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21412798? ago

The moment he said that every pizzagate understood the message.

21578011? ago

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21461061? ago

21435501? ago

If This doesn't Piss People off and Wake Them up I don't know what will.......

Soros involved, too. Facilitator for the coup to get the right player in as head of the Ukraine.

I guess they are trying a coup in US to stop us finding out how badly they have been bilking we the citizens whose money they are stealing. Shiffty's stupid inquiry is blowing the lid off of's a big old boomerang and it is coming back hard to decapitate the players. That's why this is being allowed to happen. They could have already been arrested for the attempted coup and treason, but they are exposing themselves every time they question someone. "Never stop an enemy when he is destroying himself."