If you believe the Q proofs, then you should also believe the rest of what is predicted to come. The proofs are there to keep the agitators from stirring up people and making a mess of things so that the deep state can escape out the back while the distraction is occurring.
By running these investigations by the book and slowly allowing the truth to infiltrate the minds of the masses in spite of the fake news, it will be seen world wide as corruption cleanup rather than political retaliation.
The other thing that is retarded about Q... always attacks only the Democrats. OK so wait... there is some deep seated decades old corruption in washington, but somehow it is only the Ds involved and miraculously no republicans? Why is he always harping on the D's this and that?!?! Seems obvious there is corruption and pay for play, but of course its going to be both sides of the isle as well as in the executive and judiciary... seems like some bullshit. Surely there are some genuine dems and scum republicans
Yup, More and more I think Q is some time waste bullshit. Dont know who or why. But every other post is just "OMG why are the media so affraid of us!?" ... and then nothing ever happens for years and years on end.
I agree too. There needs to be some low hanging fruit arrested NOW to show that something is happening. The top player's arrests can come later in time. I for one believe that both sides are covering up for each other and any report coming out will be a dud with no charges pending. We've been played by hope and dreams. Sorry, but I have given up on truth and justice in government.
I'm dreading that fucking watch/pen showing up again as Q reestablishes trip codes. Maybe we can get some more high conspiracy this time. That is good stuff.
The wave behind Q is very slowly diminishing, not building. It is human nature. Numbers of believers may still be increasing but expectations are gradually being diminished. For those that say Q is actually aimed at the enemy....they are probably correct, which means expected outcomes aren't a sure thing..
Extinction - psychology
Extinction is a behavioral phenomenon observed in both operantly conditioned and classically conditioned behavior, which manifests itself by fading of non-reinforced conditioned response over time. When operant behavior that has been previously reinforced no longer produces reinforcing consequences the behavior gradually stops occurring.
True. Diminishing very true. Sigh. PLEASE arrest someone who IS NOT low hanging fruit. Forget the white.collar process crimes. Let's go: TREASON SEDITION. Do it for the love of god.
I would be satisfied if at the moment of RGB "passing", DJT nominates, the senate judiciary republicans vote without a dem present vote to send the nominee to mitch who immediately files cloture. If in less than 5 min no less it all happens, even better
Whoa! Didn't I read very recently that there's still a queue of judges (56?) to be approved by the Senate? If that's so, how do you suppose we'll get justice without them? And more deep state plants to be disarmed before anything big can happen; otherwise any action will simply backfire.
I think that most people can't comprehend the magnitude of this. You can get some idea of the scale from the 140,000 sealed documents (multiple indictments?) that have been produced so far. A HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND.
And for the newcomers? I know Anon's point them in the right direction to view prior proofs but that is still not the same as seeing it in real-time, by Q. Plus, imho, it is effective reassurance for those that may begin to waver. And real-shit is happening! Daily!
It's the good old Jedi Mind trick. Visualize, Affirm, Everything begins to live with the spirit of an idea, live the thought as if it had already happened. The more people think like this, the more light will gather and manifest in the material world.
We read this nursery rhyme as kids. It was called "Chicken Little". All about how the sky was falling! It never fell. I don't give a fuck who does it! Just put a few dozen of them in cuffs and send them to GITMO. By not doing this, the justice department is endangering American lives. Some people will eventually snap.
These Q proofs aren't for us! They're for the ones just coming to the show. More or less to keep on proving himself until the masses wake up. Like he keeps one saying "how long until it mathematically impossible."
There won't be any significant arrests from anyone in the democratic leadership. Maybe a few peons/aids or low ranking house members. You know it, I know it, the dems know it and Trump obviously knows it.
This is just a ploy to drum up support for Trump in the wake of all the attacks by dems & MSM. He's playing dirty, like they are, but it's not real. It never is. It's just to give him support. Parscales is good at what he does and he's not afraid to play dirty either.
If you don't believe me, look at "the squad". Everyone knows they committed crimes. No lawyer or republican will even make an inquiry.
And just arresting them without killing the source of what got them here in the first place. That satisfies a selfish 'gimme'...there is more going on behind the scenes 20% public 80% private. Compassion is what they feed on to force us into making demands that would cut off our nose despite our face. Comments like Arrests or GTFO help (((them))).
But there is much work to be done. Busy yourself with that.
Personal spiritual growth. Fight against your vices like smoking, drinking etc. Go hit the gym. Get yourself physically prepared as well as mentally prepared.
For the normies. Red pilling works a treat when done the right way.
Here's how I do red pilling. You have to teach them to "SEE". When they can "SEE" they cannot go back. Its like NEO when he gets ejected from the Matrix. So how do you do that? Show them the "Media Duplicity". Two articles written about the same topic. In one article, the author notes that experts state that not clearing out CA forests lead to worse forest fires. Not even a year later, Trump says the same damn thing and its "Orange Man BAD" from the same author. Link to Media Duplicity example. This works even better when its the same author writing about the same topic and people can see how they take differing positions depending on the situation.
When they "SEE" the manipulation, they can't unSEE it. They are stuck. From that point on they will continue to see more and more.
I suffer in waves of impatience too. So I took the time to really examine what it is I'm anxious for. At first I was calling for arrests and pulling the trigger, that is until I figured out what it was I'm wanting.
What I want is for it to be acknowledged publically. I imagine I could stand another 4 more years if it was finally put out to the public that we are at war, and the nature of our enemy. I'm just tired of friends and family thinking I'm nuts for talking about the things I am. They have begun to stop paying attention mostly and some settle back into the brainwashing. How can they make a decision on what side to be on when they don't know there are sides to pick? How are we to rouse their patriotism when they don't understand we're at war? Why the secrecy at this point? Surely there is enough that can be revealed without compromising the plan that will pull in those who still don't understand?
I don't know. Those of us awake are ready to act, but the thing that is holding us back is our trust in Q and POTUS. At what point will they start losing those of us who trusted? There is a point where we will feel the responsibility to protect ourselves, or do SOMETHING. Shit is JUST TOO HOT to ignore.
You don't know what you are being protected from by the public not knowing. I want to be validated too. Its kept under wraps for a reason. We have to make this sacrifice, its a lot easier than getting a leg blown off. Stay strong, know that it is neccessary.
Meanwhile the walls of censorship and mind control of the susceptible keep closing in. It's a war and the outcome is undecided. The resolve of our side, especially AG Barr, is unknown. How thorough Trump is going to be in restoring trust in government is also unknown. Will he leave the mess behind without real justice? Unknown.
has to be "randomly" because one can't just ask for the next comment number -- one has to know which post it was on, as that comes before the comment in the URL.
For goodness sake, I don't need more MORE Q PROOFS. I need ARRESTS!
I disagree
Cleaning court
The Trump's administration successfully replaced 160+ Federal judges in preparation for the Storm. There are currently 49 more nominations awaiting Senate action. There are over 134,000+ sealed indictments ready to go. Compare to 1,000 a year before the Trump's administration.
Not gna work all the people we need to aim for are billionaires protected by private security. This problem HAS to be fixed by the US military. Restoring their honor and glory in the process. This is the timeline we are on
As a civilian fag I had a couple chances to financially hurt a few of the evil rich. I was young, and only had a few second window to do it, I would have lost the job (Probably could have claimed accident), and probably ruined my life. But it would not have ruined the elites involved, only a few $M damage.
21550224? ago
No, you need a time out lol
21540190? ago
If you believe the Q proofs, then you should also believe the rest of what is predicted to come. The proofs are there to keep the agitators from stirring up people and making a mess of things so that the deep state can escape out the back while the distraction is occurring.
By running these investigations by the book and slowly allowing the truth to infiltrate the minds of the masses in spite of the fake news, it will be seen world wide as corruption cleanup rather than political retaliation.
21535191? ago
Get a grip on yourself. You act like a victim lib tard.
21534159? ago
Delta anyone?
21533431? ago
fuckin A.
21533352? ago
The other thing that is retarded about Q... always attacks only the Democrats. OK so wait... there is some deep seated decades old corruption in washington, but somehow it is only the Ds involved and miraculously no republicans? Why is he always harping on the D's this and that?!?! Seems obvious there is corruption and pay for play, but of course its going to be both sides of the isle as well as in the executive and judiciary... seems like some bullshit. Surely there are some genuine dems and scum republicans
21533312? ago
Yup, More and more I think Q is some time waste bullshit. Dont know who or why. But every other post is just "OMG why are the media so affraid of us!?" ... and then nothing ever happens for years and years on end.
21533170? ago
Haiku time, kiddos
21533073? ago
I agree too. There needs to be some low hanging fruit arrested NOW to show that something is happening. The top player's arrests can come later in time. I for one believe that both sides are covering up for each other and any report coming out will be a dud with no charges pending. We've been played by hope and dreams. Sorry, but I have given up on truth and justice in government.
21532894? ago
There are no “Q proofs.” None that are objectively real, anyway.
21532758? ago
Soon. At least that's what I'm told.
21532719? ago
I'm dreading that fucking watch/pen showing up again as Q reestablishes trip codes. Maybe we can get some more high conspiracy this time. That is good stuff.
21532353? ago
The wave behind Q is very slowly diminishing, not building. It is human nature. Numbers of believers may still be increasing but expectations are gradually being diminished. For those that say Q is actually aimed at the enemy....they are probably correct, which means expected outcomes aren't a sure thing..
Extinction - psychology
Extinction is a behavioral phenomenon observed in both operantly conditioned and classically conditioned behavior, which manifests itself by fading of non-reinforced conditioned response over time. When operant behavior that has been previously reinforced no longer produces reinforcing consequences the behavior gradually stops occurring.
21533106? ago
True. Diminishing very true. Sigh. PLEASE arrest someone who IS NOT low hanging fruit. Forget the white.collar process crimes. Let's go: TREASON SEDITION. Do it for the love of god.
21532327? ago
Shill post
21532284? ago
I would be satisfied if at the moment of RGB "passing", DJT nominates, the senate judiciary republicans vote without a dem present vote to send the nominee to mitch who immediately files cloture. If in less than 5 min no less it all happens, even better
21532263? ago
Whoa! Didn't I read very recently that there's still a queue of judges (56?) to be approved by the Senate? If that's so, how do you suppose we'll get justice without them? And more deep state plants to be disarmed before anything big can happen; otherwise any action will simply backfire.
I think that most people can't comprehend the magnitude of this. You can get some idea of the scale from the 140,000 sealed documents (multiple indictments?) that have been produced so far. A HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND.
21532145? ago
Yeah with the proofs sometimes I think "Okay, I believe you already, sheesh. Tell me when something real happens."
21532560? ago
And for the newcomers? I know Anon's point them in the right direction to view prior proofs but that is still not the same as seeing it in real-time, by Q. Plus, imho, it is effective reassurance for those that may begin to waver. And real-shit is happening! Daily!
21532140? ago
Shut up faggot. Plenty of people have been arrested.
21532105? ago
Rah rah rah, go team, we have it all! /s
21532095? ago
It's the good old Jedi Mind trick. Visualize, Affirm, Everything begins to live with the spirit of an idea, live the thought as if it had already happened. The more people think like this, the more light will gather and manifest in the material world.
21532051? ago
Chill faggot
Dey got dis
21531917? ago
We read this nursery rhyme as kids. It was called "Chicken Little". All about how the sky was falling! It never fell. I don't give a fuck who does it! Just put a few dozen of them in cuffs and send them to GITMO. By not doing this, the justice department is endangering American lives. Some people will eventually snap.
21531891? ago
These Q proofs aren't for us! They're for the ones just coming to the show. More or less to keep on proving himself until the masses wake up. Like he keeps one saying "how long until it mathematically impossible."
21531832? ago
There won't be any significant arrests from anyone in the democratic leadership. Maybe a few peons/aids or low ranking house members. You know it, I know it, the dems know it and Trump obviously knows it.
This is just a ploy to drum up support for Trump in the wake of all the attacks by dems & MSM. He's playing dirty, like they are, but it's not real. It never is. It's just to give him support. Parscales is good at what he does and he's not afraid to play dirty either.
If you don't believe me, look at "the squad". Everyone knows they committed crimes. No lawyer or republican will even make an inquiry.
21533493? ago
I just feel like we’ve been taken a fool. I’m sick of reading the same shit over and over again. Buy guns, ammo, and precious metals.
21531701? ago
it's a bigger mess than anyone imagined... Patriots will prevail... 🙌
21531591? ago
Good. Then get the fuck off the computer you fuckin pos and go make some citizens arrests. Start with yourself pedo-shill.
21531549? ago
I can all but guarantee there won't be any arrests for at least another year. So do with that what you will, but just know.
21532299? ago
oh good, just in time for democrats to sweep the senate and the presidency with demographic change and illegal voting. Cant wait.
21531366? ago
Were you wronged OP? We all want to know why your needs come before the needs of the rest of us.
21533674? ago
I'm not op.
For me it's near the point of self preservation.
The wants of many outweigh the life of one?
It's not just me. I'm sure many are suffering, and lives ending short from all the pharmaceutical and medical corruption.
21535338? ago
And just arresting them without killing the source of what got them here in the first place. That satisfies a selfish 'gimme'...there is more going on behind the scenes 20% public 80% private. Compassion is what they feed on to force us into making demands that would cut off our nose despite our face. Comments like Arrests or GTFO help (((them))).
21531337? ago
I feel ya
But there is much work to be done. Busy yourself with that.
Personal spiritual growth. Fight against your vices like smoking, drinking etc. Go hit the gym. Get yourself physically prepared as well as mentally prepared.
For the normies. Red pilling works a treat when done the right way.
Here's how I do red pilling. You have to teach them to "SEE". When they can "SEE" they cannot go back. Its like NEO when he gets ejected from the Matrix. So how do you do that? Show them the "Media Duplicity". Two articles written about the same topic. In one article, the author notes that experts state that not clearing out CA forests lead to worse forest fires. Not even a year later, Trump says the same damn thing and its "Orange Man BAD" from the same author. Link to Media Duplicity example. This works even better when its the same author writing about the same topic and people can see how they take differing positions depending on the situation.
When they "SEE" the manipulation, they can't unSEE it. They are stuck. From that point on they will continue to see more and more.
This is how I red pilled myself back in 1991.
21533599? ago
My life is wasting away.
I don't have the money to do a few great things before I go.
My health is failing. The food is poison, the doctors are corrupted.
I may not have a couple years. And I'm not that old.
21531246? ago
I suffer in waves of impatience too. So I took the time to really examine what it is I'm anxious for. At first I was calling for arrests and pulling the trigger, that is until I figured out what it was I'm wanting.
What I want is for it to be acknowledged publically. I imagine I could stand another 4 more years if it was finally put out to the public that we are at war, and the nature of our enemy. I'm just tired of friends and family thinking I'm nuts for talking about the things I am. They have begun to stop paying attention mostly and some settle back into the brainwashing. How can they make a decision on what side to be on when they don't know there are sides to pick? How are we to rouse their patriotism when they don't understand we're at war? Why the secrecy at this point? Surely there is enough that can be revealed without compromising the plan that will pull in those who still don't understand?
I don't know. Those of us awake are ready to act, but the thing that is holding us back is our trust in Q and POTUS. At what point will they start losing those of us who trusted? There is a point where we will feel the responsibility to protect ourselves, or do SOMETHING. Shit is JUST TOO HOT to ignore.
21537429? ago
The Truth is a seed that grows, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.
21531850? ago
You don't know what you are being protected from by the public not knowing. I want to be validated too. Its kept under wraps for a reason. We have to make this sacrifice, its a lot easier than getting a leg blown off. Stay strong, know that it is neccessary.
21531220? ago
Yea, arrest them now so they can all walk because the federal courts are still stacked with deep state clowns.
Great idea fucktard.
21531493? ago
The Navy is clearly still DS. Tribunals might not even work.
21532184? ago
House seems to be cleaning though!
21531457? ago
Thought Q said something tribunals.
21532738? ago
Like the military is clean... HA HA HA H AHA HA HA HA
21531468? ago
21531148? ago
Meanwhile the walls of censorship and mind control of the susceptible keep closing in. It's a war and the outcome is undecided. The resolve of our side, especially AG Barr, is unknown. How thorough Trump is going to be in restoring trust in government is also unknown. Will he leave the mess behind without real justice? Unknown.
21531124? ago
Our slow cooker is working, the meat's so tender it'll fall away from the bone, even if we do crave a few potato chips.
21531111? ago
I need more Fox News articles and YouTube videos, personally
21532183? ago
Digits confirm, you aren't sure what you need.
21533621? ago
Further up confirms what we need.
21534048? ago
kek and randomly, I just found the next post from that one! 21533334, here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3540254/21533334
has to be "randomly" because one can't just ask for the next comment number -- one has to know which post it was on, as that comes before the comment in the URL.
21533922? ago
wow nice
21531102? ago
Washington used to call his men petulant faggots whenever they asked when they would attack
21532405? ago
He waited three years to attack, right?
21531059? ago
I prefer watch reflections and pictures of Finish people
21531030? ago
21537683? ago
I disagree
Cleaning court
The Trump's administration successfully replaced 160+ Federal judges in preparation for the Storm. There are currently 49 more nominations awaiting Senate action. There are over 134,000+ sealed indictments ready to go. Compare to 1,000 a year before the Trump's administration.
Trump's Administration Successful Accomplishments 2017-2019 at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3538236/
21531507? ago
Or societal tolerance for vigilante honor killings
21533333? ago
Not gna work all the people we need to aim for are billionaires protected by private security. This problem HAS to be fixed by the US military. Restoring their honor and glory in the process. This is the timeline we are on
21533545? ago
Do it military fags.
As a civilian fag I had a couple chances to financially hurt a few of the evil rich. I was young, and only had a few second window to do it, I would have lost the job (Probably could have claimed accident), and probably ruined my life. But it would not have ruined the elites involved, only a few $M damage.
21531025? ago
Not celebrating the circle jerk? Watch out for being called a shill. You know, for pushing the narrative that an imaginary prophet is imaginary.
21531005? ago
21530979? ago
I guess the agreed upon narrative now is we're waiting on more judges to be appointed before any happenings.
21531070? ago
Why did we arrest Epstein?
21532410? ago
To stop him from taking more children.
21530969? ago
No, you need more Q proofs.
21531901? ago
We need a pic of his little hat.