binrobinro ago

Self-Awareness? As if. Lol.

Jstone1313 ago

I dont want to hate this guy

niggerwhipper_5000 ago

Almost based nig

Adrianmc ago

He means (((niggerism))) he knows what he's saying, straight over the head of 85% of the population. Sow me an 'ism' and I'll show you a Jew.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Very interesting. Niggerism as he defines it is complete government dependence. Isn't that what a government wants from its citizens? Complete absence of independent thought and free speech, a bunch of dumb complacent workers who grind all day to have their lives go absolutely nowhere, and definite control over the status of how far one can travel with their own thoughts. It sounds more like mind control to me. The only way to break mind control is to reveal the tiny guy operating the controls behind the curtain that the big floating head tells you to stay away from when you point at it.

TheKalergiFan ago

Hes wrong about Latinos not being indoctrinated to the government taking care of you..

In Mexico it is worse. Kids only want to grow up to be two things, either college graduate or cartel member.

Those are the only two ways to make a ton of money, and cartel is pushed there like rap songs.

TheKalergiFan ago

This is just a matter of fact Chris Rock bit

SirNiggsalot ago

I feel sympathy for him. It must be a terrible to know how truly shitty his own kind are.

Doc_Shotgun ago

Heh. Uncle Ruckus irl.

underground_lurker ago

The rare black man. Quickly he must be upvoated to the top of the front page!

ThirteenthZodiac ago

I don't need to listen to a nigger to tell me the problem with niggers.

YoHomie ago

I'm saving this one.

GutterTrash ago

Did not know there was an actual word for it. I have also seen it in Mexicans as well whereby they would blame the government for their problems and proceed to blame them for not helping. It is a sense of entitelement that has no logical foundation

Zulu2Oscar ago


Doc_Shotgun ago


NakatomiBaby ago

No fathers.

Art1cBear ago

I could listen to that all day. Did I find a living good nog?

recon_johnny ago

Color me a bit surprised, honestly.

HbMcNutt ago

Lol. Color

Itsdone63 ago

Not all of them are garbage, this is one who seems to understand but if even the good ones stay eventually they regress. They shouldn't be here.

14Icemonkey88 ago

Pastor Manning. A national treasure.

HarryPFlashman ago

Pretty much what everyone here says, but it needs the politically correct source to be deemed socially acceptable. I guess as long as the right message gets out it's a good thing.

Trump2028 ago

Niggerism.....I'm using that

Podge512 ago

Preach, nigga!

Korinthian ago

Yeah, its the schools, its the single moms,thats why niggers are niggers across the world without exception. S

Definitely not genetics, no no.

Stupid fucking monkey.

gentlemanadventurer ago

Please do not expect much from the niggers. Just except that this nigger is on the right track and it's a beginning. This is the equivalent of them discovering gravity. Now what they do with this, if anything at all, will be up to them.

wanderingblade ago

It's both. You can't act like not having fathers around, constantly drug abuse starting in the womb via mom, poor quality food, etc don't contribute. There is a substantial rise in iq when blacks are adopted by whites, they don't even get halfway to us but you can't act like it's not there

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Well put, that's an important distinction.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

dna won't save us

Culture is biological bruh

ardvarcus ago

There is a substantial rise in iq when blacks are adopted by whites

No, there isn't. Intelligence is genetic. Black kids with black parents (assuming they can find them) and black kids with white parents have the same average IQ level, other factors being equal. White parents can't make a black child more intelligent than he would be with black parents.

HbMcNutt ago

Dont be fucking retarded. Who and how you are raised has an obvious and apperent affect on intelligence.

auto_turret ago

I have to agree with this.. if I was raised in a family that didnt stop me in my fuckery at every turn, I'd be in prison. No doubt about it.

Korinthian ago

Ill make a parallel for you, retard.

What you eat has an impact on your health. Simple enough, right? Eat well, live well. Thing is, time exists. If you eat well while you live with your parents, but eat nothing but hit pockets and beer when youre on your own, your health deteriorates.

Exact same thing happens to IQ. Niggers raised by whites are smarter only while theyre being raised. As soon as theyre let loose, all that nurturing means fuckall and their nature asserts itself.

HbMcNutt ago

Okay retard. Do you go to re-education school year because you lose everything youve learned as your nature asserts itself? No. Niggers are dumb, dont be dumb like a nigger. Basic observation of well off nigger folk will tell you that your assumption that they revert to baboon out of white homes is stupid. Your uprbringing affects inteligence. Choosing to live among other intelligent people, assuming you and friends lift each other up, will keep you intelligence. If you take an intelligent person and force them to communicate with low iq people, after a while you will lose intelligence as you adapt to their style of logic.

Korinthian ago

Basic observation of well off nigger folk

Theres your flaw, fuckhead. Youre only looking at the ones that work. Everyone else is looking at all the niggers that get adopted by whites. And the vast majority degenerate to the nigger baseline.

Niggers retain IQ benefits from being raised by whites exactly as often as the average nigger votes republican. Youre as fucking braindead as the cucks that try to get niggers to not vote democrat.

wanderingblade ago

I am a geneticist, it's both. How you are raised matters. Like I said it's not even half the equation but it does. Being read to, taught well etc and good nutrition are very important.

raver9876 ago

You folks are arguing past each other because you are discussing different concepts. Innate IQ is what you are born with, it can be defined as potential IQ. With nutrition, proper healthcare, upbringing and education an individual can reach their potential IQ but they can never go beyond it. Given that IQ is just a psychometric measurement of certain cognitive abilities that partly correlate to or predict real world success. IQ does not PERFECTLY define the potential real world abilities of any given individual. Some people, due to their good health, strong character, cultural background and personality can reach levels of success beyond any test based prediction of it.

This sounds nice but in dirt poor parts of Africa and in American inner cities; disease, character, cultural background and personality problems, limit the development of IQ to sub-optimal levels.

When you see hard working children of dirt poor farmers in China able to get into top universities, we must conclude that It is not just economics that limits black youth.

We need to measure things besides just IQ and socio-economic level.

Conscientiousness is a very real personality characteristic that often determines how successful an individual or cultural group can become. It needs to be evaluated as possibly varying between cultures, nations and races, yet there have only been a very few attempts to do so.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

I am a geneticist

Can you please cite some transracial adoption studies that show a substantial increase in IQ that overwhelmingly persists into adulthood among black kids adopted by affluent white or Jewish families? I've only seen a rise in dynamic IQ which largely (~90%) vanishes into adulthood.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like the diminishing of culture either & it certainly has a contributing role but mostly nature has won the argument.

Korinthian ago

I dont even like drawing the distinction between nature and nurture. I have to because those are terms the retards understand, but the two concepts are hopelessly intertwined. Each affectimg and influencing the other. Trying to change only 1 is like trying to lift yourself by grabbing your hips and pulling upward. Thats just not how it works.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Indeed, it's a failed sociological import. One way I try to introduce this to someone is by pointing out that genes are the environment interiorized while all environmental influence is necessarily modulated by genes in the broadest possible sense.

However, given that most people are cognitively incapable of thinking in wholes, even graduate students can struggle wrapping their minds around it, there is a different sort of debate going on among laymen that is distinctly mistaken but still consequential. On that level I tend to emphasize genes for various reasons.

McFluffy ago

no matter how much a cat trains or how good of a fighter it is it will always gets its ass handed to it by a lion in its prime.

we arnt the same race.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

He's good. Jesse Lee Peterson is better.

Splooge ago

JLP is a pro-israel zionist who can't tell the difference between whites and jews.

Camulos ago


SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

He can make that word mean anything he wants.

con77 ago

don't forget blaming everyone else for their failure

binrobinro ago

That man is brilliant

Zulu2Oscar ago

You must be easily impressed.

fuckingmockies ago

You have a low standard for brilliant.

binrobinro ago

I know, but I had to give him 100 extra points because he's black.

Splooge ago

had to

No you didn't.

binrobinro ago

It's the law!

Splooge ago

Oh, well when you put it like that...

AmazingFlightLizard ago

Well, I mean, if he broke the law...

he'd just be a nigger.

Splooge ago

I can't argue with that.

Cockboy ago

Not brilliant enough to realize niggers are niggers because they are niggers though.

raver9876 ago

The word niggardly exists for a reason.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Not quite able to make the connection between genetics and niggers. I'd put him at 85 IQ. Which is smart for a nigger.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Right at the utmost top of the bell curve.

Goys-R-Us ago

Watchoo talkin bout nigger? He a PhD.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

I've watched quite a few of this guy's videos and... heh... believe me, he knows.

All kinds of hilarity with this guy:

Sitnikoff ago

He is what MLK would've become after the 70's.

Cant_Call_It ago

MLK was nothing but a nigger that capitalised on a movement. He would have been Al Sharpton today.

SubSaharanBeast ago

Quite. Even the smarter niggers are remarkably unable to think in abstracts. They ultimately understand little more than immediate absolutes.

raver9876 ago

What is an immediate absolute?

Short term thinking about food status or money?

SubSaharanBeast ago

They think in terms of absolutes, not abstracts. As such they have no sense of future time orientation. They live in the moment.

Korinthian ago

Tangible things. Something you can touch. Not concepts, like status or time.

raver9876 ago

Thanks. So you are talking about concrete things when you say “immediate absolutes. I like your phrase in that it seems to put more of a focus on the short term thinking found in some African cultures. Is that a term used by cognitive psychologists or is it just a term you invented?

Korinthian ago

Youre talking to two different guys.

raver9876 ago

Ok, I got it but I still wonder where that phrase comes from?

Korinthian ago

Its just a neologism. Absolutes being a synonym for substantial. It ABSOLUTELY exists, as evidenced by itself. Immediate absolutes are just substantive things that exist now, or very very soon.

If I ask you if you want 1 candy tomorrow, or 20 candys in 2 weeks, the candy tomorrow is immediate, but the 20 are deferred. Both are absolute.

raver9876 ago

Got it, it is a objective way to point out short term materialist thinking. People with this bias would be more likely to commit a crime in order to acquire stuff.

SolidFoundations ago

Yes. Also, differed gratification and self control is a trait common to higher intelligences.