21490424? ago

They probably go down a lot at that studio.

21489063? ago

There was an old joke about how to distract the media from a tragedy. Kill a hot blonde with big tits. Once the media finds out about her, they won't care how many other people died.

21490237? ago

Unfortunately, they have too many hot blondes with big tits to choose from.

21487287? ago

Why? Nothing is going to happen.

21487129? ago

Here is a link that sums up the deal on porn. I cannot post a link but it is

Bitchute: h t t p s : / / w w w . bitchute . com / video / INfHqiiU0kQg /

21489957? ago

Note: Even when not allowed to post links, you don't need to go to this length and cause that more error-prone work for your readers.

You only need to separate the http:// or https:// from the rest of the link with one space like so:

https:// www.bitchute.com/video/INfHqiiU0kQg/

As a courtesy to novices or laziness (whichever) any modern browser will happily visit the second part of the link if one points it to it by copying that part in the address bar.

It will, however not highlight that second part as a clickable link. And rightfully so, as it's not a valid link.

Example: https:// www.bitchute.com/video/INfHqiiU0kQg/

Real link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/INfHqiiU0kQg/

21487101? ago

Vivid is probably having troubles with underage (illegal) actresses.

Pedo is destruction for a business.

21486675? ago

It seems as though most of the posts on this thread are being written by the same person because they keep omitting a needed word from a sentence. Can you please proofread? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

21486588? ago

Fun Fact: The In-n-out that Gisillane Maxwell took her picture at and was picked up by media after Epstein didn't kill himself is right down the street from the Vivid headquarters


21492966? ago


21487182? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#75940) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21486288? ago

Don't touch my porn.

21489753? ago

Take it off the front porch.

21486945? ago

Yeah there's a really limited amount of it,

21486014? ago

One revenue stream that (((they))) won't be able to cry about. They do NOT want the public to know they own it and run it. High moral standards and all are what they are about, doing God's work you know. /sarcasm

21487148? ago

Dirty Dershowitz and his unnamed dead wife, he likes defending the wife killers, supports the disgusting abusive smut industry as 'free speech'

21485874? ago

Then emerge as something bigger

21485841? ago

porn. is. dumb.

saps your sexual energy, the death grip on your dick (excuse my direct speech) is harmfull, more likely to get HPV growths. its shit.

oh, and dont race to the finish line when it comes to sex with women. give them a time to enjoy and you will be her goto fantasy and Man. and there is nothing wrong with having sex and not coming,, later you are able to fuck her more as if you had the virility of many men.

and fuck condoms.. she ought to eat it or have it sent where it belongs. excuse me for my language.

21487279? ago

saps your sexual energy, the death grip on your dick (excuse my direct speech) is harmfull, more likely to get HPV growths

Wrong on all accounts.

21487440? ago

Wrong on all acounts

21487758? ago

All wrong. Experts say otherwise. Those experts are Dr.s. See a good Infectious Disease Specialist. Never believe what you read from others who are not experts on the Interwebs.

The Bottom Line: No Masterbation does not spread HPV or further wart growth.

NOTE: In the U.S., counseling and referrals are available on a national human papillomavirus (HPV) hotline. Call toll-free at 877-HPV-5868 (877-478-5868). Hours are from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Monday through Friday.


It's not how many times you masturbate in a week (or day) that really matters, says Logan Levkoff, PhD, a sexologist and sex educator. It's how it fits into your life. Every man or woman is different and effects drive differently. Men with higher amounts of testosterone levels tend not to lose drive. Those with lower testosterone levels do lose drive.

Masturbation can help your sex life, since it's how guys learn what they like during sex. "I think women would be more satisfied sexually in their relationships if they masturbated as much as men do," Levkoff says.

You're wrong. Facts are facts. See a Sex Therapist and invest in a Testosterone Booster. That or get Viagra. It is evident that the problem is YOU not the masturbation.


Nuff said. YOU LOSE. Why did you LOSE. You presented ZERO facts. Just self adorning and consuming presumption.

Bye bye ..

21488171? ago

Yes it does. And women who wear tight cloths around their waste can get hpv growths too.

And forign chems on the penis dont help.

Masterbation is dumb

21488196? ago

Really? You're going to attempt to argue with Experts - Dr.s? . OK. You can live in fairy tell land then.

21488268? ago

Where does anal cancer in gay males come from?

21488478? ago

It doesn't come from masturbation.

Most anal cancers (80%) are diagnosed in people who are over age 60. Prior to age 35, anal cancer is more common in men. However, after age 50, anal cancer is slightly more common in women. Men and women who are straight have been diagnosed with anal cancer unrelated to HPV or HIV.



You do know how to research don't you? By researching you will find all the answers you need from the CDC and Web MD. Or you can ask your Dr.

21487417? ago

You deteach yourself from real stimulus from real pussy. You give yourself the reward of masterbation which is very infeiror to real sex. Ejaculating alot reduces stamina and the infeiror stimulus used for masterbation-driven ejaculation is inferior to real pussy... So the sexual drive of a masterbator, for real pussy is just psyco-physically fucked.

And rubing a dick that already has had contact with hpv can cause reinflamtion of hpv

And the strenght of a hand jerking a dick off is factors more direct stimlus than a pussy..

Fuck off. Ive lived it. HPV and abrasion has beem researched. Dudes who ejaculacte to porn 3 times a day dont get dates as easy

21487741? ago

All wrong. Experts say otherwise. Those experts are Dr.s. See a good Infectious Disease Specialist. Never believe what you read from others who are not experts on the Interwebs.

The Bottom Line: No Masterbation does not spread HPV or further wart growth.

NOTE: In the U.S., counseling and referrals are available on a national human papillomavirus (HPV) hotline. Call toll-free at 877-HPV-5868 (877-478-5868). Hours are from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Monday through Friday.


It's not how many times you masturbate in a week (or day) that really matters, says Logan Levkoff, PhD, a sexologist and sex educator. It's how it fits into your life. Every man or woman is different and effects drive differently. Men with higher amounts of testosterone levels tend not to lose drive. Those with lower testosterone levels do lose drive.

Masturbation can help your sex life, since it's how guys learn what they like during sex. "I think women would be more satisfied sexually in their relationships if they masturbated as much as men do," Levkoff says.

You're wrong. Facts are facts. See a Sex Therapist and invest in a Testosterone Booster. That or get Viagra. It is evident that the problem is YOU not the masturbation.


Nuff said. YOU LOSE. Why did you LOSE. You presented ZERO facts. Just self adorning and consuming presumption.

21488177? ago

Waaa waaa

I dont care what you say

21488207? ago

Facts are facts. Are you a Libertard? They hate facts.

21488259? ago

Libtards are incels

21485840? ago

I bet (((they)) make more money from porn than Hollywood movies, which appears about half lose money.

21486877? ago

Yeah, hollyweird seems solely focused on social programming.

21487020? ago

Control, money, power. Especially if you're a very ugly short race of people that nobody would throw a shekel at without MKultra influence.

21485884? ago

I got to see numbers once on a blog about porn money, the money on actors, cameras, dvds etc and porn operates at a loss, its probably the drug running, the blackmail tapes and people trafficking that is indirectly connected to pornography business where the true cash really comes from

21485941? ago

Same goes for Hollywood movies. I've read, seen on 60 minutes back when it was real news, and other places that Jews cook the books, they keep two sets of books. Just like the holocaust, they created the image they are doing good and getting screwed, but its all a lie. They make a whole lot of money on every picture, otherwise the shekel rubbing bastards wouldn't do it.

21485809? ago

This gives me absolutely no idea as to what's going on with Vivid Entertainment.

21485900? ago

keep an eye open

can't drug an underage girls and get them to do porn and not expect a father to come after you.

21485867? ago

Weinstein, Epstein, Alvin "Al" Goldstein.... all one mafia?

21485617? ago

Your post is bullshit unless you explain. Otherwise you are nothing but a piece of shit event faggot.

21487543? ago

Crap is everywhere, the Canada tranny Jessica Yaniv filed discrimination complaints against 13 waxing salons, the other creep criminals

Zuleidy Piedrahita ('Lupe Fuentes') was investigated by Spanish and Colombian police in 2011, because her Spanish ex-husband, Pablo Lapiedra, had allegedly been using her to procure Colombian high school girls ... if the porn pimps end up in a jail inside South America, the Colombians Mexicans will probably stab them shot them, in Thailand they would probably be tied up hung and chained inside a cage for a small monkey, jail in a US prison would be the more easy option.

21487364? ago

they will be finished? @con77 @Blacksmith21 ? @carmencita @flyingcuttlefish the studio, not even trying to hide anymore... some got baphomet, pentagram and horned logos, a front for other evil shit

21485768? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3514752 The Jewish Quarterly did a fantastic article on the subject Many years ago.

21485582? ago

Fuck the Jews. All Jews.

21485625? ago

What about those who haven't committed any crimes?

21485909? ago

anyone at that studio knows what THEY did

21485761? ago

Call out evil when you see it and stand against it. Saying all Jews is Satan's trap.

21485798? ago

Q has told us this. The newfag/divisionfag/shills stick out like a sore thumb. They clearly haven't read the posts for themselves.

21485790? ago


21485713? ago

What about the pit bulls who haven’t bitten yet?

21485753? ago

Sound logic


21485532? ago

I remember meeting Laurie Hirsch, the owners wife, at my old job... maybe 10 years ago. She came in and bought out the place, we were a salon and we sold crazy over-priced swim wear. She dropped about $900 in 10 minutes on very mediocre swimwear. She was nice enough though... I wonder what they did

21487295? ago

The conspiracy asked who pushed the tranny agenda...rumors on Crazy days? Hundreds arrested world wide, drugs and other worse things, they are not just involved with porn. Feds arrest hundreds since Trump was in can we name Canadian Jews, the Frogs, the Israel connection, Thailand, the Russian mafia, trafficking from S.America, flights to Qatar, Britbong and other places? At his trial in 2004 Belgian child molester and murderer Marc Dutroux claimed he was part of a European wide pedophile network. He claimed he was one of the procurers and the 'clean up' man of the pedo ring.

He was convicted in June 2004 but the jury dismissed his claims about a European wide pedophile ring. Law enforcement should be looking at this again but I have no idea if they are.

Why are these studios now getting busted, even a Disney connection, does it link to other things?

@CluelessInTheDark @TREDDITFIRST ? @fluxusp @MartinTimothy the facebooks, you tube mods, twitters probably knew what was going on behind in the dark places

21485756? ago

... Porn is Black Magic ... will they mention the company & (((people))) running the smuggling, drugs, the exploitation, pimping and prostitution https://snew.notabug.io/r/conspiracy/comments/dkc1kn/porn_is_black_magic/

21491294? ago

That URL got shoa'ed. Any archive by chance ?

21485521? ago

it would be nice if someone collected the data about porn studios and porn sites

is it all them ?

21485796? ago

Babylon and Baphomet https://voat.co/v/QRV/3502692 Why All Porn is Gay

21491878? ago

Some hard truths from the article:

"Homosexuality is a form of arrested development caused by an inability to form a heterosexual bond due to identifying with your biologically opposite gender. As a result, homosexuals compensate using sex as a surrogate for love."

""There is nothing so destructive to human society as the separation of sex and love.*"

"The porn consumer is engaged in a promiscuous masturbatory fantasy."

"We were not prepared for the attack on our humanity by "sexual liberation" and porn. We didn't know our leadership had been subverted by the Illuminati."

"Porn is creating new generations of heterosexuals who behave like homosexuals."

And a question:

"Young naked women are practically identical. They have identical equipment. Boobs and bush. Symmetrical faces. Do men need to see literally thousands of examples? There is something addictive here. Why don't men get sick of it? Why don't they suffer from gynecologist's fatigue?"

Yes, they need to see it all 😁.

It has to do partly with the psychology of collecting (of course, Freud immediately goes anal, so ignore that kike).

As a young lad, I remember when thinking about which girl should I pursue next, the immediate, self-evident answer was: "All the pretty ones !". I didn't want to miss on any of them. Think more of types: blonde, brunette, redhead, straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair, petite, curvy, pale, tanned, blue eyes, brown eyes, black eyes, pear shaped boobs, big boobs, pointy boobs, etc.

Porn girls fit somewhat into that fantasy, that we could be pursuing all lasses forever. In that sense it is arrested development and a masturbatory fantasy.

21522218? ago

Well said.

21489880? ago

Good link. Henry Makow has been all over this issue for years.

21485512? ago

Why what's happening to Vivid Entertainment?

21485893? ago

they messed with the wrong little girl... angry father about to end them

21488165? ago

Can’t find any news on it. You got a link?

21489606? ago

He's predicting the news here. Do you have a watch ?

21486061? ago

when he cuts their dick off will they get it on video??...lol

21486126? ago

....i could fap to that...

21489587? ago

They don't deserve a fap. Too quick, not enough public showing.

21485806? ago

another holo shoah https://voat.co/v/QRV/3513019 NoFap is being sued by the porn industry Anonymous ...They (Jewish porn industry profiteers) are accusing the founder and I guess owner-operator of NoFap.com of... antisemitism

21485504? ago

Won't be soon enough. I'm old enough to remember stag films (old term for porn), it was very rare for them to be shown anywhere outside of a drunken batchelor party. Too many men think that their wives and girlfriends need to be perform like porn stars for them now after porn watching for years. It would be very rare to find a woman who prefers the unnatural acts in lieu of tender lovemaking, it's usually just to please their other, not because it's really wanted.

21487231? ago

It would be very rare to find a woman who prefers the unnatural acts in lieu of tender lovemaking

That explains the massive sales and popularity among women of 50 shades of grey.

21487475? ago

Fantasy has always been a popular genre in literature.

21489434? ago

fantasy romance (a.k.a female porn) is doing just as much damage to society as visual porn. I would say female porn is actually worse because it always involves the entire romance, not just the sex, so that it poisons their minds about every aspect of romance, not just unrealistic sex.

21489560? ago

Not same Anon.

Agree, that's like masturbatory Divorce and masturbatory Cock Carousel.

21487618? ago

Not everyone is attracted by the same fantasies. Especially not sexual ones.

21487681? ago

True. I'm just sorry those things aren't kept private anymore.

21487069? ago

Women watch more gangbang and hardcore porn than men.

A good chunk of them also have rape fantasies.


"A recent analysis of 20 studies over the last 30 years indicates that between 31% and 57% of women have rape fantasies, and these fantasies are frequent or preferred in 9% to 17% of women. Considering that many people are ashamed to report rape fantasies, these stats are most likely lowball figures."

21487754? ago

Well, I haven't talked to all the women in the world about the subject but I have talked to my friends and relatives.. once you get to a certain age women are more honest about what they like and don't like and most if not all have said they're done pretending to like it. As far as rape fantasies go, I don't think the actual brutality and violence of rape is what they're talking about. But rather being overpowered by a handsome, sexy man..sure, why not..but that's not the hard, cold, brutal act of rape, that's a fantasy of submission a lot of women have.

21487989? ago

But rather being overpowered by a handsome, sexy man..sure, why not, that's a fantasy of submission a lot of women have. .but that's not the hard, cold, brutal act of rape.

I fully agree. But it isn't "tender lovermaking" either. I belief most women will want both - tender lovemaking and rough dominating sex.

Telling boys that they are wrong for having dominant sex fantasies (which existed long before porn!!) or that they are annoying to their partner with those fantasies will just further emasculate them and make them less interesting compared to foreign cultures and their men.

21487832? ago

Men and Woman can be both good and bad. Guys can get a rough time for sex on the brain but others, the female sex can just be as vicious and perverted, some women are fucked in the head will behave like a dog in heat if she lacks values or is just feeling 'hormonal' ... perhaps its ancient thing wired in their brain, cave man times and some guys come back to the stone age cave with half a deer and a lump of chicken .. she can not learn to physically over power the cave man and instead she learns to open her legs to get her way, sex as a weapon i guess. Humanity should have evolved but some have not, some will be like their fucked up twisted mothers, the internet has allowed eyes to see many things, others are part of a criminal town, a network of abuse, crime and no humanity.

21487627? ago

According to Bernie Sanders!

21485779? ago

biggest child p-rn producer in California history avoid jail with a sweet plea deal https://voat.co/v/QRV/3519405/21361242

21485487? ago

Ok.... can you share more than a quick one liner?

21485863? ago


21489448? ago

A one worder.

21485787? ago

Mossad Butt Boys gotta do something to save one of the last cabal outposts? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3533369/21476691

21485352? ago

I can't believe I used to watch that filthy shit. I would always feel a sense of shame after but couldn't understand why, as it's pushed as normal behavior. SO glad I woke up from that slumber.

21488479? ago

Shame is perfectly natural reaction to activities you may engage in that debase and dehumanize others. Environment is stronger than a will to resist so get away from people who consider this type of behavior "normal." Our society would collapse in one single generation if most people behaved this way. The tide has turned to "normalize" normal behavior again, especially after good people see what the FISA and IG report has to say (present evidence for) regarding how depraved certain members of Congress and the Senate are who make noise the loudest. From there the dominos will keep a fallen as Royal Dynasties and past presidents and their minions are brought to justice. Porn has played a major part in the demoralizing phase of our great nation and breaking down the family unit to make America weak is a priority in their playbook. Thanks to brave men and women who have given their lives or livelihood to stem and then turn the tide of Evil that has had a death grip on all of our throats - Well, we got em on the run people, We the People, guided by our President and the Q team, military intelligence, and carried out by the best military on the Planet.

21488269? ago

Jew media loves to portray sickness as normal.

21488037? ago

It took me a long long time to wake up. Thank God! Thank everyone involved in this great awakening!

21487121? ago

Yup. Did the same. Regretted it, and regretted it more after my wife died of cancer. Thought it was harmless...I was a piece of shit.

21487777? ago

You were deceived! Not a piece of shit! DECEIVED!

You'll be fine. Just keep improving yourself every day.

God bless.

21522196? ago


Nice get, fren! Half the digits; a quad! Reminds me of "Trump will win" kek :)

21487388? ago

Sorry for you loss fren, be forgiving of yourself - you deserve it.

21487507? ago

Thank you. After 2 years of grieving her loss, God has blessed me with a second chance with a wonderful woman and two bonus boys. I talk to my older teenagers; l will tell the youngest when its time; think about why its so easy to get (porn), who it benefits, who it hurts, and what does it do to your loved ones and your soul. My departed forgave me, I have forgiven myself. I will never go back.

21489255? ago

I will never go back.

Did you try black ?

Porn addicts will understand :)

21486843? ago

Trying to get off it myself. One day at a time.

21489415? ago

What worked for me after a lifetime addiction was (is) to magnify God with thanksgiving continually. When I do that, there is no room for porn. Of course you must offer yourself as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God and to allow him to renew your mind. It's a daily effort, but so simple you can mis it..but so powerful.

21495200? ago

Yes, it works...I can attest to that

21488325? ago

You're not alone Brother. I've been fighting my addiction for years now. Try and get some local support. Talking to other people with the same problems can help a lot.

Also get some medical help. I got some stuff that stops it from getting hard so often. I'm trying to cut them out a bit so only take them if I'm going out of the house now.

Do you have the recurring dream where you're doing your thing and accidentally pull the end off?

That was a big deterrent for me

21522183? ago

I got some stuff that stops it from getting hard so often.

Back in college, someone's girlfriend was visiting for the weekend, and his asshole roommate put saltpeter in his food. He couldn't get it up.

In recalling the name just now, I find it amusing that its name describes its action.

21486951? ago

What steps are you taking to stop? Just make the decision right now not to partake in that degeneracy and move on.

21487967? ago

not OP but it's really not that easy. its an addiction. you have to replace it with something else, something healthier. for me thats exercise

21489190? ago

Not previous Anon.

I understand your point as I'm also 'struggling' with it ;)

I used to smoke one pack of cigarettes per day for 24 years, since I was 13. I was never a 'beliver' in this or that stop program, although I did tried some years back with patches. Lasted about a week.

After following Q for a couple of weeks (2 months I would say ?) I came to two realizations:

  • Incarnated Evil exists in this world whether you like to call it Devil, Satan or simply any other atheistic definition of Evil (e.g: psychopaths).

  • by consequence, either God or any atheistic definition of God (eg.: some brain region where we 'host' the notion of God) exists or otherwise all our world would devolve into chaos in a year not a millennia.

Realizing that, I no longer wished to soil my body with that purposefully-designed substance cocktail. And I never was and still aren't a person obsessed with body shape or health.

I just didn't wanted to do that anymore and I stopped once my last pack was finished. No questions, no ifs, no buts, no patches, just water. Been through relative tough times for about 3 months and then I was done.

And I didn't become a grumpy ex-smoker neither. You can smoke next to me just fine, I don't mind, I'm not tempted and I won't lecture you for it. I'm now at 18 months and counting. Let's hope it continues.

All this to say that the saying is true: "To him that will, ways are not wanting."

Whether that will is his, God's or his mind God's will.

21490094? ago

No ifs, ands, or BUTTS


Congrats. I was only able to switch to vaping nicotine instead. Not pure, but better.

Congrats on and respect for your strength.

21490969? ago

Kek. Thanks for the encouragement.

If ever planning on quitting these two blog posts and especially the comments helped me through it (and help was needed):

The 2nd site got shoa'ed for some reason.

21530583? ago

Thanks for the links!

21486335? ago

More porn for the rest of us.

21488862? ago

Less womin for the rest of us (the other ones) :(

21485820? ago

another way they destroy the family, men and women’s relationships, relationships in general.


21486934? ago

It's really fucking disgusting man. All for a shot of dopamine. There are wayyy better ways to get dopamine flowing, like actually fucking or working out.

21485673? ago

Me too, fren. Perfect description.

21485228? ago

Porn is a jewish creation used to destroy the traditional family unit.

21485834? ago

That old club Walt had? Disney connections https://voat.co/v/QRV/3472481 BELLA PORN Bella Thorne wins Pornhub award for adult movie Her & Him after Disney star’s directorial debut hits the spot.

She's 22 now.

21485698? ago

It was another addiction pushed, an agenda maybe....not sure of the plan, maybe its spying and virus or collecting data like reddit cookies n spyware...is it money, they don't seem to be over flowing in cash from films, so is it sex toys or a drug pushing business in the alley behind the studio ...most filth studios don't seem to make money, so is the studio a front for other things ... or maybe its to break the family core and sell you some degenerate shit to gross out your brain and kill the human connection ....or is something else happening ... a lot of exposure in the Q subs, human trafficking, drug running, a front for prostitution and the stories of abuse etc

21486352? ago

Break the family and... ever wonder why they need cameras on both sides of the phone?

Pretty sure a large number of people in the world have been documented doing something inappropriate while watching something inappropriate. All stored safely away to blackmail people.

21485438? ago

It's working.

21485513? ago


finger waggling intensifies