21352436? ago

One wonders.... How much would tickets sell for, to attend liddle schitt's military tribunal?

21347254? ago

sounds like italy AUS and UK have inductive evidence that will prove Obama set up DJT. Fuck HRC, put that bitch on back burner. There is only one target its that smiley little narccisist fuck. Take him down and you unplug the drain. WWG1WGA!!!

21349292? ago

no need for one or the other. going after BOTH is the answer. Hildebeast should be rotting in jail at the very lease for her secret email server, destroying evidence and LYING about it. Not to mention anything else.

21354774? ago

hillary should get it last so we can burn her at the stake should we so choose. I don't want her seen by anyone as a victim at anytime when the moment comes. When she is taken it should be by an already totally shocked populace, that largely sees it as a foregone conclusion.

If you go after hillary and Obama together, it will be to much for ppl to handle imo. We are taking down the CB, we can't afford to overload people. Idc about their feelings, but they will come along much more quietly if you take on the big resist on BHO, then when it subsides you are playing in a much more spacious sandbox in which you can go after whomever you want. Not only HRC but handlers, other DS operatives, bloodline families.

21347651? ago

Wait, so HRC literally eats babies and you're still more mad at the black guy ... Makes sense.

21354484? ago

once you take down BHO sucessfully everything becomes easy

21354528? ago

Take him down for what?

21354661? ago

start with conspiracy to sabotage the election by using agents like byrne butina papa page to do the unmasking/surveillance on republican candidates, then leading to their "wrap up smear" sabotage (re: peepee dossier). I would not say that he is a manchurian candidate yet, we have a fake economy to prop up with printed money afterall.

21354750? ago

If any of that happened or is an actual crime, why didn't Trump go after him for it, he's tried to go after HRC for the past two years and has gotten nothing. so maybe some evidence for anything you say at all in there?

21354966? ago

You call that "trying"? not one act from DOJ aimed at HRC. We have huber, we have those jesuits looking at CF, have you heard from them? You will.

as for why wait, therre are many reasons, we have a lot of stuff to do besides fry these little fish.

You see how DJT is reversing the damage in the ME, greatest POTUS ever.

Also he has incredibly won the narrative war with central bank and China.

Finally and most important it makes sense to wait until 2020 because it will help the reelection by making great TV.

If a court decides you [knowingly] sabotaged the electoral process, that is a crime called treason.

There is a lot of evidence already out there, do your own research.

21348079? ago

The gay muslim nigger eats and rapes kids as well. You need to do some research.

21348299? ago


21346442? ago

Lollertripcodes GROYP GROYP

21344962? ago


LII U.S. Code Title 50. WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE Chapter 36. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE Subchapter I. ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE Section 1802. Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal; duties and compensation of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

U.S. Code § 1802.Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal; duties and compensation of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

U.S. Code


(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

21346400? ago

Very interesting

21346157? ago

THIS ^^^^ And can also declare an top secret national emergency and declare himself in essence the emperor.

21344927? ago

[special order per DIR [CLAS 1-9] AUTH unmask per US AMB]


21344752? ago

Watch Free Movie Counter-Intelligence

For those not familiar with what the CIA/C_A “really” do, you might be interested to watch this free American made movie. Which exposed the CIA in 5 parts at http://metanoia-films.org/counter-intelligence/#watch

Alternative links 1:

  1. Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/oC6WDFZq5GMx
  2. Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fxtZUc4s1qcb
  3. Part 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MlWqPLCL8gzh
  4. Part 4: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FRRBzXx3pWar
  5. Part 5: https://www.bitchute.com/video/leBVGP1R68aJ

Alternative links 2:

  1. Part 1: https://vimeo.com/65148608
  2. Part 2: https://vimeo.com/65942057
  3. Part 3: https://vimeo.com/66019647
  4. Part 4: https://vimeo.com/66183267
  5. Part 5: https://vimeo.com/67967592

In summary, according to the Counter-Intelligence movie, the CIA is arguably by far the largest terrorist organization on earth. Including CIA's illegal terrorist events within the USA. And the present alleged present 2019 Coup against Trump within the USA?

I believe that most people at the CIA are good people, with mature, ethical, and lawful behaviors. But allegedly, a minority of people in the CIA are bad people, with immature, unethical or criminal behaviors. Did the bad people intoxicated the CIA beyond repair? Like a cancer? If so, will the Trump administration be able to drain the swamp? Time will tell.

Read an interview with Scott Noble, the American documentary author at https://dissidentvoice.org/2014/07/counter-intelligence-spying-deters-democracy/



To encourage the author to create more movies, your donation is welcome at http://www.metanoia-films.org/donate/

What Is A Coup?

If you are not familiar with a Coup, it means "the overthrow of an existing government; typically, this refers to an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a dictator, the military, or a political faction"

Source https://archive.fo/1DZPb#selection-1343.15-1347.172


21344209? ago

This summary, taken in context of today's surprise meeting with Barr and with the COMMS suggests an impending activity, does it not?

21347642? ago

How so?

21344181? ago

So many shill comments here.

We are over the target!

Trust the plan and enjoy the show!

21343462? ago


Is that correct?

21343429? ago

Haven't been able to get on 8kun -


Is that the correct URL?

21343591? ago

Think we are at .tw

21347927? ago

Can't access thru tw...message is Server Not Found. Don't know what TOR is or how to use. I'm an old granny and this is all new stuff for me...I just like to lurk...no point in posting when I don't know what I am doing...wouldn't want to piss off the anons & autist.

21343554? ago

Yes, but use the onion address.

You'll have to use TOR browser to access it.


21345843? ago

Tor performs better, for some reason.

21343730? ago

Result on this link: We Couldn't Find That Page

21344346? ago

TOR browser is completely free. But yeah, .onion links won't work in any other browser.


21344542? ago

TY for your help.. Got it installed.

21345015? ago

8kun should work with the onion address, a lot harder to censor than its clearnet counterpart! This is why Q linked to it in Drop #3593 (https://qmap.pub/read/3593).

Enjoy! See you there.

21343860? ago

All I found was to pay like $18. Maybe didn't try hard enough.

21343394? ago

declas it and let them burn under the light, it's been long enough too many have suffered let the public decide

21343283? ago

Clap off.

21343194? ago


21342916? ago

qmap isn't scraping 8kun?

21343814? ago

Maybe the evil bastards are shutting qmap down too. THEY are desperate to shut all of it and us down. Fight, fight, fight.

21344205? ago

Ok boomer

21344453? ago

FO shill.

21343172? ago

Just noticed that too. They usually have it first.

21342907? ago

More (?'s.) and no (.'s). Obvious Mossad new plant is obvious.

21342861? ago

Arrests or GTFO.

21349086? ago

Do it yourself (citizen's arrest) or STFU!

21343574? ago

Arrests and GITMO!!

21343309? ago

Impeach or GTFO.

21349072? ago


21343045? ago

Exactly. I'm done with the rah-rah WWG1WGA put on your armor of God go watch the same video over and over that got Trump elected bullshit.

Enough. We've put up with this shit for 3 years now. Shit or get off the pot, Q.

21345511? ago

If you're not happy, asshole, just go away.

21343896? ago

Let me guess. Youre 38 yrs old and work at 7-11?

21344288? ago

I m 33 yrs old mechanical engineer and I still think that anon is right. Enough of the charade. Arrest or gtfo.

21343873? ago

Totally agree. What is taking so long to dismantle a 100yr worldwide cabal?! This should’ve been done by Feb 2017

21347267? ago

i wish it was only 100 years old. more like thousands.

21343324? ago

Bye now

21343303? ago


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAÀÁÂÄÆÃÅAā we have consensus fag...don’t we all agree with the consensus fag??!!


21342808? ago

21345518? ago

Your Mom's face?

21345735? ago

Are you 11?

21346934? ago


21348097? ago

grow some pubes

21343942? ago

Nigger fag image. Beware

21348093? ago


21343915? ago

Don't click this jpg. Its porn.

21342786? ago

"Waiting for M1 departure, we’re watching Trump in an animated conversation inside the Oval Office w/ AG Barr & others."


21343289? ago

This "animated conversation" is for optics, a bit of theatrics. It's not like they're just now this minute deciding how this will play out. This is letting the press get a feel that something is brewing. The slow drip has gone on seemingly forever and now the dam is about to burst.

21346613? ago

can't wait!

21343121? ago

This must be the reason for the animated conversation - "Rudy Giuliani, one of President Trump’s personal attorneys, is under federal investigation for possible campaign finance violations and failing to register as a foreign agent (FARA) as part of the ongoing investigation, according to Bloomberg." Gateway Pundit.

21343345? ago

well, Bloomberg fucked her....surely SURELY this time guise.

21342605? ago

It sucks if your last name is Clapper

21344089? ago

Clapper just took a crapper in his pants kek

21347638? ago

Yeah because there have been consequences for who so far?

21348064? ago


He knows who will pay.

21342581? ago

Does this mean we are getting another delay?

21342571? ago

Beat qmap!!!