21581042? ago

This is why we are here.

This is what they fear.


21579890? ago

I mean we got up at 3am to watch Diana's funeral...

So you're hopelessly lost? To be honest, you're probably beyond redemption. (Not that you can't have an artificial normie life.)

21576364? ago

Great Job Patriot!

We can never give up! That is why we are here.

You are absolutely right about how different folks start to see the light. Keep putting out the RedPills... they work... you just don't know exactly which one will will be THE ONE.... :)


21575978? ago

Congratulations, and many good points in the posts as well. I've discovered if I drop things into conversations and then move on to other things, sooner or later they'll come to me and say "Is this what you were talking about before?" But yeah, don't push ... scares them. It's hard to wake up and realize your hollywood heroes have clay feet and the people you trusted all these years were lying to you.

Again and again I say, it's the kiddos. Tell the stories about the Planned Parenthood trial in California. Talk about James O'Keefe's videos. Talk about Epstein Island and how close it is to Disney Island. Tell about the high number of Disney execs caught in pedo stings.

Little bits at a time. Then they'll see things in the news and start connecting dots. Maddening, though, isn't it?

21580303? ago

I did actually drop the Disney Cruises visits to Epstein Island on her.

21574873? ago

Good story.

Your husband and father will come around shortly. The Great Awakening. Hive Mind. Slowly but surely, The Great Awakening will wake them up and they will get the info and wake them up.

Can't force knowledge to people, their brains just filters it out.

The Teacher comes when the Student is ready.

21574032? ago

Speaking of "TINA RUTNICK" (sometimes spelled RUTNIK)




"Actress Connie Britton has former college roommate and now-U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to thank for helping her adopt her young son.

The Nashville star took nine-month-old Yoby to the U.S. from Africa in 2011, a homecoming that was three years in the making due to the arduous and tedious adoption process.

Just when Britton thought all hope was lost, she found some help from a former friend who she was unaware had become a Senator for the state of New York - and changed her name since their days in school.

Britton, who went to Ivy League school Dartmouth College, explains, "I spent a term in China, and roommate was Kirsten Gillibrand, who is now the Senator for New York. When I was in the process of adopting my son, it was becoming increasingly difficult to do an international adoption.

"I hadn't really kept up with Kirsten since college, and in fact, I was back at Dartmouth for a reunion, and I had friends there who were like, 'We're gonna go hear Kirsten Gillibrand speak.' And I'm like, 'Who the heck is Kirsten Gillibrand?' And they said, 'I think you even knew her - you went to China together.'

"And I'm like, 'You mean Tina Rutnick?' Rutnick was her maiden name, and Tina was her nickname. She thought people would take her more seriously if she used her real name, Kirsten...

"Once I figured out my China roommate is now the Senator of New York and very, very active in international adoption, she was really helpful to me.""

*Bolded Italics are mine-

because CHINA

wtf?! ლ(≖࿉≖ლ❀

21575077? ago

It is my opinion that these celebrities and connected people that "adopt" babies are actually adopting bastard babies of the ruling families ...to be used at a later date for say...running for office etc

21576080? ago

ooooh, that's a good point for some of them. I don't think Angelina Jolie's kids would fall into that category, but could be some of them. Also - remember they are fond of "walnut sauce"

21580312? ago

I was specifically thinking of Jolie when I wrote that. She is a witch from what I've read. I don't know officially of course but there is something "off" about her

21583701? ago

Yeah - have to agree. She is a spooky person. With such a great dad like John Voight, you gotta wonder what happened. She did testing and discovered she's Ashkenazi Jew. Then she found out she had a rare cell in her body that "might" "could" "possibly" "some day" cause breast cancer. So she lopped off two healthy breasts and then posted all over the internet about it as a signal that she is "brave"... I would actually call that proof of full blown insanity! Everyone has the potential for certain types of cancers and illnesses in their bodies. But there are many ways to mitigate that and cutting off healthy body parts is the least of those. That's like saying, "Hey - all men will have prostate issues by the time they are 90. So guys, just cut all that hangy stuff off right now and avoid it!" (OK -that was sarcasm. Please don't! We (sane) ladies are quite fond of those hangy down thingies. )

21573567? ago

The 13 families discussion is pointless.

Only 3 families matter - Saud, Roth, and Soros.

21573496? ago

It's very hard to break the conditioning. That's why you still have people in here who immediately knee-jerk react whenever you talk about how Israel is NOT our greatest ally, and in fact, one of our worst enemies. Some red pills are harder to swallow than others.

21573374? ago

Redpills for the men in your life: the USS Liberty, and the Holodomor.

21577559? ago

WTC building 7.

21579920? ago


21573158? ago

My best friend since I’ve been 9 was a complete opposite politically and socially. It wasn’t until trumps election and the subsequent blatant actions of the left that he decided to have an open mind, and now him and eye see level on most things he would have laughed about. It’s a great feeling seeing someone get better, but don’t force it.

21572994? ago


the hearts of our dearest ones again...

21572975? ago

If they want to play the rock, then you play the water. Given sufficient time, water always wins.

21572891? ago

I'm trying to open my daughter's eyes. She lives in NYC, so I want to go slow. I spent time with her for Thanksgiving and tried and failed miserably. It was a train wreck. So depressing. I'm spending Christmas for the first time in a decade or more. I was in the military and deployed during Christmas a lot. I want to wake her up, but I don't want to ruin my first Christmas with her in such a long time.

21579993? ago

Don't. Just be a good dad, if you can. That she's not already "awake" is a major red flag that something went very wrong awhile back. Ruining your time together now with attempts to correct will just make things worse.

21601713? ago

Thank you for your advice, will do

21576044? ago

Say "I love you enough that I want you to know what I know to be a fact. You can take the data and make your own decisions." Then focus on the kids. The rest becomes obvious once you wake them up to the harm being done there. But get her agreement, "Can I just say what I need to say one time and then I promise I won't bring it up again unless you have questions. Just know, a lot of the people who hate this President hate him for what he knows about them, not for what he is doing as President." That worked for me. But if she's already pissed, might have to wait for a good moment.

21574896? ago

Dont. She will be ready when she's ready. If she brings it up, you counter her. If she doesn't bring anything up, then just enjoy your time with your family.

21574870? ago

Thank you for your service. A grateful nation very much appreciates your service and sacrifices. I respectfully suggest not to push it with your daughter at Christmas. Just enjoy the gift of being together. When events really start happening and may even possibly be scary for her, you'll know when to offer love and guidance. Even then, don't sweat if she's not ready to listen. Just keep loving her, that's your job as a parent. Merry Christmas and thank you again for your service.

21601702? ago

thank you

21573539? ago

Show me a pic of your daughters puss

21572853? ago

I raised the importance of the Prince Andrew interview on here after it aired and explained how it was a huge red pill starter for many. Most replied who cares. Thanks for proving that this is a huge moment in the awakening movement.

21572846? ago

You’re a great woman, your father and husband are faggots.

21572511? ago

Who they hell is she/her son connected to to get a special WH tour like that?

21573249? ago

I wish I could tell you. What I said after she told me about the tour was ..."Ask the father if the White House was bugged by Hussein before Trump moved in" I'm sure if he knows he can't tell her but...ya neva know. Grinning

21572450? ago

Dec. 9th (if not sooner) ICIG, then declass, they will soon be asking you to help put the pieces together.

21580008? ago

How many thousands of "dates" have there been over the past few years?

21572285? ago

People can only choose to ignore the truth for so long. Hatred instilled by the Left’s propaganda machine will lengthen that timeframe. But people will come around. Everyone will have difference “triggers” that will be their Aha Moment. But they will come around, and they will then share what made them see the truth.

Good job on all your hard work. Sometimes it will pay off. Sometimes it won’t. Remember the “messenger” has as much to do with people accepting the “message” than anything else sometimes. That can be because of personal conflicts with people we try and red pill. Or that can also be very helpful for red pilling others who are smart enough to see the truth but just don’t care for the person who is trying to give them this info.

As supporters of Trump, we have a massive workload on our hands to undue the propaganda and TDS that has been forced down the Left’s throat since the day Donald and Melania came down the escalator in Trump Towers to announce his candidacy.

You should be proud of your efforts. Great job!

21579999? ago

People can only choose to ignore the truth for so long.

Until they die? Yeah, that's true.

21572054? ago

I find that by omitting Rep or Dem references,when possible, and making it about the issue it is easier for good folks to relate.

21572007? ago

Great work patriot. That is why Q has been communicating with us, so that we can learn and redpill others to create a grassroots support for the overthrow of the cabal.

The truth is a seed that grows, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

21580015? ago

to create grassroots support for the overthrow of the cabal.

Please return to reality.

21580588? ago

Nah, you can stay in you hopeless nihilism and leave me about of your depressive faggptry.

21585577? ago

Ignoring the reality about humanity probably feels more comfortable, but you're living in a fantasy.

21585840? ago

No one is ignoring reality. What movement do you think the great volume of research is coming out of the least few years. The great awakening movement. Digging for the truth about the world. I just choose to remain hopeful instead of letting depression and despair immobilize me. You are the one comfortable in your misery. Since it's hopeless, you don't have to do anything.

21586468? ago

IMO, joining a cult formed around a jewish psyop is not exactly "doing something". Yes, the members are technically sending each other messages and chattering about various things, but you notice how things have only become worse over the past few years? The cult members are not doing anything to change that.

  • How many enemy combatants in congress have been killed?
  • How are the Clintons still alive?
  • 1000 more similarly relevant questions here...

The "great awakening" appears to be complete normie-tier bullshit that does worse than nothing. "We're awake now, so we can continue to do nothing but trust in the secret scheme our cult has to fix everything for us, but none of us are actually doing anything at all."

Digging for the truth about the world.

Here's the truth. The vast majority of all humans are incredibly easy to manipulate. If this were not so, why do the advertising and marketing industries exist? Your jewish psyop has you convinced that "waking people up" will fix everything, just as the Breatharians believed they could work up to taking all nutrients from the air they breathe. You might dislike the comparison, but you guys are the same credulous demographic.

What can be interesting is how cult members never accept that their cult is a cult, but they can easily see the cultness in other cults. I mean, I'd bet money that you don't believe your cult is a cult.

21586916? ago

Q: The only cult that encourages it's members to think for themselves.

Whatever man, you are totally brainwashed and your defense mechanisms are ridiculous in their ability to keep you fully in denial. Totally lost case. Enjoy your hopeless nihilism.

You'll see what's up soon enough, enjoy the show.

21587289? ago

I don't watch shows, but knock yourself out.

21571759? ago

How are you going to Red Pill others when you yourself have yet to be truly Red Pilled? lol

21571836? ago

I'll get them started and they can catch up while I learn more...of course

21571931? ago

Since too many answers here dodge the truth, are not acquainted with the truth or are purposeful misdirection, let me just say, plainly.

All leaders in the position of power are playing a role This is why many if not most people are still walking around in the dark and do not SEE that a Veil of deception has been pulled over our eyes. It is the same GAME that has been played since FOREVER. Different players but the same GAME and many people fall for it every single time.

It is the same GAME the Deceivers have been playing on many unaware [lost] souls since the beginning. Different players, same Divide and Conquer reality presented.

The puppet masters or the Overlords, the Satan and the Demons-Fallen Angels or Aliens if you will; along with their offspring the Elite Leaders create "dis order" so the people will demand "order". The price of "order" always entails a handing over of control and loss of freedom on the part of the citizenry. Out of "chaos" comes "order" - THEIR order - their new WORLD order. ORDO AB CHAO.

All the world's a stage, And all us men and women are merely players. They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE that has been pulled over our eyes. The true Rulers the Overlords, the Satan, the Fallen Angels or Aliens and their offspring, the Elites in this material realm, make it appear as though it is something that it is not.

Our world, this material realm is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by the Overlords, the Satan the Fallen Angels and their offspring the Elites

Hence all Political and Domestic Chaos and entrapment in this realm.

There is only ONE who will change all this. He walked among men and women 2000 years ago or so. He is the only true CHOSEN ONE

21580026? ago

Our world, this material realm is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing

Pretty much every aspect of "modern life" is a false reality. The levels of "it's all a show" can't be sufficiently emphasized enough.

21579057? ago

Spot on Fren. <

21576260? ago

This does give it a different spin, however. https://youtu.be/2tx19vUyzvc Kim Clement prophesying Trump before he said he'd run

You know, there IS hope for some level of change. And if God is in Control, and God brought in Trump for this mission, who are we to judge?

21579145? ago


21573824? ago

Prove it.

21571646? ago

Congrats - nice story!

21571381? ago

Word of advise from someone whose gone down this path... don't push. She's waking up but that doesn't mean she's not prepared to go back to sleep. If you push too hard, too fast, you may end up losing her as she retreats back into a safe space of denial. The deeper her realizations go the more she will feel the need to start blocking it all out again. She's made the first step. Now, allow her to wipe the sleep from her eyes and see the world with renewed clarity. Soon, she will surprise you again, asking for more information and even providing some of her own. As long as you don't overdo it and force her into retreat from truth overload coming too much, too fast. Give her time. Give her support she asks for. And otherwise, let her continue to come awake in her own time. The worst thing that could happen at this point is that you push too hard and she shuts down. Just stay on point. And above all, be patient.

21581449? ago

Yep. Dont be pushy at all when red pilling people. Like Q says, "The choice to KNOW, will be yours."

21573366? ago



This will answer any confusion about what is happening to Western Civilization.


21576008? ago

what on earth does this have to do with this OP? Some people will respond to banksters info, others won't. You use what ammo you think will work. If I'm waking 'em up, I use a .22, not a 50 Cal

21579906? ago

If they need to "be woken up", why would you associate with them? They're essentially brain dead.

21583726? ago

um, because we aren't Libtards who wholesale dismiss every person in our life who thinks differently. And some of them are family. And some of them are still friends. I don't isolate myself just so I can only associate with people in lockstep with me. Geez

21586030? ago

The relevant question is how much "thinks differently" are you inclined to tolerate?

21577106? ago

13 families is just more KIKE DIVERSION. Don't be a fucking imbecile.

21572771? ago

^^^This is the best advice!!! Please follow as this will help you, OP, even more as you go. Follow Q team and Trump method of slow rolling. As people's own discoveries are a more powerful teacher that sticks with them. So happy to hear great stories of waking up.

21573533? ago

Show me that little puss greta

21572291? ago

Don't shine a spotlight into someone's face who just woke up. They will likely just close their eyes because of the overload.

21581139? ago

Excellent analogy

21571253? ago

Good story, thanks anon!

21573559? ago

OP. Show us your puss

21571093? ago

You got a picture of her puss

21571198? ago

If you are getting paid to make smart ass comments you are jipping George Soros

21571207? ago

Lemme see that spread puss

21571023? ago

I guess my point in this post is the straw that breaks the camels back is different for everyone. For her it's one thing for someone else maybe our tax dollars being laundered back to enrich the corrupt politicians, for others it's the Hollywood shit. Keep throwing things at them until you strike the nerve that gets their attention! No one is beyond reason.

21581148? ago

This is completely true. I’ve been focusing on red-pilling females. They’re better transmitters

21578006? ago

and pizzagate? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525580/21412798 DuPont ??

21571100? ago

Let’s see that puss.

21573524? ago

this is why all you jews need to be gassed

21571020? ago

Do you have any pictures of her naked?

21571205? ago

You are a dumb fuck and should save the taxpayers some money

21570968? ago

Great example.

Many seem to know but would rather ignore it. You found someone actually receptive to talk of such things. Good on ya!

21571036? ago

Oh...it took quite a long time...but she's worth it. I knew one day she'd come around because she's quite smart. She is a Republican but just wasn't interested in what I was telling her.

21579917? ago

I knew one day she'd come around because she's quite smart.

Which is it? Or is she `smart but slow'. Man, that is the worst attempt at a compliment I've ever seen.