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21986353? ago

He is a breath away from openly naming the Jew.

Kikes can fight their own wars and our only real threat are these vermin who are trying to replace us.

21991584? ago

Please take your conspiracy theories and go somewhere else it's so blatantly obvious your guys scapegoat strategy on the Jews and Nazis tried it too but what you're really doing is you're distracting you're not naming any names you're naming a race which is so obviously false anybody can prove it not not every Jew on the street is a f****** Mastermind but there are a lot of you will people so why don't you find out their names and say that instead instead of being useless to us

21988960? ago

You wouldn't let someone rape you in prison with no response, so why should the US embassy get attacked with no response? Please share what a better response would have been.

21989314? ago

There is no problem with this response to an attack on us. I am pre emptying the lying press saying we should press the attack into all out war v Iran.

That said Israel involvement in the attack should be scrutinized. The are the world leaders in false flag attacks.

21989352? ago

Ah I see. I didn't realize the mainstream press was playing that angle, though not surprising considering all the times they've been trying to push it the last 3 years, including that fake cargo or oil tanker ship "attack."

21988870? ago

In his rant against hedge fund vulture Paul Singer, that got praised by Vox, he mentioned Henry Ford as a great American employer. Subtext of that was possibly intended. ;)

21989608? ago

Tucker's appearance on Little Ben's show was a great juxtaposition that shows he knows what's up

21987168? ago

The last one he was saying how awful it was that the niggers stabbed them.

21988222? ago

open attacks would mean the government will step in to protect them, no one here advocates violence against jews. Chances are the stabbing attack was a false flag anyway meant to increase division.

21990327? ago

All jews deserve the bog.

21992802? ago

"Smith, SMITH. Where's Will?" "IN THE BOGGGGGGGG"

21987262? ago

Uhm, yes it does. Just because we know the Jews are doing shit doesn't mean we support murdering them in the streets.

21987293? ago

They support murdering you in the streets and they are. lol

21987426? ago

Because of that we have grown stronger. You don't make people weaker by targeting them, you galvanize them and bolster their support. Randomly killing Jews in the street will only make them stronger, don't be a simpleton.

21987492? ago

No, we haven't.

White people are down to single digits in world population.

The things you say have no basis in practical reality, it's just moral masturbation.

21988045? ago

Politically not numerically. You are the one not living in practical reality if you think we would be in any better situation if we just started murdering Jews on the streets.

21988053? ago

Politically not numerically.

Meaningless rhetoric.

You are the one not living in practical reality if you think we would be in any better situation if we just started murdering Jews on the streets.

Well, they would be gone, for starters. lol

21989291? ago

whats up with these shills?

21989313? ago


21989329? ago

You mean /u/egotisicalwhitemoron @egotisicalwhitemoron not too hard to find, that Orb the magic mirror it works both ways

21988418? ago

No they wouldn't be gone. You would not successfully get rid of them by trying force. They would have been galvanized and protected and Israeli influence across the globe would have been mobilized to shut down any organized attempt while our rights were taken from us in the name of defending the Jews.

Also no, not all politics favors the Jew. Yes, most of it does, but if it was exclusively controlled by Jews we wouldn't still have the rights and ability to defend ourselves. We would have lost all ability to oppose their agenda ages ago instead of actually making progress with limiting Immigration and we'd be in the Death Throes of an intentional collapse do to Socialist/Communist bullshit.

21990348? ago

Yes, they would.

Hitler didn't slaughter the jews, so he lost.

22003378? ago

You wouldn't be able to "slaughter them" you faggot, they would immediately wipe out any attempt before you could.

Even if Hitler did try immediately killing the Jews, he still would have lost moron, he didn't lose because they were still alive, he lost because the Jews moved all the world against him when they realized they were being threatened. The Jews who were put in camps didn't make Hitler lose.

No they don't. If it did the Constitution would already be tinder, we'd already be disarmed instead of states like mine giving me the right to Conceal Carry without a permit, and on and on, not ALL politics favors the Jew. You're a dumbass.

22006538? ago

You wouldn't be able to "slaughter them" you faggot, they would immediately wipe out any attempt before you could.

With 2 million men nationwide...fuck no they wouldn't. lol

22019446? ago

You're a fucking idiot if you really believe that.

22019645? ago

You're a fucking idiot if you believe they could do jack shit.

22020195? ago

You're never ever going to get 30 million armed men to start slaughtering 2 million unarmed people you fucking deluded psychopath, that's why you're the fucking idiot for thinking that scenario is at all realistic. Even if you someone COULD, you're even stupider to think the Global Community wouldn't immediately fuck us up Economically and attack and destroy our military bases across the globe.

22026383? ago

They're not unarmed, you retarded dildo. lol

You can't even follow the conversation, just shot your hole hippie.

22028995? ago

Ok Kike. Keep suggesting shit that the Jews would benefit from.

22029100? ago

You don't even know what we're talking about. facepalm

21986669? ago

At this moment this submission has 0 downvoats, I suspect we will learn quite a lot about who is running the ~40 some vote bots on voat if we see over 20 downvoats appear on this post before the day is up, I suspect they are sleeping on the job, or more likely they are west of east coast USA and just sleeping. If the submission catches a whole lot of downvoats somebody reply to me because I think I know what org it is.

21988989? ago

It looks like it got a bunch of upvotes instead, but I've noticed on reddit one org will get upvote you if you make a post calling them out in order to try to make you look foolish.

21988807? ago

The shills are getting tired. You guys are learning how to not get fooled by them, and that pisses them off immensly. They are used to reddit normies which are total pushovers who believe anything.

21995981? ago

They own the mods in /v/GreatAwakening; there's banning going on