21414996? ago

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20413840? ago

This problem in the UK or USA will never be solved politically or through the courts; they're too far gone. People don't have the energy, the wherewithal, or the stomach to do what needs to be done to save their countries.

20413608? ago

December 16, 2017.

20412661? ago

Continued LOSING. Not winning. No one on earth is going to take down the NWO Globalist Satanic Elites.

20412660? ago

Oh fiddle sticks, I hate when I actually delete all my evidence of crimes.

20412614? ago

This is completely misleading. This was 2 years ago and they did lose some things but not their entire database. The story as i remember it is - They lost about 2 weeks of phone calls to their hotline when their website changed - possibly about 100 people. It is nothing like the OP summarises as "entire database " and it irresponsible reporting to even suggest this.

20412780? ago

I posted it because the article links back to where the information comes from. I figured people here would be smart enough to do exactly that. The main reason for posting this was to have people who have experience in technology to come on and share their expertise about how lame the governments assertions are. Nothing was really lost. That much is obvious.

20413293? ago

The original article from Neon Nettle is not available,. merely an articel quoting NeonNettle

I am not going to much spend time searching but this article is fairer https://news.sky.com/story/child-abuse-inquiry-deleted-survivors-stories-10342955

This is not to minimise the "mistake" if it was one, it was a major error.

20415096? ago

It is more accurately titled.

20412074? ago

Seriously? What ever happened to the normal IT standard operating procedure of BACKUP everything?

20412367? ago


20411280? ago


20410936? ago

If true Briton's don't take back their country from evil in a hurry I am afraid all is lost there. Sad to watch a people destroyed from within.

20410910? ago

Told ya you were not winning. The Elite Satanic Globalist NWO Marxist Socialist have infiltrated every level of government in every country.

20412389? ago

Q kept saying, it's bigger than you can imagine. Expand your thinking. WW.

20412534? ago

Q was always a CIA COINTELPRO Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect further information on further dissidents that will resist the NWO. The CIA shut down 8chan to end the operation. Welcome to the RED LIST

Operation Gardenplot, Operation Cable Splicer completed.

Expand your thinking.

20413511? ago

that doesn't even make sense! The DS are a bunch of moronic beta-cuck faggots, what does it matter if they 'know' who 'we' are? Seriously? Please explain WHY this would even matter?

20413559? ago


The old timers in this game have been on the list for a long time.

20411137? ago

You're a cheerleader for evil aren't ya.

20411321? ago

Nope. Just telling you people the facts. Libertards and Q-tards hate facts.

20410852? ago

DEC 2017?

20410829? ago

WOOPS sorry goys, remain calm, watch tv

20411719? ago

all part of the same club? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3328057 Epstein lived a block away from the human trafficking Qatari royalty.

20410485? ago

Because elite jewish pedophiles own and control everything.

20410257? ago

One thing that never gets lost is the credits in their bank account. Funny how that works.

20411555? ago

True that

20410246? ago

Remember...nothing is ever REALLY deleted.


20410205? ago

From: doglegwarrior

Well at least this time big government is deleting something they are not proud of.

Our big goverment NASA deleted the data proving how they got to the moon!!!! If you believe we went to the moon with 1969 technology but nasa is saying now it would take longer then it took us in 1969 you sir are a fucking idiot

20411776? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387644 Media and Film Industry Promote Satan Worshipers as 'Voice of Reason and Humanism' against Christians

20410122? ago

Well, this was 2 years ago. Theresa May is out. Prince Andrew is in the hot seat.

What is the point of this post? We knew this shit already.

20410087? ago

So my first thought. Good, now we have a list of people who have evidence or testimony against us as well as knowledge of how serious and threatening they are. And now we deleted the database so we can just slowly off every single threat in order.

20410036? ago

if victims are alive they can testify again, some are still alive for sure.

20409885? ago

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20409653? ago

Sadly, news like this doesn't even surprise me anymore. It's almost to be expected, if the NSA truly does monitor and collect all data, but can't legally use it outside of parallel construction, then what is the point. All the major criminals not only go free, they appear to be in control.

Hopefully I will be proven wrong at a future time, but history shows otherwise...

20410445? ago

It was once home to a fraternal organization known as the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, but today sits in decay. ...sometimes people smash the doors in, find old papers, hollywood names, political people they go Exploring an Abandoned Temple - Ancient Order of the Mystic Shrine. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3275881 DISCUSS: Freemasons are fucking faggots.

20409615? ago

The linked article is a 2017 reprint of a 2015 article talking about something that happened in 2014. Article is still noteworthy, but bear in mind that this is pre-pizzagate. Here's an interesting tidbit:

An Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) was established by the British Home Secretary, Theresa May, on 7 July 2014. The inquiry was intended to investigate why pedophile rings seemed to be exempt from capture.

So Theresa May's ineptitude (or, viewed another way, her spot-on ability to protect the DS) was on display here long before she moved to PM and fumbled Brexit.

Here's the meat of what was lost per the website that did the losing. If this is accurate, it's fair to say that it's not "an entire database of pedophile ring evidence". Still, for a victim to submit their info and then get this notification would be adding insult to injury at the very least. Here's the notice:

IICSA posted the following statement on their website:

“Due to a change in our website address to https://www.iicsa.org.uk on 14 September, any information submitted to the Inquiry between 14 September and 2 October through the online form on the Share your experience page of our website, was instantly and permanently deleted before it reached our engagement team. We are very sorry for any inconvenience or distress this will cause and would like to reassure you that no information was put at risk of disclosure or unauthorised access.

Due to the security measures on our website, your information cannot be found or viewed by anyone else as it was immediately and permanently destroyed.We would like to apologise again to anyone who submitted details to the Inquiry during this time and to ask you to please resubmit your information through the online form. Alternatively you can call the Inquiry helpline on 0800 917 1000 to submit your information over the phone, or email our team at [email protected].”

The link in the FreeThought Project article to the Australia 60 minutes Pedophilia expose is no longer good, but here's a different link that is good. If you haven't watched this, it's from 2015 but VERY worth watching. Puts a lot into context, showing this is systemic in the elites in government, particularly in the UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRkUnAsqGHI

20409585? ago

This is the kind of thing that should get everyone on to the streets in protest instead of protesting the Brexit vote which the majority voted for. Fucking sheeple make me sick. Wake up people this is the REAL ISSUES we need justice for.

20411745? ago

A famous Masonic Satanist hung out with the Broadmoor Ripper https://voat.co/v/QRV/3277909/19179232 '

You are right, I think all this is as old as the earth itself. Luciferianism is all about collecting souls rebelling against God.

From the line of Noah we got both Abraham and Ham and Canaan, the line of Noah brought brought the blessing of God in Jesus Christ, and on the other side it brought those who worship Baal and Moloch.

The whole history of the Israelites was about bringing the redemption of God through the Holy one of Israel, Jesus Christ. It was through his faith in God that Abraham prospered, and it is through faith in Christ that all humanity is redeemed.

God's creation and our daily battle is to choose the good of God or the evil of this World, if you expect the World to love you for holding to the good, just remember they hated Jesus and Crucified him for holding to the good.

The World hated him, and the if you hold to him the World will hate you too.


20409318? ago

Off topic, but did you know you can 3d print gums https://defdist.org/

20409592? ago

That may help with my dental issues.

20409589? ago

Fuck off with your off topic....shill.

20409374? ago

You might be able to print them but they don't fire for shit and if they do, they're a one-shot wonder.

20409463? ago

That was first generation. Watch the videos, it's legit now.

20409301? ago

Chris Fay and his investigation into Elm Guest House outlined this many years ago.

20409202? ago

America first. Then we're coming to help everyone else.

20412086? ago

Former Britbongistan Police Officer says all News stations got letter saying to not investigate Paki Rape Gangs ...MI5 Did Not Tell Of Deceased Minister Peter Morrison's 'Penchant For Small Boys' A secret cult connects Arabia, India, the Vatican, Egypt, Pakistan ... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3317235/19571681 Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion ?

20410481? ago

the old Rothschild woman? the Pyramid of the all seeing eye. https://files.catbox.moe/hlyz1x.jpg The goat head jewelery or she sometimes she would wear the baphomet pendant

20408973? ago

*back in 2017

20408958? ago

Oh I suppose he backups didn't work ether.

20411765? ago

ABANDONED Temple - Irem Shriners Theater where some Americans would pray to Al Lah and conduct Masonic Rituals https://voat.co/v/QRV/3307242

20408956? ago

Of course. It's a monarchy. They can do whatever they want with no recourse.

20411700? ago

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20408962? ago

And that's why they do evil shit.

20408942? ago

This is something the British government keeps trying to keep in a box because if Pandora is let out, the government is screwed..

20551290? ago

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20411650? ago

Was Dutch-Anglo Masonry the first secret global bank ... the first standard oil.... Rotherham a Pakistani, Hindu, Jew, Arab, Satanic, Shriner Masonic Ritual, abuse rape exploits Rochdale, Keighley, Aylesbury, Telford, Newcastle. Scandal bigger than Roman Catholic Church or Hollywood??? and the British Mason Cops cover up https://files.catbox.moe/j1gle8.jpg Was the BBC's Savile a Mason?

20410392? ago

The BBC, pedo Vatican MI5 perverts, Scottish rite and York.

20408953? ago

Royally screwed! LOL.

20410292? ago

from what I understand the problem with pedophilia goes all the way up to the Queens husband. there are some real sick rumors about this on the internet. really hard to know if it is true or just slander.

20408978? ago

OK Yah!

20408941? ago

nothing to see here, right?

20410385? ago

From what I have seen the abuse and blackmail goes back years to the days of Egypt, Rome and Babylon its not just a mordern NXIVM cult or Rotherham scandal . The Masonry group could be a huge problem, its symbols strange Eastern star branch worship a Pentagram while Shriners pray to Moon & a transexual horned Goat/Bull, Pakis, Arabs, Indians became part of Masonry during the AngloDutch Empires, there are criminal networks also through Bogotá Colombia, Haiti, Canada, Mexico City etc. The Roman Catholic Vatican is there also, Tony Bliar connects to Rome, France connects both Masonry and the Vatican. The Mossad and Mi6 might be part of the pedo blackmail thing, CIA, FBI and local US judges are all part of it, the BBC news origanization has many pedo criminals, see Savile also a Mason.

20408890? ago

The UK has fallen.

The Jew's own our central bank and our mainstream news media which they have used to successfully implement their Kalergi plan and flood us with inbred jihadists and illiterate Negroes.

Our culture and birthright has been destroyed while the Jews continue to poison our children's minds.

We can't even resist the Jew's invasion or we'll get locked in a prison cage for being a white nationalist.

Please, Americans - I beg you - save yourselves and don't let the Jew destroy your country and enslave your children too.

20415169? ago

Pathetic coward.

Do you have any idea how fucked the US demographics are compared to ours?

Let me break is down for you : the UK is roughly 5% muslim, and 87% white.

The US is roughly 56% white, and 1.5% muslim.

So for reference, the US is about 3 times as non-white as the UK, and has 1/3rd of the muslims.

Within 2 generations the UK will probably be about where the US will be in 30 years, aka roughly 45% white and falling.

Within 2 generations the US will be less than 1/3rd white. Probably less.

You do realise the US literally has 2.5 times as many niggers PER CAPITA as the UK does muslims, right?

Goddamnit I hate cowards like you. Do our country a favour and hang yourself, you defeatist dense little shit.

20418905? ago

No worries. The UK has not fallen. The Q team and white hats have it all. Nothing is ever truly erased. The GOOD NEWS is that the UK Pedos will ABSOLUTELY BE EXPOSED. Hope YOU don't know any of THEM.

20410254? ago

The UK was always shit. A welfare and nanny state for over 30 years.

20410096? ago

What i think you are forgetting. Weve been worse off in the demographic destruction of our nations since its founding. You JUST caught up and are passing us real quick like, but actually in 50 years we have gone from 90% to 60% white. If we are not also already dead we are approaching the point of no return with haste. Or at least no peaceable return that i can advocate for during times of functioning laws.

20415187? ago

and are passing us real quick like

We're really not. 87% white vs 56% white. We're nowhere near where you are. Less than 50% of your under 15's are even white (and that's a US census "white" which includes literal black people). One of our worst cities, Londonistan, is whiter than your entire country, at a % level.

No argument about your assessment of your own nations demographics though.

20418095? ago

At the current rate and with your level of govt enforcement of cultural compliance. Your trajectory is more accelerated than ours, from my personal assessment. But hey, lets face it, we are both so fucking fucked.

20425554? ago

But you're literally experiencing migration at a higher rate, and with equivelant governmental and cultural compliance.

American citizens support migration more than any other western country on earth.

Trump himself, your populist deity, actively harps about the glories of "legal migration".

No argument we're both utterly fucking fucked, but seriously, america takes it to a whole special level when it comes to glorifying immigration, and has done for more than half a century

20426016? ago

Yeah but its still legal for us to opose it. You will accelerate faster if i had to guess.

20426179? ago

Perfectly legal here too - it's literally why brexit happened. To give a very brief overview :

UKIP and the BNP (think of the BNP as AfD on steroids, roughly equivelant to the fratelli d'italia in italy, with UKIP being roughly Lega) were gaining an ever increasing share of the vote in elections. Not enough to win many seats, because first past the post, but A LOT. 15% of the entire electoral vote a lot, and climbing every single year. David cameron was afraid, because these parties were stealing their vote almost entirely from the tories - if they continued to grow the tories would eventually lose to labour. As such, he called for the brexit referendum

Here's where things get interesting : despite a whole lot of debate as to who voted for brexit, and why, itd be hard to claim a general anti immigrant stance wasn't a factor. And the results were in the end largely independent of party : almost as many labour voters as tories wanted brexit.

Honestly the UKs entire current political system is largely based on opposing it. Hell, we even have the weirdness of Priti Patel, the indian ethnic home secretary, who's more hardline anti immigration than most any mainstream republican. Brexit continues to be highly popular, and explicit anti immigration stances aren't even close to illegal, let alone general opposition to it.

Marching against muslim rape gangs? That one is more illegal, not going to lie. After all, the (((police))) and (((judiciary))) profit from the human trafficking, so their stance makes sense. But political opposition to immigration is not in any way illegal.

You are correct in that the UK will accelerate faster, but its still left shifted : it's about where the US was some 2-3 decades ago - the difference is, it has a rapidly browning US which remains a cultural powerhouse, whereas the US fell without nearly as much outside cultural (((enrichment))). But that doesn't change the fact that yes, relative to the US at the same point in the curve, we'll accelerate faster.

20428535? ago

Its "legal" but you cant form a good argument without being charged with racism. And yeah it hardly matter in a race to the bottom. Lol

20430007? ago

aye, there's no way left to form a good argument without having accusations of racism thrown around anymore. In almost every instance though it'd end up following a similar pattern to the one it does in most countries in the west, america often included- it's not about sentencing "le ebil racists", except in the court of public opinion. James watson outright pointed out the obvious (and I say that as a biology postgrad) that it seems a reasonable hypothesis at this point to assume blacks have lower average IQs than whites, due to biological (read as : genetic) factors. Was he arrested for racism? Definitely not, that might have woken people up. Instead he merely gets shunned, mocked, becomes a public figure for derision, and a lesson to others who might think about speaking up.

It's so much more effective and insidious than simply locking people up would be sadly.

And truth be told, I see no way out of it. As I said, I'm a biology postgrad - I know a number of other people in the field, from fellow grads to professors. With the exception of a rare, rare few, most are full on libtard retards. We're talking about people who could easily, in any other fucking situation, understand the reality that 2 populations separated for a period of roughly 50,000 -> 150,000 years would undergo deviation in their genetics, in both random directions and functional directions, and that any body part which uses roughly 1/5th of daily calories to operate and is required to perform a huge range of tasks, many of which are climate dependent, would speciate, and would do so on that body part to a reasonably substantial degree. They could understand this concept casually, and to a much deeper level than most all of the people who actually understand the truth of race realism. And yet, the second they realise you're talking about race and intelligence, they practically become creationists. It's a little surreal, truth be told. We're all fucking doomed, there's no way to undo brainwashing this deep. Not without a truly brutal civil war at any rate.

20409090? ago

I hate what our Governments have done to us! Im so fucking mad! All my white British family feel like me! Im at a point where i wish it would kick off, big time! Then we can get rid off Muslims, and the fucking white traitor lefties that support this shit! Im so pissed angry at seeing my country that my ancestors built up, turning to shit! If i hear one more Muslim say this is our country, our community, when thy havent laid one fucking foundation, im gonna kick them in the balls! Im a woman by the way, a pissed off one too!

20411068? ago

Good Goyim,

It's all the Muslims fault.

Sleep, sleep, sleep.


20423578? ago

Well you have to kill the foot soldiers first before you can get to the generals.

20409613? ago

I feel the same way but hey dont say anything about the muslims or you get tarred with the racist brush.....fucking sick of this shit.

20409368? ago

Pack it in, move here and join our fight!

20409796? ago

If i could pack up my whole family i would in a heart beat, i couldn't leave them behind to this hell, i'd never be happy. Family is life, thanks for the invite though.

20408882? ago

so the queen fucks the prince C since there is no king?

where is the damn king and does a reptilian bitch ever really die?

20411683? ago

Does Society Realize It Is Being Initiated? https://www.bitchute.com/video/uPAQpQ6a82VZ

20409582? ago

Interesting thought there -- is there no king because of the feminist agenda?

20408881? ago

There are allot of Data recovery firms around the glob if you “accidentally “ delete something

20409059? ago

There are allot of ...

allot = to assign as a share or portion.

There are assign as a share or portion of Data recovery firms around the glob if you “accidentally “ delete something

20408906? ago

I mean, sure, I can delete shit from my hard drive by overwriting it with a new OS but that doesn't mean it can't be recovered. Even then, as another anon wrote, There's local backup tapes and off site archives for just such an "accident" so it's total bullshit.

20408870? ago

And did they delete all of the local backup tapes and the off-site archives too?

20410404? ago

20409505? ago

NSA has it all guys you don't understand. Do not fret.

20413230? ago

Do you see how this could be a lie to just make people complacent?

20412601? ago

I suspect the Chinese electronics company with the spying chips got hijacked by the NSA.

This could be far bigger than has been portrayed.

Just imagine if the masons gangstalking files have been saved by the NSA. This would expose many thousands of traitors that have taken part in torture and murder on an enormous scale.

This leads back to the uk royals that control the masons.

Many nations sovereignty have been undermined and their civilians slaughtered by their orders. A declaration of war against numerous countries!

This will result in the royals being tried for crimes against humanity and executed!

The current scandal with Andrew is nothing by comparison.

20409528? ago

Oops, AG Barr just refused to prosecute them all.

'Better luck next time.

20408901? ago

I know, right? Such bullshit.

20408814? ago

what do you expect from blokes that drive lorries?

20411704? ago

BBC, Top of the Pops, Prince Charles https://voat.co/v/QRV/3288926/19286490 They're all pedos

20409356? ago

Stupid would be better.