-- The Nazis arose out of a macho homosexual subculture long-incubating in Germany that idealized warriorship and homosexual pederasty. (Male sex with younger males.) The evidence of this is overwhelming, and has been suppressed in service to the promotion of homosexuality.
Sick of seeing the bs messages being pushed in TV shows, even those I thought were switched on to the way of the world.
Superstore - "looks like they going to eat the baby" comment really turned my stomach
Preacher - seemed pretty switched on at first, but then god portrayed in last season as an evil manipulative so and so, who is ultimately controlled by the lead actor, then shot by the undead Cowboy
Supernatural - God portrayed as someone who is ready to destroy the planet cause Sam and Dean tried to stop him.
and now Blacklist - spoke of the cabal in earlier seasons, now just watching an episode highlighting deep fake videos.
They are really smearing it on thick at the moment, wasting no opportunity to brainwash the normies. UGH!!
Some people say "but I wanna know what they're saying" but my counter to that is, fucking read about it. Don't sit through it in a trance like they want you to!
In someways we are worse than weimar, but in some ways we still have a long way to go. For instance, necrophilia is not yet legal, but it was in weimar.
Property tax dollars which fund most of public education, should be reformed to allow for payments associated with homeschooling OR to ACCREDITED private schools. This will break the Communist infiltration of public teachers unions and education associations who are intentionally attacking our children’s psyche and give parents positive choices.
The communists created the tax code (IRS, Federal Reserve, etc) so we're going to have to remove that in order to achieve what you wrote.
In other words:
Property tax dollars which fund most of public education, should be reformed to allow for payments associated with homeschooling OR to ACCREDITED private schools.
There should be no "property tax"! The Constitution gives us "life, liberty, and property" although it was changed to be "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" but even so -- taxing the stuff I own affects both my life and my liberty!
I understand your position, but the immediate fire is reforming education and not tying tax funding directly to these public schools that have become indoctrination centers. If that doesn’t stop, we’ll just have more young citizens growing up thinking communism is a good thing and then we’ll never get tax reform or tax dissolution.
Close but the Germans had to endure the collapse of their monetary system. Berlin became the sex capital of the world were you could purchase sex for under $30.00 USD. There were public display of sexual acts. I'd say we're heading in that direction if we don't put a stop to the Marxist takeover of our culture. There should be a complete repeal of the SC "Gay Marriage" decision.
The problem are white men.....it's white men that are doing these things. Look at the Catholic church....full of white men. Most of the drag queens doing this are white men. School administrators are white men and women.
The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by some really bad people, but it is still the Church instituted by Christ with a unchanging deposit of faith most closely aligned with scripture. Like in times past (old and new testaments) God will raise up Saints to save his church.
Yep. And with all of the unchecked election fraud we will likely lose 2020 too, and have a fag president with a "husband" because that's so super cool. Exactly how we ended up with barry and big Mike, because it was a "statement" to vote for skin color.
the similarities are staggering. the jew attacking white american culture at every turn while passing laws not allowing business to boycott jew isreal.. i swear (((they))) are activly pushing for civil war 2.0 or they want trump to try and pull another hitler move .. something is not right in america and it starts with jews every single time
There's no point to your harassment of us, either. Do you have a website? Are you making revenue from this? And if not, why you bother is even stranger.
so when u go to a muslim country do you pray 5 times a day and make your wife wear a burka potatoe sack? im not adjusting to your culture your sub is on voat we were here first. i like alot of your points and what the q and anons are trying to do but we are not fucking bending to your fucking culture. you are like fucking jews come to our website the only one will to protext you and give u a platform and freedom and you fucking act like reddit kikes... with that fuck off
if i ever see a number name when i post i put my name on it. maybe i just dont go to those subs much and yall are the fucking idiots acting like liberals and jews trying to turn fucking voat into reddit with your faggotry
im not sure what you are talking, but good luck just remember..
out law circumcision it is a jewish religious ceremony with zero medical benefits and about 100 babies die each year from complications of the mutilation process.
and every time if its liberal and anti white american agenda its the jew every time.
take a look at yourself … culture is made by ones own actions.... I cant point to one group because there is no one group.... the closest I can point is to the billionaire class that uses racial division to keep the sheep like you in line..... look at the Steve jobs, George Soros's ( yes I know he is Jewish no one is clean is the point I am making) bill gates, the British monarchy, all the real old money of Europe. they want us pleabs at each others throat blaming each other over religion or race. Be a strong man in your community for everyone is the answer . see bullshit say bull shit. this might be lost on you I hope it is not . love everyone especially those who don't seem to appreciate it. because we are only strong when we stand for something other then our self
Question how many are of Jewish back ground and are non practicing... my bet is most of those billionaires are actualy atheist . my grand mother came from a Jewish family if you actualy think blood lines have meaning I am a Cohn through my dad who was practicing Christian at the time of his death. Some one has actualy traced back my grandmas family 1000 years. that's all meaningless because. no one in my family is will off. we are horrified by the evil we see and when I hear the crap we hear on voat it scares me because I know the ignorent will believe anything peddled to them if it makes them feel as if they know something the rest of the world does not know.
and like I said how many are really Jewish at this point and how many are atheist's.....bad people are bad people getting into religious affiliations only allows theses criminal to hide and claim persecution. also getting into religious affiliation allows low IQ people to believe a lot of people are a part of what's going on who are not.
decided to confide in me just before the Prince walked in. He said ‘Do you know why his wife left him?’ I didn’t really care but he told me anyway ... that it was because he slept with under age boys in the Navy." https://voat.co/v/QRV/3521565
I sometimes wonder if as an anon i am just cannon fodder. If i will live to see some improvement. seeing college kids question jews recently is a really good sign.
I hope a future generation gets to enjoy their life. Mine feels like one long lonely struggle tbh
21386195? ago
Quick Facts:
-- The Nazis arose out of a macho homosexual subculture long-incubating in Germany that idealized warriorship and homosexual pederasty. (Male sex with younger males.) The evidence of this is overwhelming, and has been suppressed in service to the promotion of homosexuality.
After WWII they merged with the OSS and relocated to the United States, forming the CIA.
This has all been meticulously researched and documented. It was well known and widely written about before, during, and after the war.
Now you know where all this bizarre stuff is flowing from, and why it has such power in politics and the media.
21386350? ago
Wrong, that was the jews. lol
By your hook nosed sister's cunt. lol
Nah. lol
21387560? ago
Never let facts get in the way of your emotional rants.
21387754? ago
I didn't, there weren't any, your rant was emotional and devoid of facts.
21385971? ago
That’s why so send my kids to private school. It’s definitely a financial sacrifice but we’ll worth it.
21384940? ago
Sick of seeing the bs messages being pushed in TV shows, even those I thought were switched on to the way of the world.
Superstore - "looks like they going to eat the baby" comment really turned my stomach
Preacher - seemed pretty switched on at first, but then god portrayed in last season as an evil manipulative so and so, who is ultimately controlled by the lead actor, then shot by the undead Cowboy
Supernatural - God portrayed as someone who is ready to destroy the planet cause Sam and Dean tried to stop him.
and now Blacklist - spoke of the cabal in earlier seasons, now just watching an episode highlighting deep fake videos.
They are really smearing it on thick at the moment, wasting no opportunity to brainwash the normies. UGH!!
21385428? ago
I recommend stopping your consumption.
Some people say "but I wanna know what they're saying" but my counter to that is, fucking read about it. Don't sit through it in a trance like they want you to!
21384687? ago
This makes me happy. If the US goes Nazi in response we have the nukes to protect ourselves.
21383475? ago
In someways we are worse than weimar, but in some ways we still have a long way to go. For instance, necrophilia is not yet legal, but it was in weimar.
21385409? ago
Fuck, dude.
I suppose, literally. Gah.
21382382? ago
The punishment shall fit the crime.
21381876? ago
Property tax dollars which fund most of public education, should be reformed to allow for payments associated with homeschooling OR to ACCREDITED private schools. This will break the Communist infiltration of public teachers unions and education associations who are intentionally attacking our children’s psyche and give parents positive choices.
21385397? ago
The communists created the tax code (IRS, Federal Reserve, etc) so we're going to have to remove that in order to achieve what you wrote.
In other words:
There should be no "property tax"! The Constitution gives us "life, liberty, and property" although it was changed to be "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" but even so -- taxing the stuff I own affects both my life and my liberty!
21386157? ago
I understand your position, but the immediate fire is reforming education and not tying tax funding directly to these public schools that have become indoctrination centers. If that doesn’t stop, we’ll just have more young citizens growing up thinking communism is a good thing and then we’ll never get tax reform or tax dissolution.
21381532? ago
Yep here's more- a lot of times gays have been sexually abused themselves, so it's like a self-seeding cycle
21381540? ago
Thats the whole point of the link, if you watched it.
21381281? ago
The great awakening is about recognizing the great inversion.
21381307? ago
The mirror in the chiasmus is soon
21381246? ago
This time now is many levels above Biblical Sodom.
Hold that thought......
21381209? ago
Hail Q! Hail Hitler!
21380932? ago
That’s Fucking disgusting
21381013? ago
Its worse than you think
21380540? ago
Jews in Control
21381716? ago
"Look, I was introduced to him by the Lady Rothschild." https://streamable.com/89t53
21380518? ago
Close but the Germans had to endure the collapse of their monetary system. Berlin became the sex capital of the world were you could purchase sex for under $30.00 USD. There were public display of sexual acts. I'd say we're heading in that direction if we don't put a stop to the Marxist takeover of our culture. There should be a complete repeal of the SC "Gay Marriage" decision.
21381232? ago
Yes repeal gay pseudo marriage, repeal roe v wade, and declare the USA 🇺🇸 a Christian country.
21380413? ago
they cant molest our kids if they are exterminated...
21380955? ago
They can make new ones........artificially inseminate the frozen eggs and then implant it in a niggress, grow it, rape it, eat it, repeat.
21386369? ago
Negress are all gone, exterminated since they serve no legitimate function.
Cranking out niggers and jew mongrels is hardly a legitimate function. lol
21381005? ago
i would surely enjoy disrupting the power-supply to such a facility
21381846? ago
They exist underneath your feet
21381880? ago
nothing a few small fires on the ventilation-shafts wouldnt suffocate.....
21385340? ago
exactly! this was projected to us via "True Grit", kek!
21385417? ago
never seen it. context plz?
21385454? ago
It was an excellent book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Grit_(novel)
John Wayne acted in the first movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065126/
Jeff Bridges in the remake, which was also really good: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1403865/
The scene was, they approached a cabin used temporarily, but people were in it. So, they put a jacket over the smoke stack, and smoked them out.
21385476? ago
in a way, im kinda reminded of the ATF raid on koresh in waco, tx... fire is an effective tool.
21380195? ago
Don't worry. Two or three years I think its all going to break apart.
21380077? ago
The problem are white men.....it's white men that are doing these things. Look at the Catholic church....full of white men. Most of the drag queens doing this are white men. School administrators are white men and women.
21386391? ago
Tell you what, we'll remove the jews, you know just to be safe and if there are a few problems left, we'll execute them too.
You needn't worry. lol
21384782? ago
They might be white but they're certainly not the definition of men unless you're as warped as they are.
21384705? ago
You mean (((white men))).
21381327? ago
The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by some really bad people, but it is still the Church instituted by Christ with a unchanging deposit of faith most closely aligned with scripture. Like in times past (old and new testaments) God will raise up Saints to save his church.
21380478? ago
most catholics are spicks.
21386395? ago
No more than my dog is a Buddhist. lol
21387140? ago
actually, my dog is a buddist.
Om Mani Padre Hum...
21379973? ago
Yep. And with all of the unchecked election fraud we will likely lose 2020 too, and have a fag president with a "husband" because that's so super cool. Exactly how we ended up with barry and big Mike, because it was a "statement" to vote for skin color.
Not feeling good about things lately.
21380205? ago
Then what will Q's line be?
21379788? ago
Way worse
21379593? ago
We definitely have the same lying press.
Are we the pedo capital of the world?
Weimar Germany was.
21379403? ago
the similarities are staggering. the jew attacking white american culture at every turn while passing laws not allowing business to boycott jew isreal.. i swear (((they))) are activly pushing for civil war 2.0 or they want trump to try and pull another hitler move .. something is not right in america and it starts with jews every single time
21385291? ago
just wrote a script, "search for: doglegwarrior; downvote"
21386454? ago
from: doglegwarrior
whats your point beta faggot
21396042? ago
There's no point to your harassment of us, either. Do you have a website? Are you making revenue from this? And if not, why you bother is even stranger.
21396424? ago
from: doglegwarrior
so when u go to a muslim country do you pray 5 times a day and make your wife wear a burka potatoe sack? im not adjusting to your culture your sub is on voat we were here first. i like alot of your points and what the q and anons are trying to do but we are not fucking bending to your fucking culture. you are like fucking jews come to our website the only one will to protext you and give u a platform and freedom and you fucking act like reddit kikes... with that fuck off
21396516? ago
Loser. There are many other anonymous subs on Voat. Yet I don't see you crowing your name over into them. You are not logically consistent.
21397071? ago
from: doglegwarrior
if i ever see a number name when i post i put my name on it. maybe i just dont go to those subs much and yall are the fucking idiots acting like liberals and jews trying to turn fucking voat into reddit with your faggotry
21398931? ago
you're right. i should write that script. in fact, let's see how much you post to non-anon forums... kek, awesome, this will be fun.
21399097? ago
from: doglegwarrior
im not sure what you are talking, but good luck just remember..
and every time if its liberal and anti white american agenda its the jew every time.
21381682? ago
She / It / He put his nose into the anus of some AIDs Nigger while Dershowitz looked on
21380883? ago
yes its always about the jew sarcasm
21386547? ago
from: doglegwarrior
who else is at the root cause of anti american liberlism? give me some examples
21386695? ago
take a look at yourself … culture is made by ones own actions.... I cant point to one group because there is no one group.... the closest I can point is to the billionaire class that uses racial division to keep the sheep like you in line..... look at the Steve jobs, George Soros's ( yes I know he is Jewish no one is clean is the point I am making) bill gates, the British monarchy, all the real old money of Europe. they want us pleabs at each others throat blaming each other over religion or race. Be a strong man in your community for everyone is the answer . see bullshit say bull shit. this might be lost on you I hope it is not . love everyone especially those who don't seem to appreciate it. because we are only strong when we stand for something other then our self
21387468? ago
ya read 1984 its the play book..
21387718? ago
Question how many are of Jewish back ground and are non practicing... my bet is most of those billionaires are actualy atheist . my grand mother came from a Jewish family if you actualy think blood lines have meaning I am a Cohn through my dad who was practicing Christian at the time of his death. Some one has actualy traced back my grandmas family 1000 years. that's all meaningless because. no one in my family is will off. we are horrified by the evil we see and when I hear the crap we hear on voat it scares me because I know the ignorent will believe anything peddled to them if it makes them feel as if they know something the rest of the world does not know.
21390151? ago
from: doglegwarrior
you are correct it is a minority at top that is making these terrible decisions for the rest of the jews..
21393392? ago
and like I said how many are really Jewish at this point and how many are atheist's.....bad people are bad people getting into religious affiliations only allows theses criminal to hide and claim persecution. also getting into religious affiliation allows low IQ people to believe a lot of people are a part of what's going on who are not.
21389711? ago
And why focus on 1/3 being Jewish but not 2/3 being catholic?
People need to get over the Jew distraction crap.
21379391? ago
https://voat.co/v/QRV/3521432/21377777 He knew what he was saying.
21379369? ago
decided to confide in me just before the Prince walked in. He said ‘Do you know why his wife left him?’ I didn’t really care but he told me anyway ... that it was because he slept with under age boys in the Navy." https://voat.co/v/QRV/3521565
21379316? ago
End of Days. Judgement approaches.
21379014? ago
time to go all 3rd Reichish on (((their))) asses.
21378838? ago
EGADS the shills are in crybaby mode Time to head out into mother nature for some sanity
21378651? ago
Quick! Get in your hugbox and preach to the choir!
21381220? ago
I know seriously, this QAnon crowd is practically filled with Hitlerites.
21382495? ago
The enlightenment is indeed encouraging.
21378955? ago
Or we can send them to liddle schitt's basement kingdom. Mayby liddle schitt, will share his sand pail & shovel.
21386320? ago
Schitt the jew? lol
21378455? ago
21378416? ago
Sodom and Gomorrah times
21384046? ago
I sometimes wonder if as an anon i am just cannon fodder. If i will live to see some improvement. seeing college kids question jews recently is a really good sign.
I hope a future generation gets to enjoy their life. Mine feels like one long lonely struggle tbh
21383675? ago
YellowVestUSA times
21381272? ago
Far worse today than in that day
Think judgement isnt coming to America?
Its already happening,God is now allowing.
Aint no fckn MAGA,this shthole is eating its self.
21380476? ago
Since Trump and his admin obviously sees this, I wonder what has to happen before they do anything?
If their kids or grandkids were dealing with this I wonder if something would get done quicker.
21381014? ago
their kids and grandkids are fucking jews you dumb boomer. He will do nothing
21389665? ago
Holy fuck you people can’t see past the “Jews” thing.
You know there are Jews on Q team working with him right? Pay attention. Stop getting distracted.
21389810? ago
Oh god I hate you boomer tier q tards so much. But we need you to realise whats going on here.
21379336? ago
Frank Giustra is connected to Pizza Express?
Turning 222 Pizza Express Corp. into Gold!: A Frank Guistra Story.
DIG! Two children speak about satanic/pedophile ring, mention Pizza Express - Has a childrens "teaching" program
... https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3521610 Jakarta Prince Andrew