22241564? ago

You rang?

22228521? ago

Don’t tag me in anon faggot shit

Talk to me like a man or don’t talk to me


Side note: the only gibs I have is aluminum cans to make shite rounds with. Any takers?

21508696? ago

FYI: these are largely Marokkan maffia (our second ant third generation "immigrants") that have taken over the drug business. War rages between old Yougoslav ("immigrants" hail Europe with open borders !) for power. Extremely violent bunch where dutch society is not prepared for.

21859803? ago

The Dutch are Finished? Holland the Netherlands First to Fall?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3565802

21511675? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3532976/21474139 Diversity is (((their))) strength

21506897? ago

Dutch will collapse before Frogistan or Swede, the Brexit thing gives Britbong hope

22227571? ago

Honk honk! @klobos @Honkpiller @Planetoftheclown ? @Metanoiac @Jiggggg booze drugs, bread and circus ... they said South of France could go Caliphate soon .... btw many global foods are fucked, and senomyx fetus pepsi https://voat.co/v/whatever/3609724/22131413

22229043? ago

Metanoiac here.

Yeah, there are parts of the south that are clearly no longer French. But that isn't even the worst of it. There is a joke here that says:

Q. What is the first arab city crossed during the Paris Dakar? (Paris Dakar is an intercontinental Rally race starting in Paris and ending in Dakar)

A. Paris
