21353102? ago

Assad's comments are interesting. Why would Assad put these comments into the public arena? Who are these comments directed at? Clearly Assad has taken a side with these comments.

21351188? ago

Love that this is in a mainstream paper.

Now, when will they admit the ol' fuck isn't dead?

21349699? ago

Who knows if Assad even said it. It is coming from the controlled media, and there is a better than average probability they are just trying to kill the meme sweeping the nation by attributing it to something that bad old Assad would say.

If they are trying to kill it, they are stupid. It won't work.

21351386? ago

actually - good point. Thanks.

Odd that it's in the MSM. What's the point?

Oh right. Now we're talking about Assad, not BillyBoy or Prince Andrew, or the thousands of other men and women who were on those planes and submarines. Or that the Island was just sold to some Arab. Or Or Or Or... how do NPC's not see this shit? Geez

21349306? ago

Strange that Assad has any interest/opinion on Epstein. Somehow the Epstein network had to extend close to his sphere of influence.

21349105? ago

If they can take out Epstein so easily - what is stopping them from doing it to Trump, unless they don't want to...?

21351415? ago

1) Epstein ain't dead.

2) 900 Intel guys that make up Q (Northern Virginia Army) make sure he isn't taken out

3) The noose is tightening and they are in a state of PANIC

21350363? ago

All they had to do to get to Epstein is buy off or intimidate a few people who, if they care at all, would say good riddance to the guy. The President is surrounded by a large number of people, most who consider it their patriotic duty to protect him by any means possible. Considerable harder to get to.

21349054? ago

BREAKING NEWS: ASSAD, for absolutely no reason at all, is gassing his own people again!!!!

21351123? ago

OMG! Think of the poor little children! The world has to step in do the moral thing that will involve tons of bombs.

21348839? ago

Everyone is getting into the humor.


21348639? ago

He's probably not even dead. He's probably in some country like Syria living in a heavily guarded mansion.

21348353? ago

Why has the focus been taken off of Slick Willy Clinton on the Epstein connections?

21348756? ago

Because jewgle has purged the net of billy and epstein pics, and thrown trump Epstein results to the top...

21348234? ago

Amazing now that Trump has provided cover for these guys, they are able to speak up and expose the truth. The CIA has got to be very unhappy with the way things are going. All those years of deciet and death about to be laid on their doorstep. I would hate to be at Langley when the Marines show up.

21348065? ago

Iā€™m confused, KGB, Mossad, MI6, and CIA are all friends now? They all share the same blackmail asset?

21351292? ago

I would say they have always been in the same club. Occasionally on opposite sides, but definitely controlled opposition. Definitely have the same globalist goals. Supposedly several of those were formed by the Payseurs

21348825? ago

I have to admit, adding KGB to the mix is a fresh concept to me, but makes sense.

But Soviet KGB and/or modern version, whatever it is called now?

21349560? ago

Russian mafia perhaps the Frogs are deep in the shit, were using S.American models and Russian models, ragheads were also getting in on the act running drug faggot parties in Commiefornia, when the Cops get off their asses and finally do something about the Epstein connected perverts some of them run away and hide out in France, Israel and the Maxwells are part of it also, there is a list of people on the island, the ranch, the mansion, it numbers into hundreds.

21351354? ago

Prince Andrew 'interview' will be definitely a coverup. They will make it all about 17 year old girls -- teens. Not the babies and toddlers he was more likely to have been raping.

Does anyone else find it ironic and bizarre that the Demoncraps are so focused on "Reparations" for slavery that happened 200 years ago, but cannot take off the blinders long enough to see that hundreds of thousands of little kids and women (and probably young men) are enslaved as we speak? Just a deflection? Or are they really that blind and stupid? Rhetorical question, I know.

21349599? ago

((Russian mafia)), right?

21348540? ago

yeah, its called elite pedo network

21348265? ago

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21348236? ago

They are all owned by jews.

21348217? ago

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21347903? ago

Building 7 did not collapse from šŸ”„.

Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself.

21349176? ago

It collapsed from Clowns In America.

21347998? ago

It collapsed from šŸ’£šŸ’£šŸ’£šŸ’£šŸ’£šŸ’£

21348535? ago

it collapsed from jews

21350244? ago

Which individual Jewish persons do you implicate in this?

21350573? ago

How about the dacing ones, the ones that skipped work that day, and the tower owner who upgraded insurance before the attack and the ones responsible for misplacing trillions of dollars worth of receipts at the pentagon a day prior

21358444? ago

Okay, find them, and if they were in on it, give them the death penalty or at least life in Gitmo. Certain A.merican individuals in the CIA are major Deep State Cabal players. Does that mean the 'the Americans' are Deep State criminals?

21360112? ago

Lol who do you think the "deep state cabal" is. You know is jews right? Its just anothet name. Lol did you think it meant something else?

21365586? ago

The Cabal is a collection of individuals who choose to get involved in that shit. According to Q, there were 3 overarching branches: T

21367357? ago

Jews are a race not a religion. Blacks as a RACE are responsible for so much robberies, murders dispite being 13% of the US population and are a net DRAIN on all tax payers. Asians have no regard for human life and will sell any race down the river.

21350505? ago

Do you really want to know? Watch the Bill Wood interview from 2012 (The whole thing). When he talks about his 3 team on the ground guiding tomahawk missiles from about 2 miles out with line of site, imagine his team of 3 being the "Dancing Israelis". Welcome to the truth

21358620? ago

Why don't these posts specify those guys then? If some people in the CIA are screwing with some locals, are 'the Americans' doing it or are some people in the CIA doing it?

21349063? ago

So kill all Jews then??

21350609? ago

That would be advocating violence and agasnt the law friend

21350627? ago

My comment is advocating violence?

But it's simply a question..

21347887? ago

No doubt they had blackmail on Assad too

21347848? ago

How is this newsworthy? It'd be newsworthy if there's someone who believes that Epstein actually did kill himself

21351479? ago

Controlling the narrative. They keep giving us two choices: he committed suicide OR he was murdered.

We have to keep saying, "HEY MORONS THE DUDE IS NOT DEAD!"

a few of my notes






21347824? ago

It was clear that the NeoCons definitely wanted to kill Assad.

If everybody knew that Epstein ran a blackmail operation, then people would avoid him, right? It might be closer to the truth that everybody know that in order to join the club you had to let them take video of you raping some children. That's how these huge groups of criminals can operate without people flipping. If you squeal on them, you will be outed as a child rapist. Your reputation shattered while you go to prison.

21350293? ago

Who the hell would want to join that club? Most normal people do not even lust for power and wealth THAT much. Still, we now know that a number of very important people did join in Epstein's evil.

21351268? ago

People who want to be "Movie Stars" and "Rich and Famous." I'd say the majority of celebrities fit into that box. There are so many untalented people in famous bands and movies that it has to be true. I've seen some really crap performances by supposedly 'GREAT ACTORS" who are only perceived that way because we are told they are. Just look at the Oscars and Emmy's over the years. How many movies and actors got awards that were not deserved? How many really good movies were ignored. I used to wonder why. Now I know why. Even the Grammys. The rise of some of the worst music we've ever seen -- stuff that makes my cat run for cover. The whole shitshow is a game of smoke and mirrors to reward the Globalists who play along. And most people just turn on the tooob and sit in numbed silence watching the propaganda pour into their numbskulls.

21358399? ago

Like some kind of rite of initiation into the club. Still, you'd think human maternal/paternal instinct would kick in, but I guess not for those people. I know with movies, it seems the more the critics like it, the worse it is. Bad reviews equal great movie.

21360160? ago

Probably all MKUltra'ed.

21348148? ago

go to prison = silenced by execution

Funny how the only pedos that get whacked in prison are high profile and well connected.

21347756? ago

Why did you end that factual statement in a question mark?

21348632? ago

Depends on how you read it?

Depends on how you read it.

21348371? ago

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