21859936? ago

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20769149? ago

Got to love the uneducated shills trying to make posts making themselves sound as if they are important when all they post is bullshit.

20765865? ago

Nasa did not admit we never went to the moon. We went to the moon. The footage was the fake part. OP is a dumbass.

20765836? ago

The rituals are basically to make us all weighed down so that we do not ascend and, loosely speaking, maintain the corporeal (read that word carefully) through our vessels or vassals (these two words are also extremely important).

The laws we are governed by now, this means the legal systems and the magic words used now are tiered in their definitions depending the context they are used, and with what they are referencing in their usages.

It is a mix between Christian theosophy predicated on God granting rites (deliberate use of the word) and Man granting rites.

The essential premise is this; Once you interact with anything... ANYTHING... another human, a plant, drinking water from a river, killing an animal for sustenance, plowing land to fertilize and farm it... You enter into a contract with said human, plant, river, animal, dirt.

The essential premise is in two parts (loosely speaking);

  1. Man to man; Man Made Law; something occurring between more than yourself, is considered a contract. A commitment.

  2. Man within Nature; Natural Law; anything we materialize or introduce into nature, through manipulation of nature, has a direct result on nature. Alchemy essentially. Nature can retaliate as well. All outcomes yield more outcomes, no matter what you do.

Within these two laws, are a set of metaphysical laws in varying forms. We are born, taking energy from the sun and land. We are a form of currency in the legal sense, and we are currency in the natural sense (waves of people... or say, waves of energy of consumption, destruction, rebirth, etc.).

Again, I'm paraphrasing a lot here, but this is loose interpretation of my studies so far (10 years now). In between it all, you have your psychology, biology, and alchemical principals. All though, those 3 words are not referenced specifically, you might say it is mind, body, spirit.

Whatever happened during LEX REX, with the Irish/Scottish and the Catholic Church of England and Rome, has led to this type of system overall. Law of Land, Law of Sea, Law of Man. All sort of intermingled with a lot of spiritual systems, that are true, but are misaligned with poor execution of the systems.

As is the case with most noble endeavors, sooner than later, someone finds a way to corrupt it. However, that word does not mean a crime. It is more or less considered a naturally occurring result of mass systems breeding rogue sub systems.

There is a quote form someone concerning the fact that a law can not be written without the author eventually figuring out how to break it. Something to that effect. So any forceable action into mass consolidation will always yield a corruption of that effort. Again, not defined as a crime or good or bad. Just that, you should expect an evolution within the system outside of your intended goals.

Which leads into authoritarian systems, censorship (most notably through religion, later through intelligence services, and now through the corporate domain).

Again... I'm compressing a lot here to expound on thousands of years of evolved laws, society, and higher-states-of-consciousness.

20765601? ago

33 degree masons aren't telling you shit, son.

20765152? ago

20 minutes into video and it's really interesting. thanks for sharing.

20764776? ago

true, but there is an easy way out, and that is by following the teachings of Jesus.

20764752? ago

I found that the site the first link went to for the books of Enoch used a near invisible font for half the text, making it near unreadable. I found this pdf file for it that is readable. http://www.markfoster.net/rn/texts/AllBooksOfEnoch.pdf

20764537? ago

Those wanting to read Enoch in html check this out:


OP, how would you summarize the nature of our reality? Not from a perspective of what isn't, but what is.

20764699? ago

Nothing exists but the individual’s consciousness. Objects only exist as a phenomenon of consciousness. There is no existence without perception. We cannot confirm the actual existence of anything except our consciousness that is a part of a Super consciousness. One’s understanding of reality depends solely on their subjective feelings and thoughts of what appears to be real. Only the present is real but is not real in the same time continuum.

20765900? ago

Great reply.

20764482? ago

My grandfather was, as well.

I know the name that they use to refer to God.

Do you?

20769155? ago

Another uneducated shill who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.

20765545? ago

Starts with I + 3 letters. All capitals.

It is not a name. It is a sound.

20764636? ago

Great Architect Of the Universe.

It has been said, that the first sign of heresy starts with how one defines the nature of God. If one defines God outside of the Biblical context, than such a definition is considered heretical from a Christian worldview.

20764961? ago

Nope, that’s a title they use to confuse the role of God to the lower degrees.

They have a name for their conception of the supreme being; a proper name. And no. It’s not “Demiurge.”

I won’t say it or type it, as I feel a great evil associated with it, but I will tell you that it is three syllables.

20769186? ago

How many of the thirty three degrees is it referenced in?

What is it's meaning?

Where is it derived from?

How is it used?

If you can't answer the above, you are just another misinformed fool who thinks they know what they are talking about.

20765511? ago

What is the evil associated with it? What is the actual role of God?

20765172? ago


20765280? ago

Non-Masonic authors have alleged that it is a Masonic name for God, and even the name of a unique "Masonic God", despite repeated statements by Freemasonry's officials that "There is no separate Masonic God", nor a separate proper name for a deity in any branch of Freemasonry.

lol Nice Try.

20765306? ago

Confirmed glownigger

20765415? ago

Fucking lazy retard. Is this how you respond to any new ideas you're presented with? Why don't you offer your perspective?

20765541? ago

Confusing that you would copy & paste a response from below.

20765238? ago

We found someone who knows, boys.

Then I assume you know what’s at stake.


20765003? ago

Hog wash. You're taking the Pike angle. My grandad told me about the Lucifer crap as well.

The confusion between Lucifer and this invented Devil named Satan is one of the oldest religious conspiracies that is still in effect to this very day. This is no surprise being that most all Christians are simply not educated on the bible, its history or the true meanings behind many of the biblical passages and the words that are contained in that book of books.

20765062? ago

Strike two, fella.

The only one offering hogwash here is you, pal. This is the one consequential mote of knowledge that identifies a 33rd degree mason. If you don’t know this, you were either lied to or you’re lying to us.

If you are trying to know thy enemy, you are misarming yourself. If you are trying to push this as fact, you’re trying to disarm us.

20765292? ago

The confusion between Lucifer and this invented Devil named Satan is one of the oldest religious conspiracies that is still in effect to this very day. This is no surprise being that most all Christians are simply not educated on the bible, its history or the true meanings behind many of the biblical passages and the words that are contained in this book. My hopes are to educate you by telling you the truth in the most simple manner possible. In doing so, I ask that you please keep an open mind and that you do not shoot the witness. The facts are Lucifer is mentioned only once in the Bible. " How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning." Isaiah xiv. 12. Not any other time is Lucifer mentioned and at no time as it been mentioned with Satan or the Devil. Hence, any assumptions you may have that Lucifer is Satan or the Devil are false and simply based onheresy. What this means is that you need to get educated by reading about this subject yourself and I will also provide some research material with links below this article. If you think I AM lying or trying to mislead you, then the burden of proof is on you to prove me wrong. This is done not just by stating your alleged facts, but by also providing actual evidence which I bet that you will never be able to accomplish in a million years. This case solved. Lucifer is NOT Satan or the Devil. Below, I will provide a multitude of expert authors, books and links for you to investigate this yourself if you still do not "believe" what I know as fact. As they say, ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power. I choose knowledge. Shakespeare and the Bible: to which is added prayers on the stage, ... - Page 136 books.google.com James Rees - 1876 - 188 pages - Free Google eBook - Read Lucifer is mentioned but once in the Bible. " How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning." Isaiah xiv. 12. Shakespeare uses it six times. " Falls like Lucifer." Henry VIII., Act iii. Sc. 2. " Lucifer and Beelzebub himself." Henry V. The Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature: Volume 2 - Page 275 books.google.comJohn Kitto - 1851 - Free Google eBook - Read 6 'Zcurtiaos), a word that occurs once in the English Version in the linen — ' How art thou fallen from heaven, Lucifer, son of the morning ! ... This, the popular sense, is conveyed in the note in Barker's Bible : ' Thou that thoughtest thyselfe most glorious, and as it were placed m ... According to ecclesiastical lia- dition, the author of the Gospel is the same Luke who is mentioned in Paul's Epistles (Pbilem. The Genesis of the Bible - Page 5 books.google.com Shaka Saye Bambata Dolo - 2012 - 820 pages - Google eBook - Preview But Lucifer is actually, the name of the Bright and Morning Star, and not the father of evil. ... King James translated Bible of 1611 A. D. In the Canaanites Amharic Literature of ancient Egypt, North Afrikan Mythology, the Bright and Morning Star, ... A dictionary of the Holy Bible, for the use of schools and young ... - Page 194 books.google.com Edward Robinson - 1833 - 361 pages - Free Google eBook - Read This is the only place where the word Lucifer occurs in the English Bible, and it is here evidently applied to the king of Babylon. ... are without foundation, and arose in part, perhaps, from confounding him with the Lucius mentioned in Acts 13:1. Bible Basics: books.google.com Duncan Heaster - 2001 - Preview Comments 1. The words “devil”, “satan” and “angel” never occur in this chapter. This is the only place in Scripture where the word “Lucifer” occurs. 2. There is no evidence that Is. 14 is describing anything that happened in the garden of Eden; ...

20769861? ago

Good work

20764447? ago

Larry Bird

20764339? ago


20764352? ago


20764368? ago

You’re retarded.

20764399? ago

If I was retarded I wouldn't be able to communicate with a key board. lol Continue on with revealing yourself. You have my permission.

20764446? ago

My cat can communicate with a keyboard. And undoubtedly more intelligently than you.

20764570? ago

Fucking lazy retard. Is this how you respond to any new ideas you're presented with? Why don't you offer your perspective?

20766531? ago

You people are so far out of your minds you should be locked in padded rooms.

20766608? ago

Whatever man. If you're so firmly planted in your world view that you can't observe discussions like this without resorting to insult, you should fuck off.