The courts need be cleaned up first. Trump has replaced over 160 Federal judges in preparation for the Storm. There are currently 49 more nominations awaiting Senate action. There are over 130,000 sealed indictments ready to go. Before Trump there were 1k a year.
Even so, Epstein, Mack, and Raniere were all federal sealed indictments. Multiple gold market manipulator federal indictments were also unsealed. Trump signed two executive orders unleashing the justice Dept. on child trafficking. Arrests have skyrocketed.
On top of this there have been over 10,000 notable resignations and retirees of gov't officials and CEO's. That is the swamp draining away, world wide.
If you think this is good progress, just wait until Trump's second term. It's going to be biblical.
The blackpillers are here to kill your morale. Don't let them. They are sideliners who have been made totally inert by nihilistic hopelessness. They are unwitting useful idiots for satanic pedophiles, just as pathetic as any subversive shill who has sold their souls. They use the state of the world to justify doing nothing. They need it to be hopeless so they don't have to change.
Keep fighting the good fight patriots. Keep researching, learning, redpilling, sharing, and cheering each other on. We are an essential part of the plan.
The Great Awakening is the largest grassroots truth movement in history, and nothing can stop what is coming.
21573089? ago
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21571334? ago
The JDIF and ADL are working overtime these days... Must be worried about "something"...
21534589? ago
We haven't seen Jack shit since electing Trump.
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21530432? ago
Playing devils advocate
Imagine you are famished. You're in a dining hall, waiting for the buffet to be opened. THousands are hungry and have been waiting all day to eat
And then you say, "for all of you hungry people, just tell them this"
21531011? ago
We've been at war for 3 years. Five years to go, be patient and do what Q told us to do to participate and help. And stop being a complaining whiny faggot because it kills morale and doesn't help.
21523992? ago
I Call BS on this answer; just them to fuck off back to their Game of Thrones! Mommy's calling.
21522256? ago
Couldn't have put it better myself. Thanks for the reminder patriot!!
21522050? ago
Why do I hear the theme to the dark knight rises playing while reading this? I swear you could put Trump in this clip along with Q in many places
21520515? ago
Clarification to strengthen the take, or to not give people something to pick it apart:
Not trying to nitpick. Just want the strongest arguments used when trying to red pill people.
21519468? ago
Sounds a lot like corruption to me. One to the next. "Cleaned up" my ass.
21518793? ago
"They need it to be hopeless so they don't have to change"
Wow. Well put
21518096? ago
AMEN Patriot! Amen. People who think things aren't happening fast enough are completely out of touch with Reality. Here's a Reality Pill: it takes time to clean out a sewer system that has been clogged up for 100's of years. It takes time to unwind a million snakes and figure out who got caught up through blackmail and who is really evil. Some of the lesser players who just got sucked into it and started out as genuinely good people might be save-able. And they might be hugely useful to the greater game of shutting this down once and for all.
To me the whiney ones sound like Chihuahuas barking through the fence at a pack of Dobermans. When one of the Dobermans headbutts a piece of the fence and starts to come through, the Chihuahuas will run for cover. But we have a pack of Rottweilers and Lions standing behind these silly Chihuahuas. Let the little ones run away. We have work to do. And it doesn't happen by wishing and snapping our fingers. This is all out war and we didn't start it. -- I'm just waiting for the intelligent Liberals (yes there are some) to figure out that we are on the right side of this fight and they've been lied to. Q and Q+ are on the Anti-Establishment, Anti-corruption side of this. I'm praying they will wake up before it's too late.
21518041? ago
These shills (i.e. the ones paid / knowingly doing what they are doing) need to be arrested as accessories to the crimes of the cabal!
21518009? ago
The judges, Obama and the Left purposely left vacant so when Hillary won she could swiftly 'transform' America into the third world hell we all know they desired. Funny how those judges are going to end up transforming America...but in the inverse.
21518566? ago
That's right. Barry thought HRC would fill. Lol. Suckers.
21517747? ago
can you submit an actual link to the indictments. like a link to a govt site or law enforcement site to show those are real.
21518033? ago
I think you need to register and pay though. Theres a more detailed spreadsheet at the top of
Use the indictmentanon link
21518250? ago
Appreciate it. Anyone have the paid for list?
21517737? ago
This post is very on point.
Its also incredibly important to remember that top-level arrests like Hillary, BHO, Schiff, or any these criminals is the end of the end game. When Hillary is in handcuffs is the sign the war against the Deep State is over and won.
You have to remember that these crooks stocked the government from top to bottom with their agents, saboteurs, spies, and allies. They also took over the media and have dozens, and dozens of "activists" aka terrorist organizations all over the nation to fight for them if they ever came under threat. To take down the crooks at the top, one has to defeat their armies of traitors backing them. If Trump had lead his first term with arresting Hillary, for example, he would have faced a justice department full of Demonrats who would have openly defied his orders, and possibly taken direct, violent action against his person to remove him from power. If he had tried to bring a trial, he would have been up against a judge loyal, even beholden, possibly blackmailed by the defendants. It would have have been a sham. All while the press would have incited the people into open revolt and made repeated calls for violence against the president.
There were even traitors in the military, so he might have faced the unthinkable situation of armed men storming the white-house in a classic coup by force.
He had to do it this way, starting from the bottom up and taking out the base of supporters, and servants these Globalist crooks. Today Trump is now taking out judges, directors, and admirals. Its only a matter of time before these crooked top-level officals end up in handcuffs.
21517661? ago
Why did Q even send us here in the first place?
21517517? ago
"The blackpillers are here to kill your morale. Don't let them. They are sideliners who have been made totally inert by nihilistic hopelessness. They are unwitting useful idiots for satanic pedophiles, just as pathetic as any subversive shill who has sold their souls. They use the state of the world to justify doing nothing. They need it to be hopeless so they don't have to change."
Tip: You're not going to get the help these people need if you just claim they're pathetic for having been a VICTIM of the global effort to demoralize and weaken Americans, in particular White Men, and claiming that their doing nothing and want to be hopeless and not change. It's not the peoples fault for having given up after watching their country slip away and every system that was in place to stop it be infiltrated and abused against us.
There's no reason for that. Give them hope, don't beat them down more.
21517883? ago
And I think they need to be slapped in the face with some tough love. They choose to be here and spread negativity, scorn, mocking, sarcasm, and plain hate in order to kill the morale of the truth movement. They don't have to, they can sit on the sidelines and stfu, or just ignore it if they think its hopeless and wallow in their own despair. But no, their misery needs company. Its selfishness and stupidity. Theyve had more than enough time, they have more than enough information. That which can be destroyed by the truth should be. Even if it is their egos.
21517405? ago
Any day now
21517285? ago
Spot on!
21516782? ago
The world is full of idiots that think the deep state does not exist and trust the government. News flash the PC movement was simply jews shutting down complaints from whites while they worked to end us. Thank god for Q+
21516607? ago
Fantastic note on what we are living right now...thanks...WWG1WGA.
21516600? ago
okay first of all, how dare you
21516594? ago
When does the statute of limitations begin?
Criminal Act? Indictment? Arrest?
Anyone in the know?
21516195? ago
It was always going to take years and it was never going to be pretty.
21516107? ago
People are calling for arrests because they have but one perspective, and people love making assumptions from their preconceptions.
I've said it before, We may not see action until after Trump even. Q has referenced our next president before. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump is "setting the stage" while the next guy drops the hammer.
21516097? ago
I want to see the public hangings of these traitors.
21516071? ago
Trump's Administration Successful Accomplishments 2017-2019
21516158? ago
More ammo:
21516104? ago
Thanks patriot
21515757? ago
Drain The Swamp In Progress
Infographic about Drain The Swamp with Resignations & Demotions at
President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List
List at
Timeline at
375+ successful accomplishments so far at
Show Your Support To Trump 2020
Send your contributions directly to Trump 2020
21516151? ago
21515743? ago
21515124? ago
^^ This!
Er, except for the unwitting part, at least for the majority.
21514962? ago
Wow shills out in force on this excellent post.
Thanks for sharing.... appreciated.
21518191? ago
"Everyone who so much as asks me a question is a shill."
21514960? ago
Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
21514839? ago
Nothing else matters. You are full of shit.
21514823? ago
Would love for one of those sealed indictments to be for Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman in Cook County.
21514701? ago
i cANT buhlief Drumph hasznt undone 50 yrs of corruption in 3 yrsz!!! So angry!
That's basically how some of these people sound to me. It fucking sucks waiting for justice, but there are so many signs it's happening. It's an enormous task to burn out all the cancer.
21514216? ago
21514002? ago
Whoa. 23k for Cali, compared to NY only 7500. Also, whats up with Penn and Ohio? They seem to be disproportionately high as well.
21513898? ago
Where can I go for a good A:B comparison of CP/human trafficking arrests before Trump & under Trump?
21513872? ago
Another thing, Trump is not only having to revamp the judiciary, he is also having to do a purge in the military! The last few weeks have shown us that, if you didn't already know!
That stinking turd obummer had his own purge of the military. Many a good and true patriot in the top of the military was forced out by bummer and those that were stuck on the end of his pecker were promoted! Now Trump is having to flush them out also. If not they will only work to thwart anything Trump wants to do! We are seeing this happen now right before our eyes!
21517882? ago
Indeed the "blackpilled" seem to conveniently forget that too many officers in the military were traitors put there by the Deep State. We are not seeing the high optics removals right now because this process works much better done quietly.
21514020? ago
I often wonder if POTUS and his MI war team have had moments along the way since 2016 when they've had to acknowledge that things are WAY worse than even they had imagined. None of us on here are privy to the full scope of the evil and corruption in our midst, but they know all at this point.
And yet, President Trump never looks like he's losing it....and even he probably couldn't keep a poker face going this long. Which tells me we that it is indeed the age of PANIC (Patriots.Are.Now.In.Control)
21514786? ago
Trump has said word to that effect.
21513932? ago
21516671? ago
Thank you much for finding this! I have seen this list and even have it saved somewhere but couldn't find it when I needed it.
21513823? ago
Theyre aren't 100k sealed indictments waiting, people just dont know how to use PACER and include all sorts of nonsense on top of double counting some items.
21514843? ago
According to Q 40k in 8 months........
21514395? ago
Agreed. Read about how they were searching it wrong quite a while ago.
21513819? ago
Oh good. A post to flush out shills and let them waste their ammunition and show their ignorance. I shall use my downvote franchise with great pleasure.
21518214? ago
Oh wow, downvoats. Bet that really makes you feel like a big boy, doesn't it faggot?
21513683? ago
Does anyone know for sure those 130,000 indictments are actually made by Trump and team?
I could just as easily see those being Democrat driven indictments for "wrong think" and "hate speech"....
21513766? ago
actually, its sealed cases, not indictments. and Q wouldnt have mentioned them a few times in the way they did if they werent patriot cases.
21513672? ago
Good post except for the use of "blackpill" which will confuse some.
21513621? ago
Great post! Bite it shills.
21513598? ago
ITT: self-important q niggers telling themselves how important they are
Hey, faggots! No one is getting paid to shill here. You aren't that important. No one cares that much about you.
Why don't you go talk to your children, assuming they don't hate you?
21514853? ago
You must be one of the retards who doesn't get paid. HAHAHAHAHA!
21515701? ago
boomer noises
21513567? ago
Yup, and remember despair is a sin.
21513534? ago
Never execute before they've finished digging their grave.
21513494? ago
In 2020 when Hillary gets elected:
"dont worry guys this is a trap.. Year of the boomerang. Enjoy the show!"
In 2022 after WW3 begins :
"Q had to show the world how bad Hillary is as president before the [D] party can be taken down. Remember this is about permanently taking down the Democrat party."
In 2023 awaiting execution at Denver Airport fema death camp:
"Q now has everything. This was needed to get Hillary for treason. Trust the plan"
Hillary: these people ARE dumb, right ? Donald.
21515332? ago
21513484? ago
Many of them shills...….. Don't drop the soap
21513482? ago
Q has taught the patriots to spin anything:
Patriots Act reauthorized / Pentagon launches anti 1st amendment program : "White hats need these"
Epstein "died" in official record : "we don't need him anymore, we have it all "
No one held responsible / arrested : "enjoy the show !"
Election stolen by voter frauds : "these are traps ! we need evidence of crime" (for the 101th time)
Barry bought a new house : "they are panicking !"
And the best of the worst : "Dis-info is necessay"! <-----useful for spinning any BS, any.
Q never taught anons how to research, Q taught anons how to do mental gymnastics.
21513340? ago
says the person advocating everyone does nothing and trusts a plan
21513465? ago
What community do you think the great volume of deep state research has been coming out of these last few years? Who has been most enthusiastic in sharing it and redpilling the world? Who is cheering each other on in these activities and the fight against evil?
The Great Awakening is about participating in the truth movement in order to build a grassroots uprising that will help in the overthrow of the cabal.
We trust that Q team has a plan in place, but we are part of that plan. Q includes us because we are an essential part.
21513787? ago
Maybe you can vote your way out of genocide. Cute
21513314? ago
If no arrests is fine.
Then why Assange is being poisoned to death while Epstein escaped ?
Why NYPD offices keeps dying?
Why chemtrail and fluoride in water and vaxx not stopped or exposed ?
Why there are 100+ jews in trump admin ?
Why the House, Kentucky and Virginia election stolen ?
Not everyone, that points out that the emperor is naked, is a shill.
21513305? ago
Not trying to be a wise guy but i am wondering what about the military tribunals at Gitmo? When do they come in?
21513354? ago
After the Storm and arrests. We don't know when it will be.
Here's some interesting things though:
The upcoming public tribunals will also be broadcast. The House of Representatives passed a Bill to make military commissions held at Guantanamo Bay more transparent by paving the way for proceedings to be broadcast online.
Gitmo was hiring courtroom cameramen and sound technicians in June. "Basic services include operating all audio visual courtroom technology during Commissions proceedings at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba"
21513403? ago
Thanks. Good info and looking forward to it.
21513299? ago
And we will just keep losing governorships in Kentucky and now Virginia is going to have gun confiscations.
21513286? ago
Arrest, or GTFO of white house.
21513277? ago
Its coming next week, goyim!
21513199? ago
good reminder, the long wait has not been easy for some of us myself included but the patriots only get one shot at this so it has to be a perfect kill shot!
21513162? ago
Tell them "If The Patriot Act is allowed to persist, this is all just a show meant to distract us. If the Patriot Act is finally eliminated, and the criminals complicit executed publicly, you know things are headed in the right direction."
21513060? ago
Yes, much of draining the swamp has to do with removing rogue, corrupt, political judges! We'll see more judge arrests due to fraud, corruption, backroom deals, and violating federal laws in state courts as well. Bring it on, bitches!
21512983? ago
Short and good, thumps up!
21512971? ago
Much racist filler below
21512930? ago
I have no time, or patience, so let's just debunk your first one...
Posting meaningless statistics doesn't help your case.
21513070? ago
All you proved is that Obama stacked the courts over 8 years and there is a lot of work to do to clean them up. Trump has replaced over 160 of them in 3 years plus 2 Supreme Court justices, soon to be 3. Thanks for the confirmation of the important work that needs to be done before the Storm.
21513150? ago
No, I've proven your numbers are baseless metrics without adding any merit to your argument. You'd know that, but you're a Qtard, so I don't actually expect you to understand - which is why I didn't continue with the rest of your comment and limited myself to just the first one.
My comment wasn't for you Qtards, it was for those on the fence.
21512896? ago
Thanks for your encouraging post Anon!
21512867? ago
@tallestskil on blast 😂😂
21512854? ago
Larry Nichols says the system has not been cleaned up yet. FWIW.
21512820? ago
21512797? ago
Couldn't agree more... the "Impatriots" have clearly missed the message to "Trust the plan" and put this on their own, highly irrelevant timelines.
21512897? ago
"Impatriots" - love it !!!
21512793? ago
Not true. Christianity is.
21512783? ago
As a Q skeptic, this is a helpful explanation. Thanks.
21512717? ago
So long as the Supreme Court isn't clean, nothing will stick, even military tribunals.
This has to play out. Trump will get another SC pick before he leaves office. Then the trap will be sprung.
21514044? ago
Agreed. But I think he'll have two SC picks at least. No way RGB survives much longer (if she isn't already on ice) and Justice Roberts' days are numbered once the FISA scandal breaks.
21512694? ago
I’m guilty of impatience and bitterness. I confess that I troll a little here on voat out of frustration. However, I have not let it stop me from sharing the truth with family and coworkers. Pretty sure it’s what got me laid off.
It’s hard to keep a positive outlook during these times. May God give us all the strength to fight the good fight.
21512878? ago
Kill your ego. You are craving to be the champion when it's revealed that you were right all along.
It will come.
21512907? ago
You are right. I’m aware of my pride and I struggle with it.
21512760? ago
It's ok, every one of us gets frustrated. You're heart is in the right place, on the side of the good and the true. Just remember that God inspires courage and hope, and the devil inspires doubt and fear.
21512669? ago
Or just dismiss them, ‘cause they’re here to divide.
21512481? ago
Thx. I'm constantly sending people to milspecopsmonkey and Nate's Bards of War video .
21512304? ago
Lol at these delusional Q-tards, doing Olympic-level mental gymnastics to justify still "trusting the plan" after 2 years of blue balls and epic fails. Maybe instead of spinning the delusional bullshit you've posted above, you should instead try and explain to them why you're still following a retarded 8chan LARP after all these failures:
21512672? ago
^^ This post won't age well.
21512431? ago
So much effort went into that.....I wonder why!
21512856? ago
Probably because he actually has a point.
21512445? ago
Actually I just copied and pasted it. I take it you can't actually respond to any of the points above because you're a deluded cult member?
21512299? ago
from: doglegwarrior
a lot of us are just fed up with the hypocracy and a lot of us dont like the religious fantastical faith based aspect of the Q movement. this has happend over throughout history if you read history. we also didnt like the fact you didnt say shit about jews until you would complain about A B C D AND E... then us people who have been complaining about the swamp for decades said um A B C D AND E are all jew created problems. then Q said well the jew is saved for last. we will see. not a black pill person her i hope you are right i complain about Q and anon and christians but at the end of the day im an agnostic that will be on your side when or if the shit hits the fan. not sure why Q has not addressed circumcision it is pure fucking evil jewish religois ceremony that is out lawed in a ton of countries already. GET RID OF CIRCUMCISION!!!
21514080? ago
Am agnostic here. I believe the Annunaki came here and gave life. Through the Summerian cuneiform tablets about our predecessors, the bible was created, along with other mainstream religions. However, this is also about good, (Enki) versus evil, (Enlil). I also believe in Q and Trump. WWG1WGA!
21512293? ago
Fuck Yeah OP! Wonderful turn of phrase. Bravo!
21512288? ago
Imagine all those Judges, paid off by the keep them from ever doing jail time.
21512284? ago
It's bigger than any of us can even imagine
We Don't Know What We Don't Know!
21512761? ago
We have it all, also.
21512278? ago
I mention some of these tidbits to coworkers, but the one they really don't get is the CEO resignations point. TBH, I'm not that great at explaining it. Something just doesn't make sense that they're all resigning after trump took office. A funny thing I like to think about is when Obama said that Trump couldn't magically turn around the economy ... It really makes you wonder what kind of sick deal these CEOs have with former presidents
21514719? ago
CEO's resign constantly. Perhaps you could show some actual evidence that this is abnormal in anyway before you start attributing it to some sort of plan.
21512320? ago
from: doglegwarrior
i have a theory. boomers are at the retirement age so a lot of ceos happen to be retiring?
21513255? ago
So many of these CEOs have enough money to retire 10 years ago, they stay because they love the game and love the power. I personally don't buy the age reasoning.
21513399? ago
from: doglegwarrior
you have a good point. i never understood these fucking sickos. if i had 100 million i would have retired and started some type of business that does good in the world. these sick fucks just keep on going
21512257? ago
Or maybe I can just point out that they are ignorant of reality, or maybe that they are retarded. Something more direct.
21512249? ago
You tell them "patriots are in control", and this is their future under the patriot regime. Perhaps you're wondering why these kinds of stories are becoming so much more frequent now that the partiots are running things? Yes, same here.
21512240? ago
Once u had the sweet redpill, the black is of the table
21512236? ago
ThanQ you!
Every now and then we need a Pat on the back and a kick in the ass to get back to work...doing what we do best...doing what we were brought here to do.
We are All part of this Plan.. The Greatest Plan ever Conceived!
21512235? ago
We're not blackpilled. We're pissed off because the deep state divided us by flooding our nation with their world ethnicties, then they cucked us into thinking diversity is our strength, and now we're cleaning up the deep state - but for what purpose?
If we're not willing to undo the damage they've done to us; the reverse the demographic trend of this country, what's the point? They've already struck us a mortal blow.
21517843? ago
The big one is stopping the flood of forced imports from across the oceans. Trump has ended the violence in Syria and is stabilizing North Africa, which will put an end to the tides and tides of refugees that demons like George Soros is trying to ship into the West to annihilate it. If that witch Killory had won we would have have something like 30 million more 3rd world trash flooded into our country.
When Trump finally nukes his enemy's by putting down this catastrophic (for them) impeachment, he will finally have the power to solve the Illegals problem. Start deporting anybody who doesn't already have citizenship.
21516794? ago
everything can be cleaned if you use the correct cleaner.
21514566? ago
Start by ending all Government handouts to these useless losers ('demographic trend'). When their 'well being' is elevated by handouts, they are incentivized to breed more. After all, it's All Free!
21512887? ago
Oh write is me.. Woe I tell you... even though I'm from immigrant stock I can be grateful or see past my own racism..Woe is me I tell you woe is me......
21514278? ago
It's not racism. People who break our laws are not welcome. Do you invite someone who has entered into your home unlawfully to sit at the table and eat of your food you have provided for your family?
21518163? ago
Even if it was racism, so what? The left has brainwashed people to believe that "racism" is the greatest sin imaginable. It isn't. It's simply pattern recognition and self preservation. Trust your instincts.
21512773? ago
Do you really think once the plan goes into gear, that states flip red, there won't be a complete removal of illegals?
21512785? ago
What about their "legal" children? Their legal grandchildren and great grandchildren?
21514187? ago
If they are a by product of an illegal act committed by their patents then they should be sent back with their parents. I don't consider their children 'legal'. The child may not have committed an unlawful act, but they are not here legally.
21513131? ago
14th Amendment does not grant citizenship based on location of birth alone. Enforce the Constitution, as written.
21512397? ago
If the country has to break apart then that is what will happen. We will secede and eventually the stolen states will collapse under their own failed policies without white tax money and eventually war to take them back if needed.
21517858? ago
Indeed, its very simple, prosperity is directly related to what % a population is white. So wherever the white people collect is naturally going to be the most powerful regions, both economically, and in military strength.
21514220? ago
21512312? ago
from: doglegwarrior
4 million muslims will be 16 million then 64 million... this man is not wrong. go to an area that is heavily populated with muslims look at how many fucking kids they have! its fucking insane.
21530478? ago
Infiltrate the left....double down on radicalizing females--esp muslim womens--so that you start a movement of castrating men in their sleep. Patriots will avoid feminists and go with foreign women who aren't yet indoctrinated. The radical feminists will cut the muslim guys' balls.
21512904? ago
Not all Muslims are bad . Like not all.Christians are bad.. Learn to tell the difference between a religion and a race..
21516812? ago
All moslems are a cancer. There is no 'moderate' moslem, they will all kill you if given the chance you dirty infedel.
21515670? ago
I don't think there is or were any recently christian country that banned women from driving.
Not all are bad but disproportionally many are.
21515642? ago
They mutilate boys. Sometimes girls too.
Christians do too - but only christians in america and africa.
Mutilating someone's genitals is a form of sexual abuse.
21512969? ago
from: doglegwarrior
i am fundamentally against the teaching of islam. i dont like arabs that much because i normaly associate them with islam, but i have been to turkey and istanbul was pretty nice most of the people were fine.
21513223? ago
Nice to hear. Do you know the there are moderate Muslims that don't agree with sharia law.. There are many in the uk and Morocco. I grew up and worked for a Muslim family as a 14 year old with my first job. They took care of me treated me like a soon and taught me good things. They never tried to get me to adhere to their religion.. I used to sit on the sofa and wait to morning prayers were over. Then we would have tea talk about work and make a plan for the day.
21513427? ago
from: doglegwarrior
i hear ya. i met tons of good people. but the weird thing is we were on a bus with 16 or so americans and one of the good ones was asked about cheating and he strait faced said ohh we would kill her. some people thought it was a joke. nope he was serious and he was one of the good guys and respected and rich.
but i agree met some really good people but islam to me is still fundamentally not good.
21513532? ago
As long doesn't stop us seeing the humanity in another we are entitled to our views. I.think that often we don't make a distinction and it's so needed in these days of intolerance. We need to unite with those of good heart from every culture even if they moved in Recently . Nice to hear you and get such good responses. Thanks
21512515? ago
Then man the fuck up and marry and reproduce.
21517640? ago
Kinda hard for some when they're forced to work to give welfare checks to the people having 6-7+ kids...
21515729? ago
And pay 70% taxes so others can afford twice as many children.
21514256? ago
Outbreeding the parasites is not a solution. We have to halt immigration and begin repatriation.
21514445? ago
Well halting immigration is not something an individual can do. We can try to elect people who will stop it. In the meantime what other actions can we take in the fight for our country?
21513568? ago
yes goy, man up into that divorce rape machine
21513701? ago
Be that as it may, traditional family values that brought America to the place it is today will also be its strength going into the future. This is why (((they))) push their degeneracy on our children. Part of the fight is red pilling your wife so she knows why you are doing what you are doing. Or marrying a woman with traditional values in the first place. Stop thinking with your dick and start thinking about what you want the future to be for your kids.
21513485? ago
speaking for myself: DONE! What's next? Raise these children to THINK and FIGHT for what they believe is right.
21512622? ago
from: doglegwarrior
im on it. have one already plan on 3 more. plan on homeschooling as well.
21513116? ago
Good man... I have 3 and now wish I would have had more.
21513448? ago
from: doglegwarrior
i plan on 3 but getting some push back the woman is 33 says she will be to old. i finaly got her to agree if its boy boy then we go for 3rd if its girl girl we go for a third. if i get boy girl i might be stuck with 2. im a gambling man at least i got a plan for 3
21513775? ago
Maybe I can help. This old geezer tells this idea and swears by it.
As soon as you ejaculate inside her, pick your woman up and stand her on her feet. The little swimmers are in a race to get to the prize you know. The old geezer says that the strongest little boy swimmers will swim uphill faster than all the rest and beat them to the egg! Every couple I know that has tried it said it worked!
As a bonus it will be the strongest most dominant of the male swimmers that will win! He will even win out over any lazy beta males that might be in the race!
21512483? ago
THIS is the hardest challenge that lies ahead....what to do with all the un-American "refugees/migrants" who are already here (even ignoring the tens of millions of La Raza illegals). There is no escaping the harsh reality that it's a demographic time bomb that will forever alter the makeup of America (and all other Western nations that have had this done to them)......unless something drastic is done, and soon.
It pains me to say this, but we have to keep in mind that the unseen (((enemy))) we are fighting is content to wage this war over generations...whatever it takes to gain ultimate control and power over the world. No election cycles ever matter when such a long game is being played. What we're witnessing right now with POTUS Trump, his backers and the MAGA movement is the first time in modern history that this long game is being challenged.
But even if the swamps of the world are completely drained and there's a complete "righteousness reset"......demographics is destiny. If you think political correctness has ruled the day beforehand, the ultimate test lies ahead.
21520070? ago
Hard choices in POTUS'S second term. Send all immigrants/refugees back, even pay them to leave if that's what it takes but they can never return. Repatriate them pronto. Every person who has a green card must go through reprocessing and thin them, starting the day after reelection.
21514136? ago
Exactly. A good look ahead patriot. I can already see and feel the effects of the volume of brainwashed school kids in our state and would like to add the education system to your demographics destiny. We are like insects in the Amazon rainforest fighting for our survival.
21512943? ago
Americans are all from immigrant stock.. How was the ideas formed in the first place.. Every country that exists was formed by migration.. etc is wrong with you shortsighted never left angriest to see another culture and that's why I'm afraid of it types..
21513187? ago
You're right and you're wrong at the same time. America is indeed a nation of immigrants, but from white christian european nations. Immigration reforms after WW2 sought to create a "melting pot" designed to dilute what it meant to be American, not strengthen the notion....that was always debatable but the breakneck speed at which the country is being "stocked" with peoples from lands and cultures that have NOTHING in common with the values of this nation have made it clear what's happening. From a slow drip to the taps being opened wide (just like the border).
And nice try at categorizing someone with a different world view as a "shortsighted, xenophobic, know-nothing American"....I have worked and lived around the world (nearly 20 countries so far) and am not even American, and THAT is precisely why I have come to these conclusions.
21513296? ago
If you had something in common with the indigenous people that lived there before you would you have hunted them any less ?
21513929? ago
Hmmmm, where to start...
Sorry, but you are a useful idiot and loyal (if unwitting) servant to those who seek to destroy the West from within...
21512845? ago
On an anonymous board, why do you continue to insist on signing your posts?
21514098? ago
You replied to the wrong post, Look closer next time.
21514341? ago
21513206? ago
I don't even know what that means.....I see, I reply, I up/downvote. Care to elaborate?
21512692? ago
from: doglegwarrior
ya great points. i have thought about it and their is no good solution. there are some radical ideas but nothing keeps or takes america back to a white christian based country.
i am 100% ok with anything to get rid of the jews. if we can get them out of the media and education industries then we can at least start from a place of truth. they need to be removed from entertainment as well. i really dont give a fuck how this is done. im against killing them but if you are a jew i would declare you an enemy of white western american culture and ship you to isreal. or go with the hitler plan pay Madagascar to take them...
we will never have a level or square starting ground with the jew defacto dual citizen amongst us.
the lowest iq among us are typical racist lets kill em all.. they cant think of the consequences rational normal moral people do think of the consequences and it is a massive problem with out a good solution.
do you have any solutions even fantastical ones?
21513966? ago
againstall for killing themFTFY
21513732? ago
There has to be a solution that doesn't involve massive bloodshed, and if anyone can figure out such an angle it's a builder like President Trump. Here's just a few ideas off the top of my head:
21519668? ago
from: doglegwarrior
i like all of these nice to deal with an anon that has good ideas and can overlook my namefagging as ive been called so often.
again solid legitimate ideas that really cant be called racist bigto homophobe nazi tactics by the left.
21513280? ago
White people have to start living by the other races unspoken rules.
We’re racist and proud of being white
Don’t ever apologize
Don’t crossbreed
Don’t hire other races
Don’t vote for other races
Don’t help other races altruistically
Work tirelessly to get power
Work tirelessly to share power with other like minded whites
Actively sabotage the efforts of other races to get ahead.
Work tirelessly to change law and policy to own benefit.
Whites come first always.
21513831? ago
You forgot their 3 most important rules of the nigger races:
1-rape white women
2-murder white males
3-steal their stuff
21513387? ago
we did that and could have taken over the world after ww2. we got infected with a very stong dose of jewish parastie virus and it looks like it was a fatal dose. only hope is their are so few of them and if the cure becomes wide spread we still might survive. the crazy thing is the cure is so simple it is every where.
21512226? ago
In defense of some blackpillers: some live in highly cabal controlled areas and have seen no respite from the evil doings of the cabal. Tidbits of evil make it out to the public. Multiply that a hundred-fold for what they live through daily.
21512209? ago
To be clear im not here to kill anyones morale. But i wont call the game won until it is either.
21512198? ago
Great post. Thank you.
21512185? ago
Blackpillers suckit. Youre wasting your time.
21512280? ago
"Everything is fine"
21512755? ago
Is it not?
Can you tell me how we get from here to deep state victory?
21513014? ago
Our schools continuing to go full communism. White men being rejected for work because they're White. I dunno, read the front page for yourself. If you're liking where all this is going, something must have captured your attention away from reality.
21513648? ago
So you are assuming Trump will lose 2020. Why?
21519913? ago
Where did THAT come from?
21512162? ago
Hussein left all the judgeships for the beast-witch, never thinking she’d lose. Cannot imagine the patience it took to stick to the plan during those dark years. Happy Thanksgiving to POTUS, Q-team and all Patriots worldwide!
21517936? ago
Maybe she was never going to appoint them all. Why would those criminals want a fully functional justice system?
21520280? ago
I would state with all due respect that we don’t have a fully functioning justice system, but it is in the process of getting repaired. The beast-witch would have appointed more activist judges who legislate from the bench. We have too much of that already. Local district judges who issue nationwide injunctions against constitutional actions by Pres Trump. If the beast-witch got to fill the last 2 Supreme Court picks, it would’ve been game over for our Constitutional Republic. We have so much to be thankful for, Happy Thanksgiving!
21514010? ago
Yes!!! I love when POTUS points that out at his rallies. Can you imagine the regret and disdain Hussein and Hitlery feel when he makes that point? It puts a smile on my face every time. They never thought she would lose. Thank you Patriots!
21518031? ago
Fucking cringe. Adolf Hitler was a great man and a true hero.
21515882? ago
Makes me happy too! :)
21512711? ago
Happy Thanksgiving to you.
21529631? ago
Thank you, God bless!
21512139? ago
Just the facts man
"it's ma'am"
Just the facts faggot
21512098? ago
One of the best posts I've seen on here in quite some time. It would do us all good to read this one over every time we get discouraged. Justice is coming.
21512308? ago
How is pretending you're winning actually helping you? Meanwhile, news from the real world shows tremendous losses almost every day.
21513590? ago
There you go! Keep listening to the media! They are as honest as the day is long. The good ole honest media. You just keep tuning in and sucking it all up! They will give you nothing but facts. HAHAHAHAHA!
21519888? ago
Ironic that you're literally saying that on voat.
21512642? ago
Go home to mommy
21514162? ago
Kill yourself, Qoomer. The world would be better off without our subversive idiocy.
21513061? ago
You Qultists say the most revealing things.
21512485? ago
Think mirror.
21513273? ago
The Qultists and the left are more similar than different. Like mirror images.
21518087? ago
So true. I have more respect for leftists, honestly.
21512390? ago
Right on schedule!! You couldn't have proved the OP's point better....get some sun, Francis.
21512465? ago
But notice how you're avoiding the question. Look at the front page and you'll see you're either not winning, or you're the guys pushing "full blown communism" into our schools... Which is it?
21512683? ago
Notice you aren't providing sources but just attacking people. You're new to the job aren't you
21513043? ago
You're the new left, aren't you. "Uncomfortable questions are now hate speech."
There's no difference between you and the left... Patriot.
21514140? ago
They're worse than the left, tbh. At least leftists know they're our enemies. These Qikes are utterly subversive traitors.
21514239? ago
Yet here you are.
Free Rent
21518066? ago
You think and type like a fucking child. I'm here because if I can get one person to wake up and see the light (and I have before), then it's worth it. Embrace ethnonationalism or kill yourself, traitor.
21518950? ago
Youre not trying to get people to see the light. Youre trying to get them to take the blackpill like the kikes want.
Youre basically a useful idiot for them.
21521412? ago
Yeah, sure thing, Shlomo. You really thought that one through. Fucking brainlet.
21521375? ago
That makes no fucking sense, you goddamn shit-for-brains retard. You have to first acknowledge and be aware of the truth in order to formulate a response and fight back. If I was actually blackpilled I wouldn't even bother. I want the people here to stop wasting their time with panem et circenses and wild goose chases, and focus on things that are tangible and actually matter. Q is a subversive psyop meant to redirect your (completely justified) righteous anger towards phantoms. If people here won't even acknowledge the great replacement, or those responsible, you're no better than leftists.
21513069? ago
Sure thing faggot, when was the last time you sucked your girlfriends dick?
21512506? ago
"Front page" , so youre using the communist propaganda as your victory barometer?
21514151? ago
The front page of voat, you fucking dumbass.
21513081? ago
People complaining about the communists taking over are now communist propaganda. Nice logic there, Qultist.
21512028? ago
Well stated, OP
21512024? ago
Good post!
21512019? ago
144,000 sealed indictments. Do the needful.
21512318? ago
I use that phrase ironically sometimes.
21512129? ago
Lol, Indian guy said this to me on the phone yesterday
21512941? ago
No he didn't. You liar.
21537255? ago
"Do the needful", you pencil dick.
21512067? ago
Is that a biblical ref? Revelation 144k elite. Taken away
21511956? ago
Just wait until the second term...
21511993? ago
That's right, the stage is being prepared. You can't claim victory until Trump is gone. You've got 5 years to go, enjoy the show, lol. 5 more years of trolling and shilling for deep state pedophiles, how pathetic. Be proud.
21511924? ago
Nice post, thanks
21511756? ago
oh no. You tell them that it took so many gazillion years to build the cabal, so they get a free pass, for the gazillions of lifetimes that it "should" take to dismantle the cabal. Then, you tell them that you can't prosecute the lower levels until they give all the dirt on the upper levels (read: the 100,000 sealed cases.... of which, not one has been prosecuted in 24 months of existence.) Finally, you tell them that everyone was exonerated by BHO pardons in January 2017, so we have to wait for them to commit a new crime, and not be in a campaign, nor in Congress with it being in session, nor have an immunity deal, (and still have existing evidence that hasn't been destroyed by the cabal, and witnesses that haven't been exterminated.) Finally, explain to them that BHO appointed judges will dismiss their cases and let them off, under publicity pressure from the liberal activists in the MSM, aka fake news. Piece of cake, right?
21511818? ago
Epstein. For one.
You are a moron who didn't even read the post. You can't take in new information because you are mind controlled.
You are a useful idiot for satanic pedophiles by attempting to kill the morale of a positive truth movement.
21511881? ago
delusional much?
21511703? ago
Wow, what a shilly bunch in here. I dont think most people understand how deep this goes.
21530456? ago
Look at THEIR side of things
WHY WAIT? Trump can drop the hammer now.
What is the point of waiting ANY MORE?
THe answer is simply: There IS NO POINT in waiting any longer
There is ZERO benefit
Trump can declassify now
He's being a forkin' pussy. He needs to move to a secure location and then deploy the robot dogs, drones and no knock 333am swat teams and make these motherfuckers disappear
21523592? ago
The shills are part of this.
We see it.
Issue is constantly see them, it changes people's habits.
I stopped reading responses to some Twitter feeds.
Still read the posts and do something else.
It's not normal for the same shills plugged in the top comments when they have lower responses then some buried three pages deep.
I won't care if most gov programs get gutted, just to end the funnel of cash to this propagandas outlets.
21518408? ago
S'okay, we keep moving along. The efforts of these worthless shills have led to.... Nothing. Three years of shilling and they have nothing to show for it.
21517572? ago
Apparently you don't realize how deep this goes. Our Birth Rates are plummeting, literally the lowest they have EVER been, meanwhile our Immigration is at it's HIGHEST, both legal and illegal. We don't have time to be taking this slow.
We are rapidly nearing becoming Minorities in our own country and as impressive Trump's accomplishments are, they will mean nothing when Whites become a minority in America and our culture and ideals are stamped out in place of Socialism.
21518001? ago
The fact that some variation of this info isn't permanently stickied at the top of this sub is why I hate this bullshit Q psyop and all the retards gullible enough to let it distract them.
21520843? ago
I wouldn't even know anything about the White Replacement if it wasn't for the Q community waking me up, sure it's not talked about nearly enough, and I don't think Q has even mentioned it, but it certainly came up in conversation here while I was discovering all this shit (I was just an ignorant gamer with zero interest in any of this before Q). Honestly I appreciate the community (including those who come here to point out flaws) more than Q (not to say Q wasn't useful as a guide getting into this stuff).
21514461? ago
The shills DO understand, they're just pedos who are TERRIFIED that their sick/twisted love of kiddies will be exposed and they'll have to face Guido in prison.
21514334? ago
This really is a must watch:
Much of what you see going on is about demoralizing whites within their own countries.
Likewise, it's easy to spot shills here. They live to demoralize everyone here.
"Nothing will happen"
"Arrests or gtfo"
"No one will do anything"
"No walls built"
"Trump is a jew puppet"
"Trump is deep state"
"Neck yourself"
"Jewish censorship bypassed"
"It's a larp"
"It was disproved two years ago"
Understand we are in WWIII right now. Today. It is a cold war. It is an information war. We are the spoils of war. They don't want trump, they want us. They want to control us. They want to enslave us. They want to use us. They want to farm us. They want to eat us.
Sincerely, if there is one thing to take away from this, it is, Epstein didn't kill himself. And demoralization propaganda is everywhere.
21515152? ago
Thank you!!
21513259? ago
09-19-2018 20:08:00 EDT
NONE ARE SAFE! That means it happening before next election.
21513729? ago
Maybe. Maybe not. Let them panic.
21513122? ago
We are tired of hearing about it happening in the future. FUCK this shit that some arrests of lower level people can’t start happening where the judges are already replaced. Some arrests need to happen BEFORE the election. We cannot have Omar giving secrets to Iran and Qatar. We The People Won’t Stand For It!
21512891? ago
So.... Arrests or GTFO?
21513984? ago
I know ur being cute so I'll give you an up.
21512696? ago
I can get behind the whole court thing and I'm not all the way for Trump, I don't see why he didn't mobilized his military against treason. It's a slow game he's playing perhaps a bloodless one; however, nothing HAS happened.
21513555? ago
Dictators operate that way. We don’t!!
21514119? ago
Yeah, you just keep posting your cope posts and pretending you're making a difference while nothing changes. You Qikes sure are a disgusting and pathetic bunch.
21516354? ago
21512844? ago
So the list above is nothing.. Maybe you need to review the concept of what nothing is.. ?
21512668? ago
They aren't here to give a fuck about how deep it goes, they are here because they are PAID to be here.
21513529? ago
Spot on!
It is not "hypocrisy" or such that is most of what Liberals do.
It is PURE EVIL which drives them. Even those of good intentions are ALLOWING themselves to be lead down a road of damnation.
Let 'em rot. Social Darwinism. Cull the herd and let the strong (us) survive.
21515607? ago
The strong who pray that another man saves them. Trust the plan!
21518422? ago
^Says the pedo supporter
21518603? ago
Trump is doing what? There's still circumcision. There are still child drag queens.
21549059? ago
Yeah, because when EVERYTHING is not finished that means NOTHING has been done? That makes not one frickin bit of sense.
There are so many lists of President Trump's accomlishments so far - go find them.
21517932? ago
Oy veyyyy that sounds like something a shill would say!! Trump is totally gonna build the wall and lock her up any day now! Trust the plan patriot! Don't worry about child drag queens, save Israel for last, and remember, race isn't real!!!!!
21513106? ago
Anybody I disagree with is paid to do it.
21513458? ago
Definitely not. Some are just deep state sympathizers who do it for free!
21514363? ago
And useful idiots controlled by propaganda.
21517968? ago
Funny, that's how I feel about you Qikes who don't talk about real issues like White genocide/the great replacement, and (((who))) is ultimately behind it. All your Q bullshit seems like the real distraction.
21513212? ago
Very common shill comment i see. If you're not an actual shill, than you're just as OP described, a useful idiot.
21515695? ago
How is this not appropiate criticism? What is the definition of shill?
21516164? ago
Because you're blanket terming something a lot more complex. Sure, there are outliers and people hwo think everyone they disagree with is a shill, but it's very little. Especially for how much I see your exact comment.
In other words, it's fucking lame so stfu.
21516224? ago
Certainly not if you ackowledge that votes signal agreement and disagreement within a community.
Maybe it's time for a variant of this because I know pure text will not convince anyone.
21516345? ago
Well we're under attack from every angle. The "anyone I disagree with is a shill" is on of those angles, just like over the target.
Facts and truth only. No assumptions.
21516402? ago
Huh, I could've sworn these were attacks on people who disagree with the QAnon narrative and not an attack on QAnons.
21513431? ago
Yup. A shill or useful idiot. They think they're so clever with their tired old retorts. Add a dash of Qtard or Boomer insults and their obvious motive to divide and disrupt is laughable.
21512791? ago
Or are just so deeply brainwashed they either don’t believe there is a problem or don’t believe that anyone could possibly be a good man who wants to fix this fucking mess.
21517589? ago
Or they don't believe there IS a way to fix this even with the best efforts and we're heading towards Replacement and White Minority status in our own country and when that happens all the work we've done so far wiil be reversed and become even worse. Fucking stop all Immigration now or we will STILL LOSE EVERYTHING!
21517874? ago
Exactly this. If Qoomers would discuss White replacement I wouldn't hate them so much.
21520808? ago
You're reply is to a "Qoomer" (I'm Mid-20s) who talks about it every day on here, and mostly I get agreeable responses, just not many of them. It's definitely not something that people talk about nearly enough...
21521331? ago
Well, good for you (not trying to be snarky; I mean that sincerely). It seems the average poster in this sub is still missing the big picture though. Too many of them seem to be philosemitic civic nationalists (at best) who are more than okay with being replaced as long as it's done LEGALLY. I've literally been called a shill too many times to count for pointing out, in this sub, that race is real, and that jews are over-represented in positions of power which they use to undermine and weaken White identity/culture/people in general. Your average Qultist is not interested in the truth, or fixing the West; they're brainless cheerleaders for Trump. It annoys me to no end that their inherent distrust of authority has been so utterly subverted. They could be seriously useful allies if they actually woke up and embraced ethnonationalism.
21524299? ago
Your misunderstanding is thinking we all think the same things here and are like an actual cult.
Yes there are people here who basically worship Trump and everything he does and everyone around him. However there are plenty of others. Threads about Jewish influence, over-representation in power, duel-citizenship, Race statistics, ect... are all discussed here and many end up on the front page with 100+ Upvoats.
What kinda replies you get tend to depend on the subject of the thread as that determines which group of people will likely be talking in that thread, and even then, if it's sucking off the Jews or something, the Top comments are usually pretty legit.
Also, it's gotten better over time. When Q sent us here the other Voaters who had been discussing Israel's various influences in America and upon the World came to inject some hard truths into us, at first when I got here I was ignorant and thought it was bullshit, I came from the Reddit community after all, but as time went on and more and more evidence was put forward here, the more I realized the truth and started seeking it out myself, and I noticed more people in the community coming to the same conclusions too.
The views people in this community hold are varied, some are still stubbornly refusing to engage in discussions on certain views, but I've still had more luck striking up actual conversations and debate with people who disagree here than anywhere else. Tho you still do get the handful handwaving your points away and resorting to leftists smear tactics instead of challenging your points.
I believe a large portion of people here, and a portion that is only growing as discussions continue to happen have no problem with Ethnonationalism, or at the very least, agree we should Extremely lower the Immigration numbers with much higher requirements, should ship out all the Illegals ASAP, and who think Anchor babies shouldn't be counted as citizens just because they plopped out on our land.
21515678? ago
Or they are just a bunch of dumbass perverted faggots.
21513571? ago
21514071? ago
Seriously this place is hilarious. Delusion levels off the fucking charts.
21514512? ago
Here's one
21517892? ago
Why don't you fucking Qultist dumbshits discuss real problems like demographic change/White replacement? You schizos are in your own little world, blissfully ignorant of what's really going on. That is why I hate this fucking disinfo psyop. If you're not an explicit ethnonationalist at this point, you're an enemy or a traitor. Simple as that.
21512963? ago
Or don’t care how they spend their free time and troll
21512387? ago
It goes deep. With the patriots now in control, we're seeing full communism in our schools. Thanks, patriots.
Look at the front page and see if you can find your own story of events that happen when partiots are running things.
21514473? ago
Columbia was/is the home of the Frankfurt School after they became unwelcome in Deutschland. Weimar Jewish Communists with a mission to change America socially. Look then up. They brought us the 'Cultural Revolution.'
21513916? ago
We all know who runs the press.
At least it is now being pointed out and acknowledged. If the other side had complete control, people would joyfully be encouraging 'Transgender' communist actions, yet we have what is most likely a liberal arts professor resigning over this ridiculous push to conform. Now it is getting the negative publicity it deserves.
21512125? ago
imagine the frustration of trying to get your own anons to "expand their thinking"
21513410? ago
Thinkers will think and share.
Shills will shill.
21511579? ago
More horseshit, never gonna happen.
Keep making dumb excuses.
21511416? ago
More BS excuses.
21511353? ago
Big Mike
Big Mike
Ev'ry mornin' with the swine you could see him arrive
He stood six foot six and weighed two forty five
Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip
And everybody knew, ya gotta give a big grip to Big Mike
(Big Mike, Big Mike)
Big Bad Mike
(Big Mike)
Nobody seemed to know where Mike called home
Just marched into town and boned Barry alone
He didn't say much, he kinda quiet and shy
And if you spoke at all, you just said, "Why?" to Big Mike
Somebody said he came from New Orleans
Where he got in a hype bein' a Cajun Queen
And a crashin' blow from a huge right hand
Sent a Louisiana faggot to the Promised Land, Big Mike
(Big Mike, Big Mike)
Big Bad Mike
(Big Mike)
Then came the day in the butt of Harry Reed
When a rectum cracked and the man started bleed'
Mud packers were prayin' and hearts beat fast
And everybody hoped that that Mike had cum his last, 'cept Mike
Through the piss and the poop of this man made hell
Strode a giant of a man that the faggots knew well
Grabbed his saggin' penis, gave out with a groan
And like a giant oak tree, he just jacked off alone, Big Mike
(Big Mike, Big Mike)
Big Bad Mike
(Big Mike)
And with all of his strength he gave a mighty shove
Then Obama yelled out, "There's a dyke up above"
And twenty men scrambled from a would-be grave
Now there's only one dick for Obama to crave, Big Mike's
With whacks and lube he started back down
Then came that rumble way down in his round
And then smoke and gas belched out his behind
Everybody knew it was the end of the line for Big Mike
(Big Mike, Big Mike)
Big Bad Mike
(Big Mike)
Now they never reopened that worthless shit
They just placed a biohazard warning on it
These few words are written on that stand
At the bottom of Obama's ass lies a big, big man, Big Mike
(Big Mike, Big Mike)
Big Bad Mike
(Big Mike)
(Big Mike)
Big Bad Mike
21511339? ago
21511323? ago
There have been high level arrests. It’s just been of Trump associates
21511488? ago
name them