21417603? ago

6, there is that number again.

At least 6 million believe him.

21416512? ago

What a great opportunity to Red Pill the dumbasses that "Royal Watch".

21416049? ago

That dude's not very smart.


21414797? ago

I think Andrew will be sacrificed to protect the rest of the Royals. Then they can say "Look at Us... We believe in Justice! We aren't involved with all this pedo shite!!"

Is Andrew not the least politically valuable of all the Royal Family? Come on folks, it ain't like this is the first fucking time he's been a complete embarrassment...

ANDREW IS A DEAD MAN WALKING. Just watch and see.

21412851? ago

So... 6% of the population are pedophiles?

21412710? ago

"The prince also claimed that he wasn’t with Giuffre that night because he amazingly remembers that he was with his daughter, Princess Beatrice, at a London pizzeria around 4 or 5 p.m. on the day 18 years ago."

This guy is pretty good. I can't remember what I had to eat last week.

21415251? ago

anyone check the pizzagate conspiracy?

The CGI goat vid https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525604/21414861

I've seen it many times. I just spent about 4 hours rewatching and reviewing meanings and different writer's analysis this week.

A few new ones for me: 1) snowflakes under map of US: =snowflake/pc culture NOW

2) IMQU appears next to classroom chalkboard near teacher- last week(?), this series of letters were {decoded} from President Trump's Louisianna rally recently after he used a series of numbers 9,13,17.21 and the letters I, M, Q, U, were addressed on the boards after the rally.

3) GS face appears on the hag in the phallic tower. also, "Invisible Hand" economic theory comes to mind as hand from the sky withdraws= control of society by individual's unconscious actions.

4) When the star of David is shining from the Lady of Liberty onto the water, the clouds above seem to close like a camera lens= control of America by ((())) and MSM.

5) The double heart on the (antichrist) chest is double hearted/ possible pedophilia reference(?) based on FBI file on symbols of pedophilia.

6) The African robots are given the guns as gifts - unwrapping the ribbon= invasion, open immigration being handed by tptb

There are sooo many.

21411917? ago

That many? SMH. Damn pedo-allies.

21411890? ago

Who are the retarded 6%?

21411967? ago

Pedo's and apologists.

21411811? ago

How do you depose a UK prince? Sorry, ain't gonna happen.

21411775? ago

The 6% is a high number of pedos that need to be round up.

21411568? ago

Might be time to Lady Di this one, Queenie.

21411432? ago

what a coincedence old queen will die just in time to cover things up ...

21411389? ago

but guys, he's actually physical unable to sweat following an injury in 1982, he said so himself: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7693675/Prince-Andrew-responds-says-Falklands-War-left-unable-sweat.html

This proves Virginia Roberts must have been lying when she said Prince Andrew raped her, because her account included a description of him sweating, which he's physically unable to do. I mean, he said so himself. And that photo of him sweating in 2000 in the dailymail article is obviously photoshopped, because he SAID SO HIMSELF. So yeah, QED. /s

21411382? ago

The British people have a much bigger problem with enemies running their own government and actively trying to replace them with niggers and sandgroids than some royal piece of shit fucking little kids.

21415031? ago

What are Shriners praying to? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525438 What do Prince Duke of York, Rex William Cowdry, Frank Bruno, Schwarzman, Glenn Beck, Mugabe, Buchanan, Garfield, John Wayne, Ray Highsmith, Walt Disney, Galbraith, Duke Of Kent all have in common?

21411948? ago

That comes right from the top. The person whose name the government is formed under. Just like the climate bullshit we are experiencing worldwide. Thank the BRF for that bullshit.

21414271? ago

That climate change BS storyline/money grab came straight from the Crown. Likely Prince Charles' idea.

21411458? ago

if they both work for the same tribe and same goal

they alllll are a problem then .

21411270? ago

Just like Q said; there will be about 6% of the population that cannot believe any of this no matter how much evidence is put before them.

21411221? ago

6% are idiots

21411008? ago


21415071? ago

The Jew Occult, Rome, Arab rituals...ask and its Dindooooooo Nuuuufin...Granpa wuz gud boi....Freemasons Caught Trying to Blow Up Buildings https://www.bitchute.com/video/M4rw1KGYNQeK/ ... http://humansarefree.com/2013/10/the-complete-history-of-freemasonry-and.html

21410644? ago

That's pretty high given his interview the other night!!! Lmao. Wow.

21415748? ago

Mother's Of Darkness Castle? the Accused in the Dutroux Affair - include royals, generals, barons. Saudi links, Rome, the Jewish Occult, the Belgian Pedophiles https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525882

21411960? ago

That's what I said. Unless they only polled his family members.

21410615? ago

Must have seen Bombards Body Language!! Big liar! https://bombardsbodylanguage.com/browse/

21410639? ago

I saw that, she's great!

21410413? ago

Pretty sure the Crown doesn't care what the street shutters think.

21410342? ago

Looks like Q’s claim that 4-6% are beyond saving is accurate.

21414974? ago

The State of Britbongistan, Jihads go around stabbing women to death, un-armed Cops nothing more than bureaucrats. Cop even turns his back on killer with knife. "shes not been stabbed" .... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3462571/20877464 https://archive.ph/DGNul :2019-08-16 | Jeffrey Epstein paid for Ghislaine Maxwell pilot's license so she could ferry girls | Daily Mail Online'The blue and white chopper has the tail number N491GM - GM standing for Ghislaine Maxwell - and was nicknamed Air Ghislaine 1. ', "Jeffrey Epstein paid for his closest aide Ghislaine Maxwell pilot's license and then bought her a $4 million executive helicopter to ferry young girls to his private Island, DailyMail.com can reveal."'The helicopter, tail number N722JE, was registered to his Delaware business Freedom Air International, which lists the same address as another company Air Ghislaine, Inc. ''Epstein flew underage girls there as recently as this year, according to a report in Vanity Fair. ''Epstein and his guests will have traveled in style sat on plush brown leather seats aboard the spacious aircraft. ' ... Former Britbongistan Police Officer says all News stations got letter saying to not investigate Arab, Indian, Paki Rape Gangs ...MI5 Did Not Tell Of Deceased Minister Peter Morrison's 'Penchant For Small Boys' http://magaimg.net/img/8dvq.jpg Epstein lived a block away from the human trafficking Qatari royalty. https://twitter.com/TronYori2/status/1148737980863045633 Deletes Entire Database Of Elite Pedophile Ring Evidence https://voat.co/v/QRV/3407965 Corrupt Britbongistani Judge preciding over Assange extradition has a massive conflict of interest, her fraudulent husband was exposed by Wikileaks - Not-The-Onion https://twitter.com/timrobbins1/status/1140748634385870848?s=21 Britbongistani Jewish Pedophile Will Serve No Time In Jail? So many corrupt judges.https://voat.co/v/QRV/3507213/21259347

21410300? ago

That means 6% of the British subjects are also USA ex pats and Democrat supporters.

21410376? ago

and more are woke than we realize!

21411145? ago

The British, for the most part, see their country being sold out to the EU and also taken over by the muslims and other immigrants that they have to support. I’ve got my fingers crossed that they can get control back over their country and get the hell out of the EU.

21410205? ago

https://archive.ph/FoQBr :

2019-11-19 | Just 6% of public believes Prince Andrew: poll

'Just 6 percent of the public believes Prince Andrew, a new poll says. '

'Andrew denies that he had sex with Epstein “sex slave’‘ Virginia Giuffre, including first at Epstein’s posh London pad in 2001 when she was just 17. '

'Then photos resurfaced of the prince out clubbing in 2007 and 2008 that showed him heavily sweating. '

'He said in the sit-down that he couldn’t possibly have perspired a lot at the time — because of an old war condition. '

'She has said he sweated heavily as the pair danced at a nightclub beforehand. '

This has been an automated message.

21410053? ago

Fortunately for him, a 'jury of his peers' would be composed entirely of childfucking royalty.

21415238? ago

Icke Forums - do you think that all the followers on the satanic instagram page know to whom they are really praying to? An why is the throne of the horned god surrounded by two children? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3522161

21411026? ago

Well there is a blind post today at CDAN that essentially says Prince Charles spent a great deal of time with Epstein as well. I'm sure they weren't sharing gardening tips.

21413777? ago

Probably asking Epstein, who didn't kill himself, how to get in touch with the CIA whistleblower to find out how to keep rape victims from escaping out the windows.

21411928? ago

And Saville. And Uncle Dickie. And....