21509537? ago

Last flu shot I got was in 1986 via the military. Got very sick. Haven't taken a flu shot since and surprise, no flu all these years.

21509163? ago

And read the warnings if your doctor prescribes the antibiotic CIPRO.

21509080? ago

Starting off in a high paying government job (one of the more respected agencies). During OJT, flu shots were offered for free. Two of the top trainees, one a former EMT, and other former RN, declined flu shots.

Normally I just didn't get them because I was lazy. This time, the shots were right there in a room down the hall. But when those two declined, that settled my choice.

21507048? ago


21506493? ago

I was sick as a dog with parvo after getting the swine flu. Thought I was dying. Ever since then I get the flu shot. Fortunately I have been flu free since.

21506998? ago

Don’t fuck pigs. Then you’ll be fine.

21506220? ago

Always take it VERY seriously when (((doctors/hospitals))) want to inject something straight into your blood. Your BLOOD is your LIFE.

21505887? ago

I know plenty of older folks that no longer recognise their own wives / husbands. They faithfully got flu shots every time Walgreens pushed them.

Horrible. Even more disgusting when you see how hard they push it on little babies and kids.

"You can tell a lot about a nation by how they treat their very young and their very old"

21505756? ago

Sometime in the late 90’s a friend got a flu shot and was pissed off because it gave him the flu. He said never again. I learned from his mistake.

21505640? ago

I've never taken the shot, and have only had the flu once in my 50 years here...as well as chicken pox once.

21505577? ago

When they are handing them out for free at Walgreens and Walmart then you know something is up. Jews are trying to harm us and our children

21505326? ago

I've never had a flu shot, I get the flu on occasion. Last year I was puking so bad I passed out. heh, wife comes into the bathroom all terrified: I'm coming too saying "I'm fine calm down".

My mom, on the other hand has gotten a flu shot every year that they were offered going back to the 1960's somewhere. She'd get them for free at work. She never gets the flu. Now she's getting closer to death although she's fully competent her heart is giving out. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten the shots and she'd have lived longer than 97 years. I think it works either way. My wife gets the flu shots and doesn't get sick.

21505360? ago

What's good for your goose, isn't always good for the gander.

21505172? ago

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21505062? ago

Taking zinc drops, on the regular. Super cheap and most of us are deficient. The medical medium is changing my life, check him out.

21504792? ago

Sucks when your employer requires it :(

21505010? ago


21504282? ago

I haven't in the past few years and hadn't gotten the Flu, either. Seems like each year, AFTER the fact they say "Oh this year, it was only effective less than X% of the time," where X <= 15

21504196? ago

There are probably 1000's of different flu virus' and the "Flu Shot" is only good against a couple of those. Biggest money scam against taxpayer monies in history!

21504039? ago

2008 was the first and last time I got a flu shot. One month later I got sick with the flu and it had me on a death bed, it was bad. I'll NEVER get another flu shot.

21504037? ago

In my family my 101 year old mother gets a flu shot every year. Never had a problem. I get one most years. Never had a problem That being said, I do find it suspect when I see Free Flu Shot signs every where. One of the Pharmacy Techs at our market, came up to me while shopping and asked if I wanted one. I said no thank you given I already had a cart with frozen foods and milk in it. Makes you wonder, Free doesn't mean that Big Pharma is getting paid. Last year, they ran out and had to go to Rite Aid. This year I'm being peddled to in the frozen food section. So what's going on???

21506747? ago

In your other post, you stated your mom was 98. What gives?

21506951? ago

That post wasn't me. I guess there are a lot of the Greatest Generation still living.

21503716? ago

Wash your hands! Avoid shopping when the crowds are out. Get some exercise and sunshine to keep your juices flowing. Stay hydrated. These are all simple common sense things.

Unless you have a job like a flight attendant or something that keeps you confined to recycled air for a couple hours with an ever-changing group of strangers from who-knows-where, it is not all that hard to fight off bugs before they get you.

21503597? ago

Never have never will.

21503580? ago

I was forced to get one about 15 years ago for my job. I had never had the flu before. After the shot I was sick several times a year for 10 straight years. NEVER AGAIN!!!

21503543? ago

Free and cheap aren't the important criteria. The cabal generally makes you pay for poison. Take a walk through the grocery asiles.

21503724? ago

If people knew the truth, it would send 90% of us to the Hospital...I'm sure vaccines are part of it...

21503483? ago

Half a lemon in a pint of water (not tap) first thing every morning and I haven't had a cold or flu for years.

21508421? ago

If you do end up with something. Try oregano oil. Couple drops in a shot glass of water 3 x day. Will knock the shot out of crude. It’s a natural antibiotic. My wife and I are in late 50’s, have not had an antibiotic in over 15 years. And, we are lemon water daily drinkers as well.

21503473? ago

My late father was a physician so flu shots for everyone, going back to the swine flu scare. I never got the flu except twice and I'm 65 next month. Both times is when I didn't get the vaccine because I was away at school.

21503445? ago

Oh, what a lot of BS.

21503276? ago

When I turned 65 and I was informed that I would be getting the high dose flu shot for the elderly, that's when I stopped getting flu shots. I suspect that they look at it like, if we haven't killed him with the low dose, we will get him with the high dose. Fuck them, I will take may chances with the flu.

21509240? ago

Why people don’t apply common sense and compare the risks of both taking and not taking is a mystery to me. Not just likelihood’s of an outcome (good or bad), but the outcome itself. Do nothing, possibly get flu. Take shot, still risk flu, and risk [x, y, z] side effects. Multi-billion dollar industry giving you something for ‘free’, and one wonders what the catch is... Cause we all know a multi-billion dollar industry doesn’t give anything [worth having] away for free.

21503236? ago

Heads or tails flu jab or fentanol

Which is least deadly and gives the least high.

21503224? ago

Lugol's Iodine drops will knock out the flu in HOURS.

I've done it. Dosed 5% Lugols in the DEEP FLU, can hardly move off the couch stuff, 6-8 drops every 2 hours, 8am to 4pm, shit WENT AWAY.

21503086? ago

How does a non-altruistic industry make money on giving flu shots away? Ask yourself that. And like a poster said, $10 in store credit to get a free flu shot, why?

21503565? ago

Easy, 1000 flu shots costs them less than 1 hospital visit.

21502952? ago

I haven't had the flu since I stopped getting flu shot 15 years ago


21502943? ago

About 15 years ago I read a study that people who get regular for shots had an increased likelihood of developing Alzheimer's. Not that the shots themselves caused it, but the way they compromise one's cells and brain is dire, and many older people begin showing signs of dementia after the serious bouts with illness that occur after flu shots are administered.

21502702? ago

I have gotten a flu shot every year for the last 10+. I am forced to in order to volunteer at the local hospital. I don't know if they are good or bad for us. I rarely get sick beyond a cold every year or so. If it is poison, my body must be too strong for it. Hard to say no to vaccines for the kids too. Even if I home schooled, which I don't, I don't want them getting diseases that we have eradicated.

I will admit I don't know much about the vaccine and flu shot argument, maybe I am ignorant, but if they cause problems they have not caused any with me or my family.

21502886? ago

You’re lucky. Getting a cold every year though isn’t good. I haven’t had a cold in years.

Check out “SGT Report” and “VAXXED” on Youtube before Youtube eliminates their channels.

Let the learning begin.

21502884? ago

The diseases were eradicated by improved sanitation and nutrition, not vaccines.

21502661? ago

If the lying POS MSM, the pedo weirdo Hollywood, the elites like Bill Gates and the (((6))) corporates all want you to take that shit badly, then you'd better dodge it like plague.

21502624? ago

I go to the pharmacy, two assistants ask me if I want my flu shot. I say "no". One of them say something to the pharmacist. Pharmacist comes over with a smiley concerned face and asks if I want a flu shot, I say "no, thank you". I get home, phone rings...automated voice telling me I should get a flu shot. WTF? Fucking ridiculous!

21504879? ago

Just tell them you got it already.

21504255? ago

and now you are on a list.... welcome to 1984

21502894? ago

Change pharmacies.

21502508? ago

I stopped getting sick after I stopped flu shots.

14 years and counting...

21503601? ago

Same here. Almost same timeframe. I used to get flu every other season or so.. stopped getting shot, stopped getting flu.

21502446? ago

flu is an inconvenience at best. the idea of a flu shot is absurd. mostly its sold to people as less time off work - like missing work is such a bad thing. its a few days feeling pretty rubbish and achy but thats about it for most people. yes there are people such as the elderly who could have seriois consequences from flu but these are rare so for that tiny percentage a flu shot might (but probably wont) be worth it - those folk will need medical help regardless and thats fine.

at my last job all staff were offered the jab for free. most people got it. i never did. 13 years i worked there. every year dozens of staff would end up off with flu. the jab did nothing. yet every year theyd line up for another. i on the other hand had flu maybe twice in those 13 years. and from my ovservation would have got it had i been "vaccinated" in any case. i wasnt an exception. flu seemed less common in those who never got jabs. anecdotal i know, but seems a common anecdote around the world so theres probably something to it

21504281? ago

Exactly right! It takes having the flu to build antibodies to fight off the flu.

21502393? ago


Paranoia will destroy ya.

21502359? ago

BUT, Do get the pneumonia vaccine. Once and good for life. Nobody actually dies of the flu. They mostly die from Pneumonia as a secondary infection.


21502337? ago

ITT: People who don't understand statistics.

21502309? ago

Yeah, I’ve been telling my spouse that for decades, he is so black pilled it is sad.

21502283? ago

I haven’t had the flu since 2000. I got the flu shot once in 1994 and was sick for 2 days. No flu shot for me.

21502673? ago

I never got a flu shot and only had the flu once, maybe twice.

21502265? ago

Gave that shit up long time ago. I may be stupid, but when I take the flu shot, I get the flu 100% of the time. When I don't take it, I get the flu on rare occasion. I figured out there must be some correlation. I even figured that out all by myself.

21504156? ago

Well then, by the standards of the main stream media, if you are figuring things our on your own then you must be a Russian Bot. <sarcasm>

21504173? ago

Sorry, but my point wasn't very good. I meant, that even they have had to admit, this year is a bust.

21502604? ago

And then the government has the balls to tell you it’s not the flue you got. It’s a cold.

21505334? ago

wait...she got the flu shot a week before and nobody thinks to question the timing? The answer is obviously more vaccinations...wow.

21502217? ago

My girl has to get one for immigration purposes. Fuckin pisses me off she has to get this shit when illegals do not.

The fact that the store is going to PAY her 5 bucks 5o get it there is even more shady. The fact they pay people to get poked with their unknown crap says it all. FML.

21502012? ago

People that I worked with over the years who got flu shots were seriously ill every winter and missed work. I never did and never had a flu shot and don't want one. When I see my primary care doctor every 6 mos for scrips he always asks if I want one, I decline. I see CVS pharmacy and some other places are offering a $10.00 store credit for getting a flu shot. How much more desperate can these bastards get?

21510001? ago

I always say that I've already had one.

21506550? ago

Well, you seem somewhat awake to know to avoid the flu shot. But simultaneously you are seeing an MD every six months getting scrips for poison in a different form. Unless you have some rare disease, your eyes are still mostly closed.

21503772? ago

Did you know teeth cleaning is free under your insurance? You best not fall for that trick.

Dumb fuck

21504061? ago

That's also a scam. I can clean my own damn teeth. Plus that's absolutely an asinine statement, unless of course you don't pay for your insurance. Mine is far from free.

21508081? ago

Your flu shot is also far from free. Not too bright are you

21508240? ago

Bright enough to have no clue how much a flu shot is or isn't. And someone up there stated that Target will give you a gift card with your free flu shot. I did not verify that as I really don't care to. But, no need to act like an arrogant asshole don't ya think there Sport.

21511314? ago

Son, it's called preventative care. It's cheaper for the insurance company to make sure you don't get sick VS paying for multiple doctors visits while you're down with the flu.

I've never seen target giving gift cards, so fake news. Here's one, since you believe hearsay, I heard you can get free blow jobs is you buy a 6 pack at Walmart.

21511978? ago

I knew you were classy. Your family is very lucky to have you.

21512636? ago

Don't project faggot

21512809? ago

And you are soft. Good trait. Daddy didn't like you huh?

21513004? ago

Perfect, you're a female. Makes sense now

21511803? ago

The flu shot is for last year’s strain, the virus mutates and they are not able to predict how it will mutate so it offers no immunity to this year’s strain. Once they identify this year’s strain, which takes time to see which strain spreads the most, flu season is nearly over and there isn’t enough time to manufacture the vaccine.

21504279? ago

I work for an insurance company and get a platinum plan for free.

21504507? ago

Paystub or it never happened.

21502720? ago

CVS gets paid by your insurance to give the flu shot, so that is why they want the business. Free to you is due to insurance covering it. As I said in another post, I have gotten the shot for years, maybe I am just lucky but hasn't hurt me.

21509056? ago

And pharma pays incentives to the insurance company for promoting it to their providers. The insurance company then give bonuses to the doctors for meeting quotas

21511195? ago

Oh I agree that it is a racket. Just not convinced they are trying to kill us with vaccines.

21504111? ago

Nice try! RIP

21506396? ago

what do you mean nice try? Do you not believe cvs gets paid by insurance providers to give flu shots?

21504042? ago

It takes 70 flu shots to prevent 1 case of the flu. Great odds! Herd vaccination is total bs. Research, and think for yourself.

21504247? ago

Please everyone. Drink highly concentrated MMS!

21508729? ago

Does mms cure cancer? Can mms be applied topically to a sick dog?

21511744? ago

If you or you dog has cancer, try Fenbendazole. https://fenbendazole.org

21514498? ago

Yes, giving to my dog.

21518117? ago

How is your dog doing on it?

21527335? ago

He was so sick and damaged by the time I started the fenben. I think the fenben has slowed or stopped the cancer from spreading.

21531927? ago

Good luck, I hope your dog will recover.

21563724? ago

Thanks. I am hoping to have more quality time with him.

21502841? ago

I got the flu shot in '94 because I was told I had to have it where I worked. That was a lie and I didn't know any better. I got so sick with the flu that year I took a set off work. My muscles were stiff and I just laid in bed most of the time. I haven't had the flu shot since and I've never been sick with the flu again. So I found out the flu shot was b.s. before I came across info that it was b.s.

21503603? ago

Not being a wiseass, but what is a "set"? U said u took a set off work...

21504816? ago

I work 4 on 2 off. We call the 4 days a set.

21504303? ago

I want a "set" from a good porn shoot....decipher that one as you wish lol

21505660? ago

Hahaha! A set of balls bouncing off ur chin??? Guess that's how u sound...Shillbert...

21507195? ago

I figured saying it that way would have the perverts expose themselves. Fly, welcome to flypaper. Sad thng s you're not even a good troll...

21507319? ago

If u say so! Wipe the cum off ur lips, fruitbag!!! Hahaha! U sucked a golf ball thru a garden hose!!!! Shill!!!

21503725? ago

I was wondering about set too.

21503294? ago

There is a reason why they offer them in stores, particularly grocery stores with pharmacies. Some flu vaccines actually cause the inoculated to shed the virus. They know that the shopper will return. Grocery shoppers tend to return weekly; the perfect timeframe for the incubation/shed cycle. The shopper will wander the store, touching merchandise throughout, depositing covert germ warfare awaiting the next innocent bystander. This kind of epidemic can completely cripple a small town.

Wash your hands or wear gloves.

21501789? ago

My wife works at a hospital. Anyone that does NOT get a flu shot has to wear a mask all day.

21504181? ago

Funny because the people who have taken the flu shot are the ones who are contagious in the first days after taking it.

21504488? ago

And it is just a guess as to which strain of "flu" presents itself in the first place. It is a 50/50 shot, at best.

21503173? ago

My hospital used to be that way but last year Illinois specifically made it to where you can't just decline it for whatever reason. Now you can only decline if you have a medical reason confirmed from your doctor or for religious reasons. I got my shot of poison yesterday.

21506688? ago

Why not find religion in order to be able to avoid the shot?

21513958? ago

I did tell my manager the reason I was waiting until the deadline is because I was still researching my religion options but she didn't buy it.

21504088? ago


21502824? ago

Why should those vaccinated worry about those that aren't if they work so well?

21504202? ago

And THAT is the entire argument.

21502253? ago

They're afraid the healthy will get the sick or healthy, sick?

21504506? ago

All about exposure to liability . Not so much about the flu.

21502169? ago

When the hospital employees decide to strike and basically quit agreeing to submit. And the hospital can’t hire anyone. Then things will change.

21501954? ago

Small price to pay. Here's an idea: if you get a bunch of people wearing masks all day it might promote awareness to not get the flu shot.

21503074? ago

Put a message on your mask

“Vaccines are poison”

21501908? ago

The mask won't kill her. In contrast, the mask might actually protect her.

21503611? ago

She got the shot like everyone else. This may sound petty but The "Management" labels the mask wearers as non desirables. All must comply or lose their jobs they so covet.

21504715? ago

3 years ago I asked management to add up the average sick days of people who get the flu shot vs people who don't. It didn't happen because the person knew damn well it'd destroy the b.s. narrative. The holdouts almost always seem to be the ones that show up and do their jobs well. Funny how that works out.

21504767? ago

Management prefers the easy fix rather than the right one

21504191? ago

Interesting what people will be a part to earn money.

21504453? ago

When you are in your late 50 s and have worked a job for a long time that other people really want, you don't have a lot of options.

21501775? ago

You posted no evidence.

21502276? ago

stop taking the flu shot and watch how few times you come down with the flu. it won't kill you, do a little experimentation.

21502365? ago

My spouse gets the flu every year and I never get it. Last year the flu stuck with him for 5 weeks, he started getting better for about 1 week and went down hill for another 5 weeks. He gets angry with me when I tell him that he had poison injected into his system and that is why he gets sick and the illness lingers,

21504102? ago

Make him "guinea pig" on himself, what has he got to lose. This year it will be zero percent effective according to the news. They made the vaccine based on the wrong strain. Even on good years, its 10% effective at best. Just tell him to try a season without it, tell him if it kills him you'll cash in his insurance policy. lol

21504510? ago

Believe me, I have tried. Unfortunately, we have no life insurance (we have all of the death expenses already taken care of). He also gets the pneumonia shot every year.

21508697? ago

just let it go then. he will find out the truth eventually.

21502258? ago

Your mom's evidence.

21501735? ago

I've never had a flu shot but my parents get them every year. I told them both about the dangers of the shots but my warnings go unheeded.

21504132? ago

At least you will get your inheritance faster.

21502278? ago

My dad got one last year. He was as sick as a dog. Not contagious, just ill as fuck. He woke up after that. He told me, "never again with that government poison!"

21512083? ago

Years ago my dad got the flu shot 2 years in a row and both years he got sick from it within 24 hours. He decided to not get one again and went back to never getting sick. After he told me that I decided to never get one.

21515109? ago

Good call. That story is the same as mine, except, I stopped getting them after getting sick over a decade ago. I’ve only had the flu once since.

No shots ever again.

21504620? ago

I had that same conversation with my dad a couple days ago. He stopped getting the flu shot 4 years ago. I stopped getting a flu shot 14 years ago. Neither of us have had the flu since giving up on the shot. Strange how that works, huh?

21508555? ago

Same here. Never get it, haven't had flu in forever. Wife is a nurse and she doesn't get it either. She said many of the doctors don't get it. And the nurses that do usually get the flu. wtf

21501719? ago

When something is free that means you're the commodity

21504594? ago

Something that these IDIOT Bernie supporters never will understand....I think these days, most of them are democrats trying to hide or separate themselves from...themselves...or their friends/whatever who love(d) HRC and can't handle being a loser. I was just in a pvt Facebook group where an aquaintence got me to join....he said they're "Libertarians" and many support Bernie, so I joined for what I hoped would be good discussion.

What would I get back? "I hate Trump and you should too." One moron was wrapped all up in how "Unconstitutional" it is for Trump to have Ivanka as an "advisor," claiming it violated the "Nepotism Clause" of the Constitution, despite the fact that she holds no official position, title, particular power over ANY government agency or employee and takes no salary. But the guy had a link to the law that said having a relative in a paid position is "Unconstitutional" despite the fact that Ivanka met NONE Of the criteria of the POSITIONS it covers, as she's not a "government official" but simply an advisor to POTUS. I pointed THAT out as well, and added "What you're trying to say is the law says a President can't take advice from family members."

I also added that "even if all of it were 100% true, is that REALLY what you're hanging your hat on with all the issues we're facing with all the "isms" being peddled, or, speaking of the Constitution, I haven't heard the FIRST word from you worrying about Dem treatment of POTUS and DENYING HIM HIS CIVIL RIGHTS as they won't allow him or his attorneys to face his accusers."

The guy's a complete hypocrite, constantly displays it, and when called out directly about it, you guessed it, he tried to "project" onto me and say the ole BS throwaway line, "YOU need to dew yer REEsirch....blah blah blah..." while completely ignorant of what I had just said, that the law doesn't "cover" Ivanka because she's not in any position that the law has anything to say about., and here's a link to two PAST Presidents in the SAME situation - they were BOTH LEGAL, and the courts SAID so.

Folks, we've been PAST the point of no return FOR YEARS now. People don't let details like pesky FACTS get in the way of some Good Hatred, while projecting their own hatred onto you or me as "uninformed" while spewing emotional bullshit the entire time and any facts they use aren't facts but provable fantasies, and it STILL doesn't change anything.

So, I left THAT group within a couple of hours of the first post after the alleged "anti-democrat Libertarian who acts PRECISELY LIKE a democrat" and then the acquaintence wondered why I left. I said, "Read the transcript...something your friend will never do, even when the IG Report and the FISA documents are released, because he obviously didn't bother to read a thing I had to say, so it's just a "Hate Trump" group and VERY thinly disguised as I wasn't seeing ANYTHING "Pro-Libertarian" and who has to reach even for INACCURATE charges to find to use to ways to be stupid and look ONLY for some nobody to tell a lie in print so he can use it to back him up as factual."

I'm as convinced as ever that the damage done by political indoctrination is irreversible by now. The "Millennials" (I never can spell that word) are even less able to spell it, I'm sure, and they never fail to out-do themselves with their hate, their ego, their projection, and their otherwise twisting and churning of factual information simply so they can pat themselves on the back and have their egos stroked by people who are provably LIARS.

I even had one idiot who was pro-Climate-change REALLY think he was The Shit for "proving" Global Warming is a problem by falling back on something LABELLED AS "Climate Change ART!"

It's these SAME IDIOTS who call people "Boomers" as an attempted derogatory term, as if being dumb and young is better than having had Life Experience.

These people are BEYOND stupid. Lock and load, and be ready, because "calls to violence" or NOT, the time's coming very soon, I'm sure, where they will literally come after you to take your life. If they're acting the way they have thus far after ONE Trump electoral victory, just IMAGINE how they'll be after the second.

21511885? ago

I had a millennial tell me this week that we “stole” Thanksgiving from the Indians then slaughtered them. This same millennial asked me how to cook a turkey. I said I couldn’t tell her because she stole it from the Indians then slaughtered them.

She also had no answer when I suggested she give the real estate she just purchased to the nearest Native American tribe.

21513865? ago

ohhh I LOVE it. She must be related to the idiot teen girl who took a selfie with her Apple iPhone, having written "Fuck Capitalism" on it, while also wearing "Designer clothes," I'm sure....and in non-government housing. In a mirror made by a furniture company. Can't make this ignorance up, unfortunately.

21518106? ago

They really have no clue.

21506409? ago

This is a straight up battle between good and evil, the labels people align with have little to do with anything at this point.

Avoid the nutters whose minds have been colonized wherever possible.

21504076? ago

You can bet I will quote you on that. Or whomever that came from.

21502764? ago

it isn't free, insurance pays for it and for me, I pay $nearly $15k per year for family insurance. They get their money. I am not sold on it as poison, but things being paid for by insurance just causes people to needlessly get treatment.

Kinda like how easy student loans caused tuition to grow exponentially.

If people have to pay $20 or $50 for the flu shot, or pay $150 rather than a copay to see a doctor they will make different decisions. Which will bring down the costs.

Medical insurance should be for hospital stays, surgeries and major events. Not to see your local doctor for a cold.

21503912? ago

Medical insurance should be for hospital stays, surgeries and major events. Not to see your local doctor for a cold.

Hear fucking hear. Catastrophic illness only. People need to re-learn self reliance or they're dead. Or at least sterile, which is the death of the West.

21502416? ago

Porn falls into this category. 4K top shelf porn all over the web free of charge - and ad free at that!

21504674? ago

Then comes a life of addiction and low self-worth. Gotta drop that stuff like it’s the plague.

21506052? ago

I stopped watching porn and I have so much energy now. Less anxiety and depression. Less desire to drink. I feel like going to the gym whereas before I'd have to talk myself into it. I also have a better attention span. I can focus. Work productivity went way up. I also desire to talk to women as humans rather than someone I just want to fuck. Get tons of attention from both male and female than when i was watching porn. There's an aura that makes men respect you and women want to jump your bones.

21506342? ago

Also, women feel safe around you. I'm a female empath. There are men that when I'm around them, I think of the word, 'slime'. And then there's guys, such as yourself, that women light up, when they're around you.

My husband is like you. The slime guys get jealous of him. They don't get it. I'm told all the time by women how lucky I am. And, I agree.

I do want to point out though, that I understand that addiction no matter what it is, can be a motherfucker. Peace and blessings

21571662? ago

That’s beautiful. Glad you found a good one. Can see it in the fappers’ eyes, and gray hair.

21511200? ago

"empath". Indeed. I think most women are more in tune into others emotional state. Happy that you got a good man.

21504758? ago

Yup. I'm still fighting it.

21503956? ago



21503885? ago

Not sure where you're watching porn but the 4k stuff is certainly not free OR ad free.

21504771? ago

Im not going to list any but there are very easy to find. The point being its virtually all free.

21504982? ago

I agree there is tons of it free. However, the studios creating hour long films at 4K resolution are not offering that free. And Pornhub also charges for Premium. I'm sure tons of people still pay for porn. Just saying.

21505485? ago

No, of course theyre not but there are sites hosting those same videos at no cost and the same quality. Anyone paying for porn in 2019 deserves to get fleeced.

21506104? ago

Yep so many free pron sites. Don't pay for that shit. In fact don't even watch porn unless you want to feel like shit and become a useless bag of shit. Porn industry makes way more than Hollywood now days. It's ridiculous. Russia banned porn for it's negative effects on the human psyche: https://newspunch.com/putin-bans-porn-russia/

21503943? ago

Sad that you know it, don't let the Jews colonize your mind to such an extent that they've even hijacked your sexual fantasies. It's another way to trick the goy into not having children since so many men can no longer get or keep it up in a real setting.

21504095? ago

You are so off base with this one.

Me as a case study:

- masterbates daily

- has intercourse with wife daily

- watches porn

- has many children

21506129? ago

old.reddit.com/r/nofap ... read their successes, ignore this married loser's testimony.

Even the porn industry is trying to take down the No Fap founder.

21513633? ago

"married loser"?

But you're the one who needs "nofap" for support?

21504645? ago

So, you're cheating on your wife with images of exploited slaves on a computer screen... Your wife and children deserve better.

21513653? ago

You know nothing. My wife knows and we have a happy and healthy relationship. Try not to hate.

21504135? ago

In other words you didn't grow up on porn and just started using it once you were married?

21504386? ago

Incorrect. I'm a child of the 90's and had access to porn gifs on the local bbs (bulletin board systems).

My sex drive has always been here and porn hasn't changed that.

The low testosterone men you speak of may have other environmental contributors to their sexual health.

21506443? ago

Well good for you to simply have an abundance of testosterone and biological urge to procreate.

I hear horror stories all the time in my office from women leaving men who are addicted to porn and can't have sex in real time with them ... a mental thing. And we've had to fire a few young men for being on porn on their computers all day long, all of whom have a creepy vibe according to the women.

Anecdotal, yes. But the studies indicate much worse things than I'm describing and much of the porn industry is full of trafficked women who look terrified.

21513604? ago

"But the studies indicate much worse things than I'm describing and much of the porn industry is full of trafficked women who look terrified."

I agree the trafficking is terribly evil and i'm in full support of rooting it out everywhere.

I'm expecting my adult entertainers to be willing participants and if I suspect otherwise then I won't be viewing it.

21502107? ago

Not just free, in some places they'll PAY YOU to get one.

Must be pretty confident they'll get a return on that investment.

21502231? ago

Yup target pays people. They charge the insurance company like a hundred bucks (my guess) and with that gives the victims a 5 dollar gift card... shady as fuck.

21501716? ago

Flu shots are less than 30% effective.

21502125? ago

40-60% depending on the year, per the CDC.

Meaning it is a coin flip if you get the flu or not, if you get the shot. Of course they don't track the effectiveness of forgoing the shot altogether.

21502395? ago

per the CDC


21502707? ago

The point is that even (likely) fudged data doesn't paint a pretty picture.

21501732? ago

... but over 80% effective at giving you cancer or some chronic disease later on that turns you into a customer for life.