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20536545? ago

His wing moved into a van was posted on 8 chan that morning.

20534161? ago

If true. Key words

20533094? ago

we had a discussion on this earlier -- is this drone pic from 9/1 Epstein? Someone posted a much clearer and larger image. This is all I captured, but - hey - could be him epstein on the island on 9/1/19?


20532937? ago

Orrrrr, he isn’t dead but sprung by the black hats to save their necks. The gurney photo wasn’t him (look at the ear and hooked nose - His was straight, and brown eyebrows - His were black), he prepped his will two days before to preserve his wealth in a trust for access (by himself?), guards who weren’t the regular ones who were asleep, cameras conveniently malfunctioned, other inmates told they better shut up, neck injuries not consistent with hanging, but rather strangulation, and IMO, only black hats would callously “off” the poor body double dupe. I would like to see an independent review of Eppie’s recorded fingerprints with that of the guy they autopsied. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

20532515? ago

well duh.

He is not dead

they removed him and returned a body double, or a robotoid, or a Madame Tussaud statue. Or maybe it was Anthony Bourdain. But that WAS. NOT. EPPY BOY.

One more time for the newbies - an article about robotoids that the Rich and Famous are using (which probably includes HRC, because several of us keep noticing - "hey - that's not her!")


MAY 2, 2018 AT 2:23 AM

In Russia as well as in the West, research has been under way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1PTQZykGf0
for many years in biological synthesis–that is, artificial life http://w11.zetaboards.com/WiolawaPressForum/topic/30567699/1/#new
forms; and according to high intelligence, a stunning
break-through took place in Russia some years ago. The Russians
refer to this break-through as a “providential discovery”,
something they learned almost by accident. They discovered the
key to creating what are known as “organic robotoids.” An
organic robotoid is an artificial robot-like creature, it looks
and acts exactly like a human being and yet it is not human. A
robotoid is alive in the biological sense but it is an artificial
life form. Robotoids respond to conventional routine medical
tests in the same way as humans do; they eat, they drink, they
breathe, they bleed if cut; and they can be killed. Robotoids
can also think, but they think only in the sense that a computer
thinks. Like any other computer, the brain of a robotoid has to
be programmed for each assignment it is given; but unlike many
electronic computers, the biological computer brain of a robotoid
possesses an enormous memory. As a result, robotoids can be
programmed to communicate and think in such complex patterns that
they act human.

20533579? ago

Blade Runner in real time....

20533062? ago

This explains so much about SOOOO many people.....er "people"...

20533182? ago

kek -- air quotes --


yeah. Wish I had special glasses that could see who is real and who is a double or an alien.


20682687? ago

Meowing out loud

20532918? ago

The clone has been deactivated

20531761? ago

Either he really died at the hands and instructions of the deep state and globalists to stop him from talking to the feds


He was secretly ushered away to a safe house by the feds because he is talking and naming names for future prosecutions.

Both seem plausible.

20533077? ago

My guess is he is at Balmoral. Or Sandringham. Or. The Queen and Randy looked mighty happy the next day on their way to church. It's not like anyone can just go in and search those places.

20531199? ago

The question is, was it even him?

20531320? ago

A clone

20531781? ago

Brisbane's trip to s pole along with the end of nasa and thier inconstant story now and s pole being a perfect place for discrete inter planetary port , they swapped him out with clone grown at s pole or Mars colony. The more you know.

20530815? ago

The article does not list any specific sources by name. It is probably fake news.

The so called Epstein “suicide” is highly suspicious, but we need hard evidence and names.

20530694? ago

The shocking revelations,

if true,

shatter the Justice Department’s narrative that Epstein hung himself in his cell with a prison bed sheet.

Lawrence O’Donnell is apparently writing for TP now.

20533085? ago

He didn't have a bed sheet.

20530609? ago

Well, he didn't die in the prison because he wasn't declared deceased until at the hospital. A technicality.

20529306? ago

I'm not sure there are very many people who believe absolutely any particular story circulating...and there are so many to choose from. All we can be sure of is that we don't know.

...but we can guess and speculate. Better for our purposes that he's thought dead but still in custody, still powerless and surely disintegrating rapidly. His usual loosh is no longer available.

20531732? ago

Think for yourself.

20529160? ago

Of course he didn't, and Bill Barr is a liar and a coverup artist.

20528982? ago

Well let’s get some sauce on these reports that Epstein was moved. Let’s get some surveillance video or images or audio. Then lets get some inmates on the record. You don’t push a dead guy around in a wheelchair at 5 am without anyone seeing or noticing.

20532814? ago

wasn't that what was posted on reddit that morning? Someone posted that he was moved around 4Am then brought back. So this matches. But what we don't know is WHO was "brought back" -- lots of fuckery in the halls of the rich and famous with body doubles and the like. A guy worth his load of money doesn't NOT have a Plan B, C, and D.

20533500? ago

Did we ever find out if he was buried or cremated? Can you do a DNA ID on ashes I wonder?

Clinton has a body double. Did she get that from Epstein, or did Epstein get it from Killary? Also where exactly do you go to get your body double? Is there a Body Doubles R US I don’t know about?

Off topic - there is a great movie about a Japanese feudal king called Kagemusha by Akira Kurosawa which deals with all the things that can go wong when you try to use a body double for someone very important. Betcha Killary & Pedo Geezer never saw it.

20531748? ago

That's one hour after breakfast and everybody is up at that time.

20531861? ago

Breakfast is at 5 am? I better not end up in the pokey. I’m a night owl.

20531954? ago

No at 4am

20528891? ago

Holy shit

20528875? ago

REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Conspiracy Theory Disinformation Site = True Pundit.

20531390? ago

True Pundit has been on top of shit. No retractions, scooping everyone. Ya fuck

20533630? ago

Yep. They were the 1st to report on Lisa Page's testimony when she stated that it was the Chinese that got Hillary's emails. Not the Russians.

20530716? ago

Anyone who responds "REEEEE!!" is too young or completely ignorant to understanding of the gravity of the situation or strategy needed to combat these sick fucks. That sound usually come from a kid who is losing at a game like Fortnite. Utilizing mindless dribble that doesn't convey coherent communication. Let alone tosses the "Conspiracy Theory" term in the mix. It's already well known that conspiracies do exsist and are perpetrated by groups in power (or with the resources). Epstein news as an example.

Pick up a book once in a while and learn some communication skills. Might I recommend 'Creature from Jeckle Island', for your conspiracy theory term.

20530823? ago

Nah ... 45 and alive. Been exposing the NWO since 1982.

You're so dumbed down you do not know a disinformation site from a real info site. Epstein is dead. Assassinated under orders of the Clinton's.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

Fake News

Fake Journalism

Fake Entertainment

Fake Corporate PR and Advertising

Fake Medicine

Fake Scientific Research

Fake Acquired Immunity

Fake Food

Fake Water

Fake Choice

Fake Money

Fake Economy

Fake Free Markets

Fake Free Trade Agreements

Fake Accounting

Fake Welfare

Fake Government

Fake Republic

Fake Democracy

Fake Elections

Fake National Security

Fake Defense

Fake Education

Fake Law

Fake Rights

Fake Consent

Fake Spirituality

Fake Clouds

Fake War on Terror

Fake Lone Nutter Killers

Fake Boogeymen

Fake False Flag Events

Fake Indictments

Fake Science

Fake Freedom

Fake Q Plan to save the world

You want to talk about a conspiracy that has been proven true? We can do that if you would like?

The Dreyfus Affair

The Mafia

MK-ULTRA - Manchurian Candidate

Operation Mockingbird

Operation Fishbowl

Manhattan Project



The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Operation Northwoods

1990 Testimony of Nayirah

Counter Intelligence Programs Against Activists in the 60s

The Iran-Contra Affair

The BCCI Scandal

CIA Drug Running in LA

Gulf of Tonkin Never Happened

The Business Plot

The White Papers

July 20, 1944 Conspiracy to Assassinate Hitler Valkrie

Operation Ajax

Operation Snow White

Operation Gotham Shield

Majestic Twelve

Operation Gladio

The CIA Assassinates A Lot Of People (Church Committee)

The New World Order

Kennedy Assassination – the 2nd Investigation by Congress Few People Know About, United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA)

1919 World Series Conspiracy

Karen Silkwood

CIA Drug Smuggling in Arkansas

Bohemian Grove

Operation Paperclip

The Round Table [Lou Dobbs Talks about this even today]

The Illuminati [ https://www.illuminatiofficial.org/illuminati-pyramid-symbol/ ]

The Trilateral Commission

Big Brother or the Shadow Government [ The Trump Take Down Attempt - Playing in theaters now ]

The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World

The Report From Iron Mountain

The Federal Reserve Bank

Fast and Furious

Nine Eleven

Project Stargate


Earth The Closed System - Contoured Egg Shaped Rock http://www.terraconvexa.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/terra_convexa_galeria2.jpg




20533102? ago

He didn't expose that shit. He's just the only one Twitter cannot delete when he calls it out...

20533172? ago

Sure I have. I'm 45 and alive Bubba. I've been exposing the NWO since 1982. I used to spread flyers in gas stations, grocery stores and car hops. Mainly A&W Root Beer joints. I've written two books on the subject. When the World Wide Web became popular I was posting the information above everywhere I could.

You folks think your winning. lol You're not. The powers that be only make it appear that way. All the upper class pedo's are Illuminati sacrifices. Time to pay their dues for all those riches, fame and prestige.

20533298? ago

That was you?

20533376? ago

You got it.

20531815? ago

The ears are not the same.

20528612? ago

NO SHIT?!? Wow! Who would have ever guessed this?!

I am so fucking sick and tired of all the bullshit and the lack of justice in America.

20528975? ago

Just us

20529528? ago

judges, lawyers, and politicians.

20528611? ago

the dead fish under the rug is starting to ripen..........

20529594? ago

Speaking of which, did you ever read the story about the woman, who was forced to sell the home upon divorce, stuffed the insides of the curtain rods with shrimp?

20531698? ago

Nice touch

20531548? ago

He moved his new woman in...they could not find the origin of the smell and sold CHEAP.

20529642? ago

lol nope missed that one.....

20529893? ago

True or not, who knows! But is a good weapon if you ever need something similar.

20529916? ago

now thats funny as hell..even better they took the curtain rods when they left.....ROTFL

20528729? ago

Starting to? Its been putrid for quite some time.

20528784? ago

difficult to discern the shtank as there are so many sources of it now. CLEAN UP CREW WHERE R YA!!?? kek

20531690? ago

On hold. We are ready. Clean the planet.

20531949? ago


20532004? ago

America First