21392917? ago

There are two factions in the Islam communities. Radical Malevolent and Calm Benevolent. Same goes with all religious and political belief systems.

There are ALT RIGHT and ALT LEFT crazies on all sides of the aisle.

21391406? ago

A Muslim woman's testimony in court is worth half of a man's. Let the SJWs feast on THAT one.

21389307? ago

Absolutely. Anytime I see a post regarding the compatibility of Islam with civilized society, I remind people of the plan-


Barry did a great deal to further this plan in America and everywhere else he could get his greasy little mom jean wearing ass. Brennan is on team Islam as well. Disgusting degenerates.

21388971? ago

Islam is the DS NWO approach to eliminating Christians and Christianity. Dems = 666 They want to destroy our country, our values and ultimately us. They hate us. Wake up. This is a fight for our survival.

21388831? ago

well. no shit sherlock. did you figger this basic fact on your own or did 1500 years of history convince you?

21388585? ago

Americans need to wake up to the imcompatibility of Islam with our own culture--NOW. Do we really want our women & children to be treated as they do theirs? Will we allow men to behave as theirs do? Will we give up our God-given legal system for sharia? Will we live in fear of their violence? Shut down this nonsensical liberal narrative!

21388191? ago

neither are niggers

21387721? ago

America was founded on the principle of the melting pot: We are Americans first. Our background culture is secondary to our being an American. Also as Americans we are tolerant of other's beliefs and faith (or lack thereof). If any group, faith, or individual cannot claim America first and/or cannot tolerate the beliefs of others, they don't belong here. Period. Radical muslims are the Nazis of our generation. The sooner we accept that and take corrective action, the better off we'll be. We ignore it to our own detriment - they will destroy us if allowed to flourish.

21389877? ago

Actually, that is wholly incorrect. That idea came around 1900 from a jewish play-write. E Pluribis Unum references the many states formed into one nation, not the relatively recent idea of lets race mix. In fact one of the very first laws passed by the newly formed federal government was to limit immigration to only European stock of good character. And George Washington's first speech after his being sworn in was to thank God that this nation was blessed with a HOMOGENEOUS people, language, and religion. That's the reality, not the propaganda your told.

21391162? ago

I'm not talking about race-mixing. I'm talking about an attitude of tribalism (my tribe is more important than America) taking a back seat to being American, and being tolerant to other's beliefs so long as they don't threaten our American identity.

21391416? ago

America is a Nation. A Nation is composed of a particular race, culture, and geography. Example, the Japanese are a Nation. The slight of hand pulled on us, was convincing Americans they were not a race, and therefore not a true Nation. Once you accept that idea, then something has to replace it, and in this case is was Civic Nationalism, which turns the very root of the word nationalism on its head (natal or birth). We are a race, we have always been a race, formed from the combination of the European stock. Winston Churchill, when he gave his address to this nation, he addressed us as "The American Race". Let that sink in. Your very identity, has been stolen from you. Take it back.

21388339? ago

Non-Whites do not belong in America. Period.

21391166? ago

I don't believe that for a minute.

21392226? ago

How intimate are you wanting to be with them???

21389455? ago

You do know that non-whites were in American before modern Whites don't you?

21392416? ago

Yes, comment nuance. Actual natives can stay.

21389803? ago

You are intentionally confusing the geographical territory with with the nation formed on that territory.

21393092? ago

Non-White Native Americans did exist within the borders of what is now the US as well as the rest of North America. The geography of my statement is correct.

21393361? ago

A Nation is not geography. Its a people.

21393965? ago

That is true. I agree with the original comment. We are a melting pot of different cultural backgrounds but assimilated into a new American culture.

21394691? ago

I agree that we formed a new culture from the derivative European cultures that made up the founding, but as we allowed other incompatible cultures and races to move here, we are no longer American. We become something else, and the problems that brings can be seen all around us. We are still the majority and its already pretty bad, with rising socialism and crime. It will only get worse. If you want to know where this ends look into how the whites are treated in South Africa. Its a horror show,

21396840? ago

You are right about that. Only thing I will differ on is I tend to be more optimistic. We are way too stubborn to comply with a bunch of foreign customs and laws. Yes our media tries to push it on us, and there is a lot of pressure from various groups to comply with their wishes, but we just aren't going to do it.

21397306? ago

Amen to that. On that note of agreement, good place to close it out.

21387578? ago

That is correct. Neither is the Talmud, or Hindu for that matter.

21387477? ago

Nothing from that branch of history is worth preserving. Not even the (((bible)))

21387907? ago

Created by Jews to control people. So much left out of it...purposely.

21389462? ago

Don't like that part where Jesus says to love everybody, do you?

21387349? ago

Careful now [GS] uses the phrase “Civilized Society” liberally

21386772? ago

Islam Israel is not compatible with civilized society.

21389473? ago

Jews aren't running around demanding that all our restaurants comply with kosher standards or demanding that non-Jews conform to their religious laws. We can live with them.

21390162? ago

No, but every sjw fad from social media is all Jews. The dangerous brainwashing from the msm, all the Jews. Ever thought about some of those corrupt politicians that make really weird decisions that seem to be against the will of the voters that put them there? Jew blackmail.

21393071? ago

I just don't see that we are forced to practice Jewish customs and law. We can choose to, and they might try to teach others that it is the way to go, but we can resist and combat propaganda.

21386487? ago

Oh now ya tell us!

21386384? ago

So when do we outlaw Islam? It’s fake religion. It’s a theocracy. Ban it and banish anyone that follows it.

21984512? ago

and what of places like the JewYorkTimes ... name and shame? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3591201/21983333

21386366? ago

I like the way you word it here. It can be taken as literally as one could read it. Islam literally is against civil behavior and advancement in any way. You get a good idea? Nigger gonna hack you with a machete if you don't gibs it to him.

21386304? ago

Welcome to 2004 actually

21386177? ago

Fun thing to think about; in Hong Kong, people of Islamic faith are being persecuted, round up in camps, killed, etc. They were also being "persecuted" while American occupied the middle east. During Americas occupation, suicide bombers carried out their actions routinely; however, we never hear of any suicide bomber actions in Hong Kong. Why is that?

21385443? ago

Neither are niggers and taco niggers.

21385440? ago

"The Religion of Peace" ™ © ®

"Not ALL Muslims are Pedophiles and Rapists" ™ © ®

"Part and Parcel of living in a big city."™ © ®

"Diversity is Our Strength" ™ © ®

"They Are Just Like Us" ™ © ®

"Abdul, Mustafadjan and Mohamad, as scientists, physicians, and software engineers will all be PAYING BRITAIN'S PENSIONS in the future. These are the future taxpayers we need for Britain!" ™ © ®

21388395? ago

Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim!

Old joke from 9-11 era. Now we know better. The terrorists of the modern world drive around in bulletproof cars with armed guards and wearing $5000 suits!!

21385292? ago

Hussein purposely seeded them in great numbers all over our Country to dilute majority Christian communities. I’m fuckin sick of mudsharks. They will never assimilate and Hussein knew they wouldn’t. The mudsharks are planning a worldwide caliphate while our youth are asleep playing video games and grab-ass. Never, ever trust a mudshark. All it takes is their imam to flip the switch and they go off. MAGA!

21986718? ago

Do you think Tucker has the stones to call the so called prophet mohammed a terrorist and a pedophile? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3591534/21986353

21388835? ago

"playing video games and grab-ass." just like the boomers.

21388086? ago

Bomb them into oblivion and get on with living.

21385107? ago

I would prefer the headline to read in the positive not negative.


Islam is very compatible with Cro-Magnon lifestyles.

Sign up at your local Mosque.

Ask for Mohammad.

21385079? ago

Amen. They will never be. They flood country's to become the majority then take over. They have approx. 50 country's controlled by them. They need to go where they are in control. This massive immigration is high on the agenda of the globalists. Why are so many muslims trying to come in the US from Mexico? How many terrorist camps are in the US now - there are approx 12 states that have these cells within already.

21384993? ago

Judiasm Is Not Compatible With Civilized Society

21384958? ago

Neither is Sharia Law's Evil Father: Noahide Laws.

Kike Sharia Law.

21986079? ago

was the dead guy a jihad @DuHast ? @Justice_Will_Prevail

21986276? ago

Iran's Quds force — the Guards’ foreign operations wing, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei once referred to him as “a living martyr of the revolution”

"Qassem came into international consciousness. Upset at the prospect of US troops remaining in the country, his Quds force set about equipping militias for a deadly wave of operations against American and coalition troops. Roadside bombs built with Iranian expertise by Quds-trained Iraqi-militants killed hundreds of foreign soldiers. So big did the threat become that General David Petraeus, then head of US forces in Iraq, singled him out as “truly evil”.

"More recently, Soleimani has served as the commander-in-chief of Iran’s operations in support of Bashar Al Assad’s regime in Syria, regularly being photographed with fighters on frontlines as far afield as Aleppo and Deir Ezzor. One US official told The New Yorker: “He’s running the war himself”.

21384933? ago

If those radical brainwashed fucks could get themselves, women, and booze in the same room it would do a shitload to improve their society for the better.

21384930? ago

Same with Talmudic Judaism. Semites treat life as a zero sum game.

21385556? ago

LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful?

@3522173 :) Do not be afraid I will NOT try to put irrational fear into you. How about you, are you going to try to put irrational fear into others? Are you going to let others put irrational fear into you?

You wrote:

Islam Is Not Compatible With Civilized Society

Sounds like you are FEARFUL of irrational fear? Are you? I suggest to not let irrational fear creep in you. Otherwise you would expose yourself to be first USE by others, then CONTROL by others, next ABUSE by others, after that LIE by others into you repeating all of this cycle with others, and so on. This is how irrational fear spreads.

Evil's Strategy?

For those not familiar with the EVIL's strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, hatred, psychological trauma, expediency, selfishness, ignorance, destruction or neglect." Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil

With infinite love ♥

Love ♥'s Strategy?

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love is "a virtue representing human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

RATIONAL FEAR or Irrational Fear?

Irrational fear is NOT to confuse with a rational fear.

A rational fear is GOOD for you. For example, wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle is a GOOD fear. Because the fear is motivated by a safety prevention to reduce risk of a potential serious head injury in the unlikely event of an accident.

An irrational fear is BAD for you. For example, using name-calling, ad hominem, bullying, or death threat to target ALL motorcyclists. Because a MINORITY of motorcyclists had proven unethical or illegal behaviors. This would be a BAD fear. An IRRATIONAL fear. In other words, the IMMATURE behaviors of a minority of motorcyclists is not to confuse with the MATURE behaviors of a the majority of motorcyclists.


Here is a challenge for you if you are interested. If people post comments below. Are you able to detect which comments do NOT try to put fear in you? Compare to comments that DO try to put fear in you?

In other words, LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful? And which one are you going to let in?

With infinite love ♥

21387943? ago

Or we could use our discernment and come to the conclusion that islam is not compatible with civilised society.

Your concernfaggery is noted. Fuck off.

21386790? ago

We are done with the lies from government and churches. Turn the other cheek, forgive the Jews for killing Christ and so on. They are Satanic in spirit and action. Acts 7 will inform.

21386748? ago

Capslock Kike thanks.

I hate it

21386623? ago

Indian paid shill, fuck off nigger

21385956? ago

You sound like a liberal.

21385724? ago

shut up, faggot.

21384923? ago

That's like saying roach hordes aren't compatible with fine dining

21388405? ago

Well I can tell you they're NOT Fren. I am a Chef.

21384827? ago

Japan, Poland, Hungary, and yes China are well aware that muslims breed like rabbits, and have taken the necessary steps to protect their nations.While we "tolerant" English-speaking nations appear to be blissfully unaware of the threat to our culture and happiness posed by muslim barbaric ideology.

21389340? ago

Ilsam defintely needs to clean up the infiltration of satan from it's religion!

Give women and men equal rights and liberties, let Muslim men and Muslim women have relationships if they want, even with people from other religions and get rid of 'obliged' virginity before marriage, and let Muslims marry people of other religions if they want, without forcing them to change religion.

Stop with arranged and under age marriage, and having more than one woman.

21388371? ago

When we have the Mayor of London being a muslim and with ties to terror groups we don't stand a chance

21385455? ago

Tolerant is a weird way to spell foolish.

21385216? ago


Trivia: There are more English speaking people in China than there are in America.

21389445? ago

At only 3 percent of it's population, China has more Christians than many Christian dominant countries. There are a lot of Chinese.

21385047? ago

Yes and try to tell people this and look what happens.

Case in point, Don Cherry in Canada just lost his job for making very mild remarks about immigrants respecting "our way of life". Well fuck me, the uproar and loudness of the liberal fuckwads here made so much noise, they canned his ass.

They're making an example out of all people who express Conservative viewpoints.

21388321? ago

Kill them.

21385045? ago


21384779? ago

no shit

21384772? ago

Never has been, never will be. They will not assimilate into any society other than their own theocratic, sharia law, imam run one. Everywhere they go, they reproduce far more than Christians and eventually are able to start taking control of governments. Because they get government handouts, they can drop kids and get support, whereas taxpaying US citizens, working for a living, have to plan and control how many children they can afford to have. No subsidies for them. Look and Belgium and Holland and soon to be UK and other EU nations. They have their own little sharia enclaves going in NYC and wherever the hell that Somali bitch in the House is from. We now have two in our national Congress. Thank you POS Obama. You traitorous muslim brotherhood Manchurian candidate dog.

Obama brought over a load of Somalis and Palestinians to screw up voting districts and put either Muslim or pro-Muslim hacks in powerful positions. HRC's pet, Huma Abedin is one and has deep ties to the MB. Real deep. If HRC had won, we would be in a huge heap of shit.

They should be banned from holding any government office unless they renounce their toxic religion. Actually, they should not be allowed to immigrate to any country based on the foundations of Christianity. As a matter of fact, I think in the past, they were not allowed into the US. Bring that law back!

21389315? ago

^^^THIS! Government handouts are what allows them to support large numbers of children and "dependents"/family from back home.

21388382? ago

that somali bitch is possibly from somalia! lol

21388758? ago

kek. probably so. I mean where she invaded here.

21384717? ago

Most likely, neither are you.

21384731? ago

why do they want to ban pork, freak out over dogs, go sudden jihad over a women's dress, shoot and bomb cartoonists ... is this how worthless their Moongod Al Lah is?

21384714? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=HRKPMgudHCg Mecca is "Mystery Babylon" ....and I expect, in the not too distant future, that it will be totally whipped out by Iran ? https://voat.co/v/politics/3501179 Not satire: "The Prophet Mohammed Had British Values" (Sajida Khan, writing in the UK's Independent) ... https://voat.co/v/whatever/3478005 The Apostate Prophet who left Islam years ago, never told his parents about it until recently https://voat.co/v/QRV/3518582 CAIR in 1998: Islam is in America for One Reason - To DOMINATE https://news.yahoo.com/more-two-million-muslims-hajj-pilgrimage-191252277.html Sometime in the future, I believe Mecca (Mystery Babylon) will be completely destroy as foretold in the Bible and I believe it will happen during....

21385161? ago

Mystery babylon is the "mother" church, the mother of prostitutes (man made churches) and abominations of the earth.

Islam is a beast.

21384700? ago

That’ll be the day when LGBQr’s bend over for the qur’an.

“‘Prореrtу,’ ассоrdіng tо thе Qur’аn, іnсludеѕ wоmеn аnd сhіldrеn, whісh аlsо includеs tаkіng wоmеn аnd childrеn аs ѕеx ѕlаvеѕ.“