21525300? ago

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21498930? ago

using a pacifier

Jeez! Wtf is a "pacifier"? Is it like a taser? On an infant???

21498371? ago

Jews write the laws and make the vaccines. When are you going to do something about it!

21505053? ago

i quit getting vaccines. and i also convinced at least one other person to stop taking vaccines too

21498254? ago

Not this shit again. More vaxxer, flat earth, chem trail retardedness. The lack of science understanding here is astounding. YOU people are stupid.

21498689? ago

Tell me more about your paid shit-science that has no basis in reality? Explain the vaccine injury court? If they were so scientifically sound, there would be no injuries. Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.

21498141? ago

Yes imunizations can cause bradycardia/desaturation. I have witnessed a case where after imunizations a good brady/desat happened.

Postpone and,, i belive avoid, is good advice.

21497378? ago

We got a friend out of jail because we got his lawyers to look into whether his son had gotten vaccinated prior to "SIDS".

21505059? ago

you da real MVP!

21497272? ago

MMR now mandated in Samoa. They’re arresting people who resist. It’s happening. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/samoa-makes-measles-vaccine-mandatory-to-stop-deadly-outbreak/ar-BBWUuLM

21496991? ago

polio vacine was contaminated with the simian virus. Links to cancer.


21498895? ago

...half a century ago.

21505077? ago

SV40 caused millions of cases of cancer.

i dont think it was an accident


21508562? ago

Yeah, your Google search points to an incident that happened more than 50 years ago.

When I speak about modern science, I typically don't use incidents from half a century ago to prove my point.

21495754? ago

Your own source says:

Breastfeeding and immunization may also be preventive.

21495600? ago

VACCINES CAUSE SIDS and so many other illnesses and deaths. "Vaccines are Safe"? Over 4 BILLION dollars have been paid out by our Government for vaccine injuries and death. Vaccine manufactures pay nothing for their crazy "Safe vaccines".

Your point is Vaccines cause babies to die. Thank you for sharing this.

21495417? ago

That's a piss poor way of killing off kids if it only kills one in a million.

21505099? ago

i dont think the primary purpose of vaccines is to kill babies,

however, if a few babies die from vaccines, i think thats a price they are willing to pay.

remember, if you killed only one person, you could get life in prison, or even death.

21495213? ago

Thank you for posting this!

21495089? ago

Yup. Even my family doctor told us privately he recommended not giving vaccines before 6 months, preferably 12 months. We have a close relationship with him so he was comfortable telling us that, but he said he would deny it if we told anyone. Said he could possibly lose his license if his peers found out.

21504881? ago

oh, so thats how they manufacture consensus ?

21506920? ago

Yes, it is.

21495665? ago

this, why the fuck would a less than 1 year old baby need fucking hepatitis vaccines? Do they think they are going to share needles or faggot sex?

21508521? ago

This is one of my pet peeves, why can't they wait. No reason to rush and start so early

21498985? ago

No, it's because nowadays almost ALL babies are born in hospitals, which are hotbeds of infection. There's a lot to be said for home births.

21504888? ago

hospitals are where people go to die. its the last place you'd want to give birth

21495367? ago

Sounds like a decent doc

21495040? ago

These people responsible should be put to death for murders.

21494792? ago

Uhm not pro vaxxer, but I was born in the sixties and even before that they talked about these mysterious deaths. They called them "crib deaths". Was vaccination that normal back then? The issues discussed back then was if the baby should sleep on their backs or their stomach.

21495751? ago

The DPT vax was given back then, I'm pretty sure. It was changed in the '80s due to causing a number of deaths.

21494460? ago


21494474? ago

Can't post links because I don't have 5ccp. Check out the above website

21494157? ago

I had to go through a Medical board in the military. We dug so deep into my history (or I did) that we discovered the following:

Chicken Pox = Irritable bowl syndrome/intestinal issues

(post) amoxicillin for pneumonia = child obesity

injury to autonomic connection on the spine = retirement

Adderall = medicinal reset for all the above^ (until it wears off)

21493902? ago

Reminds me of HIV/AIDS. The tests are completely fraudulent and only exist to convince you that you're sick. Whenever they say something's an "epidemic" it's actually genocide.

21493802? ago

I mean seriously, think about this.... "sudden infant death syndrome"? Start vaccinating children in their teenage years and you can have "sudden teenage death syndrome".

21495019? ago

No, if you start vaccinating in teenage years the kids will be dead from measles, mumps, TB, flu, whooping cough or any other number of things you didnt vaccinate them for.

21587629? ago

But the CDC is giving your kids SIDS why would you believe a four year old email from them?

21493528? ago

When I was a child in France, the doctors would recommend that babies sleep on the belly, putting them on their backs was deemed dangerous for facilitating sudden infant death syndrome. But in Asia, we traditionally put the babies on their backs to sleep. So when my sister was born, my mom just ignored the doctors' advice and put her on her back. Years later, my sister is a teen and now, doctors are saying to put babies on their back, that putting them on their bellies to sleep was dangerous for it's facilitating the sudden infant death syndrome.

So yeah, I still remember that and I just think... these are the same kinds of doctors who are scoffing at old wives' cures because you know, that ain't science.

21497105? ago

In asia, babies often get that flattened back of head from being left on their back. Aside from that, it'd be dangerous choking hazard except asians don't leave babies out of sight and also keep babies with them when sleeping. Crib use, to me, seems the start of the wedge between child and mother, creating coldness that was often valued by upper classes - reinforced by nannies/governesses and boarding schools, all creating distance.

21493903? ago

Putting a baby on their back is unintuitive to me. They are constantly spitting up, which would make them high risk for choking/drowning in their throwup. Like tiny little drunkards lul

21493378? ago

SIDS is an umbrella term.

21505144? ago

SIDS is an umbrella term

for various vaccine deaths

21509728? ago


21493273? ago

Also, it seems that infant formula, instead of breast feeding, causes SIDS.


21493333? ago

Niggerized poisons always going to be worse than regular titty... common sense.

21498039? ago


21494594? ago

21493333? Quads! Digits Confirm. Boobs are always better than 'formula'. Boobs will never let you down, always go with boobs, always Frens. True Story.

21497595? ago

'MAMMA'ry glands.

This clue came with the title.

21493261? ago

Name the jew!

and the CIA!

21493219? ago

You should also look into the fire retardant they use on crib mattresses.

21497271? ago

Flame retardant treated fabrics are actually required for the legal sale of baby clothes. Ladies, learn to sew and only use untreated natural fabrics.

21493837? ago

Also the bleach and chlorine in diapers is absorbed thru the skin.

21495669? ago

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm on Voat or /r/hippies.

21508545? ago

The very first sentence of your article:

Vaccines have saved untold millions of lives

That speaks pretty strongly on its own. But let's get to your point.

The article goes on to say:

CBS News has found nearly 1,300 cases in which vaccine-related brain damage has been compensated in court

To bias these two sentences majorly in your favor, let's just call the "untold millions of lives saved" only two million - a huge underestimated, according to your own source.

1300 cases of brain damage among 2,000,000 lives saved. This means that of two million lives saved, 0.065% had a brain injury.

That's a pretty damn convincing pro-vaccine argument to me. And that excludes it being a gross under estimate. It also excludes that many millions more people had the vaccine than there were lives saved from the vaccine.

And probably more importantly to your argument, it is also overlooking the fact that these were "compensated in court." So, basically, one of those rich, sleazy personal injury attorneys with a 1-800 number won a lawsuit. Courts don't prove scientific data. The scientists do. And guess what? Scientists overwhelmingly support vaccine safety.

21503527? ago

Fair enough.

21493706? ago

no doubt fire retardants cause problems.

i would guess these problems grow over time because of repeated exposure.

with "SIDS" often the infant is 100% healthy one day and dead the next morning

and they always blame it on the way the infant is sleeping.

as if positional asphyxia, etc wouldn't be the actual cause of death, instead of SIDS?

no matter which side the infant is sleeping on when they die, its always blamed on sleeping position.

sleeping on back? that caused SIDS!

sleeping on belly? that caused SIDS!

it is ridiculous that we even have a concept of SIDS.

what SIDS means is that there is this unknown phenomenon that kills infants,

but that they have no interest in ever understanding what actually causes SIDS, or preventing SIDS,

because they know SIDS is caused by vaccines,

but they aren't going to admit that, lest their precious "vaccine compliance" rate would decrease.

it is my opinion, after 5+ years of immersion study of vaccines, and vaccine side effects, and vaccine adverse reactions...

that not only do vaccines cause SIDS

but that SIDS was invented specifically to coverup the fact that vaccines kill babies.

and they have no intent of ever doing anything about it.

we need what is called "truth and reconciliation"


21502716? ago

The cause of your infant's sudden death was sudden infant death — Educated Medical Experts

Remember, it takes LOTS of years if college to have that level of smarts.

21495770? ago

Literally just said this the other day. They made up the term SIDS to blame vaccine deaths on. So many baby products they say cause SIDS like fucking blankets or dockatots. If the baby suffocates from a baby blanket it ain’t SIDS, you know what caused the death. And like 5 babies died from an infant swing and they take if off the market. 1000s of deaths from vaccines aka SIDS, and you’re a tin foil hat if you don’t want to vaccinate your kid. I can’t wait for these Cabal motherfuckers to join their master Lucifer and rot in hell.

21495643? ago

so, blaming the parents

21504869? ago

in vaccine cult logic, pro-vaccine parents vaccinate their kids, and then blame the vaccines for their childs autism, because they dont want to take responsibility for their own bad genes...

and paradoxically,

it's impossible that a pro-vaccine parent would vaccinate their kid, and blame the vaccines when their child regresses into autism, because they didn't want to take responsibility for their own bad vaccine choices.

21495025? ago

From my research I would say vaccines are a major causative vector for ALL chronic and terminal diseases. Short term and long term. They screw up your immune system, and inject active as well as latent viral prions into your body. Pharma doesn't make money from healthy people. And it's all some type of "big medical mystery" as to why Sids happens and 4 year old kids get leukemia etc..the truth is exactly the way it looks.

21495208? ago

the truth is exactly the way it looks.

That's what's so crazy in this inverted clown world; noticing the truth right in front of your face is now anathema.

21493272? ago

"think baby, hands in mouth" -Q

21495332? ago


- Q1010

21494006? ago

This is also cleaning agents, toys, food, carpets and all plastics.

Sick fucking kikes poisoning everyone else. Absolutely unforgiveable.

21493170? ago

If only we push this to the people who needs it the most. Too bad they're too brainwashed.

21505032? ago

the "vaccines cause autism" argument won't get you anywhere, because they are already somewhat familiar with the arguments for and against, and are mentally entrenched and unlikely to change...

however, the "vaccines cause SIDS" argument is one they havent heard before, and are therefore not already brainwashed about it, so it comes across as a very shocking claim, that gets their attention.

of course, when they (((google))) it, they will discover, much to their delight, that

vaccines prevent SIDS.

yes, thats right.

vaccines prevent SIDS.

because somehow a problem that is caused by babies sleeping on the wrong side, is prevented by a vaccine that is intended to prevent something completely different

pseudoscience: claims of widespread usefulness


21493386? ago

Tell me about it. My wife had my baby son scheduled in for MMR next week. Thankfully he caught a dose of the flu so we have to cancel. The look I get when I tell her I don't want him to be vaccinated which is then followed up by the comment "If anything happens to him because he didn't get vaccinated...."

21509579? ago

Just sit down and read the ingredient list together and ask her if she thinks it’s ok to put human remains into your baby: https://vaccineingredients.net/vaccines/mmr-mmr-ii

21497389? ago

Say: "He'd get measles, mumps or rubella...they're harmless."

21494817? ago

You have to stand up for him, and stand up to her.

21495676? ago

be a man and lead

21493285? ago

gonna have to be extermination

21494848? ago

Who was that memo from again??

21493154? ago

Hadn't thought about SIDS in relation to all the vaccines they pump into our babies. Thank you very much for all the information!

21493532? ago

ironically enough, i (anti-vaxx) was having a nice debate with someone (pro vaxx) about a child who had died a few hours after getting a vaccine, and this person kept insisting that the "cause of death" was SIDS

and this stuck me as odd, because how would this person know it was SIDS ? and why would they be so sure of themselves, and so emphatic?

it was only after this pro-vaxx person kept trying try write off (what i considered to be) vaccine poisoning as "SIDS"

that i started looking at vaccines and SIDS more closely. hadn't really crossed my mind until the shill goofed up


21493856? ago

I'm also anti-vaxx and know a young couple who are soon to be parents for the first time. Their instincts tell them not to vaccinate but in their state (Commiefornia) it's mandatory by law. It's a tough spot to be in but I'm sharing all I can with them so they can be confident in themselves and their natural intuition. This perspective makes so much damn sense I can't believe I hadn't seen it before now. Thank you again anon, for putting this together. This literally saves lives!

21504919? ago

i feel bad for parents in california.

but at the same time, i don't want them moving to my state.

they made their bed, they can sleep in it

21505170? ago

They wouldn't want to move to your state. They're fighting to overcome the millions of illegal immigrants, dead people, celebrities, etc that have been voting garbage in.

But thanks for your support of fellow anons, President Trump, and Q. /s