21523360? ago

Essay by a teacher in a black high school

This is a repost from the rants and raves section from the Mobile, Alabama craigslist.

The truth is usually a tough thing to accept, so I understand if this is flagged. It would be a cowardly thing to do, but I understand it. Some people just ignore unpleasant truths. However, if you think ignoring the problem, or trying to censor the truth, will help our black children improve, you’re dreaming. This is important, so I’m happy to repost – indefinitely if necessary. I find it interesting that NO ONE has had the intellect to refute anything in the essay. They can only attempt to censor it, as if doing so somehow makes it invalid. Weak minds, weak minds.

Until recently I taught at a predominantly black high school in a southeastern state.

The mainstream press gives a hint of what conditions are like in black schools, but only a hint. Expressions journalists use like “chaotic” or “poor learning environment” or “lack of discipline” do not capture what really happens. There is nothing like the day-to-day experience of teaching black children and that is what I will try to convey.

Most whites simply do not know what black people are like in large numbers, and the first encounter can be a shock.

One of the most immediately striking things about my students was that they were loud. They had little conception of ordinary decorum. It was not unusual for five blacks to be screaming at me at once. Instead of calming down and waiting for a lull in the din to make their point — something that occurs to even the dimmest white students — blacks just tried to yell over each other.

It did no good to try to quiet them, and white women were particularly inept at trying. I sat in on one woman’s class as she begged the children to pipe down. They just yelled louder so their voices would carry over hers.

Many of my black students would repeat themselves over and over again — just louder. It was as if they suffered from Tourette syndrome. They seemed to have no conception of waiting for an appropriate time to say something. They would get ideas in their heads and simply had to shout them out. I might be leading a discussion on government and suddenly be interrupted: “We gotta get more Democrats! Clinton, she good!” The student may seem content with that outburst but two minutes later, he would suddenly start yelling again: “Clinton good!”

Anyone who is around young blacks will probably get a constant diet of rap music. Blacks often make up their own jingles, and it was not uncommon for 15 black boys to swagger into a classroom, bouncing their shoulders and jiving back.

They were yelling back and forth, rapping 15 different sets of words in the same harsh, rasping dialect. The words were almost invariably a childish form of boasting: “Who got dem shine rim, who got dem shine shoe, who got dem shine grill (gold and silver dental caps)?” The amateur rapper usually ends with a claim–in the crudest terms imaginable — that all womankind is sexually devoted to him. For whatever reason, my students would often groan instead of saying a particular word, as in, “She suck dat aaahhhh (think of a long grinding groan), she f**k dat aaaahhhh, she lick dat aaaahhh.”

Black women love to dance — in a way white people might call gyrating. So many black girls dance in the hall, in the classroom, on the chairs, next to the chairs, under the chairs, everywhere. Once I took a call on my cell phone and had to step outside of class. I was away about two minutes but when I got back the black girls had lined up at the front of the classroom and were convulsing to the delight of the boys.

Many black people, especially black women, are enormously fat. Some are so fat I had to arrange special seating to accommodate their bulk. I am not saying there are no fat white students — there are — but it is a matter of numbers and attitudes. Many black girls simply do not care that they are fat. There are plenty of white anorexics, but I have never met or heard of a black anorexic.

“Black women be big Mr. Jackson,” my students would explain.

“Is it okay in the black community to be a little overweight?” I ask. Two obese black girls in front of my desk begin to dance, “You know dem boys lak juicy fruit, Mr. Jackson.” “Juicy” is a colorful black expression for the buttocks.

Blacks, on average, are the most directly critical people I have ever met: “Dat shirt stupid. Yo’ kid a bastard. Yo’ lips big.” Unlike whites, who tread gingerly around the subject of race, they can be brutally to the point. Once I needed to send a student to the office to deliver a message. I asked for volunteers, and suddenly you would think my classroom was a bastion of civic engagement. Thirty dark hands shot into the air. My students loved to leave the classroom and slack off, even if just for a few minutes, away from the eye of white authority. I picked a light-skinned boy to deliver the message. One very black student was indignant: “You pick da half-breed.” And immediately other blacks take up the cry, and half a dozen mouths are screaming, “He half-breed.”

For decades, the country has been lamenting the poor academic performance of blacks and there is much to lament. There is no question, however, that many blacks come to school with a serious handicap that is not their fault. At home they have learned a dialect that is almost a different language. Blacks not only mispronounce words; their grammar is often wrong. When a black wants to ask, “Where is the bathroom?” he may actually say “Whar da badroom be?” Grammatically, this is the equivalent of “Where the bathroom is?” And this is the way they speak in high school. Students write the way they speak, so this is the language that shows up in written assignments.

It is true that some whites face a similar handicap. They speak with what I would call a “country” accent that is hard to reproduce but results in sentences such as “I’m gonna gemme a Coke.” Some of these country whites had to learn correct pronunciation and usage. The difference is that most whites overcome this handicap and learn to speak correctly; many blacks do not.

21898921? ago

I know this is really late, but thanks for sharing. I don't know how I missed it.

21523381? ago

continued .....

Most of the blacks I taught simply had no interest in academic subjects. I taught history, and students would often say they didn’t want to do an assignment or they didn’t like history because it was all about white people. Of course, this was “diversity” history, in which every cowboy’s black cook got a special page on how he contributed to winning the West, but black children still found it inadequate. So I would throw up my hands and assign them a project on a real, historical black person. My favorite was Marcus Garvey. They had never heard of him, and I would tell them to research him, but they never did. They didn’t care and they didn’t want to do any work.

Anyone who teaches blacks soon learns that they have a completely different view of government from whites. Once I decided to fill 25 minutes by having students write about one thing the government should do to improve America. I gave this question to three classes totaling about 100 students, approximately 80 of whom were black. My few white students came back with generally “conservative” ideas. “We need to cut off people who don’t work,” was the most common suggestion. Nearly every black gave a variation on the theme of “We need more government services.”

My students had only the vaguest notion of who pays for government services. For them, it was like a magical piggy bank that never goes empty. One black girl was exhorting the class on the need for more social services and I kept trying to explain that people, real live people, are taxed for the money to pay for those services. “Yeah, it come from whites,” she finally said. “They stingy anyway.”

“Many black people make over $50,000 dollars a year and you would also be taking away from your own people,” I said.

She had an answer to that: “Dey half breed.” The class agreed. I let the subject drop.

Many black girls are perfectly happy to be welfare queens. On career day, one girl explained to the class that she was going to have lots of children and get fat checks from the government. No one in the class seemed to have any objection to this career choice.

Surprising attitudes can come out in class discussion. We were talking about the crimes committed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and I brought up the rape of a young girl in the bathroom of the Superdome. A majority of my students believed this was a horrible crime but a few took it lightly. One black boy spoke up without raising his hand: “Dat no big deal. They thought they is gonna die so they figured they have some fun. Dey jus’ wanna have a fun time; you know what I’m sayin’?” A few black heads nodded in agreement.

My department head once asked all the teachers to get a response from all students to the following question: “Do you think it is okay to break the law if it will benefit you greatly?” By then, I had been teaching for a while and was not surprised by answers that left a young, liberal, white woman colleague aghast. “Yeah” was the favorite answer. As one student explained, “Get dat green.”

There is a level of conformity among blacks that whites would find hard to believe. They like one kind of music: rap. They will vote for one political party: Democrat. They dance one way, speak one way, are loud the same way, and fail their exams in the same way. Of course, there are exceptions but they are rare.

Whites are different. Some like country music, others heavy metal, some prefer pop, and still others, God forbid, enjoy rap music. They have different associations, groups, almost ideologies. There are jocks, nerds, preppies, and hunters. Blacks are all — well — black, and they are quick to let other blacks know when they deviate from the norm.

One might object that there are important group differences among blacks that a white man simply cannot detect. I have done my best to find them, but so far as I can tell, they dress the same, talk the same, think the same. Certainly, they form rival groups, but the groups are not different in any discernible way. There simply are no groups of blacks that are as distinctly different from each other as white “nerds,” “hunters,” or “Goths,” for example.

How the world looks to blacks: One point on which all blacks agree is that everything is “racis’.” This is one message of liberalism they have absorbed completely. Did you do your homework? “Na, homework racis’.” Why did you get an F on the test? “Test racis’.”

21523389? ago

continue .....

I was trying to teach a unit on British philosophers and the first thing the students noticed about Bentham, Hobbes, and Locke was “Dey all white! Where da black philosopher a’?” I tried to explain there were no blacks in eighteenth century Britain. You can probably guess what they said to that: “Dat racis’!” One student accused me of deliberately failing him on a test because I didn’t like black people.

“Do you think I really hate black people?”


“Have I done anything to make you feel this way? How do you know?”

“You just do.”

“Why do you say that?”

He just smirked, looked out the window, and sucked air through his teeth. Perhaps this was a regional thing, but the blacks often sucked air through their teeth as a wordless expression of disdain or hostility.

My students were sometimes unable to see the world except through the lens of their own blackness. I had a class that was host to a German exchange student. One day he put on a Power Point presentation with famous German landmarks as well as his school and family.

From time to time during the presentation, blacks would scream, “Where da black folk?!” The exasperated German tried several times to explain that there were no black people where he lived in Germany. The students did not believe him. I told them Germany is in Europe, where white people are from, and Africa is where black people are from. They insisted that the German student was racist, and deliberately refused to associate with blacks.

Blacks are keenly interested in their own racial characteristics. I have learned, for example, that some blacks have “good hair.” Good hair is black parlance for black-white hybrid hair. Apparently, it is less kinky, easier to style, and considered more attractive. Blacks are also proud of light skin. Imagine two black students shouting insults across the room. One is dark but slim; the other light and obese. The dark one begins the exchange: “You fat, Ridario!” Ridario smiles, doesn’t deign to look at his detractor, shakes his head like a wobbling top, and says, “You wish you light skinned.”

They could go on like this, repeating the same insults over and over.

My black students had nothing but contempt for Hispanic immigrants. They would vent their feelings so crudely that our department strongly advised us never to talk about immigration in class in case the principal or some outsider might overhear.

Whites were “racis’,” of course, but they thought of us at least as Americans. Not the Mexicans. Blacks have a certain, not necessarily hostile understanding of white people. They know how whites act, and it is clear they believe whites are smart and are good at organizing things. At the same time, they probably suspect whites are just putting on an act when they talk about equality, as if it is all a sham that makes it easier for whites to control blacks. Blacks want a bigger piece of the American pie. I’m convinced that if it were up to them they would give whites a considerably smaller piece than whites get now, but they would give us something. They wouldn’t give Mexicans anything.

What about black boys and white girls? No one is supposed to notice this or talk about it but it is glaringly obvious: Black boys are obsessed with white girls. I’ve witnessed the following drama countless times. A black boy saunters up to a white girl. The cocky black dances around her, not really in a menacing way. It’s more a shuffle than a threat. As he bobs and shuffles he asks, “When you gonna go wit’ me?”

There are two kinds of reply. The more confident white girl gets annoyed, looks away from the black and shouts, “I don’t wanna go out with you!” The more demure girl will look at her feet and mumble a polite excuse but ultimately say no.

There is only one response from the black boy: “You racis’.” Many girls — all too many — actually feel guilty because they do not want to date blacks. Most white girls at my school stayed away from blacks, but a few, particularly the ones who were addicted to drugs, fell in with them.

There is something else that is striking about blacks. They seem to have no sense of romance, of falling in love. What brings men and women together is sex, pure and simple, and there is a crude openness about this. There are many degenerate whites, of course, but some of my white students were capable of real devotion and tenderness, emotions that seemed absent from blacks — especially the boys.

Black schools are violent and the few whites who are too poor to escape are caught in the storm. The violence is astonishing, not so much that it happens, but the atmosphere in which it happens. Blacks can be smiling, seemingly perfectly content with what they are doing, having a good time, and then, suddenly start fighting. It’s uncanny. Not long ago, I was walking through the halls and a group of black boys were walking in front of me. All of a sudden they started fighting with another group in the hallway.

Blacks are extraordinarily quick to take offense. Once I accidentally scuffed a black boy’s white sneaker with my shoe. He immediately rubbed his body up against mine and threatened to attack me. I stepped outside the class and had a security guard escort the student to the office. It was unusual for students to threaten teachers physically this way, but among themselves, they were quick to fight for similar reasons.

The real victims are the unfortunate whites caught in this. They are always in danger and their educations suffer. White weaklings are particularly susceptible, but mostly to petty violence. They may be slapped or get a couple of kicks when they are trying to open a bottom locker. Typically, blacks save the hard, serious violence for each other.

There was a lot of pro

21523403? ago

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There was a lot of promiscuous sex among my students and this led to violence. Black girls were constantly fighting over black boys. It was not uncommon to see two girls literally ripping each other’s hair out with a police officer in the middle trying to break up the fight. The black boy they were fighting over would be standing by with a smile, enjoying the show he had created. For reasons I cannot explain, boys seldom fought over girls.

Pregnancy was common among the blacks, though many black girls were so fat I could not tell the difference. I don’t know how many girls got abortions, but when they had the baby they usually stayed in school and had their own parents look after the child. The school did not offer daycare.

Aside from the police officers constantly on patrol, a sure sign that you are in a black school is the coke cage: the chain-link fence that many majority-black schools use to protect vending machines. The cage surrounds the machine and even covers its top. Delivery employees have to unlock a gate on the front of the cage to service the machines. Companies would prefer not to build cages around vending machines. They are expensive, ugly, and a bother, but black students smashed the machines so many times it was cheaper to build a cage than repair the damage. Rumor had it that before the cages went up blacks would turn the machines upside down in the hope that the money would fall out.

Security guards are everywhere in black schools — we had one on every hall. They also sat in on unruly classes and escorted students to the office. They were unarmed, but worked closely with the three city police officers who were constantly on duty.

There was a lot of drug-dealing at my school. This was a good way to make a fair amount of money but it also gave boys power over girls who wanted drugs. An addicted girl — black or white — became the plaything of anyone who could get her drugs.

One of my students was a notorious drug dealer. Everyone knew it. He was 19 years old and in eleventh grade. Once he got a score of three out of 100 on a test. He had been locked up four times since he was 13.

One day, I asked him, “Why do you come to school?”

He wouldn’t answer. He just looked out the window, smiled, and sucked air through his teeth. His friend Yidarius ventured an explanation: “He get dat green and get dem females.”

“What is the green?” I asked. “Money or dope?” “Both,” said Yidarius with a smile.

A very fat black interrupted from across the room: “We get dat lunch,” Mr. Jackson. “We gotta get dat lunch and brickfuss.” He means the free breakfast and lunch poor students get every day. “Nigga, we know’d you be lovin’ brickfuss!” shouts another student.

Some readers may believe that I have drawn a cruel caricature of black students. After all, according to official figures some 85 percent of them graduate. It would be instructive to know how many of those scraped by with barely a C- record. They go from grade to grade and they finally get their diplomas because there is so much pressure on teachers to push them through. It saves money to move them along, the school looks good, and the teachers look good.

Many of these children should have been failed, but the system would crack under their weight if they were all held back.

How did my experiences make me feel about blacks? Ultimately, I lost sympathy for them. In so many ways they seem to make their own beds. There they were in an integrationist’s fantasy–in the same classroom with white students, eating the same lunch, using the same bathrooms, listening to the same teachers–and yet the blacks fail while the whites pass.

One tragic outcome among whites who have been teaching for too long is that it can engender something close to hatred. One teacher I knew gave up fast food–not for health reasons but because where he lived most fast-food workers were black. He had enough of blacks on the job. This was an extreme example but years of frustration can take their toll. Many of my white colleagues with any experience were well on their way to that state of mind.

There is an unutterable secret among teachers: Almost all realize that blacks do not respond to traditional white instruction. Does that put the lie to environmentalism? Not at all. It is what brings about endless, pointless innovation that is supposed to bring blacks up to the white level. The solution is more diversity–or put more generally, the solution is change. Change is an almost holy word in education, and you can fail a million times as long as you keep changing. That is why liberals keep revamping the curriculum and the way it is taught. For example, teachers are told that blacks need hands-on instruction and more group work.

Teachers are told that blacks are more vocal and do not learn through reading and lectures. The implication is that they have certain traits that lend themselves to a different kind of teaching.

Whites have learned a certain way for centuries but it just doesn’t work with blacks. Of course, this implies racial differences but if pressed, most liberal teachers would say different racial learning styles come from some indefinable cultural characteristic unique to blacks. Therefore, schools must change, America must change. But into what? How do you turn quantum physics into hands-on instruction or group work? No one knows, but we must keep changing until we find something that works.

Public school has certainly changed since anyone reading this was a student. I have a friend who teaches elementary school, and she tells me that every week the students get a new diversity lesson, shipped in fresh from some bureaucrat’s office in Washington or the state capital. She showed me the materials for one week: a large poster, about the size of a forty-two inch flat-screen television. It shows an utterly diverse group — I mean diverse: handicapped, Muslim, Jewish, effeminate, poor, rich, brown, slightly brown, yellow, etc.–sitting at a table, smiling gaily, accomplishing some undefined task. The poster comes with a sheet of questions the teacher is supposed to ask. One might be: “These kids sure look different, but they look happy. Can you tell me which one in the picture is an American?”

Some eight-year-old, mired in ignorance, will point to a white child like himself. “That one.”

The teacher reads from the answer, conveniently printed along with the question. “No, Billy, all these children are Americans. They are just as American as you.”

The children get a snack, and the poster goes up on the wall until another one comes a week later. This is what happens at predominately white, middle-class, elementary schools everywhere. Elementary school teachers love All of the Colors of the Race, by award-winning children’s poet Arnold Adoff.

These are some of the lines they read to the children: “Mama is chocolate . . . Daddy is vanilla . . . Me (sic) is better . . . It is a new color. It is a new flavor. For love. Sometimes blackness seems too black for me, and whiteness is too sickly pale; and I wish every one were golden. Remember: long ago before people moved and migrated, and mixed and matched . . . there was one people: one color, one race. The colors are flowing from what was before me to what will be after. All the colors.”

Teaching as a career: It may come as a surprise after what I have written, but my experiences have given me a deep appreciation for teaching as a career. It offers a stable, middle-class life but comes with the capacity to make real differences in the lives of children. In our modern, atomized world children often have very little communication with adults — especially, or even, with their parents — so there is potential for a real transaction between pupil and teacher, disciple and master.

A rewarding relationship can grow up between an exceptional, interested student and his teacher. I have stayed in my classroom with a group of students discussing ideas and playing chess until the janitor kicked us out. I was the old gentleman, imparting my history, culture, personal loves and triumphs, defeats and failures to young kinsman. Sometimes I fancied myself Tyrtaeus, the Spartan poet, who counseled the youth to honor and loyalty. I never had this kind intimacy with a black student, and I know of no other white teacher who did.

Teaching can be fun. For a certain kind of person it is exhilarating to map out battles on chalkboards, and teach heroism. It is rewarding to challenge liberal prejudices, to leave my mark on these children, but what I aimed for with my white students I could never achieve with the blacks.

There is a kind of child whose look can melt your heart: some working-class castaway, in and out of foster homes, often abused, who is nevertheless almost an angel. Your heart melts for these children, this refuse of the modern world.

Many white students possess a certain innocence; their cheeks still blush. Try as I might, I could not get the blacks to care one bit about Beethoven or Sherman’s march to the sea, or Tyrtaeus, or Oswald Spengler, or even liberals like John Rawls, or their own history. They cared about nothing I tried to teach them. When this goes on year after year it chokes the soul out of a teacher, destroys his pathos, and sends him guiltily searching for The Bell Curve on the Internet.

21523409? ago

continued .......

Blacks break down the intimacy that can be achieved in the classroom, and leave you convinced that that intimacy is really a form of kinship. Without intending to, they destroy what is most beautiful–whether it be your belief in human equality, your daughter’s innocence, or even the state of the hallway.

Just last year I read on the bathroom stall the words “F**k Whitey.” Not two feet away, on the same stall, was a small swastika.

The National Council for the Social Studies, the leading authority on social science education in the United States, urges teachers to inculcate such values as equality of opportunity, individual property rights, and a democratic form of government. Even if teachers could inculcate this milquetoast ideology into whites, liberalism is doomed because so many non-whites are not receptive to education of any kind beyond the merest basics.

It is impossible to get them to care about such abstractions as property rights or democratic citizenship. They do not see much further than the fact that you live in a big house and “we in da pro-jek.” Of course, there are a few loutish whites who will never think past their next meal and a few sensitive blacks for whom anything is possible, but no society takes on the characteristics of its exceptions.

Once I asked my students, “What do you think of the Constitution?” “It white,” one slouching black rang out. The class began to laugh. And I caught myself laughing along with them, laughing while Pompeii’s volcano simmers, while the barbarians swell around the Palatine, while the country I love, and the job I love, and the community I love become dimmer by the day.

I read a book by an expatriate Rhodesian who visited Zimbabwe not too many years ago. Traveling with a companion, she stopped at a store along the highway. A black man materialized next to her car window. “Job, boss, (I) work good, boss,” he pleaded. “You give job.”

“What happened to your old job?” the expatriate white asked. The black man replied in the straightforward manner of his race: “We drove out the whites. No more jobs. You give job.”

At some level, my students understand the same thing. One day I asked the bored, black faces staring back at me. “What would happen if all the white people in America disappeared tomorrow?”

“We screwed,” a young, pitch-black boy screamed back. The rest of the blacks laughed.

I have had children tell me to my face as they struggled with an assignment. “I cain’t do dis,” Mr. Jackson. “I black.”

The point is that human beings are not always rational. It is in the black man’s interest to have whites in Zimbabwe but he drives them out and starves. Most whites do not think black Americans could ever do anything so irrational. They see blacks on television smiling, fighting evil whites, embodying white values. But the real black is not on television, and you pull your purse closer when you see him, and you lock the car doors when he swaggers by with his pants hanging down almost to his knees.

For those of you with children, better a smaller house in a white district than a fancy one near a black school.

I have been in parent-teacher conferences that broke my heart: the child pleading with his parents to take him out of school; the parents convinced their child’s fears are groundless. If you love your child, show her you care — not by giving her fancy vacations or a car, but making her innocent years safe and happy. Give her the gift of a not-heavily black school.

21523326? ago

I have no idea if the following passage was really penned by Charles Darwin as it is attributed to him, but the facts in the passage are not in dispute.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.” – Charles Darwin

21523288? ago

How Africans may differ from Westerners

By Gedaliah Braun

I am an American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa.

When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology.

It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.

What follow are not scientific findings. There could be alternative explanations for what I have observed, but my conclusions are drawn from more than 30 years of living among Africans. My first inklings about what may be a deficiency in abstract thinking came from what I began to learn about African languages.

In a conversation with students in Nigeria I asked how you would say that a coconut is about halfway up the tree in their local language. “You can’t say that,” they explained. “All you can say is that it is ‘up’.” “How about right at the top?” “Nope; just ‘up’.” In other words, there appeared to be no way to express gradations.

A few years later, in Nairobi, I learned something else about African languages when two women expressed surprise at my English dictionary. “Isn’t English your language?” they asked. “Yes,” I said. “It’s my only language.” “Then

why do you need a dictionary?” They were puzzled that I needed a dictionary, and I was puzzled by their puzzlement. I explained that there are times when you hear a word you’re not sure about and so you look it up. “But if English is your language,” they asked, “how can there be words you don’t know?” “What?” I said. “No one knows all the words of his language.” “But we know all the word of Kikuyu; every Kikuyu does,” they replied. I was even more surprised, but gradually it dawned on me that since their language is entirely oral, it exists

only in the minds of Kikuyu speakers. Since there is a limit to what the human brain can retain, the overall size of the language remains more or less constant. A written language, on the other hand, existing as it does partly in the millions

of pages of the written word, grows far beyond the capacity of anyone to know it in its entirety. But if the size of a language is limited, it follows that the number of concepts it contains will also be limited and hence that both language and thinking will be impoverished.

African languages were, of necessity, sufficient in their pre-colonial context. They are impoverished only by contrast to Western languages and in an Africa trying to emulate the West. While numerous dictionaries have been compiled between European and African languages, there are few dictionaries within a single African language, precisely because native speakers have no need for them. I did find a Zulu-Zulu dictionary, but it was a small-format paperback of 252 pages.

My queries into Zulu began when I rang the African Language Department

at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and spoke to a white

guy. Did “precision” exist in the Zulu language prior to European contact?

“Oh,” he said, “that’s a very Eurocentric question!” and simply wouldn’t answer.

I rang again, spoke to another white guy, and got a virtually identical response.

So I called the University of South Africa, a large correspondence university in Pretoria, and spoke to a young black guy. As has so often been my experience in Africa, we hit it off from the start. He understood my interest in Zulu and found my questions of great interest. He explained that the Zulu word for “precision” means “to make like a straight line.” Was this part of indigenous Zulu? No; this was added by the compilers of the dictionary. But, he assured me, it was otherwise for “promise.” I was skeptical. How about “obligation?” We both had the same dictionary (English-Zulu, Zulu-English Dictionary, published by Witwatersrand University Press in 1958), and looked it up. The Zulu entry means

“as if to bind one’s feet.” He said that was not indigenous but was added by

the compilers. But if Zulu didn’t have the concept of obligation, how could it

have the concept of a promise, since a promise is simply the oral undertaking

of an obligation? I was interested in this, I said, because Africans often failed to

keep promises and never apologized—as if this didn’t warrant an apology.

A light bulb seemed to go on in his mind. Yes, he said; in fact, the Zulu

word for promise—isithembiso--is not the correct word. When a black person

“promises” he means “maybe I will and maybe I won’t.” But, I said, this makes

nonsense of promising, the very purpose of which is to bind one to a course of

action. When one is not sure he can do something he may say, “I will try but

I can’t promise.” He said he’d heard whites say that and had never understood it till now.

As a young Romanian friend so aptly summed it up, when a black person “promises” he means “I’ll try.” The failure to keep promises is therefore not a language problem. It is hard to believe that after living with whites for so long they would not learn the correct meaning, and it is too much of a coincidence that the same phenomenon is found in Nigeria, Kenya and Papua New Guinea, where I have also lived. It is much more likely that Africans generally lack the very concept and hence cannot give the word its correct meaning. This would seem to indicate some difference in intellectual capacity. Note the Zulu entry for obligation: “as if to bind one’s feet.” An obligation binds you, but it does so morally, not physically. It is an abstract concept, which is why there is no word for it in Zulu. So what did the authors of the dictionary do? They took this abstract

concept and made it concrete. Feet, rope, and tying are all tangible and observable, and therefore things all blacks will understand, whereas many will not

understand what an obligation is. The fact that they had to define it in this way is, by itself, compelling evidence for my conclusion that Zulu thought has few abstract concepts and indirect evidence for the view that Africans may be deficient in abstract thinking.

21523300? ago


Abstract thinking

Abstract entities do not exist in space or time; they are typically intangible and

can’t be perceived by the senses. They are often things that do not exist. “What

would happen if everyone threw rubbish everywhere?” refers to something we

hope will not happen, but we can still think about it. Everything we observe with our senses occurs in time and everything we see exists in space; yet we can perceive neither time nor space with our senses, but only with the mind. Precision is also abstract; while we can see and touch things made with precision, precision itself can only be perceived by the mind.

How do we acquire abstract concepts? Is it enough to make things with precision in order to have the concept of precision? Africans make excellent carvings, made with precision, so why isn’t the concept in their language? To have this concept we must not only do things with precision but must be aware of this phenomenon and then give it a name.

How, for example, do we acquire such concepts as belief and doubt? We all have beliefs; even animals do. When a dog wags its tail on hearing his master’s footsteps, it believes he is coming. But it has no concept of belief because

it has no awareness that it has this belief and so no awareness of belief per se.

In short, it has no self-consciousness, and thus is not aware of its own mental


It has long seemed to me that blacks tend to lack self-awareness. If such awareness is necessary for developing abstract concepts it is not surprising that

African languages have so few abstract terms. A lack of self-awareness—or

introspection—has advantages. In my experience neurotic behavior, characterized by excessive and unhealthy self-consciousness, is uncommon among blacks. I am also confident that sexual dysfunction, which is characterized by excessive self-consciousness, is less common among blacks than whites.

Time is another abstract concept with which Africans seem to have difficulties. I began to wonder about this in 1998. Several Africans drove up in a car and parked right in front of mine, blocking it. “Hey,” I said, “you can’t park here.”

“Oh, are you about to leave?” they asked in a perfectly polite and friendly way. “No,” I said, “but I might later. Park over there”—and they did.

While the possibility that I might want to leave later was obvious to me, their thinking seemed to encompass only the here and now: “If you’re leaving right now we understand, but otherwise, what’s the problem?” I had other such encounters and the key question always seemed to be, “Are you leaving now?” The future, after all, does not exist. It will exist, but doesn’t exist now. People who have difficulty thinking of things that do not exist will ipso facto have difficulty thinking about the future.

It appears that the Zulu word for “future”—isikhati—is the same as the word for time, as well as for space. Realistically, this means that these concepts

probably do not exist in Zulu thought. It also appears that there is no word for the past—meaning, the time preceding the present. The past did exist, but no

longer exists. Hence, people who may have problems thinking of things that do

not exist will have trouble thinking of the past as well as the future.

This has an obvious bearing on such sentiments as gratitude and loyalty, which I have long noticed are uncommon among Africans. We feel gratitude for things that happened in the past, but for those with little sense of the past such feelings are less likely to arise.

Why did it take me more than 20 years to notice all of this? I think it is because our assumptions about time are so deeply rooted that we are not even aware of making them and hence the possibility that others may not share them simply does not occur to us. And so we don’t see it, even when the evidence is staring us in the face.

Mathematics and maintenance

I quote from an article in the South African press about the problems blacks have with mathematics: “[Xhosa] is a language where polygon and plane have the same definition . . . where concepts like triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon are defined by only one word.” (“Finding New Languages for Maths and Science,”

Star[Johannesburg], July 24, 2002, p. 8.)

More accurately, these concepts simply do not exist in Xhosa, which, along with Zulu, is one of the two most widely spoken languages in South Africa. In America, blacks are said to have a “tendency to approximate space, numbers, and time instead of aiming for complete accuracy.” (Star, June 8, 1988, p.10.) In other words, they are also poor at math. Notice the identical triumvirate—space, numbers, and time. Is it just a coincidence that these three highly abstract concepts are the ones with which blacks—everywhere—seem to have such difficulties?

The entry in the Zulu dictionary for “number,” by the way—ningi—means

“numerous,” which is not at all the same as the concept of number. It is clear,

therefore, that there is no concept of number in Zulu.

White rule in South Africa ended in 1994. It was about ten years later that power outages began, which eventually reached crisis proportions. The principle reason for this is simply lack of maintenance on the generating equipment. Maintenance is future-oriented, and the Zulu entry in the dictionary for it is ondla, which means: “1. Nourish, rear; bring up; 2. Keep an eye on; watch (your crop).” In short, there is no such thing as maintenance in Zulu thought, and it would be hard to argue that this is wholly unrelated to the fact that when people throughout Africa say “nothing works,” it is only an exaggeration.

The New York Timesreports that New York City is considering a plan (since implemented) aimed at getting blacks to “do well on standardized tests and to show up for class,” by paying them to do these things and that could “earn [them] as much as $500 a year.” Students would get money for regular school attendance, every book they read, doing well on tests, and sometimes just

for taking them. Parents would be paid for “keeping a full-time job . . . having health insurance . . . and attending parent-teacher conferences.” (Jennifer Medina, “Schools Plan to Pay Cash for Marks,” New York Times, June 19, 2007.)

The clear implication is that blacks are not very motivated. Motivation involves thinking about the future and hence about things that do not exist. Given black deficiencies in this regard, it is not surprising that they would be lacking in motivation, and having to prod them in this way is further evidence for such a deficiency.

The Zulu entry for “motivate” is banga, under which we find “1. Make, cause, produce something unpleasant; . . . to cause trouble . . . . 2. Contend over

a claim; . . . fight over inheritance; . . . 3. Make for, aim at, journey towards . . . .” Yet when I ask Africans what banga means, they have no idea. In fact, no Zulu word could refer to motivation for the simple reason that there is no such

concept in Zulu; and if there is no such concept there cannot be a word for it.

This helps explain the need to pay blacks to behave as if they were motivated.

The same New York Times article quotes Darwin Davis of the Urban League as “caution[ing] that the . . . money being offered [for attending class] was relatively paltry . . and wondering . . . how many tests students would need to pass to buy the latest video game.”

Instead of being shamed by the very need for such a plan, this black activist complains that the payments aren’t enough! If he really is unaware how his remarks will strike most readers, he is morally obtuse, but his views may

reflect a common understanding among blacks of what morality is: not something internalized but something others enforce from the outside. Hence his complaint that paying children to do things they should be motivated to do on their own is that they are not being paid enough.

In this context, I recall some remarkable discoveries by the late American linguist, William Stewart, who spent many years in Senegal studying local languages. Whereas Western cultures internalize norms—“Don’t do that!” for a child, eventually becomes “I mustn’t do that” for an adult—African cultures do

not. They rely entirely on external controls on behavior from tribal elders and other sources of authority. When Africans were detribalized, these external constraints disappeared, and since there never were internal constraints, the

results were crime, drugs, promiscuity, etc. Where there have been other forms

of control—as in white-ruled South Africa, colonial Africa, or the segregated

American South—this behavior was kept within tolerable limits. But when

even these controls disappear there is often unbridled violence.

Stewart apparently never asked why African cultures did not internalize norms, that is, why they never developed moral consciousness, but it is unlikely that this was just a historical accident. More likely, it was the result of deficiencies in abstract thinking ability.

One explanation for this lack of abstract thinking, including the diminished

understanding of time, is that Africans evolved in a climate where they could

live day to day without having to think ahead. They never developed this ability

because they had no need for it. Whites, on the other hand, evolved under circumstances in which they had to consider what would happen if they didn’t

build stout houses and store enough fuel and food for the winter. For them it was

sink or swim.

21523311? ago


Gruesome cruelty

Another aspect of African behavior that liberals do their best to ignore but

that nevertheless requires an explanation is gratuitous cruelty. A reviewer of

Driving South, a 1993 book by David Robbins, writes:“

Victim of Rwandan violence.

A Cape social worker sees elements that revel in violence . . . . It’s like a cult

which has embraced a lot of people who otherwise appear normal. . . . At the

slightest provocation their blood-lust is aroused. And then they want to see

death, and they jeer and mock at the suffering involved, especially the suffering

of a slow and agonizing death.” (Citizen[Johannesburg], July 12, 1993, p.6.)

There is something so unspeakably vile about this, something so beyond depravity, that the human brain recoils. This is not merely the absence of human

empathy, but the positive enjoyment of human suffering, all the more so when it

is “slow and agonizing.” Can you imagine jeering at and mocking someone in

such horrible agony?

During the apartheid era, black activists used to kill traitors and enemies by

“necklacing” them. An old tire was put around the victim’s neck, filled with

gasoline, and—but it is best to let an eye-witness describe what happened next:

“The petrol-filled tyre is jammed on your shoulders and a lighter is placed within reach . . . . Your fingers are broken, needles are pushed up your nose and you are tortured until you put the lighter to the petrol yourself.” (Citizen; “SA’s New Nazis,” August 10, 1993, p.18.)

The author of an article in the Chicago Tribune, describing the equally gruesome way the Hutu killed Tutsi in the Burundi massacres, marveled at “the ecstasy of killing, the lust for blood; this is the most horrible thought. It’s beyond my reach.” (“Hutu Killers Danced In Blood Of Victims, Videotapes Show,” Chicago Tribune

, September 14, 1995, p.8.), The lack of any moral sense is further evidenced by their having videotaped their crimes, “apparently want[ing] to record ... [them] for posterity.” Unlike Nazi war criminals, who hid their deeds, these people apparently took pride in their work.

In 1993, Amy Biehl, a 26-year-old American on a Fulbright scholarship, was living in South Africa, where she spent most of her time in black townships helping blacks. One day when she was driving three African friends home, young blacks stopped the car, dragged her out, and killed her because she was white. A retired senior South African judge, Rex van Schalkwyk, in his 1998 book One Miracle is Not Enough, quotes from a newspaper report on the trial of her killers: “Supporters of the three men accused of murdering [her] . . . burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the

battered woman groaned in pain.” This behavior, Van Schalkwyk wrote, “is impossible to explain in terms accessible to rational minds.” (pp. 188-89.)

These incidents and the responses they evoke—“the human brain recoils,”

“beyond my reach,” “impossible to explain to rational minds”—represent

a pattern of behavior and thinking that cannot be wished away, and offer additional support for my claim that Africans are deficient in moral consciousness.

I have long suspected that the idea of rape is not the same in Africa as elsewhere, and now I find confirmation of this in Newsweek:

“According to a three-year study [in Johannesburg] . . . more than half of the young people interviewed—both male and female—believe that forcing

sex with someone you know does not constitute sexual violence. . . . [T]he casual manner in which South African teens discuss coercive relationships and unprotected sex is staggering.” (Tom Masland, “Breaking The Silence,” Newsweek,July 9, 2000.)

Clearly, many blacks do not think rape is anything to be ashamed of.

The Newsweek author is puzzled by widespread behavior that is known

to lead to AIDS, asking “Why has the safe-sex effort failed so abjectly?” Well,

aside from their profoundly different attitudes towards sex and violence and

their heightened libido, a major factor could be their diminished concept

of time and reduced ability to think ahead.

Nevertheless, I was still surprised by what I found in the Zulu dictionary. The main entry for rape reads: “1. Act hurriedly; . . . 2. Be greedy. 3. Rob, plunder, . . . take [possessions] by force.” While these entries may be related to

our concept of rape, there is one small problem: there is no reference to sexual

intercourse! In a male-dominated culture, where saying “no” is often not an

option (as confirmed by the study just mentioned), “taking sex by force” is not

really part of the African mental calculus. Rape clearly has a moral dimension,

but perhaps not to Africans. To the extent they do not consider coerced sex to

be wrong, then, by our conception, they cannot consider it rape because rape is

wrong. If such behavior isn’t wrong it isn’t rape.

An article about gang rape in the left-wing British paper, the Guardian, confirms this when it quotes a young black woman: “The thing is, they [black men] don’t see it as rape, as us being forced. They just see it as pleasure for them.” (Rose George, “They Don’t See it as Rape. They Just See it as Pleasure for Them,” June 5, 2004.) A similar attitude seems to be shared among some American blacks who casually refer to gang rape as “running a train.” (Nathan McCall,Makes Me Wanna Holler, Vintage Books, 1995.)

If the African understanding of rape is far afield, so may be their idea of romance or love. I recently watched a South African television program about having sex for money. Of the several women in the audience who spoke up, not a single one questioned the morality of this behavior. Indeed, one plaintively asked, “Why else would I have sex with a man?”

From the casual way in which Africans throw around the word “love,” I suspect their understanding of it is, at best, childish. I suspect the notion is alien to Africans, and I would be surprised if things are very different among American blacks. Africans hear whites speak of “love” and try to give it a meaning from within their own conceptual repertoire. The result is a child’s conception of this deepest of human emotions, probably similar to their misunderstanding of the nature of a promise.

I recently located a document that was dictated to me by a young African

woman in June 1993. She called it her “story,” and the final paragraph is a poignant illustration of what to Europeans would seem to be a limited understanding of love:

“On my way from school, I met a boy. And he proposed me. His name

was Mokone. He tell me that he love me. And then I tell him I will give him

his answer next week. At night I was crazy about him. I was always thinking

about him.”

21523315? ago

continued .....

Moral blindness

Whenever I taught ethics I used the example of Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French Army who was convicted of treason in 1894 even though the authorities knew he was innocent. Admitting their mistake, it was said,

would have a disastrous effect on military morale and would cause great social

unrest. I would in turn argue that certain things are intrinsically wrong and not

just because of their consequences. Even if the results of freeing Dreyfus would be much worse than keeping him in prison, he must be freed, because it is unjust to keep an innocent man in prison.

To my amazement, an entire class in Kenya said without hesitation that he should

notbe freed. Call me dense if you want, but it was 20 years before the full significance of this began to dawn on me.

Death is certain but accidents are not.

Africans, I believe, may generally lack the concepts of subjunctivity and

counterfactuality. Subjunctivity is conveyed in such statements as, “What

would you have done if I hadn’t showed up?” This is contrary to fact because I

did show up, and it is now impossible for me not to have shown up. We are asking

someone to imagine what he would have done if something that didn’t happen

(and now couldn’t happen) had happened. This requires self-consciousness,

and I have already described blacks’ possible deficiency in this respect. It is

obvious that animals, for example, cannot think counterfactually, because of

their complete lack of self-awareness.

When someone I know tried to persuade his African workers to contribute

to a health insurance policy, they asked “What’s it for?” “Well, if you have an

accident, it would pay for the hospital.” Their response was immediate: “But

boss, we didn’t have an accident!” “Yes, but what if you did?” Reply? “We didn’t

have an accident!” End of story.

Interestingly, blacks do plan for funerals, for although an accident is only

a risk, death is a certainty. (The Zulu entries for “risk” are “danger” and “a

slippery surface.”) Given the frequent all-or-nothing nature of black thinking,

if it’s not certain you will have an accident, then you will not have an accident. Furthermore, death is concrete and observable: We see people grow old and

die. Africans tend to be aware of time when it is manifested in the concrete

and observable.

One of the pivotal ideas underpinning morality is the Golden Rule: do unto

others as you would have them do unto you. “How would you feel if someone

stole everything you owned? Well, that’s how he would feel if you robbed

him.” The subjunctivity here is obvious. But if Africans may generally lack this

concept, they will have difficulty in understanding the Golden Rule and, to that

extent, in understanding morality.

If this is true we might also expect their capacity for human empathy to be

diminished, and this is suggested in the examples cited above. After all, how

do we empathize? When we hear about things like “necklacing” we instinctively—and unconsciously—think: “How would I feel if I were that person?”

Of course I am not and cannot be that person, but to imagine being that person

gives us valuable moral “information:” that we wouldn’t want this to happen to

us and so we shouldn’t want it to happen to others. To the extent people are

deficient in such abstract thinking, they will be deficient in moral understanding

and hence in human empathy—which is what we tend to find in Africans.

In his 1990 book Devil’s Night , Ze’ev Chafets quotes a black woman speaking

about the problems of Detroit: “I know some people won’t like this, but when

ever you get a whole lot of black people, you’re gonna have problems. Blacks are

ignorant and rude.” (pp. 76-77.)

If some Africans cannot clearly imagine what their own rude behavior feels like to others—in other words, if they cannot put themselves in the other person’s shoes—they will be incapable of understanding what rudeness is. For them, what we call rude may be normal and therefore, from their perspective, not really rude. Africans may therefore not be offended by behavior we would consider rude—not keeping appointments, for example. One might even conjecture that African cruelty is not the same as white cruelty, since Africans may not be fully aware of the nature of their behavior, whereas such awareness is an essential part of “real” cruelty.

I am hardly the only one to notice this obliviousness to others that sometimes

characterizes black behavior. Walt Harrington, a white liberal married to a light-skinned black, makes some surprising admissions in his 1994 book,

Crossings: A White Man’s Journey Into Black America
“I notice a small car . . . in the distance. Suddenly . . . a bag of garbage flies out its window . . . . I think, I’ll bet they’re blacks. Over the years I’ve noticed more blacks littering than whites. I hate to admit this because it is a prejudice. But as I pass the car, I see that my reflex was correct—[they are blacks].

“[As I pull] into a McDonald’s drive-through . . . [I see that] the car in front of

me had four black[s] in it. Again . . . my mind made its unconscious calculation:

We’ll be sitting here forever while these people decide what to order. I literally

shook my head . . . . My God, my kids are half black! But then the kicker: we

waited and waited and waited. Each of the four . . . leaned out the window and

ordered individually. The order was changed several times. We sat and sat,

and I again shook my head, this time at the conundrum that is race in America.

“I knew that the buried sentiment that had made me predict this disorganization . . . was . . . racist. . . . But my prediction was right.” (pp. 234-35.)

Africans also tend to litter. To understand this we must ask why whites don’t

litter, at least not as much. We ask ourselves: “What would happen if everyone threw rubbish everywhere? It would be a mess. So you shouldn’t do it!”

Blacks’ possible deficiency in abstract thinking makes such reasoning more difficult, so any behavior requiring such thinking is less likely to develop in their cultures. Even after living for generations in societies where such thinking is commonplace, many may still fail to absorb it.

It should go without saying that my observations about Africans are generalizations. I am not saying that none has the capacity for abstract thought or moral understanding. I am speaking of tendencies and averages, which leave

room for many exceptions.

To what extent do my observations about Africans apply to American blacks? American blacks have an average IQ of 85, which is a full 15 points higher than the African average of 70. The capacity for abstract thought is unquestionably correlated with intelligence, and so we can expect American blacks generally to exceed Africans in these respects.

Still, American blacks show many of the traits so striking among Africans: low mathematical ability, diminished abstract reasoning, high crime rates, a short time-horizon, rudeness, littering, etc. If I had lived only among American

blacks and not among Africans, I might never have reached the conclusions I

have, but the more extreme behavior among Africans makes it easier to perceive the same tendencies among American blacks.

21523084? ago

I have always called what has happened to America the niggerizing of America, and it isn't just blacks that have been niggerized. I see young whites, mexicans, orientals, and more every day in this area playing their rap shit, talking their ghetto speak, and wearing their pants half down to their knees.

The youth has been indoctrinated into thinking being a nigger is cool. They have been indoctrinated into thinking being smart and educated is not cool. The cycle has to broken for all races, or society and the nation will continue to slide into the shitter.

They have been indoctrinated into

21502426? ago

how about this........white peoples taxes pay for white people......black peoples taxes pay for black people........and so on.......take care of your own fuckin race or starve............period

21512679? ago

I'd like that a lot better than the current system.

21500802? ago

If there are "good blacks", they are needed in Africa.

21500148? ago

Manning is usually spot-on. Good source for info and contemplation.

21499033? ago

Well there are a lot of racist comments here, but at least you got a lot of upvotes - so people are watching the video. I applaud him.

21500065? ago

Remember only whites can be racist. When non whites hate us it's (((nothing))), but if I say nigger, I'm (((racist))).

21498536? ago

Manning simply nails it. Content of character, NOT the color of someone's skin, is what is important.

21500081? ago

I agree it's just thy the vast majority of blacks are like what he describes. Manning is one of the better ones and I wish him no ill will.

21498469? ago

Pastor Manning has been speaking truth to blacks for years, they don't listen though.

21498443? ago

Interesting. I read history book from before WW2 and most books refer to the “Negro” population in the USA as people who have little initiative and who never rise up and defend theirselves against tyranny, They will rebel but only in an unproductive way. These books often say that the “Negro/colored people” rarely have ambition or self motivation. Most blacks have to be told what to do and will accept leadership without question. There are some examples of leadership, but compared to the number of followers, the number of leaders is small. I read these types of opinions on blacks very often in these books. This pastor’s opinions are not unlike historical opinions that I have read.

21500327? ago

Not all blacks are bad, but they are few and far. Just look at Africa, they're so far behind whites it's not funny.

21498134? ago

There is a longer clip about Detroit- same subject. Nails it.

21497971? ago

Spot on

21497337? ago

When I here this it sound like he is describing starving coyotes in a (bad) zoo, begging for handouts no way to feed them selves

Zoo Handeler - here you go you cute little pupies

Coyotes - We still hungery not content... Hmm Hungry... Hmm Still HUNGRY Hmm eat Handler yes... no... Yes Yes YES

Handeler - What did I do wrong.

Real question is Who is in charge of the ZOO and Why did we create a ZOO?

21497658? ago

Jews. Because they are satan worshippers and therefore hate humanity.

21497030? ago

first time hearing this but it sounds pretty true. we should share

21496805? ago

Based as fuck.

21496801? ago

Globe in his logo equals free mason slave, and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

What the fuck happened to his mustache?

21496700? ago

The dude coined a new term for socialism.

21496671? ago

I wasn't expecting that. He's a smart man.

21496643? ago

You should see his videos ranting about the "long legged mac daddy". Pastor Manning is a hoot.

21496559? ago

Even this way of thinking and being brainwashed is in decline. There are more young blacks that are going to school and college and no longer relate to those in the inner cities who have suffered to the point of no life. It also can be seen in the Black Caucus in Congress. The last of this destruction. Auntie Maxine is too old and irrelevant. It is a good thing life moves on. President Trump will bring about the change for the newer younger blacks who will grow beyond this. It is already happening. I'm sorry for the old timers and offspring that got stuck. Very sad.

21496566? ago

niggers can't grow beyond their trash dna

21496210? ago


21496201? ago

Don't be fooled.

This man hates President Trump.

21496122? ago

Jesse Lee Peterson is another good one to watch

21495857? ago


21495820? ago

Pastor Manning...He's been around on youtube for a long time. He preaches biblical truth as well as real life truths. A good man.

21495861? ago

click on the link below, you might feel differently

21495827? ago

Preacher gets his freak on....

21495802? ago

He's making up words just like the left do.

21495724? ago

They want you divided! Dwelling on things like this is just as ignorant as these behaviors you despise. What does this have to do with Q?

21495668? ago

I love pastor Manning. He's been around for a while.

21495467? ago

Kill all niggers

21495406? ago


21495284? ago

All black people are niggers.

21495085? ago

I'm calling bullshit, this is Rush Limbaugh in blackface ha !!!

21495223? ago

I think some else mentioned Alex jones doing the same.

21494900? ago

I like him, but if I remember correctly, he cannot stand Trump...

21494910? ago

Doesn't bother me I don't trust trump. I hope I'm wrong and you guys are right, but fool me once...

21495051? ago

Were you fooled 3 years ago? At this stage in the game, I don't trust anyone who doesn't trust POTUS...

21494659? ago

The facts of the matter are correct.

21494613? ago

If blacks aren't productive, then why did so many whites own slaves.

And before...buh buh buh it was muh Joos dat owned duh slaves, not us white men...

The 16 largest slave plantations in the US were owned by white men of british descent. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, all owned slaves...hell Jackson was a fuckin slave trader.

So why did the whites get blacks to their agricultural work? Can anyone explain me that without invoking the name of muh Joos, because it is clear that there were whites involved.

21500942? ago

Having spent much of my life forced to be around niggers, I don't blame anyone for owning slaves.

I hope they butt fucked them 16 times a day without lube.

21495188? ago

We had whips you fucking dumbass.

21495955? ago


21496104? ago

Flesh covered farming machines. Thats what black slaves were. Nothing of the uselessness of he American black population today convinces me otherwise.

21494462? ago

Can he say "ASK"? If he can, I'll shit myself with how based he is.

21494784? ago

Before voat I never noticed they said axe. Now I hear it all the time.

21494870? ago

U part deaf or something? Lol I'm not even being a shit head, I just do not recall ONE TIME ever hearing a black person say ASK.

Maybe you are like I am with music. I'm a smart guy but I absolutely struggle to hear words in most music. Half the time, even when I try, I just can't understand them when they mix with the music. And I can hear whenever somebody has a cell phone charger plugged in but not actively charging a cell phone. Drives me insane!

21494942? ago

Actually my hearing isn't the best. Also I didn't grow up around a lot of blacks. I can remember probably >15 all the way through high school. And most weren't in my class.

21495731? ago

Huh. Well, sorry for the hearing issues. That said, at least you don't have to hear all the shit coming out of the mouths of idiots! Unfortunately, your nose will pick it up though

21496286? ago


21494258? ago


21494204? ago

Pastor Manning called Obama long legged Mack daddy.

Manning is a riot.

21494194? ago

Chris rock said it. Love black people, hates niggers.


21494305? ago

Way too few of the former.

21493924? ago

Ape Central

We just call it hood rat

21493958? ago

Bix Nood!

21493875? ago

James Manning sent me down the Rabbit hole...no shit. James Manning>Tommy Sotomayor>Colin Flaherty>CBTS>GA

21493809? ago

Spot ON

21493732? ago

The parents are at fault. Always. But then, the parents have 'niggerism' too

21498092? ago

It’s their DNA.

21493703? ago

Just remember, if you are melanin deficient individual, you are now a minority in this country.

21497324? ago

Where do we sign up for our free shit then?

21493684? ago

TIL: Jewishism

21493634? ago

I interpret "ethnic" as a member of a race which covers all races.

21493600? ago

I think it is a good thing to connect this term to behaviors rather than to genetic factors. Maybe then if someone is so offended by the term nigger, they will strive not to be one, and they have that choice because it is a behavior, not something they are born with.

21493588? ago

Truth teller! White people can have niggerism too they are just called trailer trash/crackers/etc.

21493535? ago

The original meaning of the word is "an ignorant person". That covers a wide variety of humans. I'm going with the "original" meaning as I know all ethnic people that fall in this category.

21493482? ago

All blacks are niggers

21493476? ago

There's a difference between black people and niggers.

This guy is black and I like him, just like I like Ben Carson, Candace Owens, Brandon Tatum, David Clarke, The Amazing Lucas...

Niggers are the "youths" who do shit like ransack a Walgreens for no reason, who oogabooga out in public. You know, niggers. I don't like them.

By the way, any black person will agree with this. They don't like niggers, either.

21493413? ago

I'm sorry I just learned that word.

21493270? ago


21493120? ago

So I guess the C_A and the whole crack epidemic didn't help matters...

21493061? ago

I believe every word to be true.

Jew slave traders, noahide law, talmudic jew, Zionist jews

It's not hard to see where the headwaters of true racism are. They've been doing it for millennia.

We are all brothers and sisters in humanity. A Jew is the only group that thinks otherwise. Speak the words and a Muslim will embrace you As a brother. A christian is taught to love thy neighbor. For a zealot Buddhist it's simply not reasonable. Hindhu, I don't have a clue what about the zealot Hindu. I've? read? of? sects? that? have such respect for life they veil their breath and walk with spikes on the bottom of their shows so as to disturb as little of nature as possible. Is there another group of people that looks upon their fellow man with such disdain, and feel morally superior for it.

Christ spoke the parable of the land tenants and the land owners. The land tenants are the Jews, the individual coming to collect the rent is Christ.

The Kingdom of Heaven has been stripped from the Jews and given to another law keeper. Muhammed. Because they are lousy selfish greedy land stewards. As Christ spoke about the cornerstone taken from them, rock carved from the ground by the hand of God himself. Now said to reside in the center of Mecca.

The only thing left is the Synagogue of Satan and those foolish enough to follow a DEAD religion.


end crazy religious rant.

21493035? ago

other races have similar stigmatism - like whites have Trailerism, etc. wwg1wga but, all need to get to work boys! agree completely

21493079? ago




21492997? ago


21492860? ago

It’s contagious and every race has this decease in their rank. The spirit of laziness and entitlement is rampant!

21492774? ago

He's not wrong.

21492758? ago

Nigger-ism. I agree. Also an unpopular view at this site is the opinion that there IS a difference between black people and niggers.

I have met and do know many black people that couldn't be niggers if they tried. Nigger is a mental issue. Just like Redneck is a mental issue.

Niggers destroy everything they come in contact with. It will take generations and a huge paradigm shift in how black kids are raised to eradicate the nigger mentality. Also MSM intentionally plays a big part in encouraging Nigger-ism.

21500871? ago

The issue is that we don't need "black people" for anything.

They perform no useful function and they are not us, they don't belong here.

21493661? ago

I agree with the overall sentiment re: blacks vs. niggers, but I must point out that rednecks don't usually chimp out in public and generally act as a nuisance with loud music, hollering, pants around knees, etc.

21494495? ago

I agree but they have their own set of tendencies. Point is not all white people are rednecks. I also agree niggers are intolerable apes.

21492754? ago

Good video.

21492601? ago

It's someone else's fault, it's someone else's fault.

Niggers don't act this way because of genetics, they act this way because of the people teaching them.

That's bullshit.

Niggers act this way because they're niggers; because of their genetics. And they blame others because of their genetics.

21498027? ago

Fuxkin noggin head dipshit think that there is only 1 answer to a questions and not a series of factors that come together to create what is reality.

Therea two types of people in the world. Yea know part of the problem and part of the solution.

Fuck off problem child.


Ignoramt stupid people stirring the shitpot just to see what stinks.

Drpp every fuxking idea yoi have and start listening to the spirits within.

21501965? ago

Yes it's true that attacking the messenger is a way of admitting I'm right. But it would have been a lot quicker for you to just straight up say I'm right instead of typing all that.

21510226? ago


You really are an ignoramous.

Im attacking your RACIST divisive bullshit.

Shit shilling racist nutsack.

Its not what you say its how you say it and what you are trying to inspire within your felllow man

Your a hate stirring divisive tard so stuck and anchored in stupid you cant see the rising tide of wisdom, better figure it oit nutsack, youll drown in that hate.

21514262? ago

I'm trying to unite the White race, not divide it. They want us divided, and I'll do my part to prevent that.

And your hate is so weak that the only thing you can strike out with are words like ignoramus. So there's no chance a White man would drown in your hate. Maybe some of the lesser races would, but not a White man.

21515153? ago

You should be walking in shame, only your selfrighteous arrogance prevents you from feeeling it.

21517371? ago

Shame and self pity are no different than bullets and knives.

No White person should ever feel shame or self pity.

Others will try to make you feel shame and self pity as a way of getting you to attack yourself. If you have turned your back on your race and your country, I will not shame you. Instead I will tell you to stop attacking yourself, because we need everyone we can in this fight.

So are you with us, or against us?

21515113? ago

Divided by race. You shill tard.

Yea i know my hate is weak i strive not to engage such. Dumbass ibwas talking about you drowning on your own hate.

Tell me how much you getting paid to shill this shit. I hope like hell ylir not paid by comment.

Your a dieing breed, such hate and discontent will only lead to destruction. God wins not you.

21517508? ago

There is no hate in anything I say.

I accept that the lesser races are just that, the lesser races. I don't hate niggers because they're murderers. I acknowledge that their brains don't work the same as mine.

I do not hate a chink because they're incapable of invention or feeling empathy. I accept that it's just the way they are.

God created them to be the way they are, and God created me and my race the way we are. God created us to be different. Don't go against God will.

There is no hate, only acceptance. Accepting that God made us differently. You need to accept that and stop expecting the lesser races to be White, and vice versa.

21498098? ago

Niggers are not people.

21498179? ago

Correction racist cannot accept their fellow human being therefor are not human themselves.

21493117? ago

Well if you had a race of Jews turning you into a pack mule at every turn for eons I think whiteys genetics would be a little fucked up too. wAKE Upp DUMbbaSs

21497048? ago

So you think that the niggers that never left sub-Saharan Africa and that have had no contact with Jews don't also have inferior genetics? That it's the Jew's fault that niggers aren't a super intelligent race?

And stop being a disgrace to your race by typing like that.

21497995? ago

Your a shit dealing racist piece of shit trying to stir up racial division. Keep the goy bickering among themselves so they never unite and rise against you.

Quite beeing a fucking Goy and start realizing that

21501907? ago

Attacking the messenger instead of the message? Where'd you learn that trick? At temple? Or sitting at home reading the Torah?

The White Race needs to unite to finally exterminate the Jews. We can't succeed if we're carrying all the lesser races on our backs.

21510201? ago

Well only succeed through unity and brotherhood.

Its the one thing these people fear the most.

21514388? ago

We can only succeed through unity and brotherhood.

They want the Whites divided. The Jews (sometimes referred to as Satanists) fear Whites more than anything in the world.

Despite Whites being superior in every way, Whites have a huge flaw. We are too individualistic. We need to unite. And when we do, we will be able to take out the Jews/Satanists once and for all.

And people like you won't be able to stop us.

21515040? ago

Well damn bro, a sentence i can agree with. Too bad your to stupid to realize the full meaning of that sentence.

Wow. You must be the most racist white supremist shitbrain ive ever met.

21517624? ago

Well, if I'm your "bro". Then fight with us. We need all Whites to unite.

I know it goes against our individualistic instincts, but united we can eliminate degeneracy, corruption, and return the world to a prosperous state with White values.

21497974? ago

If your a slaving race what are you going to do to any individuals that show any traits other than an animals. Slaughtered.

Yea, i spout that shit because it rings with a sound of truth. May not be exactly right but its not exactly wrong either.

21501795? ago

So you believe that niggers are animals. And they will forever remain animals because the humanity has been completely bred out of them.

Well, I believe that niggers have always been genetically inferior, and that they've always been incapable of being civilized creatures.

Either way, we both agree that every nigger that's alive today is nothing more than an animal. And that it can't be changed.

21510183? ago

Poor choice of words,

Our genetic makeup is just as diverse as in nature. How many different breeds of horse are there. They are still a horse. How many breeds of dog, yet they are still a dog.


thats your first mistake racist shilltard. Because of your self-important view of yourself you have seperated yourself from nature and yoir place in it.

Attack the messenger my ass. Your a shitbrained racist tard that deserves to be taken out behind the woodpile with a leather strap.

21514682? ago

Our genetic makeup is just as diverse as in nature. How many different breeds of horse are there. They are still a horse. How many breeds of dog, yet they are still a dog.

Yes. There are different breeds of horses and dogs. The reason there are different breeds is because despite being a horse or dog, they are genetically and measurably different from each other. Just like how there are different races of humans.

A miniature chihuahua shares as much in common with a siberian husky, as a White man shares in common with a nigger.

If you can't see the difference and the different uses between clydesdale, falabella, and a mustang, (or an eskimo, chink, and a spic) then you have separated yourself from nature and you don't understand my place and the lesser race's place in it.

We are racially different. So never expect a nigger to do math like a chink. Never expect a chink to invent like a White. Never expect a clydsdale to run like a mustang. And never expect a pitbull to herd like a collie.

21516485? ago

One final word there shitsack racist jew shill,

Break the chains of your brother and together teach the third the error of his ways.

I much better like those odds 2 against 1, otherwise there nutsack your at a disadvantage because you obviously arent smart enough to outthink them, physically the black man alone is gonna kick your ass up one street and down the other with jew lord lashing him on the whole way.

Your a fucking disgrace.


Wanna go a few more rounds there knucklefuck retard.

Lets do this shit yo.

Pissed on the wrong troll this time nutsack

21517134? ago

Wanna go a few more rounds

Sure, let's go. But first you need to stop speaking ebonics and fix your spelling. I can barely understand what you're saying. But yeah, let's go.

21518742? ago


Ok IMA go do some important stuff and get back to ya ,

21520485? ago

IMA go do

In order to take out the Jews, we all need to be at our best.

So quit talking in ebonics. You're better than this.

21523105? ago


O its you..............


O you was spectin me ta say sumpin.


One thing ive learned about trolling you fuckers is not to get tooo wrapped up in it. Your reasoning generally has no foundation and is for the most part an excursion and exercise in crazy.

O i gots yu tucked away in da back o my mind bro.

21526627? ago

You used Jew as an insult, which means that you know that the Jews are the enemy. Therefore, we're on the same side.

Because we're on the same side, I'm attempting to convince you to hold yourself to a higher standard.

I understand that when things get overwhelming and seem too difficult to overcome, people try to laugh and joke about it. But the truth is that there are far more of us than anyone realizes. All of our goals can be accomplished if we unite as a race and all work together. And together we can take back control of our country and the world.

So man up, stop talking in ebonics, hold yourself to a higher standard, and stop hiding behind jokes.

21515007? ago

Never expect a white man to jump or run like a black.

Every person has strength and weaknesses.

An educated black man can do math and rather well. I dont think Ben Carson became a neuro-surgeon because hes dumb.

The chinese were sailing the waters of the world and tinkering with shit when alot of the world was still figuring things out.

No Jewish contact with congolese black men, bullshit. The phoenicians (water jews) brought them to the americas.

Every word you have said is total dillusion bullshit.

21517865? ago

Never expect a white man to jump or run like a black.

You just pointed out that every race has strengths and weaknesses. (Which is what I've been saying all along.) You have all the pieces, but at the same time it's like your programming is preventing you from putting them together. Just like how our skin color, and our ability to jump and run is different, our brains are different too.

I dont think Ben Carson became a neuro-surgeon because hes dumb.

He's the one who thought that the pyramids were used to store grain right? Yeah.....

The chinese were sailing the waters of the world and tinkering with shit when alot of the world was still figuring things out.

I'm not saying that the chinks are completely incapable of invention. But with the resources and population they've had, they should have done far, FAR more. And remember, these are the ones who saw a bird eating their crop, so they killed every bird they could. Then they were surprised when pests ate all their crops and 40 million of them starved to death. And that wasn't 1,000 years ago. That was in the 60s.

No Jewish contact with congolese black men, bullshit. The phoenicians (water jews) brought them to the americas.

So the one and only reason why niggers, who live in the most fertile, resource rich part of the world, have never developed anything on their own is 100% because of the Jews, and it has nothing to do with their genetics at all?

Every word you have said is total dillusion bullshit.

Every word I said is delusional bullshit?

21497961? ago

Fuck off raceanon.

Im a crazy fucking hermit and ill spout out any crazy shit i wanna.

40,000 feet. May lack trivial detail but can provide a pretty fair platform for trying to understand things from different perspectives.

Whats first the chicken or the egg.

Is a man a product of the environment or is the environment a product of the man.

And how does that question change with a group that is ostrasized and enslaved for thousands of years.

Fuck off raceanon

21501603? ago

Is a man a product of the environment or is the environment a product of the man.

Just like how our skin color evolved to be different colors because of the different conditions we evolved in, our brains evolved to be different too.

Our brains are as different as our skin color.

21496898? ago

This is happening right NOW!

21492567? ago

A valid argument. To make the pill less bitter substitute "Liberalism" for "Niggerism", according to your audience.

21492526? ago

There is some truth in what this guy is saying. Though the inner city problems stem from the corrupt demoncraps making this issue. Look at the demoncrap cities of LA, Detroit, New York, DC, Baltimore, New Orleans, et al - crime is because of the corruption.

21492749? ago

What about Africa?

21492504? ago

Based Uncle Ruckus

21492393? ago

Its bloody true, every last damn word.

the DS has spend decades with hedonistic media and glorification of criminality to build this culture of "niggerism" to enslave black men to their control. The DS also uses to continue the racial divisions in the USA, because as Q says endlessly, the want us divided, and "niggerism" is a weapon of social cleaving.

But I think their control is slipping, blacks are starting to awaken, and the enlightened blacks will hopefully lead the war against "niggerism" and put an end to the DS plans.

The vision of America was united we are strong.

21492320? ago

OMG!! I can't stop laughing! BUT...the man speaks the truth!

21492276? ago

atlah, watch his rants on nigger obozo.

21492270? ago

pastor manning has always been on point about this.

21500920? ago

Downvoated for "on point".

Fuck you, nigger.

21492263? ago

Damn Uncle Ruckus got his shit together.

21492247? ago

Cant disagree.

21492243? ago

Lets be real: (then) Blues and Jazz - (now) Mumble Rap and other crap.

Black Panthers dissolved into gangs - Children go neglected - Rap happens

Rap about problems - made into celebrity - problems continue and repackaged as "culture"

"Culture" that glorifies problems and violence associated with poverty explodes in popularity

Rich kids emulating dirt poor hood rats and paying premium prices to do so - Some sneakers now sell for more than a 3-piece suit & matching shoes.

Emphasis from media on growing up to be worthless sacks of shit - gov aid programs advertised like candy - universal income - 'free' college - 'free' healthcare - "Automation is the future, no need for labor [slave] force" = no need for laborers = no need for most of the world population

Listen to kids these days - joking about their own deaths or the deaths of other people is considered "normal" - what REALLY causes mass shootings?

Controlled opposition - Planned Patheticism


Great Awakening.

21494575? ago

the media wont tell .... https://streamable.com/lymkd

21492189? ago

Good old Pastor Manning.

21492167? ago

He's right but it's also being taught to a new generation.. our young people are being taught to hate whites (themselves) and believe in big government that will give them everything. It's called socialism. The problem will be down the line when the monthly govt' stipend isn't enough or is reduced and the house they're expecting is in the ghetto and the guarantee of income comes with a work requirement in the fields or factories.

21492134? ago

If you want to see the long term effects of socialism and universal income just look at the Native Americans on the reservations. They don't actually need money or jobs so a lot of them just drink all day.

21492327? ago

Don't feed wild animals.

-Every park

21492132? ago

Yep, the biggest problem facing niggers is the fact niggers are all niggers. This checks out. Now do an IQ one minstrel man.

21492114? ago

How niggardly.

21492099? ago

My thoughts exactly

21492098? ago

That dude is based. He knows what's up. Well freaking done.

21492070? ago

In the 50's, my white father was a great Christian man who loved and respected literally everyone, blacks, browns, etc. He was an "overseer" of churches in two states and D.C., black, Hispanic, and white churches. I grew up around all those churches and their people. I truly loved all these people as a child and never ever had a bad experience among them. It was not until I was nearly 20 before I ran into this so called "niggerism". I was shocked that people would be like that. I think I was pretty naive. LOL

21498084? ago

To be fair niggers are not people. They are niggers.

21492133? ago

Me too.

21492068? ago

He's just stating the obvious, an act of courage in clown world.

21492042? ago

Jesse Lee Peterson is staunchly against Niggerism - same message, similar messenger.

21492030? ago

I would definitely NOT use that word, being that I'm white (far as I know). But I'm not at all bothered by your use of it. Mainly because it is true, and it works. So 2 thumbs up, but don't quote me on that.

21494159? ago

you're on voat. you can say it. come on man, you know you want to.

21492065? ago


21493525? ago

lol get a load of this nigger

21500615? ago

I'm a niggerguy.

21492024? ago

These voat counts are a good first step. Next is to get people to acknowledge that they will always behave that way. That individually you might be able to get a TINY minority to be normal. At best.

21492076? ago

I'm quite surprised.

21492388? ago


21491982? ago


21491975? ago

This is like Jesse Lee Peterson, on steroids.

21491970? ago

Always been ghettos. Some make out some stay in it.

21492087? ago


21492630? ago

US has its share of ghettos and trailer parks.

21491932? ago

Niggerism. 🤣

21491923? ago

Can't argue with someone that is right!

21491875? ago

Hate to sound like a retard, but I needed to hear this. It’s all about class warfare and entitlement attitude for past wrongs. Unfortunately the labeling that goes on it tends to divide by skin color (white trash, spic, etc) generation ( boomer, millennial etc) gender (feminazis, old white men, etc). When the reality is that this world just plain sucks for everyone except those who choose the easy way of selling their souls so they can brag about how great their life is here on earth.

21492117? ago

Look at what white people built compared to blacks.

Searchvoat Diversity Inc to start seeing how "normal", not exceptions like this guy, act.

21492201? ago

Fuck your white v black. We’re all stuck in this bs world system designed by the beast to suck us dry of life liberty and happiness. Some can see it and some can’t.

21500897? ago

Niggers never invented the wheel. Fuck you.

21492429? ago

Why do you want to live amongst a violent people?

21492649? ago

Non-sequitor. Who said I did? I don’t. I said we’re stuck here. ‘Stuck’ implies I don’t. Get it bot?

21492797? ago

So you're ok with deporting all blacks like I am?

21493062? ago

Shut up bot. I see you and you are wrong. I do not consent to your disinformation. Next response from me will be the pit - is that what you want, b/c I am happy to request that.

21493097? ago

I don't know I have been naughty. Tee Hee!!!

21493419? ago

Yes, you have been. Request made for you and all your friends.

21491852? ago

LITERAL. INTERPRETATION. OF. THE. ORIGINAL. CONSTITUTION. the smart and hard working flourish and the stupid lazy niggers... Well they just go away.

21491850? ago

I like that guy. haha

21491847? ago

post this in v/niggers and see if you get a different response than the q followers (many of whom still don't understand that jews are the children of satan and that niggers really are niggers).

21491827? ago

based low iq nigger is still based.

21491809? ago

Is that Alex Jones in blackface?

21492151? ago


21491796? ago

This is a BLACK MAN. they are somewhat uncommon and are basically like white men except they have far more rights and liberties. In particular they have the ability to... TALK TRUTH ABOUT NON WHITE RACES... While being completely immune from any attack of RAY-CISM.

A real black man is an ally and friend of Whites.

21500796? ago

Eh, let's not get carried away here.

21492161? ago

I don't wish ill on blacks but they have a whole continent all their own.

Niggers can fuck off.

21491789? ago

Although we didn't call it that, I grew up around some people who spent the majority of their time "working" on ways to not do what "normal" people would call "work". They spent all their time trying to "get over on the man." in one way or another. They would scheme and plan and do everything they could do to get money from the system or other suckers with the least amount of effort possible, and then if they had additional needs, they would do the least criminal thing they could do to supplement the rest. Very rarely would they stoop so low as to have to do regular work that would require education or training of any kind, god forbid they would have to fill out an employment application or have an interview, that was just frowned upon, if one of them had to resort to that, they were basically failures at scamming, which was bad in their world view. These people don't think like "normal" people. This is what their neighbors do, this is what their uncle does, their daddy does, their brothers and sisters do, their mamma does, their cousins do, etc. It is who they are, it is what they do. It is rare one of them changes, or is able to change, or even wants to change. It is embedded deep within their psyche.

21491776? ago

it's sad. I went to a mostly black high school and grew up with these people. They were my friends. Can say without a doubt no one has ever made me laugh harder than some of those black kids man, but fast forward to today, a decade out of high school and none of them have any sort of life path, spending every dime they have, however they may have gotten it. Just sad because they will continue the cycle. But if i were to ever try and help them by pointing out their behavior, I'm a racist asshole.

21498077? ago

Niggers are impulsive gatherers, not planners or savers.

21491753? ago

Niggerism....I'm using that....thx

21491748? ago

same prob in Australia. you won't see an Abo in a job but you do see their kids running around in expensive clothes. usually throwing eggs at cars and sniffing deodorant in grocery stores.

21491729? ago

Concur. Nigger = untrustworthy, self-centered, inconsiderate, subhuman. For me it's the same as Redneck.

21491901? ago

There are rednecks who are good hard working honest people, they will even jokingly or.. half-jokingly call themselves rednecks, and then there are the people like this describes, who I call trailer trash, although some trailer trash are actually good people just not doing well, its a subtle difference, you would have to have been around them to know. Bottom line is, I've been around the world and found good and bad people in all walks of life and races and situations, I found trying to stereotype any group of people is generally flawed and not effective strategy.

21491995? ago

I was, as a kid, a redneck. The trailer trash version you referenced is what I consider redneck. I didn't know any other life..as I got into my teens I realized how much of the wrong path I was on. Thanks to my friends in High School and Teachers I left that life behind. My Brother is a heroin addict, other Brother is Dead (25). I'm a successful small business owner in Colorado far away from auxillary family, who are still rednecks, to find me and try to swindle money or steal what I've earned. I've tried to help them out but they always use the money or the time selfishly to their own demise instead of to improving their situation or the situation of their community.

That said, I agree stereotypes aren't helpful and are acutally counter productive which is why the CIA uses it as a baseline to derail a movement/organization. This is from 8kun:

Reminder that those who speak in absolutes, blaming groups as a whole, cover up the C_A's textbook infiltration tactict.

They get in.

They create a niche, a culture of their own.

The confuse your Identify Fren or Foe instincts by posting as 'patriots' using our memes and language.

They mold the hivemind in their direction.

They push the original inhabitants out.

Rinse and Repeat..

C_A = Central ____ Agency

Iran = C_A stronghold since the regime change.

You attack those who threaten you the most

The anti-Israel narrative has C_rAnian roots, it serves to remove the threat to their geopolitical power by pitting allies against each other.

"Big Satan" America against "little Satan" Israel.

[Source obscuration is cyber 101]

(((Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy)))

They're fermenting useful idiots to get rid of their fear; The pinnacle of their military might is Psychological PROJECTION.

They keep everyone in the dark by omitting themselves from the conversation.

Sunlight's a great disinfectant, when you don't know who the C_rAn(i)an Deep Sweeties are~

Especially when all this is Ch_nA trying to force America off of Asia…

Stay Frosty, Frens.

-AFLB o7

21491856? ago

I would stay amongst the vast majority of rednecks and never amongst niggers.

21492014? ago

they both can't be trusted, both will stab you in the back at the most opportune times, both will take what isn't theirs....to me that type of person is who/what I avoid. I don't care what they look like really if they possess those traits...I'm not around them.

21492374? ago

Trailor trash druggies, not rednecks.

21493711? ago

not OP you're replying to but want to chime in - Agree completely. I actually really hate the term "redneck" - that's a term used for people who worked hard outside on their farm all day and got a sunburn on the back of their necks.... and now people use that term as an insult. Like it's an insult to work hard outside.

21491715? ago

I've always contended theres a difference between a black person and a nigger.

21493563? ago

Absolutely. I live in small town East Texas and we have a lot of great black people and not a lot of niggers. Go to a big city (Houston, Austin, etc) and it's the total opposite. There's definitely a rural blacks vs. urban niggers thing going on.

21492186? ago

Me too even now, it's just that there's more niggers than blacks.

21491708? ago

Glad he said it and not me! I always get in trouble for saying shit like that.

21491815? ago

That's to bad. Some people are just afraid of the truth.

21491704? ago

Speaking up a Storm

21491696? ago

Every race has niggers, blacks just own it because they have the most

21498124? ago

No. “Nigger” is a noun, not an adjective.

21503733? ago

Sure thing nigger

21497061? ago

You said niggers, you means stupids. Nigger = black. Don't accept semantic manipulation.

21499368? ago

All niggers aren't black, all blacks aren't niggers.

21503469? ago

Wrong. All niggers are black. That is what "nigger" means. Etymologically derived from the Latin "niger".

21494936? ago

Only one thing worse than a "nigger." That would be a "wigger." So many white punks want to emulate that these days...sad beyond belief!

21498059? ago

Wiggers will usually grow out of it. Niggers can’t grow out if it.

21491711? ago

It's almost like all

21493364? ago

90% maybe 80% but they call it the talented 10 for a reason.

21498333? ago

The reality is more like 8%. But even the smartest niggers are remarkably unable to think in abstracts.

21492463? ago

Not even close to 100%, not even close. But the niggers are the loudest, and the Deep State media amplifies them because their niggerism helps the their goal of keeping the people divided.

21494069? ago

I've lived in Detroit for years, and I'd say that 50% of the Blacks there are profoundly screwed: illiterate, violent, completely nihilistic. But there's another surprising percentage who are pretty outstanding people.

21505837? ago

A black person can be an asset to civilization. However, black people are never an asset to civilization.

21495929? ago

I think that is more of an issue with Detroit (and similar areas). Crab bucket.

21509945? ago

It’s not geography.

21493489? ago

Nig don’t know how to divide

21491688? ago

OMG Black Grover pulling no punches

21491947? ago

LOL He does sound like grover

21491652? ago

That sound you hear is a hammer hitting a nail head.

Spot on.

21491614? ago

Socialism by another name!

21491606? ago

This guy basically telling us what Chris Rock already did in his special.

21491825? ago

Never cared much for him.

21491582? ago


21491580? ago

Thank you I needed that.

21491577? ago

He nails it. But “Niggerism” (his word) is also acting like an animal. Twerking like you’re an animal in heat, no respect for life, no common decency, etc. but yeah, this guy gets it.

21491575? ago

Yeah he's been telling it straight for a long time.

I've always said, I know far more 'white' niggers than I do black niggers.

Dig out his stuff and listen, he's done some great material over the years, it is a wonder he hasn't been killed.

21500967? ago

Yeah, wiggers were a huge problem before desegregation.

Get the fuck out of here, nigger.

21505279? ago


Sheesh what a maroonie.

21491667? ago


21491569? ago


21491562? ago

Bang on

21491487? ago


21491470? ago

all isms are bad mm-k.

21491443? ago

Smart man.

21501618? ago

Smart man.

I disagree


"BLEXIT is the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America. BLEXIT is an ongoing widespread black Americans exit from the Democratic Party's plantation."


21500976? ago

No, he's not smart, just honest.

He's definitely a dumb motherfucker.

21498427? ago

I'm curious to see how you guys react to this.

The reactions here will not be an accurate read of the entirety of those who frequent this board. A few dozens bots and trolls out of 10's of thousands of visitors dominate the hate niggers and Jews narrative, they flood the posts like this with their hate and ignorance while most visitors just lurk without posting or voting (example at this time 318 upvotes for the post with 243 comments vs 1842 views) then those that do post, who are not race fags, appear to be out numbered by the voluminous hate posts.

No accurate census of true sentiment is possible when I can create 30 user names and just keep posting the same shit all day as if I am a majority in my opinion.

21499030? ago

True, and I like to draw them out.

21494571? ago

In the 50s before the civil rights movement got started the out of wedlock births were 16-18% for blacks.

When LBJ came out with the Democrats great society, they literally went door to door in black neighborhoods to tell women the Government would give them assistance if they had a baby out of wedlock. Now with the helps of the Dems 75% of black kids do not have a family.

21498045? ago

Pair-bonding is not natural behavior for niggers.

21501203? ago

That was implied by the video; promiscuity and lack of commitment is niggerism. However, pair bonding is the natural behavior for blacks who have not been brainwashed.

(Bartels and Zeki, 2000; Bartels and Zeki, 2004; Aron et al., 2005; Fisher et al., 2005; Fisher et al., 2006). These studies have identified brain regions of importance (in animal studies), including areas in the hypothalamus and the reward circuit. In studying titi monkeys, we can manipulate the exact time and conditions of the formation of a pair-bond. There is also the potential to administer experimental treatments which may affect the quality of the pair-bond, or the speed of its formation.

Pair bonding is normal. The quality of the bond is manipulated by niggerism. While the above research cited does not prove the Deep State has been manipulating social structure, it offers very strong evidence that it is possible. So since the Deep Sate can manipulate blacks via niggerism, wouldn't they try it? It is not natural, but manipulated.

21505805? ago

No it isn’t. Even the earliest human explorers into Africa noted that niggers mate in herds, then raise the shitsprog together as a group. Even then they saw that niggers grew up never knowing their fathers. Just like anywhere in the world niggers exist naturally, unfettered or influenced by humans.

21498203? ago

Shut the fuck up you fucking nigger, no one asked you.

21498364? ago

Everyone asks me whenever they say something incorrect. For I am the bringer of light and truth.

21498295? ago

It isn’t.

21492752? ago

He's screaming, "It's someone else's fault, it's someone else's fault. Blacks aren't responsible for their own actions. They're lazy, they steal, they're dependent on the system because they were taught wrong. It was the people teaching them, it's not their own fault. It's someone else's fault".

That's not a smart man. A smart man would say that blacks are given every opportunity to succeed, and the only things holding them back are their fellow blacks, and their genetics.

21498918? ago

Did you even listen to him? He was saying the opposite. You aren't very smart are you?

21502024? ago

Yes I did listen to him. That's why I was able to give indirect quotes. Like -

"It's someone else's fault. It's the people teaching them; it's their fault."

21512978? ago

Not made up quotes, "Indirect quotes". Maybe you should consider writing for CNN.

21514766? ago

"The schools teach niggerism."

There you go. The direct quote that blames someone else. Because it's not their fault, it's someone else's fault. It's the school's fault. They shouldn't be held accountable for their own actions because their actions are the result of how they were taught by others.

And like I said before - That's not a smart man. A smart man would say that blacks are given every opportunity to succeed, and the only things holding them back are their fellow blacks, and their genetics.

21494124? ago

You are a dense motherfucker, aren't you?

No need to say more; you have clear problems with comprehension.

21498050? ago

He’s correct.

21497005? ago

Attacking the messenger instead of the message? That's one way of saying that I'm right.

21492789? ago

Two opposite things can be correct at once.

21493982? ago

Only one side to truth,dont kid your self.

21492763? ago

yeah you're right

21492503? ago

Here is Pastor Manning calling out a talking head on TV, telling her to her face that she is only on there because of her tits.

"Your contribution is your boobs, not your brain." LOL

He is a man who calls it like he sees it. No political correct bullshit with the Pastor.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOGOV1z8GRQ

21498033? ago

He can only do that because he’s a nigger. No human would get away with saying that on TV today.

21493965? ago

You cant post a simple link?

Links go on top

Commentary under it dipstick

21494598? ago

every is not an expert, all that matters is they share info. you could have politely explained how its done, but NOooo, you had to be an asshole. take that negative shit elsewhere.

21494821? ago

Fuck your socialism.

Life is negative dumbass.

21494862? ago

go back to reddit faggot, quit shitting up the boards. godamn kikes.

21494960? ago

What is redit?

Is that a facebook kinda thing where the chinese control your think and have you believing its the jews?

Not here,had that stupud shit figured back in 08 when myspace was the rage.

China written all over it.

Sauce it socialist bitch boy,dont be a coward like your daddy

21495240? ago

yes it is, and that is exactly where you belong. they like faggots and kikes there.

21494104? ago

Dont be a faggot, kike.

21494239? ago

Dont be FB faggot

Its easy when you give up porn.

21491893? ago

Brave too.

21491912? ago

He’s a master of his own race.

21495466? ago

That's not hard what with the rampent niggerism in the black breed of humans.

21491435? ago

Interesting choice of words but he smashed the head of the nail. Someone has to say it. It ain't pretty but it's true.

21492694? ago

Interesting choice of words but he smashed the head of the nail. Someone has to say it. It ain't pretty but it's true.

The Jew has foisted on us a dishonest narrative. The race problem is complicated. It's not one sided where white people are evil racists. Whites react to black behavior and they have tried to tried various things to make life livable over time. Blacks are problematic. We see their behavior every day on voat.

I like older black people. They can be very pleasant. No problems. But we have to acknowledge overall we can't get along well.

21494053? ago

Nigger Faggot.

21493462? ago

Here in East Texas there are decent ones, almost always older tho.

21491701? ago

Usually most of my post get downvoated and barely seen. Like less than 1% of qrv subscribers.

21494015? ago

Happens when you piss off the FB religous

Fuck'em,I aint here for "likes"

21494416? ago

I used to be one of the brainwashed. I'm still Christian, I just realize there's differences between us.

21494490? ago

Do you understand Ps 5:5?

Neither God nor Jesus love everybody.

21494957? ago

Not sure you understand the passage either. In context this is part of the theme that describes God as a prayer-hearing God. God has always been, and he is still as ready to hear prayer as ever. The most encouraging principle of prayer, and the most powerful plea in prayer, is, to look upon him as our King and our God. David also prays to a sin-hating God. sin is folly, and sinners are the greatest of all fools; fools of their own making. Wicked people hate God; justly are they hated of him, and this will be their endless misery and ruin. Even with that all the sinner needs to do is repent be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and all sins will be forgiven. Anything less and you die in yiur sins.

21497823? ago

Ps 5.5 stop the religous crap

Word says what it says

21497953? ago

You have been weighed, measured and found lacking. Proverbs 12:15-16 15 Stupid people always think they are right. Wise people listen to advice. 16 When a fool is annoyed, he quickly lets it be known. Smart people will ignore an insult. Word says what it says.

21500001? ago

Truth sounds like hate to those that hate truth.

21494812? ago

Love does not mean allow violent to strike your brothers and sisters down.

I would love to all be the same, but we aren't.

21494873? ago

You dont know love then.

Telling faggots butt sex kills is love.

Telling fornicating church members they are living in sin is love.

Tollerating sin is not love,its sin.

21898327? ago

21898488? ago

Porn Addict!

All about sex and dicks aint it little boy.

Other mans dicks.......

21898738? ago

What happened to all that talk about love and The Lord?

21899888? ago

Love by telling them the truth

This aint cupcake island

21495006? ago

Well then it's a good thing JESUS died for my forgiveness. And if you're so holier than thou, why don't you go over to Africa or the fucking Middle East, and help spread the Word of the LORD.

21497819? ago

There is more Jesus there than in the God hating USA

21500039? ago

Yes but I'm sure not everyone knows the Good News. You should go help spread it.

21500118? ago

The churchs of america are corrupt to the core.

Clergy are all cowards and the great majority are unsaved.

Satan runs christianity in america.

America the great whore,her cup is almost full.

21512667? ago

That's right, keep avoiding saving those poor non violent non whites.

21492313? ago

Same here, but don't let it stop you! Immediate downvoats mean you are over target!

21498316? ago

So that’s why I’m downvoted for posting nigger truisms.

21492839? ago

I wish I didn't have to show people the horrific shit I do, but they must see.

21491426? ago

Get that fucking guy an award!

21491412? ago

Wow OK niggerism has been coined....

Damn I'm glad it wasn't a white dude....

21491733? ago

Why would it matter. The truth is the truth.

21492145? ago

Because coming from black based dude it means more.

21492414? ago

The truth matters more because a black guy said it.

Just read that as many times necessary until you realize how stupid it is.

21493585? ago

Not OP but I assume they mean that normies wil be more likely to listen to someone talk about niggerism if he's black. If he was white, normies would just write him off as raaaayyyyycisssss without hearing a word he said. Normies. Retards, amiright

21493582? ago

Hey there duck an idea dude....

What I'm saying is that these words mean more to another black man than it does coming from a white individual. They will listen as opposed to wanting to pull out a gun and shoot a racist fuck.

Try and spin my words again low IQ nigger.

Fuck off niggeranon.

21493941? ago

What you said 2 hours ago is completely different than what you just said. I actually agree coming from a black would make more sense to a white. Niggers on the other hand will just call him an Uncle Tom.

21491385? ago

That's the guy that interviewed the girl that used to run into Obama in high school in Hawaii, she said Obama did crack, bummed cigs, hung with kids who would pimp themselves to the wealthy whites, and would lie if the truth sounded better.

21492193? ago

come on, you cant say all that without sharing a link

21491349? ago

No noggers