21362965? ago

Nothing can stop this now. The Dems are screwed. The DS cabal is on the run. Indictments are imminent. Heads are going to roll.

21360185? ago

I'm sorry, I haven't been on here hours a day like I used to... Is Q back online ???!!!!!

21359617? ago

Can we just send ‘Dog’ the bounty hunter after Wasserman? And film it please?

21359394? ago

Advantage? You use their tactics..Love the show today. Republicans used Democrat tactics in hearing. Fun to watch

21356939? ago

Q, and all the tards that follow his excrement, are just fiddling while Rome burns. The 'playbook' has never been a secret. 'Trust' that no DS criminal will ever pay the price for their crimes. They're holding all the levers of power, but one. Once that's gone, you will all kiss the Antichrist's ass.

21356536? ago

This show is having a very long season...

21355935? ago

This will be me when shit hits the fan...to all my friends and family with the exception of my brother who is a state trooper and has always listened without judgement.


21355647? ago

All I want is for them to feel the pain of a child being sacrificed for them. For eternity.

They will wish they had never been born.

21355275? ago

Enjoy the show, while the enemy is killing your wife and kids in the next room.

It may be optics, it may be grand deception, i can only say : question everything, listen to all trust no one, including Trump and Q.

21354226? ago

When you are awake you can see clearly.

**Edit: Swap 'we' for 'you.'

21354195? ago

LOL, what playbook? Here is their game plan; run it up the middle, run it up the middle, ad infinitum. The only thing they know how to do is to try and cram a square block in a round hole. They've always been in control, never had to do anything other than cheat. When the playing field is level, they can't win, they simply don't know how.

21354876? ago

Not exactly up the middle https://youtu.be/kFEqtDjYd9M

21354119? ago


Define: King of Kangaroo Court = little adam Bull-schiff <loser<

Define: Losers = DNC Do Nothing Criminal "coup" party and their corrupt media co-conspirator liars.<no deal for these traitors< .

Define: ds elitist nwo witch = Yo-vano-vitch <cry me a river loser<

G I T M O >> All of these coup TRAITORS<<they never thought she would lose = now they all lose<

Q 94

Where does Soros fit in?

21353980? ago

I just want to share this good news with the shills, Merry Christmas. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/national/lifestyle/2019/10/23/1_4652324.html

21357583? ago

It should say: "for pussies of all types"

21353760? ago

When this finally plays out, we will say OMG I can't believe that he strung them out that long and they fell for it. It will be mind blowing at how much they were blinded by their hatred of DJT that they completely followed the Pied Piper (Shifft and Pelosi) right off the cliff.

21354919? ago

Apparently, if you believe it, they have no other choice, the timelines have converged to one where they loose. They are just too stupid to call it a game and take the shame bus home.

21357530? ago

...timelines have converged to one where they loose lose.

21358307? ago

Thank you autocorrect!

21354079? ago

It is great!

21353653? ago

how do you legally inject evidence?

21353698? ago

Very Smart!

21353621? ago

Folks, start investing in rope stock!

21353496? ago

Patriots have Your back

21353473? ago

The only people getting indicted are Trump Supporters... Trust the Plan...

21353690? ago

It that was “the plan” then Q wouldn’t be necessary- it would be pointless. If Q didn’t exist most of you queers would be sitting on your couch unaware of the level of corruption in government. Don’t be a faggot.

21354446? ago

Exactly. The idea that Q isn't on our side is, at this point, completely incredible.

21353452? ago

Obvious disinformation.

21353413? ago

Indictments forthcoming? Lets give "Black Friday" a whole ne definition. Something along the lines of the King of France & the Pope conspiring to eliminate the Knights Templar in a single night on Friday October 13th. What say you, Q?

21353401? ago

Winter is coming...

21353242? ago

The Dems set a trap and Trump warned them not to step in. They stepped in it. It's hard to grasp the stupidity of Coup 2.0. It's like an attack on reality and common sense along the lines of there's more than 2 genders.

21353548? ago

It is unimaginably absurd yet half the population is 'just fine' with this impeachment and maybe even ecstatic

21353228? ago

I am enjoying the show, but the movie it getting kind of long.

21353251? ago


21353293? ago

Hardly exhausted. Am staying the course.

21353191? ago

This is FUNNY i am having a GREAT time.. ALL i see and hear is the Dems Openly ADMITING to Multiple acts of treason.. These Impeachment hearings are the Dems Digging up The very Crimes they themselves committed and putting them into the OFFICIAL record.. They are IMPEACHING THEMSELVES..... Yes look at them HEAR what is being said.. THEY ARE IMPEACHING THEMSELVES


I LOVE THIS thanQ so much my brother/sister of another mother.

Q+ Maestro

Brilliantly played Sir... You are a MASTER of Sun Zu. And more importantly Thank you for STANDING UP FOR ALL AMERICANS

We love you.. We support you sir. We are here for YOUR pleasure

God Bless ALL

21358270? ago

So far, Joe Biden and Adam Shift have certainly been revealed having actually done some of the things they are accusing Trump of.

21353912? ago

SB... Zup

21353904? ago

Fuck out of here you psycho ass. (This is SB2 by the way, hes the only fag that calls trump "maestro")

21364119? ago


Please note This SHILL is claiming to be SB2 and ISNT

this SHILL is using that name to attack and divide...

HEY SHILL you/DNC need a new PlayBook

21364787? ago

You and the faggot I responded to are the psycho SB2. I'm not dumb as fuck enough to be him. Sorry nigger faggot. Why would I pretend to be a psycho loser?

21353450? ago

Is Sun Zu related to Sun Tzu?

21364125? ago

lol auto correct same sun tzu

21357493? ago

Just someone else who doesn't take the time to pay attention until you bring it to their attention. Then you get shit for exposing their inadequacy. Good for you!

21354121? ago

In fact the correct pinyin spelling is Sun Zi.

21354179? ago

No . It's actually Sōnzǐ all together.

21354490? ago

ㄙㄣ1 ㄊ3 would be how I learned...

21354044? ago

Distant cousins. Many shill have tried to claim relation to shitz tzu, but these obvious morons are easily identified and sentenced to 1 hour of history class and petting sessions with the unicorn dog.


....,(%),.... Buhahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahhahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahhahhaha

21355810? ago

Shitz tzu what a bitch....

21357644? ago

Bull Dog - Shitz Tzu cross = Bull Shitz

21357701? ago


21353992? ago

"Nigger you know how to spell it!"

21353749? ago

Great comment spelling Fag, as if his spelling affected the message.

21353436? ago


21353163? ago

More Hope PORN?

21353687? ago

Rope porn

21353389? ago

Propaganda Is the term.

21353160? ago

I’m assuming THEY are already in the trap, otherwise Q wouldn’t be posting.

Like Q says, “Nothing can stop what is coming.”

21353612? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3501635/21212249 This is a pic of the keystone above the front door of epstiens house on E 71st

21353158? ago

The other side’s playbook is to overthrow a legally elected sitting President and overturning the results of the 2016 election. This also includes nullifying everything Trump has done in 3 years including putting two Justices on the Supreme Court.

It’s time for action and not bullshit cryptic posts from an anonymous source who is unverifiable.

21353156? ago

Where? Through Tor or something?

21353147? ago

The War Room podcast with Steve Bannon had Senator Braun R-IN on yesterday & brought some clarity as to why Mitch McConnell has said an impeachment trial in the Senate would take 6+ weeks. It seems this would be a good strategy to totally exonerate POTUS & educate the public on the massive corruption by the Democrats.

21353521? ago

Based on how weak, ineffective and likely compromised McConnell is, I don't trust McConnell even a little bit.

But my hope is he is being "whitemailed" do the right thing. Same with weirdo Lindsey Graham - my hope is that these guys are now actually flipped and working with the whitehat / patriot / good guys as a double agent of sorts.

21354038? ago

"Cocaine Mitch" > "White Mailed" < 🤔

21354202? ago

Haha, seems oddly fitting.

21353929? ago

Just as long as they still serve time. If this gives them Pardons? Fuck. That. Noise.

21353707? ago

"whitemailed" interesting term

21353872? ago

Yes, I agree.

I have been hearing it in relation to the comped republicans suddenly doing the right thing.

-Lindsey Graham's ballsy performance during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing is a purported example.

21353926? ago

yeah, i can see that, and john kelly giving him the two-finger "got our eyes on you, boy" gesture at 41's funeral

21354191? ago

Yes. Exactly!

I don't know if their co-operation will save them from jail time and or exposure for their crimes, but if they play their part and help the whitehats take down the cabal-controlled swamp, it will likely save them from the rope.

21353262? ago

I am sure they are aware that all the senators running for office cannot leave to campaign...lol....squirm bitches

21353123? ago

Which definition is he referring to? The obvious or something else?

21353116? ago

Q is referring to meaning number 8: ": an arrangement of rock strata that favors the accumulation of oil and gas."

More wars for Israel!

I'm just kidding. I really hope that we have the Democrats force the Government shutdown next week... followed by arrests.

It won't happen, but I can dream.

21354277? ago

This is an epic read

21355033? ago

Take a look at section 3.3 onwards.

Chapters called "Mind Control" and "Propaganda"!

This is all the proof of treason anyone should need to see them hang. And it's written by an ex KGB officer! Here is your Russian!!

21354256? ago

1.3 The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group is an annual invitation-only conference of around 100

guests, most of whom are usually influential politicians and big business.

The title comes from the location of its first official meeting in 1954 in

the Bilderberg Hotel, Arnhem, Netherlands. Its main office is now in Leiden,

South Holland, the group’s current Chairman is Etienne Davignon, a former

Vice President of the European Commission. The original intention of the

group was to further the understanding between Western Europe and North

America through informal and closed for media and public meetings between

powerful individuals. Of course, that’s not what they are doing. If you

look through the guests’ lists, you can find some very popular names like

David Rockefeller, Donald Rumsfeld and George Soros. Lists differ each year,

but there’s one name that remains there for years - Henry Kissinger, a

former Secretary of State, who rules the Bilderberg Group and rules the

world. Bill Clinton, the Arkansas Governor and 1992 presidential nominee went

to Baden-Baden and attended the Conference on June 6 1991.

21355710? ago

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Posted automatically (#74073) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21353012? ago

All this impeachment hearing is doing is piling up more evidence of the coup. Why interrupt them while they are destroying themselves?

21355336? ago

Heads up, Q appears to be confirming a Sting Operation is underway. In Q3598, he directs us to two breaks in the definition of Trap. If you look for two breaks, you find:

'// // a sting operation'

21354375? ago

All this impeachment hearing is doing is piling up more evidence of the coup. Why interrupt them while they are destroying themselves?

Never underestimate your opponent, prepare for the worst, expect the unexpected, et al is my attitude regarding the left for as long as I can recall. In the past they've always managed to pull the closer, Anton Chigur cattle killer move out of thin air at the last minute to take their opponents out. It's always been that way.

That's how I used to think anyway but since Kavanaugh's confirmation they don't seem to be handling themselves that way at all. Everything looks like it's being thrown at the wall and as if the internet does not exist. Could they really have devolved as it was always so easy? Has complacency gotten them to this point and what always worked no longer does?


21359728? ago

I've always echoed that line of thinking. Think about it, these guys have been fighting an opponent for all intents and purposes that's been asleep at the wheel. You ever play Street Fighter back in the day? I'd say they were Player 1 and they've been fighting and winning against an opponent (Player 2) that's not even present, completely idle. Well, Player 2 has entered the game and not only are they the best, they've been watching and studying your moves.

That's why they look so amateurish. They've never 'fought' anyone. They can only win when they're in complete control of the environment. Well, now you're in the jungle, and your fucking food bro.

21363687? ago

Anon, I think you nailed it. Now they are actually in a fight.

21355100? ago

I think a large, unappreciated part of it is that they eventually realized that all comms except face to face and written word sent by courier have been compromised. It has hugely affected how well they can coordinate and thus has really impacted their ability to act.

21354106? ago

enjoying the Blonde behind Jim Jordan

21355176? ago

Jim who? :)

21353442? ago

Yes! These people are under oath and lying their corrupt liddle pants off.

21353203? ago

Free rope! Get you’re free rope here! The strongest rope you’ll find, perfect for nooses!

21357364? ago

Pencil neck doesn't need much rope to hang himself! Hahahaha

21358122? ago

The good news for him is that he won't suffer much. His head will break right off when he hangs. Quick death.

21353334? ago

what's funny is usually that term is a metaphor but now it means what it means.

21353033? ago

Agreed. That's why folks need to have a little more patience. ;)

21352912? ago

A couple of weeks ago, a Clinton crony (can't remember his name) was asked about the impending impeachment. He said that POTUS continues to dangle worms, and that the Dem leadership doesn't need to go after every worm. He knows there's a trap here.

21352872? ago

I am in the early stages of defeatisn. I am getting worn down. I need some light at the end of the tunnel.

21355224? ago

This should do it for you. Peace..:) https://voat.co/v/QRV/3515711

We've already won. All you have to do is like Q says ENJOY THE SHOW!

21353715? ago

Coup 2.0 has been great for me. This is something the Dems are actually doing. It's on tv and everything. "Hearsay can be better than direct evidence" is an instaclassic afaic. Nobody in congress supposedly knows who the whistleblower is but Schiff will protect their identity. Jordan getting the "star" witness to laugh at the absurdity that he's the star witness.

The Dems are desperate. I knew they were stupid but I wouldn't have guessed they were Coup 2.0 stupid. Enjoy.

21358218? ago

They will actually vote to impeach based on this junk they have. It will be obvious to anyone that this is a cheap political stunt.

21362640? ago

My understanding is that this kangaroo court isn't even a hearing, it's just an inquiry. They voted to continue the inquiry, not to go forward with an official impeachment hearing. It's all smoke and mirrors and the traitorous MSM play their part. Whatever the case, it's been a source of great entertainment to me and I'm looking forward to more.

21353420? ago

Feeling the same here. Doesn't help that I live in a leftist shithole surrounded by their insanity lol

21353310? ago

Go give up then, the large majority of us will keep with it regardless of what’s at the end of the tunnel. You don’t give up a fight for your future because you’ve become disenchanted with the idea of winning. Somebody drag this sack of shit to bed.

21353226? ago

Imagine what the democrats feel like. Lots of lost sleep.

21353047? ago

Prayer helps. Not trying to force it on you, but it's helped me. I've been fighting since Waco happened. Every once in awhile a prayer or meditation session can open up that light to you.

21353019? ago

So long as it wasn't disinfo, Q said indictments coming, 2019. We have a month and a half for that to happen. To me that's some light to look forward to.

21353891? ago

[2019] = 2019 in the kill box

Indictments wil happen, but doubt it's 2019 since 2019 is already planned and done, so it's in the kill box. I have money on after the elections in 2020.

21353730? ago

Next Friday Nov 22. Anniversary of JFK's death.

21358896? ago

I have seen several different articles about that date, for various reasons, having nothing to do with JFK. Strange.

21357416? ago

Yes, yes it is. The next day is Saturday.

21355670? ago

The report may come out the week after Thanksgiving.

21354017? ago

Jesus christ quit with the datefagging.

21353219? ago

He is right, Trump will be indicted

21358193? ago

Indicted for what? I'm sure you think you're special, but disagreeing with you is not a crime.

21353641? ago

For what faggot? Enlighten us. Or did you just hit and run like a coward?

21353592? ago

List 1 indictable offense.

21355638? ago

hurt feelings

21353552? ago

Yes, that's the plan retard.

21353240? ago

Stupid faggot

21353277? ago

Is stupid...

21353898? ago

get confirms

21354479? ago

Kek is with us...

21352915? ago

I think a lot of us are worn down, but hang in there Anon. It's coming, can't you feel it?

21355121? ago

Yes. It's getting good and finally starting to be visible. Not a D7 avalanche yet but its picking up steam.

21354071? ago

In war things don't always go your way, all the time and every day. One day you appear to be winning, the next you suffer losses and appear to be losing. It can make you emotional and cause you to lose confidence. This is one of the reasons they try to drill out of you emotions on the battlefield during time of war. You need to be clear headed about where things are going now and in the future.

Faith is knowing something that is unknowable. Having faith that you WILL win is simply that... Faith. Its not a sure thing but you have to act as though it is and it will become that.

Manifest your Destiny.

Suppose you decide to open a business. You have NO idea whether it will be successful or not, right? So why bother opening a business? This question is rhetorical but part of the answer is that you must have FAITH that this business will succeeed. So every day you wake up, you work towards the goals to make this happen. Every day you work on things that will make your business successful.

Manifest your Destiny.

If you want success, you have to create it. It will not just come to you and drop in your lap. So everyday, we wake up, and peruse Twitter and fight the fight on the digital battlefield. The trolls, shills and bots are out there doing things to wear you down. They know it works. They see you in here complaining about how things aren't done. How Hillary is still free, etc. Heck, some of the concernfags are [THEM] helping to wear you down. Yes, I do know there are also some of you who are anons feeling weary as well. Just remember...

Manifest your Destiny

Keep the faith that things will happen. Work towards those goals each day and MAKE them happen. Stop for a minute and look around your town, your county, your state, your country. Are there things that YOU personally could be doing to contribute towards our goal? Run for local office? Run for school boards? Run for Mayorship? Run for Senate / House? It doesn't have to be political either. Are you fed up with how Veterans are abused and treated? Work towards changing that by volunteering or creating something to benefit them.


Good luck Anons! and Keep the Faith!

21358880? ago

I love this.

I have two medium-term goals. First is to create a charity handing out Rick Simpson Oil, which the charity will make to ensure quality.

Second is an idea that will save lives. Which is very similar to the first, actually :) but in a different field. Proceeds from the latter will help to fund the former.

I recently read A. T. L. Carver's "You Are Imagining Things" which was an awesome read! He's the guy that created https://pepethefrogfaith.wordpress.com/ which explains "dubs" and "trips"; Shadilay and the P.E.P.E. band; and much more. Gives me chills thinking about 8chan post #77777777 was "Trump will win."

I need to re-read Carver's book, and start more rigorously applying his approach. I can feel it starting already!

21355520? ago

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen Hebrews 11:1

21353346? ago

I’m not that guy ... but I can, actually ... but am worn down also ... but Q is brimming with confidence ... I was smiling reading the first few definitions of traps ... especially: one that slams shut suddenly

21353440? ago

My man, I can taste the future. Just enjoy the show. This hearing is a smokescreen, a last ditch effort to poison the well on the coming reports.

No leaks means nothing's happening?

Coincidence Durham and Q both started the same day? Trust Sessions.

21353740? ago

Trump said in the rally last night "Power Returning to the People". It's close!

21352899? ago

Way ahead of you there. Waiting for someone to spring a trap for the better part of 2 years now.