21581539? ago

Reptilians and pleadians are battling for our souls. Lets hope the light wins, its our only way out of this matrix.

21578270? ago

Help me understand, which date? Link takes me to the latest Q proof post?

21576922? ago

I also noticed that the time shown here in the original post if 5 hours different from the time stated in the linked post. 5 hours is the difference between EST and GMT.

Is that because Q is now in the same longitude as the UK?

Possibly at a NATO meeting?

21576405? ago


When Obama signed off on May 6th 2016 for the Continuity of the Chain of Command for the election (THE. ACTUAL SOFT COUP), General Dunford took over and its been "The Plan" officially ever since. Hell this shit was probably scripted pre-1999.

21578016? ago

This is why Q says YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE. Its literally a script they all are going by.

21577494? ago

Are you saying that "The Plan" is not what Q followers think it is?

21578136? ago

I don't know what worries me more, that Q could have been fake...or that Q is most definitely real. Q is real. I don't think we understand what that means. AI? War Games? Game Theory? 100% Control? Ultra High Tech? Looking Glass?

Q better be on "our" team. If not, and the curtain gets pulled back to reveal the real Oz, and it becomes "Wolverines!" GO TIME... WE'RE 10 million percent fucked.

21577052? ago

So what’s the catch for this Anon that’s caught off guard?

That Trump was groomed by members of the Obama admin?

21578183? ago

Who groomed the Obama admin? Who groomed the Bush W. Admin? Who groomed the Clinton admin? Bush 41?

They were all the same Presidency just wearing a different skin for the [D]/[R] Pony show.

Is Trump different? Or is he just the capstone to set us on a new charade?

Regardless the answer, I've been sticking up on supplies and a means with which to protect them.

21589318? ago

Curious as to whether this transition was for HRC. That names more sense, no?

21580979? ago

Copy. I’m aware of the the black pill perspective, so I want be too crushed if it manifests into the worst case scenario.

But I’m a mark for this Q psyop, I still have hope for humanity. Extremely small chance that the men behind the curtain would risk a Hillary loss and public awakening via Trump when the NWO was so close to achieving 2021 milestones.

/q cents

21576937? ago

i'm willing to believe that the plan is even much older than that. what's with Ingersol Lockwood?

21576848? ago

sounds like the cabal has been passing the agenda down from preso to preso since 1963. jfk didnt like it and tried to expose it and was killed. interesting read though. thank you.

21576480? ago

Very interesting anon. Can you provide some background or where I can find it please? I want to look into this. Thx fren.

21577042? ago

FYI, that other anon editing the comment you replied to with the URL. To make it easier for you:


21577768? ago

Thanks so much fren. You anons are all right.

21578144? ago

God bless, patriot!

21578496? ago

Collective Conscious. You take a group of folks who aren't so bad at putting together the pieces. Then you get them sharing what they know, and son of a bitch, you get results greater than the sum of the parts. That's what this is to me. And its GLORIOUS!!!!

21578550? ago

Thank you and I agree.

I shared a perspective with the wife as I was getting ready for bed last night. I told her that it took me a little bit of a "learning curve" to grok anonymous forums, but that I really, really enjoy them now. I can share ideas without ego! It is sometimes difficult to follow a conversation thread -- especially if you "jump in at the tail end" the person might think you're the other guy (I generally use "I'm otheranon, ..." to start it with, which seems to help).

It's really neat, as I'm building some businesses from this as well! I'm working on magadating.online but there's nothing there yet, just started yesterday based on someone's comment here -- a female who said it was difficult to find a patriotic male partner.

Anyway, I was telling my wife that I'm really enjoying it now, because everyone is anonymous, nobody know who they're talking to, which is almost like God is talking to Himself.

21578771? ago

which is almost like God is talking to Himself.

Ha! When you wrote almost, I read exactly.

You're welcome anon. I was in that thread too. My heart goes out to that woman looking for a non douche bag partner. So many damaged souls out there, its disheartening.

Love, the unconditional concern for another is the truth. You can't love, give unconditionally, when your soul has been corrupted by the monsters in this world. When you can't be true, you are easy to control because you easily accept the false. For example, these corrupted mothers taking their pre-schoolers to drag queen story time. The mother's virtue signaling is a corruption of her maternal instinct. That's not natural, that's the result of conditioning.

God, the truth, surely does speak to us anon. The problem is not confusing the monsters conditioning for God's truth.

Godspeed fren.

21586040? ago

Thanks! Just had a kekky idea for pricing tiers: $4.50 ("45"), then $17.45, then $45.17. :)

Yes, my heart and now my finances and time are going out to her! I'm still stuck on the migration (DirectNIC sucks) but once that's done I'll be back to working on the site.

Agree about the drag queen story time! Glad to read a few days/week ago that one got shut down!

I love that Bill Hicks quote, and used it in a post I just wrote about Rick Simpson Oil and its effects on me, at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3546404 -- the quote being:

"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather."

21576179? ago

You people are ignoring the Spiritual Component in the war of Light vs darkness. Not religious fag. Just real. Higher Spirits are working here. Yeah I know how I sound.

21579779? ago

I don't talk about this sort of thing on this board normally, but you are correct. There has been a secret spiritual war going on for decades with our friends in the sky. Just so everyone is aware, a free energy patent and UFO patent are now public domain, courtesy of the United States Navy. What do you suppose happens after the defeat of the Cabal? We will be granted all the tech they withheld from us. It won't be immediate but inevitable. I don't have enough CCP for URLs so type this in duckduckgo if you wish:

Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning Of Similar Chinese Tech Advances

Scientist Behind The Navy's "UFO Patents" Has Now Filed One For A Compact Fusion Reactor

The future is going to be unthinkable. They must be defeated first.

21583830? ago


21577159? ago

100% Correct. This is going to be biblical.

21577024? ago

I know how you sound also, since I do as well! :)

To add to it, I've had multiple concussions in recent years, so "oh he's just touched in the head"; life's full of struggles.

21576822? ago

Are you a soul with a body or a body with a soul?

It’s a tough question to sincerely answer.

21579802? ago

Read Dr. Michael Newton's Journey of Souls.

21578331? ago

I know this. & more. I am a spirit being occupying a body. I have had many over the last several mellinia. But I’m pissed off for having my memory erased. (Some will know what I mean)

21578779? ago

kek, your beginning reminds me of a song by Belly, "Feed the Tree" which I'll now listen to: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=6gLp3vMyVgs

I don't fully accept that souls recycle. At least not from Scripture, it seems there is one for each entity. But you may be right, we might be trapped in "Prison Planet" and the only way out is not to go into the light, but within, into your heart, the first organ created by "you".

21578843? ago

All references to reincarnation were removed from scripture. It is a corrupted text. But still good lessons within.

I understand “going into the light” is a Trap. This “realm” is under control of the Fallen Ones. They need “keepers of the garden” many are “programmed “ to return and give false religious ideology to keep others trapped. Just going round and round.

21578808? ago

WOW! Just grokked the lyrics. I heard this song half my life ago! It's about a man asking a boy (his son, perhaps?) for respect now, and to be at his funeral. Wow, brings tears.

21576969? ago

We are souls experiencing a human body.

21577075? ago

It’s tough for most people to live within that truth, at least it is for me.

21578756? ago

Shards of light. Pieces of God. I like to think that Kennedy's speech, about breaking the CIA into a thousand pieces and scattering it to the winds, somewhat reflects our origin. But I'm often "out there". :)

21579313? ago

A lot of christians haven't really asked themselves what they think the holy ghost within is trying to describe.

21576506? ago

Spirit is a thing anon. So you sound right to me.

21576396? ago

Normal ? You sound normal. Welcome aboard !

21576370? ago

You sound correct.

21575761? ago

See something. Say something Patriots.

You know damn well the cabal will let loose FFs. Same MO. Got news for all the clowns, Mossad fuckwads and their mind-controlled minions: Nothing will stop what's coming to you and your ilk. Like a fucking virus you will all go down with the host. Hope the kiddie diddling, mass murdering and blood drinking was worth it. Kinda sucks when the former sheep awaken and recognize your shit for what it is.

21575757? ago

Justice. It really is all we want. Would love a fresh start in 2020 to start putting our country together again. Free plane rides out - (one way) for those who don't want to stay and support our constitution. Let them pursue their happiness elsewhere.

21576377? ago

Hey, the US was started by Europeans who needed to pursue their happiness elsewhere (whether forced of willing). Maybe they can go to some forsaken place and try to recreate that trajectory.

21576579? ago

I hear there is an caribbean island available with a nice place to scream at the sky 24-7. They would love it

21576865? ago

i'd rather ship them off to somewhere very cold where reality slaps them right in the face.

21577031? ago

But there are sharks in the warm water!

21577056? ago

true, let's release a few more there just to be safe.

21576644? ago

The one bought by an Arab recently ?

21577021? ago

It is already sold? Didn't see it on Zillow ;/

21575330? ago

It is exactly two years before the scheduled release of the IG report. Which begs the question: How did Q know? Yes I know Q is part of the same team that is effecting the IG report. Still, so much has to happen in the proper order for the report to come out. It would seem impossible to coordinate it to that level of precision. The only explanation I can see is that they so thoroughly knew what was going on that they could map out with that precision just when to do what. However, if so, why wait that long for this thing if it will advance the Plan significantly? What needed to happen first over the last two years? I guess we will have to find out.

21576837? ago

There’s a greater than 0% chance Q team is from the FEW-CHA.

I believe this.

21576550? ago

Remember, we're watching a play. Some criminals have been given a role to play -- with plea deal-- in exchange for critical info. POTUS knows the best way to win this war is with our country still in tact. The behavior of some of these democrats is so outright alarming that I think they have been told to be as absurd as possible in order to destroy their party. When the election comes in 2020, US citizens will have a clear choice between voting for disgusting, brain damaged lunatics or voting for Pres. Trump. Pretty brilliant!!

21576017? ago

Project Looking Glass?

21579882? ago

what is project looking glass?

21576780? ago

is that the cia mind control one?

21576838? ago

no, you're thinking MKULTRA. Project looking glass was about looking forward/backward in time.

21576846? ago

secret squirrels. bastards.

21576986? ago

the James Bond of the rodent world?

21577013? ago

no. nasty little satanic bastards that chitter into their little radios at each other all day. the meth makes them behave like squirrels.

21577088? ago

i hear Hussein prefers crack.

21577153? ago

the white house has seen some shit in recent decades. degenerate filth. they probably had to replace the carpets.

21576403? ago


21575920? ago

Time travel.

21575992? ago

Remote viewing is a more likely possibility in my opinion.

21576091? ago

Remote viewing is bound in real time. Just saying.

21576140? ago

Not according to some.

21577544? ago

Well then ‘some‘ are wrong. Trust me. It’s in real time.

21575504? ago

Time travel is a strange beast.

21575862? ago

I forgot some of you guys think they are hiding time travel tech. I'm not quite ready to go there yet, but if this is all as it appears to be, they definitely do have a deeper awareness of the course of events than we all think. In fact, Q is always stating that we have more than we know. I suspect that we have the tools we need for that awareness also. Either we possessed them already and didn't realize it, or the Q team kicked them over to us on the sly in all those posts, and we just haven't pieced it all together yet.

21576794? ago

The logical thing from all I've lurked and read is that the plan was drafted, not with some crazy alien tech, but with good old surveillance and detective work and a hell of a lot of "loose lips sink ships" mentality then laid out like directing a play so they appear to "know" magically/mysteriously certain events... but it's not remote viewing or time travel to thank, it's simply that they wrote the play that way.

They hit everyone at once, knock on all the doors simultaneously and explain "this goes two ways, we bring you in warm or we bring you in cold". With the warm way being preferred as it allows extra control of narrative of the play. Now the play is well into the second act...

21575471? ago

Investigations take time. It's frustrating because it has almost been 20 years since 9/11, but I guess their hands were really tied on a lot of things until Trump won. And they want to bring the hammer down on as many high-level people as possible at once, including everyone from the Obama admin. I think the democrats making fools out of themselves is just a bonus.

21575795? ago

True, but it's still like Babe Ruth calling a homer for the next pitch. So much has to go just so for it all to play out that way.

21575557? ago

Biden getting all the snifs in while he still can.

21576792? ago

breaking news! biden rushed to hospital to free child lodged in his sinus.

21577120? ago

Does Baybalon know about this?

21577135? ago

I know no baybalon.

21577328? ago


21577671? ago

ah! im retarded.

21575073? ago

This would explain the months of delaying.

21574844? ago

was that the date that Hillary was released, and they discovered the massive blanket pardons, issued by BHO? exonerating everyone in sight?

21574839? ago

How the heck could Q have known this exact date way back then??

21578088? ago

Are we literally watching a movie like Q stated? Like its all a script.... And Q is showing us that.

21576317? ago

[P]atriots [A]re [N]ow [I]n [C]ontrol

21576136? ago

Looking Glass.

21576153? ago

Man I hope not, too spooky for me.

21576972? ago

God knows all. There's an awesome 11 minute video explaining the 10 dimensions: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=p4Gotl9vRGs .

What's funny about it, and the video doesn't really go into this other than for our third dimension, "dimension N+1 is time", i.e., we have three spacial dimensions, so we're in the "third dimension", and we're moving through the fourth dimension, time, at a pace of one second per second (we're all time travelers! kek).

Thus, creatures in the fourth dimension can "move through our time" at will (actual time travelers). Their time is the fifth dimension.

Each dimension is described from a point, which is a configuration of that dimension; and another point, a different configuration; and these two points form a line. (By "configuration" I mean e.g. we look like a single cell initially, then an embryo, baby, adolescent, teenager, young adult, man/woman, old age, and finally corpse then skeleton then soil.)

Once we get to the tenth dimension, the initial point describes a configuration which encapsulates: all starting conditions, all possibilities that can happen from beginning to end, and all ending conditions. There is no other possible point to move to in the tenth dimension, and thus a line can't be formed. I intuit that "to experience time requires a line to be able to be drawn" in other words, there isn't an 11th dimension because there's no place in the tenth dimension to move from one configuration to another in, and hence no "time".

God must BE the tenth dimension?

Man I hope not, too spooky for me.

Yeah, it's spooky. We only see around 2% of the electromagnetic spectrum -- 98% of what goes on around us, we're unaware of! Similarly, dogs can hear pitches higher than we can. I'd imagine we don't smell, taste, or touch 100% either!

21578857? ago

Oliver Sacks said he knew a guy who, after an accident, could smell his way around New York (city).