21342421? ago

I can understand her depression and state of being, but man... if something like this ever happened to me, way before I got to this point (if ever) there would be a serious reckoning! Not saying what I would do, but I think that some might just start just "disappearing" in the night. Maybe alien abductions or something. Just saying.

21341129? ago

Too bad they didn't have a second amendment. She should be killing her rapists -- not herself.

21350749? ago

Called a Patriot?


I don't like the term Islamophobia. I means fear of Islam (phobia)

What would be the term for 'hatred of Islam'?

21337381? ago

August 2018.

Terrible news but this is the 2nd thread I've seen today..

21336621? ago

As in the days of Noah, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be.

21336145? ago

The Dutch and the Sweeds are very weak people.

21335819? ago

You shouldn't fall into the left and MSM's use of slanted language. Claiming? Alledgedly? Supposed?

I seriously doubt she killed herself because she wanted to framed some fucking ragheads. She was active in trying to stop them, and this kind of shit is what they have always been known for when someone opposes them.

I only wish if she felt she had to die that she had strapped on one of their bombs and taken a few hundred of those fuckers out with her.

One day we will have to hunt down every last one of the ME shitskins and eliminate them. I hope we have enough sense to at that time also eliminate the bastards that set them upon on our people.

21348863? ago


21338766? ago

Hopefully it can be done through justice and as peaceful as possible https://voat.co/v/QRV/3516723/21338186 it won't take much to destroy the cowards. Three Hundred once stood against many at the Battle of Thermopylae

21337498? ago


She should've just shot them and still been alive.

21335773? ago

Ever notice if someone isn't a liberal, they label them "far-right"

But if they are, they usually don't even mention their political leaning


and today, far right is 'i dont think we should genocide our native countrymen'

21342645? ago

LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful?

@ 3516381 :) Do not be afraid I will NOT try to put irrational fear into you. How about you, are you going to try to put irrational fear into others? Are you going to let others put irrational fear into you?

You wrote:

Far-right MP kills herself after claiming she was raped by Muslims

Sounds like you are FEARFUL of irrational fear? Are you? I suggest to not let irrational fear creep in you. Otherwise you would expose yourself to be first USE by others, then CONTROL by others, next ABUSE by others, after that LIE by others into you repeating all of this cycle with others, and so on. This is how irrational fear spreads.

Evil's Strategy?

For those not familiar with the EVIL's strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, hatred, psychological trauma, expediency, selfishness, ignorance, destruction or neglect." Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil

With infinite love ♥

Love ♥'s Strategy?

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love is "a virtue representing human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

RATIONAL FEAR or Irrational Fear?

Irrational fear is NOT to confuse with a rational fear.

A rational fear is GOOD for you. For example, wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle is a GOOD fear. Because the fear is motivated by a safety prevention to reduce risk of a potential serious head injury in the unlikely event of an accident.

An irrational fear is BAD for you. For example, using name-calling, ad hominem, bullying, or death threat to target ALL motorcyclists. Because a MINORITY of motorcyclists had proven unethical or illegal behaviors. This would be a BAD fear. An IRRATIONAL fear. In other words, the IMMATURE behaviors of a minority of motorcyclists is not to confuse with the MATURE behaviors of a the majority of motorcyclists.


Here is a challenge for you if you are interested. If people post comments below. Are you able to detect which comments do NOT try to put fear in you? Compare to comments that DO try to put fear in you?

In other words, LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful? And which one are you going to let in?

With infinite love ♥

21338660? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3516311 Dutch politician Willie Dille gang-raped by Muslims for speaking out against Islam. Threatened with execution. Commits suicide. Her farewell video.

21336402? ago

language sets all narratives. They control the language.

21336434? ago

No they don't. All speakers control their own language.

21336668? ago

They have more speakers. unfortunately many who would normally speak with our anon voices, would rather play fantasy football and whatever other distraction in life than speak up. They also don't want to be branded a 'racist' etc so they stay quiet. While I love you all like brothers and sisters, I feel like 'anon' is meant to keep us all quiet....

21336696? ago

No they don't. Cool blackpill, Shylock.

21336855? ago

i feel like this is a convo with a liberal... nice try on the name calling.

21336930? ago

If I were a liberal I'd be happy you think I'm so powerful.

You should examine your mistake.

21338121? ago

Not hard to examine. You just jumped to name calling with no substance. This isn’t twatter

21338143? ago

The substance is the previous which disproved your unfounded assertion.

Given your inability to reason, there's no point in interacting with you on a serious level, and no reason not to start calling you names.


21335725? ago

Just like Epstein

21335573? ago

https://archive.ph/vJm8p :

2018-08-10 | Former far-right MP committed suicide shortly after claiming she was gang-raped by Muslim men | Daily Mail Online

"In the distressing video, Dille said: 'I just want the world to know the truth."

'A Dutch MP has killed herself hours after posting a video on social media claiming she was gang-raped by a group of Muslim men. '

'Dille, who served as an MP from 2010-2012 before returning to her seat on The Hague city council, alleged the rape happened over a year ago. ', "Mayor Krikke said: 'The city council of The Hague lost an involved and passionate councillor and colleague. 'Dille stood for her cause.", "Mayor of The Hague Pauline Krikke said she was shocked when she learned about Dille's suicide."

This has been an automated message.

21335507? ago

Aug 2018. No less impactful. But more than a year ago.

21335505? ago

Should've been carrying a gun. Then she wouldn't have gotten raped.

21338748? ago

I still like the old fashioned way of doing things and I think inside 20 feet a blade is better, I like Japan and Korea and Taiwan, and those old ways, I like mixed martial arts guys you see on US tv I think some of them might still take down an Ottoman or N.African Barbar with their hands, if the gap is less than 20 feet and you have a horde of koranimals ask how fast can you draw, do you train with your firearm every day, do you clean it or does it collect dust?

21339774? ago

Women are weaker than men. Blades are weapons based on strength. Firearms do not depend on the user's strength.

I advocate carrying a knife, too, and knowing unarmed techniques, but there is a reason the military and police carry firearms, not swords.

As for me, I carry every day, practice every night. I clean it periodically and inspect it.

Similar for my other serious guns.

21335833? ago

In Europe? Shut the fuck up, you stupid motherfucker.

21336803? ago

((((((Shut it down)))))))

21336836? ago

You're jewish.

21336245? ago

You sound happy this happened.

21336005? ago

Why do you think Europeans deserve to be raped?

It's ok to be white.

21336016? ago

They can't carry guns, you idiot.

21336419? ago

Or else what?

21336479? ago

In UK, looks like it is 5 years in prison minimum.


21336525? ago

Suicide is forever. I doubt gang-rape is better than 5 years over European prison.

Would you rather your girlfriend get violently gang-raped by Muslims?

No right answer, just asking your opinion.

21336600? ago

I would violently rape a gang of moslems using my bare hands. lol

21336623? ago

Really? How are you going to overpower 5 men by yourself?

21336665? ago

They're barely men, second I'm a trained fighter, third I'm big and been lifting weights my whole life.

I've trained with the kind of people we're talking about, 5 of them don't want nothing to do with me.

21336685? ago

Wow that's really impressive.

Is your girlfriend with you right now or is she getting raped because she isn't armed?

21336723? ago

My wife is with me and she''s not getting raped.

Believe me if anyone ever did there would be pieces of them scattered everywhere.

I wouldn't bother with the gun either.

21336739? ago

Your wife follows you around 24/7? You don't work?

21336746? ago

She's with me 95% of the time, yes.

21336769? ago

And the women in Europe deserve rape because they don't live in your town?

That's pretty fucked up and anti-white.

21336816? ago

That's basically what you're implying because she doesn't live in Texas.

Did you not watch the video, they're after her family.

If she killed one of them, they'd definitely go after her family while she's inside.

21336917? ago

Why are you so against women defending themselves from rapists?

Why are you fighting to disarm all women?

You argue so hard to keep them weak.

21336927? ago

It wouldn't help in her case, she's in enough trouble already.

21337023? ago

It wouldn't help in her case, she's in enough trouble already.

Court is less trouble than being raped, don't be stupid.

Women shouldn't have to carry guns.

I agree, and we shouldn't need fire departments, either, but this is the real world.

men like you are cowards

Haha, ok, buddy. You know me really well.

21337068? ago

Court is less trouble than being raped, don't be stupid.

Basically the same thing

I agree, and we shouldn't need fire departments, either, but this is the real world.

Imagine if men didn't fight fires but demanded that women carry fire extinguishers, that's where you're at.

Haha, ok, buddy. You know me really well.

I do, you're a chicken shit.

21337279? ago

Imagine if men didn't fight fires but demanded that women carry fire extinguishers, that's where you're at.

I have two fire extinguishers in my home. Why aren't you letting me call the fire department?

21337294? ago

What fire department do the women call?

The one you run that pretends its phone is out of service, little cop loving chicken? lol

21337313? ago

I don't run a fire department, who told you I did?

21337327? ago

Exactly, there is no fire department.

Just, here's your single use extinguisher that sends you straight to jail and puts your immediate family in danger of being murdered. lol

21337346? ago

Why would a fire extinguisher send me to jail?

21337361? ago

Shut up, you idiot.

21337414? ago

You sound mad, but luckily you're anti-violence so you won't come after me.

21337484? ago

I'm not anti-violence.

21336433? ago

Find out for me.

21336036? ago

Sure you can, fits right in your pocket.

You seem really upset about me helping prevent white women from being raped... Why is that?

21336066? ago

You're not helping because it's illegal, you fucking idiot. lol

21336830? ago

Rape is illegal, yet the hajjis do it every day.

Why are you trying to keep whites weak?

21336846? ago

It's barely illegal for them, more like littering.

I'm not, they should start getting rid of the saracens en masse.

21336884? ago

But don't use guns, though? Your ideas don't make sense.

21336907? ago

I'm fine with them using guns.

But don't demand that women illegally carry guns in their purses and get picked off one by one, that's stupid.

The men should deal with it but they won't because they are all chickens.

21336960? ago

Answer my question. How are you proposing men "get rid of the Saracens en masse", without needing any laws or using any guns?

21336967? ago

First of all, fuck you and your questions.

Of course they'd use guns, you dipshit.

21337042? ago

But that's illegal...

Why are you advocating men illegally use guns to stop Muslims but prohibit women from defending themselves?

Start making sense.

21337075? ago

Sure, because instead of going to prison, you shoot the motherfuckers.

21337251? ago

Sounds like you've latched onto things I never said to justify your anger at me.

That'll stop the rapists!

Why are you ok shooting Muslims except when they're raping women?

21337261? ago

I'm ok with shooting them everytime, I object to sending our women to prison to do it.

21337301? ago

Then stop sending them to prison.

21337316? ago

I'm not sending them anywhere, dingwad.

21337337? ago

Then there's no reason not to shoot rapists.

21337350? ago

Other than a few years to life in prison.

Remember, you don't have the right to self defense. It's not just the unlawful carry charge, self defense has to be "proportional".

Unless he also has a gun, you're fucked.

21337399? ago

A few years in Dutch prison is better than rape. I bet you.

Remember, you don't have the right to self defense

Yes I do.

It's not just the unlawful carry charge, self defense has to be "proportional".

False. Learn reality.

You sound like the kind of person who wouldn't cross into another lane to avoid an accident.

21336094? ago

I just told you they can. What you actually mean is a policeman would be upset if they did and got caught.

You are saying being raped to death is worse than upsetting a policeman. Why do you feel that way? I've never been raped, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather upset a policeman and still be alive and not raped.

21336105? ago

They would go to jail and get raped there.

If you're willing to do that why not just start shooting them?

How do you think the gun laws got there in the first place. lol

21336141? ago

They would go to jail and get raped there.

Provide evidence they let Muslim men gangrape women in women's prisons in Europe.

She would be alive right now if she'd had a gun.

21336272? ago

Provide evidence that she'd be alive right now if she had a gun.

Moslems kill people in prison all the time.

21336377? ago

Here's one, and this, And here's another, plus this woman's story and oh yeah this.

[cowardly nonanswer about Muslims]

So you're saying Muslim men don't gangrape women to death in women's prisons? Hell, sounds like women's prisons are safer than European streets these days.

Guns sound better by the minute.

21336416? ago

What about your cowardly non-answers? lol

Yeah that would be great but expecting women to fight your battles and go to prison for you is retarded.

Why don't the men start using the guns in actual warfare?

21336475? ago

expecting women to fight your battles and go to prison for you is retarded.

Nobody tried to rape me, it's not my battle. I'm giving them tools to stop their own rape when their men around around.

Why don't the men start using the guns in actual warfare?

They should. You're European - why aren't you?

21336496? ago

I'm not European, you fucking dingleberry.

21336504? ago

You talk like one.

Do you daily carry?

21336564? ago

I live in the mountains so I'm more concerned about bears.

21336607? ago

Canadians are Europeans with a different accent.

Your anger at the idea of women defending themselves from rape runs contrary to the ideas you say you have. Don't get mad at women who defend themselves against rapists.

21336627? ago

I'm angry when people tell other people to do things they wouldn't do themselves and furthermore blaming them for not doing it.

Americans are the biggest bag of law abiding cop ass kissing shitstains ever so shut the fuck up.

Like you'd ever risk jail time, little dweeb.

You ever even killed a man?

21336662? ago

I'm doing exactly what I'm saying that woman should've done. I'm not worried about making a policeman mad, I'm worried about preventing my own violent death.

Women should carry guns so they don't get raped.

21336703? ago

He's not gonna be mad, he'll calmly put you in prison for 20 years.

You better not be white, cause that shit ain't gonna fly. lol

21336749? ago

So you're saying 20 years in a European prison is WORSE than gangrape and suicide?

21336771? ago

You can't expect average people to do that, you wouldn't.

Otherwise, you'd just fight back.

Why don't you go after the pigs who are doing this then if you're so brave, don't want to "upset a policeman"?

Because you're not.

21336792? ago

Answer my question. Is European prison worse than gangrape and suicide?

21336802? ago

How the fuck should I know? Go fuck your mother.

21336868? ago

Since you have no idea, you have no place telling people to get gangraped instead.

21336888? ago

No more right than you do to tell them they need to take swallow years in prison and get gangraped anyway.

21336946? ago

You keep saying women in European prisons are getting gangraped by Muslim men.

What is your evidence for that?

21336955? ago

They can just fuck her when she gets out, you loon.

You think they're going to sell her a gun. lol

Also, provide rape statistics for European prisons. Prove that they don't get raped by male guards.

21336988? ago

You said she'd be raped in prison, are you admitting that was a dumb thing say? Good! You're making progress!

So, now you're saying being raped now is somehow better than being raped later? How?

And considering several would-be rapists got shot to death, that's better already.

You're saying women's prisons have Muslim males as guards? Are you serious?

21337040? ago

Provide statistics for your assertions.

That they aren't raped

That moslems are never prison guards

21337258? ago

Here's an overview of Dutch prisons, including information about the utterly low rate of incarceration. 5% of all prisoners are women.

Average length of incarceration: 3.5 months

94% serve less than a year (that's direct from the DJI.)

Dutch prisons are safer than the streets at this point.

As for "Muslims are never guards", where'd you see that?

21337278? ago

Basically none of the information requested. lol

Still you don't consider that the woman can't get a gun license after that facepalm

21337293? ago

Don't get mad I proved you wrong.

It's ok to be white.

21337309? ago

But you didn't, you just posted some irrelevant trivia.

21337330? ago

Oh ok.

Guns stop rape.

21337341? ago

But they don't stop prison and his friends know where you live. lol

21337359? ago

Uh, guns absolutely DO stop prison.

And who cares if people know where I live? I have guns.

21337371? ago

They live in Europe, you fucktard.

It doesn't work that way.

21337420? ago

It works that way everywhere. What planet are you from?

21337449? ago

No, it doesn't you fool.

21337469? ago

Crushing somebody's aorta with a projectile always results in blood loss.

Enough blood loss causes central nervous system damage.

Find me a country where this isn't true.

21337491? ago

In Europe, you go to jail.

Not allowed to carry, not allowed to defend yourself.

21337515? ago

In Europe, you go to jail.

Not allowed to rape, not allowed to commit suicide.

21337533? ago

Resorted to nonsense, have we? Pathetic.

21337645? ago

I turn a mirror on your post and you see the nonsense.

Europe has the same physics as the rest of the world. Gunshots kill rapists there. You posted nonsense about how YOU ARE AFRAID to use a gun in Europe, and acted like that's the same as the laws of physics being different, because it's just as impossible in your mind to break the law to defend a woman against rape as it is to fly.

You and your weak kind are dying out, and you will be replaced by stronger men. I just hope is stronger white men.

21337715? ago

You're afraid to use a gun in Europe too, you never did it.

Stronger men who expect women to do the fighting and go to jail for them?

You fairy. lol

21337942? ago

I'm not in Europe, I'm in the most gun restrictive part of America. The law is the same as Europe, though. Not allowed to own or touch a gun without a license, not allowed to carry anywhere, not allowed to use self-defense, required to run away.

I carry a gun anyway. I chose not to be a victim. She chose to be a victim.

You must be Canadian....

21340130? ago

No, I'm American and Europe is not like Maryland. lol

I used to carry illegally too but that's not reasonable for a woman to pull off.

You have to get out before the cops get there, criminal mentality.

The fact is you're a weak sauce faggot who never fired a gun in anger, never killed anyone, never risked prison.

Go fuck yourself.

21340229? ago

I used to carry illegally as a kid but that's not reasonable for a woman to pull off.

You are arguing it's more reasonable to get raped than stop a rapist, because you are a coward.

You have to get out before the cops get there, criminal mentality.

That's one way. Cops won't rape you of you get caught, though. Women get lighter sentences. The vast, vast majority of all people in the Netherlands serve less than a year, and there are only a few hundred women imprisoned at all. Very low risk, especially compared to the gangrape she would be stopping.

The fact is you're a weak sauce faggot who never fired a gun in anger, never killed anyone, never risked prison.

Go fuck yourself.

I risk prison every day, I never risk getting raped or murdered because I an armed.

Only a weak person would be upset by my readiness to defend myself.

21340246? ago

Oh, I'm a lot of things but not a coward. lol

That's one way. Cops won't rape you of you get caught, though. Women get lighter sentences. The vast, vast majority of all people in the Netherlands serve less than a year, and there are only a few hundred women imprisoned at all. Very low risk, especially compared to the gangrape she would be stopping.

Sources required

I risk prison every day, I never risk getting raped or murdered because I an armed.

Yeah, that's a misdemeanor here you puss ass little bitch.

21340378? ago

That's the average of all people imprisoned in the Netherlands at all. This is statistics from the Netherlands government.

Women have been charged for fighting back on any level in Europe.

What'd they get sentenced to? Women receive lighter sentences, European prisons are better than American prisons, sentences are very short. These are facts, you're mad at me because I make you aware.

That's a misdemeanor here you puss ass little bitch

How lucky for you. It's a felony for me.

Keep fighting the good fight to disarm women, friend. You're on the right side.

21340390? ago

European prisons are better than American prisons

You know that a man was murdered in prison for putting bacon in front of a mosque?

21340736? ago

You are advocating for women to stay unarmed and vulnerable.

21340747? ago

Nah, just pointing out its impracticality.

21340850? ago

Wow, how sad and black your life is. I guess you think they should welcome the coming Islamic horde.

Staying alive is more practical death in every way. Your entire measurement system is completely miscalibrated.

21340872? ago

No, they should kill them.

Females illegally concealing pistols in Europe is not a solution in the short or long term.

Just think, where will millions of women get really good concealed carry holsters and small enough guns to conceal illegally for the rest of their days.

In and out of buildings, subways, etc.

Are you really this dumb? STFU.

21341218? ago

There were no men around her. Is she to only go places with an escort? That's what Muslims do.

Children don't go around by themselves. They actually do have escorts. Part of becoming an adult is looking after yourself. I'd absolutely allow my responsible children to defend themselves, yes. If they can drive themselves somewhere, they can carry.

Just think, where will millions of women get really good concealed carry holsters and small enough guns to conceal illegally for the rest of their days.

This 3d printer file.

Put it in your pocket.

21341270? ago

Is she to only go places with an escort?

Depends...want to stay alive? Stay with escort.

That's a slightly better idea but I don't see it catching on, need a 3D printer, half a brain, 22lr bullets from wherever...

Women don't really have "pockets", they have pocket books but getting searched probably happens.