21429799? ago

Ark of the Covenant. The Holy Grail.

22147341? ago

Epstein Temple Modeled After "The Mamluks" Which Are White Slaves Forced to Convert to Islam...

Paradise Papers

Jeffrey Epstein’s offshore fortune traced to Paradise Papers

The files reportedly show that, by the mid-2000s Epstein’s firm had joined a roster of the world’s wealthiest people and corporations in working with Appleby, and therefore gaining a skilled group of experts to help it navigate the secretive and low-tax world of offshore finance, the new report states. From at least 2000 to 2007, Epstein chaired a company registered in Bermuda called Liquid Funding Ltd. This entity was partially owned by the investment bank Bear Stearns, where Epstein had worked, according to the report. The bank’s collapse would help set in motion the 2008 financial crisis.


Liquid Funding Ltd. >>> network



old babylon cult, Rosicrucian and the famous high profile assassin guy they stabbed in jail recently


21428779? ago

There is no treasure left, & Solomon's Temple does not exist as the 2nd Temple of Jesus day was built up from Solomon's & the mount was expanded by Herod, so though the location of it does. The Romans stole everything, burned all the beautiful cedar wood, melting the gold onto the stones, and every single stone, of the REAL Temple Mount, the Temple walls, pillars, brazen brass bowls, even the foundation stones themselves, were dug up & thrown down into the valley so the soldiers could pilfer the melted gold from between the rock pavers. Jesus said specifically, NOT ONE stone would be left upon another of the 2nd Temple Mount. Pilgrims & visiting historians stated, you would never have known the beautiful Temple or any of the Old City of David ever existed at all if you had not been a previous visitor of the city. The only thing left standing was the Roman Fort Antonia with the Roman 10th Legion still there for 200 yrs AFTER the 2nd Temple & the city were totally obliterated from sight.

The Dome of the Rock does not sit on Solomon's Temple/2nd Temple site. That stone is NOT a round smooth threshing floor rock. 5000 Roman soldiers with their entourage of grooms & aids would NEVER live with the Jews. They lived totally separate in the GIANT fort on the highest point in the area with the Roman aqueduct they built providing water for them & their horses. That aqueduct was NOT there in Solomon's day, so there would be zero water on the Temple mount in his day. The sacrifices required LIVING WATER, thus the Gihon Spring in the City of David has to be the sight.

The Roman lookout guards could literally look down into the Jewish Temple from their vantage point. That would only be possible if the Real 2nd Temple was BELOW the south wall near the Gihon Spring where the "living water", 100% needed for the sacrifices, came from the only siphon spring in Jerusalem, The living spring water is historically recorded to have bubbled up from the very foundation of the True Temple Mount. There is no living water source on the Dome of the Rock or Al Aqsa area that could bubble up from the foundation.

21439377? ago

I love it when you post educational messages like this. Thank you

21441334? ago

Thank you. There is still so much conflict from Jewish scholars still saying the Temple was either at the Dome of the Rock, north of the Dome of the Rock, or on the South of the Dome of the rock near the Al Aqsa behind the Wailing Wall. If it really were there, I would have to choose that southwestern spot simply because it is closest to the City of David, and it has a man made well. The fact that historians who actually visited the 2nd Temple stated it could NOT be seen at all when entering the city from the North still logically tells me it had to be below the southern wall. If it were on the present mount anywhere, it was so tall, taller than the Dome of the Rock, it would have to have been seen. Logical deduction, the elevation would have been much lower than the present elevation back in Solomon's day. So, I still give some credibility to it being in that southwest corner, now underground. The man made well near Al Aqsa is not a "living water" siphon spring that pilgrim historians mentioned gurgled up from the Temple's very foundation though. Questions... questions??

We know David & Solomon were anointed as King at Gihon Spring. I definitely believe the tent that housed the Ark of the Covenant was near the Gihon for the sacrifices BEFORE Solomon's Temple was built. It is written King Solomon brought the Ark "up out" of the City of David in a parade of dancing & singing & 1000's of animals were sacrificed to the Lord that day, BEFORE placing it in the Temple. So that is one verse quoted as saying it was NOT in the City of David, which obtusely means it would then not be in Zion either. So did they parade it up out of a northern gate, back down to the south & back up so the citizens could all bow & worship the Lord as the Ark passed by to then have it placed in Solomon's Temple in the City? Thus still, much confusion reigns, & until more evidence arises for God's clarity all in His good time, I lean heavily toward the living Gihon water spring, and a placement near King David's palace.

Another unreconciled historical fact I mentioned is that the10th Legion had the 5000 soldiers + aids. The present 'small' Fort Antonia could never house that many men & animals, cooks, sleeping quarters, etc. That has to be the high ranking Roman Officers & visiting families & dignitaries residences. We know the Romans built the aqueduct from Bethlehem, & most likely dug the cisterns & pools for their own use. Romans were BIG on bathing & cleanliness, thus the big water source for Roman baths & water for the entire encampment, all on the huge Fort Antonia. There was also the North East bridge & an eastern gate into the Fort complex, a Muster Gate, & Merchant's gate.The Horse gate is in the Southeast near what is called Solomon's stables. Massive gate & arches for horses coming and going??

In Solomon's day, there was just zero running water up that high, I can't get past that GIANT elephant in the room. And, If as the scripture states many times, that The Temple was in Zion, which is the City of David, how could it be 1/3rd of a mile away uphill? The only water source for the Jebusite City which was conquered by David, becoming the ancient city of David, was the Gihon Spring. The present day Dome of the Rock Temple mount with it's cisterns and a perhaps the well with pulleys, could not continually cleanse the Temple with it's thousands of blood sacrifices. The blood would have been everywhere. It would be an astronomical feat to carry & fill enough cisterns in dry seasons. What is now known as the Old City with the Muslim, Jewish, Christian, & Armenian sections did not exist in Solomon's day. It was just the City of David, Mt Zion, the old Jebusite Fortress. The threshing floor was bought by David from the Jebusite. The present mount and especially the Western Wailing Wall still has massive Herodian stones deep underground. He extended the Temple mount, certainly enlarging it before the whole thing was obliterated to not even seem to have existed at all. If such a huge "Western Wall of the Temple" was still present when the pilgrim's came, why would they historically document it's total lack of existence. Stating ALL they saw was the 10th Legion still on Fort Antonia, which THEY built with Herodian stones.

The Romans remained in their Fort Antonia for at least 200 years after the destruction of the City of David & the Temple, after the Jews were dispersed. Remember that contingents of Roman soldiers hunted every Jew down as they fled. Chased them through the tunnels. These later pilgrims also wrote there were No Jews, no city, no TEMPLE, or even a foundation showing anything had existed at all. They were astonished God would allow His people to be so utterly devastated as to never be seen as to have existed there at all.

21428512? ago

Ever heard of "the worthless mysteries"? Well this is one of them.

21428371? ago

A buried UFO

21428266? ago

The root of religion. Psilocybin spores.

21428049? ago

Gold and knowledge to build. Didnt they go on a huge building spree building cathedrals everwhere. Read some shilly banterings of the holy grail and it being the line of christ and them trying to install a woman on the papacy. Since it was king solomon and he bound demons to do his bidding. I suspect sorcery as well. Without solomons ring tho good luck controlling them. If ya wanna dive that rabbit hole.

21427948? ago

Hillary's dildo

21427819? ago


21427786? ago

Freemasons is nothing but a Jewish cult, they have a Noahide Judge level within in it. They think they have all of the secrets of the Knowledge of Good and evil, they in fact have nothing.

21427761? ago

I thought it was supposed to be the Ark of the Covenant, but I'm with the anon that it is actually the secrets of the pineal gland.

21859922? ago

black mail and other worthless criminal shit https://voat.co/v/QRV/3448664 its possible 'grandad' was friend to some werido sick criminal pedos

21427716? ago

The alleged temple is a metaphor for the human body leading to awakening the pineal gland. Many structures were mapped on both the metaphysical aspect of awakening as well as the physical.

This includes lighting effects, echo/vibration chambers, and sol-moon (solomon) knowledge of the celestial bodies.

Anything else is either a fake feud or a fake all together.

21428115? ago

Okay. You are too high to post.

21428468? ago

is too freemason to post.

21428160? ago

And you are too low?

Don't assume things. I have nothing more to share. What I stated would keep someone busy for a long time.

If you think a reply on a message board will change your life, then you're not living life at all.

21428834? ago

"Dont assume things"?? You sound like a spoiled brat. Do something, then tell everyone else they cant do the exact same thing you did. Take your own advice. Your whole post was 100% assumption. And then to claim anything else is fraudulent?? L. O. L.

21428275? ago

The pineal gland? Your connection is weak, to be kind. The rest of your reply reveals your own assessment of yourself. It doesn’t take a “ long time” to figure you out. As Shakespeare said: “ if nothing else, to thine own self be true” .

21427741? ago

Bruh. State secrets.

In all seriousness though, the majority of people here won't listen. The fact that this submission was even made is a testament to that.

21427965? ago

Nothing has been revealed, only described.

21427986? ago

/shrug no skin off my back if you want to try to reveal any more. In fact, be my guest. I gave up trying long ago.

21428099? ago

What could be shared would only confuse you and others watching this thread. The journey is a solo journey. Always has been unless you're blessed with someone who truly loves and respects you. Otherwise, be nice, stay honest, learn everything you can. You'll get there on your own, which is entirely the point of it all

21428117? ago

What could be shared would only confuse you

Nah, I'm all good. Not your typical QAnon/Pizzagater who believes every bit of propaganda thrust at them.

The journey is a solo journey. Always has been unless you're blessed with someone who truly loves and respects you.

Very true.

Otherwise, be nice, stay honest, learn everything you can. You'll get there on your own, which is entirely the point of it all

Honesty and learning aren't an issue. Being nice though, sometimes I forget that one - human condition and all that.

21428175? ago

It is. It really is, but because we are pieces of the people love, and hate.

Christos actually means to shed/molt. Think about that and enjoy your evening.

21428198? ago

/raises can


21427926? ago

Space doesn't exist.

21427637? ago

Where are the ruins of Solomon’s temple? I googled it and it seems to be fake jew bullshit. Again!

21427655? ago

Supposedly discovered in Jerusalem during the Crusades

21427918? ago

Okay! The Crusades! 12 year old peasant boys always tell the truth! During the 13th century! LOL!

21427957? ago

Buh buh buh, FREEMOOSES!

21427597? ago


the secret is

you never needed a temple

21427757? ago

I lol'd. Good answer.

21427591? ago

Pineapples to get shoved up their asses in hell!

21428503? ago

this is actually closest to a true answer up here. no shit.