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21576150? ago

We're in a big chess game.

The Good guys have checkmate in N moves (predictable via the Looking Glass).

Until the last move is played, Cabal still has some moves to play.

Usually they consist of BREAKING NEWS items, in order to delay release of the info on them.

The breaking news can be anywhere from expendable Cabal player dying (GHWB, Ginsburg) or unaffiliated ex-presidents like Carter (as far as we currently know) to Terorist Attacks (like the recent, newest London Bridge).

The most extreme move of the Cabal is THE SUM OF ALL FEARS.

21578146? ago

If reality is deterministic (looking glass) then why is DS even trying? lol

21578372? ago

I don't know how the psychology of the power hungry works and I didn't actually got down that rabbit hole.

Here's a pointer to one entry of the rabbit hole:

Happy hunting and please report back ;)

21578420? ago

lol you know what's funny? You just linked me to my thread/video....:)

21578682? ago

Kek. Here's one I never saw before. I feel it's a +40kft altitude thread.