his. But we are all one. Hence WWG1WGA.

IM not sorry we disagree on how to deal with them, im ok with it. They chose the path the live by. sounds like your worried about your own path.

freedom has nothing to do with safety it is actually the opposite. Using your own brain to asess every situation is what it was designed to do.

Or just have status quo and continue letting them off for thier evil ways. Fuck that.

21591312? ago

5:5 <

21575460? ago

Dont even need prisons, just seize/cut off their funding

21580613? ago

No, we need to lock them up.

21581439? ago

By all means...whenever we happen to get around to it...

21576776? ago

I like that, send these demo-rats to the poor house and let them beg for food. Take "everything" away from them.

21577480? ago

its true. every level from soros to clapper to the antifa losers will fold like a wet dishrag without money propping them up, giving them identity and psychological confidence.

21574399? ago

Thankfully excavators and bullets are cheap.

21575439? ago

Fuck the excavators. Make them dig their own.

21575867? ago

Bullets are cheap!

21582024? ago

Rope is cheap and gravity is free....

Think of all the crows they shall feed...

21576581? ago

Did the FEMA mass graves just disappear? I think not.

21574993? ago

I was thinking the Bin Laden treatment would be more appropriate.

21576547? ago

Doomers would get Muh Sea Level Rising

21576471? ago

The fish will hate you.

21575496? ago

Bin Laden died a few months into the Afghanistan invasion from kidney failure.

21575536? ago

I'll buy that. Haven't seen any good proof of it though.

21575949? ago

Good proof is that the Arab world reported on it, Western media didn't, then we got a couple of years with just audio recordings of Bin Laden before he "reappeared" looking a bit different than he used to.

21576384? ago

OK, that's plausible enough to look into.

21580285? ago

Steve Pieczenik stated that he died of Myfars Syndrome months after 9/11.

21574039? ago

Can I get a, full link for this board?

21575009? ago

This site already has the Qdrops, excellent alternative to qmap.pub and qanon.pub https://www.qagg.news/index.php .

You can search multiple drops at the same time by just adding a , between post numbers, and the site is as fast as qmap.pub!

21574459? ago


21574153? ago

Where is the qresearch board?

21577516? ago

Will they move the old breads? Eventually?

21577087? ago


21574925? ago

Current one is fucked since 8bit left.

21574302? ago

they mentioned a while back they are moving boards

21573913? ago

https://archive.ph/WeEbp :

M3thods on Twitter: "60 Minutes went after #Qanon tonight...… "

https://archive.ph/4mQ9K :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "The Republican Party has NEVER been so united! This Impeachment Scam is just a continuation of the 3 year Witch Hunt, but it is only bringing us even closer together!"

This has been an automated message.

21573843? ago

qmap.pub isnt updated to this

21574681? ago

it is now.

21574070? ago

Cuz his trip code changed

21573823? ago

Fuck yeah its time!

21575318? ago


21574451? ago

Unnleeeeash the krakken

21573804? ago

Go for it, Q!

21573729? ago

Seems like a whole lot of "whomever"(s) still need to be charged.