21859366? ago

The Jew mafia and the Porn industry? Does it also connect to drug pushing, prostitution, human trafficking ?? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3577311/21855845

21485802? ago

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21378850? ago

Pornography Discussion - Anonymous https://voat.co/v/anon/3521269/21376454

21276389? ago

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21222030? ago

Total Westermarck-influenced 1950’s-1970’s MK-Ultra bullshit, although it’s heart is in the right place.

In brief (and not comprehensively):

Dealing with normal Human sexual instinct, while bearing in mind that both genders of Humans bear genes for both genders’ sexual instinct (ie: All Humans bear genes for both Female & Male sexual activity, except where certain genes have been “selected against” via sexual extermination and/or rape).

General Female-Female bonding is asexual, and forms the core of the family unit. Asexual Female-Female bonding may be supplemented with sexual intimacy, but not necessarily.

Females’ asexual/sexual bonding is for life, with as many females as the particular family unit may sustain. (A breeding male and multiple non-breeding males may be part of this unit, but not necessarily.)

General Male-Male bonding is asexual, though it’s degree of sexuality is malleable. Normal Male-Male bonding is asexual, and for life, while the more sexual it becomes, the less permanent.

Males are sexually promiscuous, becoming more so to the degree they function homosexually. Males are capable of being sexually monogamous, though doing so results in sexual stress that is perpetually traumatic.

Females are sexually promiscuous, yet becoming less so to the degree they function homosexually, although to the degree a group of lifelong female sexual partners becomes available, they will become sexually faithful to that group of females.

Heterosexual marriage tends to end up with the female opting out on the relationship. Even if the “marriage” remains intact, the male usually finds some means of extraneous Male-Male bonding, and some means of extramarital promiscuous sex.

This is where the “sexual monogamy versus homosexual promiscuity” bullshit clock resets itself every time: Heterosexual monogamous couples breed children who are inevitably sexually confused, and, essentially and effectively, spawn sexually promiscuous children of confused sexual identity. The reason why the “Nuclear Family” was pushed by MK-Ultra along with Christian Fundamentalism, starting in the 1950’s was because the CIA (etcetera) knew breaking up the extended family (among Whites, as a target, but others collaterally) would lead to an increase in male homosexuality (as well as producing male sexual sadists and serial killers); and would produce females who would open their thighs for any subhuman shithead who wandered past. Fortunately, their calculations were wrong; but (as we are still involved in the Goyim Genocide War), let’s not delineate exactly which.

Bolshevism preaches sexual promiscuity because it leads to sociosexual confusion, which enables folks to be controlled, coerced and blackmailed. Christian Fundamentalists preach heterosexual monogamy, because it leads to sexual promiscuity (and ultimately Bolshevism).

Articles of this sort smear the boundaries between natural and normal sexuality and unnatural and abnormal sexuality. This is because of similar funhouse mirror warping of sexual perceptions as are used in interracial acceptance. Porn is only as “bad” as what it depicts.

Recently, hereabouts, someone posted a photo of a woman with her shirt off. Several folks responded: “Stop Posting Porn!”

This is a very good litmus test of whether you are sociosexually fucked up: If a nude healthy woman smiling is offensive to you as being sexually aberrant, abnormal or extreme, then you are a deranged closet faggot and most likely a borderline serial killer.

Could go on and on; but not in the mood.

Be Beyond Good & Evil.

Love Humanity.

Love Woman.

Love Nature.








21383276? ago

the creepy @Joe_McCarthy is a criminal and a homosexual

21383382? ago

Huh? What? Right! Uh!

Fuck the Pain Away!

Fuck the Pain Away!

Fuck the Pain Away!

Fuck the Pain Away!

21383289? ago

Hey, I haven't even posted gay porn. Yet.

21221249? ago

I hate to burst the bubble on a billion-dollar industry: Young naked women are practically identical. They have identical equipment. Boobs and bush. Symmetrical faces. Do men need to see literally thousands of examples?

21221947? ago

You must be female.

21222720? ago

Was just quoting the article, thought it was a good point.

21221223? ago

Heterosexual porn is 100% gay because you are watching another man fuck a woman. Two guys fucking is 200% gay, the same with two women. The only way to watch porn that is less gay is with a woman and a chick with a dick, it is still 50% gay though.

21363281? ago

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21221687? ago

There is no such thing as a "chick with a dick". There are only "dudes with tits".

21221237? ago

Good observation, makes sense.

21220846? ago

"Think of heterosexuality as monogamous and dedicated to rearing children; homosexuality as promiscuous

and concerned with sex for its own sake. Porn is creating new generations of heterosexuals who behave like homosexuals."

21545609? ago

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21221056? ago

That's a great quote and insight.

21220815? ago

Making arguments by completely redefining words is fun and easy.

21220853? ago

You couldn't READ the article, could you?

21377517? ago

posting diseased skinny mudshakrs here @whitemouse @Joe_McCarthy Why are you Arab Negroid Jews still spamming voat with your filth? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3521043/21374720 ..... ? https://twitter.com/blacked_com/status/1058773332609417216

21377756? ago

I see you don't get it yet. If she is white, under 30, pretty, and located in America, she fucks niggers.

That Blacked video was made years after the solo of Little Caprice that was posted though.

21377526? ago

that @whitemouse creep is a criminal and a homosexual