Repost From CluelessInTheDark/GreatAwakening. As San Francisco DA, Robert Mueller let the biggest child porn producer in California history avoid jail with a sweet plea deal. Yes! That Robert Mueller. (
submitted 5.3 years ago by 3519405?
21361242? 5.3 years ago
Mueller protected mobster Whitey Bulger while bro Billy ransacked the state as senate pres.
Anyone who informed to the FBI were killed or jailed.
4 guys rotted in prison for 30 years where 2 died. We paid their families $104m of our tax dollars.
Mueller knew.
Now Whitey Bulger's nephew, Billy's boy, is Hunter Bidens business partner sharing in Ukrainian loot.
Connect those dots.
Search Howie Carr + Bulger + Mueller for more.
21485784? 5.2 years ago
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21360878? 5.3 years ago
moar here:
21360770? 5.3 years ago :
An Open Secret on Twitter: "Robert Mueller prosecuted Roger Stone with everything
As San Francisco DA, Mueller let the biggest child p-rn producer in California history avoid jail with a sweet plea deal
Caught with possession & production of THOUSANDS of child p-rn videos & images
Documents 👇… /mgDtmROUrv"
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21361242? ago
Mueller protected mobster Whitey Bulger while bro Billy ransacked the state as senate pres.
Anyone who informed to the FBI were killed or jailed.
4 guys rotted in prison for 30 years where 2 died. We paid their families $104m of our tax dollars.
Mueller knew.
Now Whitey Bulger's nephew, Billy's boy, is Hunter Bidens business partner sharing in Ukrainian loot.
Connect those dots.
Search Howie Carr + Bulger + Mueller for more.
21485784? ago
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21360878? ago
moar here:
21360770? ago :
As San Francisco DA, Mueller let the biggest child p-rn producer in California history avoid jail with a sweet plea deal
Caught with possession & production of THOUSANDS of child p-rn videos & images
Documents 👇… /mgDtmROUrv"
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