21583064? ago

You guys are getting all worked up over the 9th when you know damn well nothing is going to happen. We have been through this soooo many times before. They may take down one or two smaller players in the game, but the big dogs are still going to run wild. And you know it. I am just trying to keep you all from being disappointed.

21581782? ago

Yeah, we've been ready and waiting hahaha

21581282? ago

Let's slow down a bit here. Q has, admittedly, made many comments in the past related to "justice" and "soon" and "be prepared" and "pain" etc

We don't know the timeline, is the DS ammo all used up?

21579624? ago

Q3645 Taken from upper deck of the "Tatty Cat" (Tattershall Castle - a floating, overpriced boozer moored at Embankment on the Thames). Lattice walkway in foreground confirms.

21580696? ago

Comparison on google maps confirms, but it seems that the Tatty Cat has been moved down the river a bit for quay works there (imagery 2019). User submitted panarama fotos of the TC are still mostly in the old location.

That location is very close to the previous picture of the group passing the street which Q published. The Corinthia Hotel is again close by. Does not look like a security cam, but somebody standing on the pedestrian bridge.

I assume the message here is that this image is from the same day as the other Q pic. Maybe Lisa &co met with MI6 ppl. in the Tatty Cat?

As if Q wants to signal: 'Hey Lisa, we do not only have security cam imagery, but we were actively following [you] that day.'

Q's picture seems to be taken from almost this location on the pedestrian bridge. Link below is to a user submitted panorama, which still shows the Tatty Cat on the same location (pre-2019).


21579356? ago

Ild shit on my own dick if the perp walk happed D9/19

21579302? ago

The Dems will be wasting ammo on the 9th. FISA won't be released until we get to the Supreme court. The Bull takes a shit on the 12th and the fan get's turned on on Friday the 13th.

21590670? ago

Must mean suicide weekend's right after?

21595367? ago


21579198? ago

We've been redpilling for ages already Q. You are welcome to come help us out. Don't act as if this is all you.

21578879? ago

My body is ready.

21578549? ago

Yes, any decade now!

21578503? ago

What would really blow my mind is if something to do with an (SC) Justice actually happens that day.

21577982? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

21578058? ago

Yes, lets arrest them now while the federal courts are still stacked with deep state clowns, so they all walk. Great idea genius, you should be in charge.

21597161? ago

15 years later........

lets arrest them now while the federal courts are still stacked with deep state clowns, so they all walk.

Still waiting..........

21577304? ago


Been waiting.

For 3 years.

21579701? ago

Been waiting since 1991

Man up!

21578203? ago

And 5 more years to go, you faggot bitch. If you cant handle it gtfo.

If arrested now while the federal courts are still stacked with deep state clowns, they all walk. Just keep doing your job as a MAN in a war. Redpill, learn, research, cheer each other on, and stay hopeful. Participate in the Great Awakening. The devil inspires doubt and fear. God inspires hope and courage. Or sit on the sidelines and stfu fag.

21579482? ago

Thanks for saying that.

21578783? ago

Military tribunals bypass those courts, faggot.

So please, you know fucking jack shit about jack shit. Kill yourself telling people to stfu. "You are the news now" means what? Sit and don't say anything? Or take to the streets and make it not safe for (((them)))?

Fucking moron.

21579490? ago

Don't be so sensitive.

21578544? ago


21578522? ago

lol. No, I'll speak when I want to bitch. Deal with it.

21578778? ago

If you want to be a useful idiot for deep state pedophiles by killing morale because you are a weak ass faggot who cant handle a little waiting around and doing absolutely nothing but crying go ahead. I will call you out every time you do it though. Deal with it.

21581256? ago


21578897? ago

amen....fuck that low-T bullshit

21577011? ago

Q has been pushing this narrative for several years now. No more normies are awake than before.

21578354? ago

There are more people joining the Great Awakening truth movement every day. You blackpill faggots are always trying to kill morale. You are being useful idiots for satanic pedophiles when you do this. Now stop being a faggot bitch.

21578903? ago

1000% agree. man up or shut up...

21578748? ago

exactly ^^^

21576812? ago

they going to tell us that our country was conquered during the Obama years? is that why Hillary felt so robbed? because the coup had already happened......is that it?

21577081? ago


21577109? ago

oh horseshit. that means we lived for almost a decade with functionally no government. yeah......media......youre fired. they'll be lucky to not be hung by angry americans.

21576791? ago

No deals.

21578043? ago

Gitmo tribunals or suicide weekend

Deep state is in panic!!!!

21576694? ago

i am imagining real soon the coup will be complete. the players have been slowly set. i am keeping my pecker warm and my rifle hard. you wanna play it soft, we'll play soft, you wanna play it hard, we'll play it hard

21577044? ago


21578780? ago

great retort, real snappy

21576692? ago

Arrest or STFU, jesus

21578079? ago

Yes, lets arrest them now while the federal courts are still stacked with deep state clowns, so they all walk. Great idea genius, you should be in charge.

Stop your faggot fucking whining. We are at war. Man up or GTFO.

21576525? ago

Wait until it is known that Strzok and Page texts discussed assassination as part of the Insurance Policy. They are going down hard.

21579199? ago

Like Q said, that will never come out (maybe after decades). Some crimes are literally above the law.

21581401? ago

It will never come out because its bullshit and fake.

21576376? ago

Sir Kim Darroch -- the U.K. Ambassador to the US factors bigly into the spygate crime. I wonder if Page and Strzok were connected to him. There are several other spygate swamp rats in the U.K. That they could have been meeting -- Hannigan, Dearlove, Wood and others. The U.K. Is a big player in spygate.

21576421? ago

Had to read up on Kim, been a while. Thanks for the reminder.

21576393? ago

Yes, they are a big player. If this Sir Kim person is a knight then he's MI6 and Tavistock.

21576299? ago

Is the Fisa going to be released earlier than the 9th? POTUS is out of the country like Q said he would be when the shit went down.

21577859? ago

That’s what I was thinking. He is supposed to be safe and in the air when things go down. Return trip from NATO meeting maybe? I’m also expecting the 9th was a misdirect and it would drop earlier. Like tomorrow.

21576277? ago

You say “whiny faggot” like it’s a bad thing 😆

21576171? ago

Haha yeah, how many times have we heard this?

21578224? ago

As many times as it takes for the deep state to expend their ammo. If you cant handle the war like a man stfu and go sit in the corner you little bitch.

21595261? ago

Time of the month pissy pants?

21580568? ago

"war"??? You misspelled LARP, fagot. It is fucking obvious that some pieces are going to be moved in the coming weeks. Q is just trying to take credit just in case anything happens. Then he'll say: "See? Proofs are important." Why the fuck are they important? Public exposure of the type that can't be discredited is fucking important. "Proofs" have proved nothing.

21593069? ago

Why are you here again? ;)

21577048? ago

Every time Lucy holds the football for us, we rush in to kick. ;)

21578512? ago

I just tackle lucy and tickle her into submission.

21577033? ago

For realsies this time tho

21576045? ago

Nothing can stop what is coming.

21578025? ago


21576931? ago

[BRAZZERS] sorry I had to

21575943? ago

Zzzzzzzzzz was ready two years ago zzzzzzzzzz

21576545? ago

Wet panties doesnt mean youll get fucked.

21579868? ago

Ya it could be the wrong kind of wet

21577640? ago

So you're admitting theres a possibility Q wont deliver. Theres hope for you yet.

21576677? ago

When I'm done with the foot rub I will.

21576072? ago

Are you THAT excited to get thrown in a gas chamber???

Yeesh. Its coming soon, relax kike.

21576700? ago

How fucking dumb are you?

21576902? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Good job. The blackpilling is starting to work. soon we wont need to shut it down as everyone will pack up and leave.

21590585? ago

from: dogcocklicker

You can totally tell it's me. I still love you. At least you started using capital letters.

XoxoxoxoxoX proves that it's me

21575685? ago

Who's going to tell q not to date fag.

21579506? ago

Q didnt date fag. There is literally no date in Q's drop.

Q has in the past used head fronts to trick the DS into expending ammunition, but again there is no date mentioned in this drop by Q.

21577307? ago

THIS IS IT... nah just kidding, i hope it is, but its getting about time. Personally Im not voting trump if I dont see some arrests, day of the rope, awakening...

If he provides the results I care for then hell have my support 1000%

21578884? ago

Oh, fuck off with that faux nihilism. Tell you what, Nancy....why don't you sit this one out, ok?

21578818? ago

If it's personal then keep it to yourself.

21579452? ago

i come here to say shit i cant say in real life not without consequences to my job and such, likely so do you. Thats kindof the nature of an anonmyous board like this. Grow a spine just cause you dont like someone's opinion

21578298? ago

Not voting for Don is a vote for dems & that is not good. But I do understand, I will never be ok if we don't have justice.

21578398? ago

ill give you its a half vote for the dems, at best (or worst depending on the objective function, but you get my point...)

21577500? ago

If you decide not to vote for Trump will you be voting for a dem or not voting at all?

21577961? ago

I would not vote at all, hes our only hope. But i need something to show me he is doing the job we care about. I know he knows 9-11 is a farce. he even said "those buildings were not brought down by just planes" or something very close to that the day after.

If he said this publiclly I need more, otherwise we have no clue what were getting into with him in second term. Personally i think its a mute point because I fully expect large action before November 2020. I was just making my if then statement about how I will act given future events.

21578091? ago

I hear ya and I agree but I’ll be voting for him whether or not the arrests take place. I’m thinking there is a good chance that the deep state house of cards may not start coming down until his second term. Please vote for Trump even if your patience has run out by November.

21578168? ago

And then we elect Ivanka Trump because this is actually a 12 nay 16 year plan.

It will take at least 20 years to take the deep state down. 24 years is a real bargain.

21578705? ago

I think it will be Don Jr that runs in 2024 assuming Trump wins again in 2020.

21578162? ago

Its not about that... Im somewhat black pilled. To me knowledge Q has not mentioned the power of the payseur family.. We only see 1% of the picture. The fight is framed for us as good vs evil. But till I see bad people pay for bad deeds I'm not too sure. Like I said I believe well see arrests, but my plans for how I vote will not change. Regardless, trumps got a better chance of winning in 2020 then he did in 2016... unless he wants to lose, which must be considered a possibility.

21578693? ago

Got it.

21576914? ago

I would totally say that shit ha ha... I am a plan trusting motherfucker too! It would be funny as fuck to do it.

21576769? ago

Yet still my intelligent normie friends still don’t get it.

“If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry.”

— Satoshi Nakamoto

21576959? ago

Yet still my intelligent normie friends still don’t get it.

A lot of us have been aware of conspiracies for years and years. Some people don't have great pattern recognition or reading-between-the-lines capabilities.

21580273? ago

Most of us call those people 'stupid'.

21577388? ago

^^^^This... So many of these cats are new, and have no REAL clue. Been at it awhile my damn self. After a bit, it really is like Roddy Roddy Piper and those shades he wore. Lol...

21590537? ago

*Rowdy Roddy

21579122? ago

Bigtime. Gf used to be annoyed at my aversion to watching propaganda-embedded mainstream entertainment but I think she's starting to get it too. It takes years to deprogram.

21576628? ago

hahah made my day

21577878? ago

We should find some of those exact shades to wear with our MAGA hats!

21590525? ago

the future's so bright...

21578188? ago

ha that would be hysterical

21575855? ago

Kek. 2_2 2020 hope you got some food saved.

21575633? ago

ANY DAY NOW.... waiting...

21578232? ago

And 5 years to go faggot. If you cant handle it go cry in the corner while the real men do the work to participate ihe Great Awakening truth movement.

21575572? ago


Lisa looks different . Where is the horse gums?

21575457? ago

With the picture named LisaMI6.png could this be referencing the picture of Page and Stroke in London?

21576291? ago

That’s exactly what it is

21575537? ago

Oh, yeah maybe, and it says "MI6" the British intel agency.

21575256? ago

Is that London?

21577920? ago

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21575285? ago

River Thames with Palace of Westminster and Big Ben in the background

21579166? ago

It's taken from a place called embankment overlooking the thames at high tide. In the background is westminster palace (ordurhh ordurrh yes that place) but in between here and not obvious at all because the place is minimally signposted is the ministry of defence building. MoD. mi6 is tbe Directorate of Military Intelligence, Section 6 ...or the uk's equivalent of the C_A.

21575278? ago

Must be, Big Ben and the River Thames.