22227698? ago

Now Dershowitz .... @steven_feelsperg @The_Duke_of_Dabs @anticlutch @lord_nougat So its fake, its Larp, Jew Anon... its all false cosplay? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3621216/22221768

22227709? ago

and Now Dershowitz .... @steven_feelsperg @The_Duke_of_Dabs @anticlutch @lord_nougat So its fake, its Larp, Jew Anon... its all false cosplay? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3621216/22221768

22236674? ago

u w0t m8?

22228462? ago

Yes. It will always be. Wake up. Think for yourself, dont follow some turd who hasn't proven anything.

22227753? ago

Voat has islamo kebab type but also merchants of filth? @PalmSprings21

22227741? ago

the kike and kebab have similar levels of subversion, hate and corruption, the jihad kebab tend to avoid the porno business, slavery human trafficking no problem but porno is taboo for their Moongod, the extremist jew with global ideas for smuggling cash, it doesnt seem to have an issue with becoming a merchant of smut @LuciusAuSolzhenitsyn @PalmSprings21 @goatsandbros @BlowjaySimpson and Joe Mc the spammer https://voat.co/v/whatever/3618061/22196658

22227425? ago

The Dutch are clown world, it died hundreds of years ago, their S.Africa brothers into concentration camps one of their cults burned London to the ground in 1666 they say https://voat.co/v/whatever/3618996/22204443 this has been going on a while now @midnightblue1335 @Smallest_Skil @Planetoftheclown Holland Netherlands a waste of a country? @Whitening @moirai11

21859875? ago

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21859867? ago

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21348107? ago

This is fucking gut-wrenching to watch and to know that there are politicians and bureaucrats in America who advocate bringing these animals here to add to our misery is contemptable and should garner them the noose. It's coming to that.

21348057? ago

Those fucking cowards that refuse to defend their women in Europe and here in the USA you disgust me to all ends and i vow that will never happen to my family as long as i live. I am so sad for this poor woman who tried to do her part but no one helped her. Shame on all who could have.

21347426? ago

Pretty soon all these sons of the Devil will disappear forever never to appear again. They will die violent deaths [karma]. A few may even repent; yet the repented may still meet violent physical deaths.

"That would it be better for him if the man had not been born." -taken from Matthew 26:24

Neanderthals no longer exist. This will happen again.

21344694? ago

This is what these muslims will do. Not all, but those males that are of military age. This is so disgusting. What actually has been done about these animals?

21344216? ago

Violent religious retards all need to be put down. Any way that works is OK.

21343277? ago

i dont know, she doesnt look like she was beaten up or anything. no scratches or marks on her face.

21343275? ago

and that's why every pos moslem has to swim with the fishes........fucking period.

21342948? ago

2A is non-negotiable

21341540? ago

What a horror!!! How is this allowed to go on? We are in deep.

21341466? ago

There is nothing worse than this.

Part of me wants to use this to light a fire under those that would be moved. But my disappointment in her choice of weapon makes me hesitant.

No one should ever feel this cornered.

21340972? ago

"And then I knew who was behind it" and cut to next scene. Why is there a piece of this missing?

21340595? ago

Her family, and everyone else, will still be affected when sharia law is allowed to overcome any remnant of rule of law, if it even exists there at all at this time.

21340444? ago

I was happy and now I'm MAD.

21340333? ago


21340256? ago

DutchAnon here.

This happened several years ago so it is NOT actual news!

21344390? ago

Thank you, DutchAnon.

21340235? ago

This shit has to stop! Muslims are fucking goat fucking pigs! Thats why they hate pigs because when they see one it reminds them of what they are! And fuck the government of the Netherlands!

21339975? ago

Poor lady. watching this video brings tears to my eyes.

And then I am getting angry...

- that we in Germany never heard of this case!!!

Whole German elites are kissing Islam's ass! It's disgusting.

It has to stop.

21339717? ago

Canada is happening right now..Trudeau has been rushing them here. I have not personally experienced it but the pact with the U.N. about migrating them has been going on.

21339298? ago

She should have buried pigs at all the mosques, and take out some of them along the way

21339083? ago

Muck Fuslims

21338969? ago

This is what happens when the gun-grabbers take over.

21511646? ago

https://voat.co/v/IslamUnveiled/3533368 Migrants Beat Up Two Dutch Kids in Gorinchem, Netherlands (Bitchute Exclusive)

21338675? ago

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21338632? ago

This is fucking horrible. The people who allowed this mass immigration into these countries should be made to live smack dab on the middle of the population they so love. These goatfucks need to be shipped back out to wherever they came from. There is no peace and living in harmony with pigs like this. If they dont go willingly they can die. I dont care what your beliefs are, j don't ccx are what your situation was like- none of that matters when this is the result. These people should have to suffer for their crimes on humanity. Or, a coalition should be formed and we completely eradicate them. Completely. They are the scourge of the earth, I don't understand how it hasn't happened already to be honest. Think of a world without them. Who else causes so many problems and death? Why would the human race continue to tolerate this? Any other species would've taken care of their problems already, without remorse or hesitation.

21338200? ago

Guess she got a big dose of diversity!

Women shouldn't vote btw

21337929? ago

I understand her desire to end her own pain and fear, but she left her family and friends behind to deal with the savages ravaging her civil society. I don't understand at all why she didn't take a page from their playbook and take some of them with her so they could meet their 72 virgins.

21337724? ago

We, the UNITED STATES citizens, need to come together and fight these evil fucks.

21337443? ago

Statistical manipulation on crimes involving the migrant population should be criminal at this point.

I haven't seen much on Sweden's status, does anyone know if their rape issues have been quelled?

21338001? ago

Of course not.

21337419? ago

there can be no coexistence!

21337295? ago

August 2018.

21337181? ago

These are the crimes of the Globalist, they come at a horrible cost, what should the penalty be.

21511618? ago

Allegations Against British [And Dutch] Royals Go Far Beyond Prince Andrew's Sex Life - Re Alisa Dmitrijeva, Naked Escape at Buckingham Palace and Massacre of Indigenous Children in Canada & Australia https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3524357

21337165? ago

Why the fuck didn't she take civil justice against the perps, I mean kinetic energy......

21336923? ago

Is this legit? Any additional info besides this vid?

21336522? ago

I am a Dutch leftist politician, the police and the city council of The Hague have not done anything with her report. They have left the woman to her fate, so that she is constantly beaten. Arnold what she is talking about was a party that turned to Islam.

21337363? ago

I am a Dutch leftist politician.

And you proudly say it? If you are a leftist then you are part of the problem. How blind and stupid can you be. You are on Voat, an anti-leftist forum and you don't know better? European stupidity just never ceases to amaze me.

21371065? ago

Ik ben linkse mensen helemaal zat, heb jaren links gestemd die de meeste ellende veroorzaakt hebben met hun ongebreidelde import. Word tijd dat je je ogen eens los gaat doen, en om je heen gaat kijken wat er werkelijk aan de hand is. En daarbij mag van mij het hele ambtenaren apparaat met 50% ingekrompen gaan worden. We hebben GVD 50.000 daklozen en jullie geven de woningen aan status houders en zetten de grenzen wagenwijd open. Maar ik neem aan dat je geen dreamer in huis hebt net als die 150 BNérs die graag een beetje geile aandacht wilden en er geen in huis hebben genomen. In Nederland beginnen ze zich ook ondergronds te groeperen en dat zal ook wel een reden hebben. En als je ballen hebt zeg je je baan op heb ik ook gedaan.

21371806? ago

I translated your response and here is how Google has the translation:

I am fed up with left-wing people, have voted for years for the left who have caused the most misery with their unbridled import. It's time for you to take your eyes off and see what is really going on around you. And with that, the entire civil service can be reduced by 50%. We have GVD 50,000 homeless people and you give the houses to status holders and open the borders wide. But I suppose you don't have a dreamer at home like those 150 BNérs who wanted a little bit of horny attention and didn't take one. In the Netherlands they are also starting to group themselves underground, and that must have a reason. And if you have balls you quit your job, I did.

You sound like a different person than the one I was addressing. I feel for Dutch people that are trapped in the system and can't get out. However, the time to protest what is happening to your country unfortunately, was years ago when drugs and prostitution was legalized and even before that when socialism took hold in Europe. That was one of the first red flags to me about the Netherlands. If you have woken up then I congratulate you and know that We Are With You. WWG1WGA _WORLDWIDE. The entire planet will be cleansed eventually. We are not only fighting flesh and blood alone, but evil spiritual beings, like Lucifer who has controlled the planet for 1000's of years. Take heart, Q said all countries will be cleansed. Meet in private underground and support one another for courage, strength AND ABOVE ALL....PRAY. God is on your side if you are pure of heart. God Bless You.

21338028? ago

Not simple stupidity; it is arrogant stupidity.

21336369? ago

Stop allowing goat fucking niggers into your countries. They’re literally fucking barbarians. There is no room for dark skinned people in a civilized world.

21511631? ago

NETHERLANDS: Moroccan Muslim thugs chase down and savagely beat up a Dutch youth for the fun of it https://voat.co/v/whatever/3531642

21336301? ago

Rule number 1 - you cannot criticize Islam. You simply have to remain quiet as your liberal politicians ensure they end up by the number in your neighbourhood soon. Don't worry being gang raped isn't a serious crime anyway and in fact will be regarded as normal behaviour. But you can't say a thing! Sounds like freedom to me :P

21336200? ago

If I was forced to have Muslim dick inside of me, I would kill myself too.

21336194? ago

Destroy the cube during Hajj. Mini nuke. Take them all out.

21336163? ago

I don't understand the mindset here. I'm going to kill myself because of a problem. I'm not going to use my death to attack the problem that made life unlivable.

21336126? ago

Already in America

21336078? ago

This is what happens when lemmings decide a third party should govern them and instill punishment. I just had this convo with my aunt and said if someone wrongs me, since when should I entrust some police group or a jury to decide the person's fate, especially when there is eye-witness or personal experience involved so 100% it is known this person is a criminal? People in the old west took care of their own. Maybe we need some of the old with the new. The Nordic states are idiotic. Reach down and grab a pair. Unfortunately it is probably so difficult to arm oneself there now … sad.

21348794? ago

Remember, when the scandal of Cologne, Germany, became public, what did the Dutch men do? Go march in support of the victims wearing skirts. As a Frenchwoman, I just had to facepalm at the absurdity of our brainwashed EU people. And yeah, it's nearly impossible to arm yourself. In some places here, you even can get arrested for carrying pepper spray. Don't ask for a gun, it's almost mission impossible for the average European Joe to get one legally.

21336069? ago

The World is Awakening. This will no longer stand. GOD is behind us.

21336021? ago

The Dutch and the Sweeds are SO weak!!!

21335930? ago

Deport them ALL and send ALL their sympathizers with them.

21511642? ago

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21335848? ago

Deus Vult!

21338656? ago

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21335990? ago


21335843? ago

Fuck that sob story bitch. Anyone who can’t open their fucking eyes and see this tragedy - especially the people going through it - deserve to be abused.


Stand up and do something. Where are the men in her country? Where are her family members? Why didn’t she just kill the fucking rapists? How simple is that? How did she even allow to be taken? Was she not aware of her surroundings? Did she not recognize the obvious threat? Is she not fucking keyed in on the crime rates, etc...

I’m so fucking tired of listening to these stories. These pathetic ducking weak people bring it upon themselves. I wish i fucking WISH my daughter would ever be caught with her pants down and let someone take advantage of her - it would be solely her fault because she should know better!!!! She should be smarter and prepared and 1000x more savage the the most seemingly savage nigger you’d see on the streets. If anyone bested her, despite her efforts, she’d plot and seek revenge with the help of her tribe. The revenge would be 10000x worse than the offense.

Their entire fucking nigger tribe would be eradicated with very little thought or consideration for the consequence. Because NO ONE should have to live in fear when they are the ELITE FUCKING RACE!!!!

21336003? ago

I hope you would slay the ones who rape your daughter, and let me help. That's the correct response.

21335787? ago

It depends upon everything we do. Don't fall for their shit. Don't support their lies. Openly discredit them immediately. Their model is very simple. They just deceive. The lie and deceive, and continue this until the youth don't know what is right. The just keep doing this. They do it so subtly. So that, the older generations, tired of being lied to, aren't even listened to any more. The young people blame us for letting it happen, and the cycle continues. They have been exposed now. We just have to keep exposing the lies. It's tiring, but necessary. I don't give two shits anymore about being disliked on social media etc. The main thing is, people have got to fucking thinking for themselves. They woo. They woo and they coddle. Until people become dependent upon them. Opiates. Opiates for the masses. Mao and the Marxists knew this concept well. It can go both ways. They drip honey in your ears while they sink their fangs into your neck. - Like Theoden in LOTR. Gripping our swords reminds us of our strength. These mother fuckers have got to pay for what they have done.

21779522? ago

21337751? ago

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21335695? ago

This video makes me very sad.

When I get sad, things happen.

Watch things happen.

21335680? ago

from: doglegwarrior

they need the 2nd amendment so this woman could have shot any one who theatned her instead of shooting her self. if she could get a gun carry it and shoot any fucking sand nigger muslim that theatned her.. or go out at night and just start blasting muslims dont kill your self. this is a sad state of affairs. she should have seeked assylum in america! lol holy shit im laughing just thinking how she would be instantly rejected as a racist bigot homophobe by american immigration faggots.

21511585? ago

Netherlands: Muslim migrant gets 10 years prison dawah for plot to murder Geert Wilders over Muhammad cartoons https://voat.co/v/MassDeport/3493800

21335562? ago

Where are the simple minded whores from the #MeToo movement or the degenerate baby killing hags in the pussy hats?

21511578? ago

Netherlands: Top lawyer assassinated in broad daylight just steps outside of his suburban Amsterdam home -- Likely tied to Moroccan organized crime case https://voat.co/v/Worldnews/3438291

21340772? ago

Nowhere. Because those movements were designed precisely so that they attention whore about themselves, but in their mind, everyone else can go fuck themselves.

21336712? ago

They in their infinite stupidity sometimes support their own enemy, no need for the trojan horse, the enemy is already within and their is many. BTW I am not just talking of the Dutch.

21335548? ago

Even sadder. Does anyone who has witnessed Europe become so utterly defeated and subjugated by Islam over the past decades really think that this woman's suicide, or this video, will have any impact whatsoever on a political system that has long since stopped representing Europeans?

21335941? ago

Zionist occupied govts via the Rothschild central banks.

21335518? ago

Never offered a coherent account or evidence of her "rape" then conveniently killled herself while being investigated for not living in the district she represented.

Be better than this. Dont accept a crazy bitches stories without evidence just because it suits your agenda, thats what the liberals do.

21336117? ago

So do you trust your government, the ones that told you this? Are you waking up already or are you still sleeping? Sheep no more.

If you are serious about it, you would doubt their story too; as much as you doubt her story. But it doesn't seem like you have any doubts about the narrative that is presented to you. Please wake up.

21337432? ago

Who said anything about trusting the government?

Im just saying dont be hypocritical.

21335741? ago

Eat shit, muzzie cocksucker.

21337446? ago

Sounds like she was the one sucking muzzie cocks....

21337459? ago

You were sucking them at the bus station.

21337598? ago

Im a good hour drive from any bus station sonim afraid you must have mistaken your father for me.

Even if Inwasnitbwould still better than being a sheep who just accepts things without thinking critically about them.

Dont be a sheep, question everyrhing...especially when its what you want to hear.

21337605? ago

No, that was your father fucking a goat, you were at the bus station sucking the muzzie cocks.

You said it was well worth the drive.

21337632? ago

Couldnt have been, my father died fighting the Japs in WW2.

Sounds like you spend a lot of time watching people fuck goats and suck muzzie cock, whatever gets your rocks off I guess.

21337723? ago

I'm glad they killed him, your father was a traitor piece of shit.

21338128? ago

My father died fighting for the us and world freedom, if youre against those sounds like youre the piece of shit.

It says a lot about what a wussy snowflake you are that you cant handle someone having a different opinion, especially when they want it backed up by facts...you resort to half assed attempts at insults instead of dialogue.

You should go join the democrats they love your type of triggered idiot.

21340148? ago

Your father died because the japs wasted his jew loving ass, too bad it wasn't soon enough.

Fuck your opinon and your mama, bitch. lol

21335503? ago

Well, now she knows how Hitler felt, except that Hitler wasn't a pussy. Instead of surrendering, he and his family fought back to the last man, and by doing so, they made the whole world know that good men still walked this earth.

No more brother wars. We must put an end to satan and his children.

21337652? ago

It was all Empire building, fascists would have bretrayed just like commies, psychos on the top and the facts are Hitler was also a faggot and a junkie, he wanted to ally with Turks, Street shitting Indians, they would have mixed the Euro and the Negroe, Africa Orientale Italiana, Talyaaniga Bariga Afrika. As a fighting people and industry the Germanics were impressive though, they had jet engines, fought America and Russia both at the same time, their rockets probably helped win the space race yrs later.

21337855? ago

Spoken like a true historian who refuses to read Mein Kampf.

21342584? ago

Spoken like a useful idiot who believes propaganda is truth.

21342659? ago

So (((you))) have read it? ???

21342806? ago

If you disagree with me, you're a jew

One trick ponies, the whole lot of you. ROLCON faggots.

21342999? ago

ps: I only call people 'kikes' when they are sneaky liars who refuse to answer very simple but very relevant questions.

So (((you))) have read it?

21343145? ago

Speaking of sneaky.. You said.. "So (((you))) have read it?" Implying I'm a Jew, and that was the first thing you asked me. By your own definition... Bye now ROLCON fag.

21343499? ago

You were given 3 chances to provide an honest answer, and 3 times you dodged the question while also insulting me. Let me make this simple for you (since you have demonstrated the need for this): "if it looks like a kike, acts like a kike, and smells like a kike, what do you think it is?"

Here is one more chance for you to be honest: You made the claim the Mein Kampf is mere propaganda. Can you back up your claim by honestly answering that you have, in fact, read Mein Kampf? Or are you just blindly repeating jewish propaganda about it?

21343615? ago

Learn to count, you asked me twice, while calling me a Jew both times. You're a spin doctor ROLCON shill. All you have is ad hominem deflections. Hence, 1 trick ponies. You're a joke, stalwart.

21345094? ago

Learn to read. I gave you 3 chances (that is why I used the word "chances"). I specifically asked you only twice, but you had 3 opportunities to respond. Post 21337855? was your first opportunity to rebut my assumption, then I asked you twice after that, providing you with a grand total of 3 chances to rebut me.

With the above post 21343499?, that now brings the total to 4 chances, all of which you ignored, just like a kike would. Moreover, and just like a kike would do, you are using ad hominems against me by calling me a shill while then claiming that I am using ad hominems against you (when all I am doing is pointing out that you are speaking, acting and responding like a kike would speak, act and respond). Thus, you are doing the very thing you accuse me of doing...just like a kike would (who cries out in pain as he strikes).

If I had a penny, I would glue it to the floor in front of you and then declare my absolute victory over you.

21345170? ago

Post 21337855 isn't me.. Try again? FYI, I stopped reading there because you're an obvious idiot with an agenda.

21349342? ago

Wow. At first I was starting to think you were actually just a Christian who has been cucked by the jews into thinking the jews are our greatest ally and that we need to support them because the jews tells us God says so (because the sons of satan would never lie to us).

I thought this because even though you obviously haven't read Mein Kampf, you haven't outright lied about it by saying you have read it. A real jew would have just lied and said he had. I then would have asked him a follow up question to prove it, and he would have disappeared. You, on the other hand, kept ignoring the question, which made me think you weren't a liar at all, and therefore, not a kike.

However, I am now wondering whether your are a boomer who drank away his wits, or just a low-iq nigger. Of course 21337855 is not your post, it was mine, and after I sent it, you had your first opportunity to rebut my claim about you, which you failed to do. Goodness gracious.

21349786? ago

855 was a reply to someone else's post, are you that slow? The fact that you take a book, written by a master of propaganda, as 100% true is laughable. Like I said, you're a joke.

21352768? ago

855 was a reply to someone else's post, are you that slow?

Regardless, you still had access to this post.

Don't you realize that the jews have changed the definition of words over time in order to trick you? The word "propagand" simply meant 'media'. Or in other words, Hitler was a master of the "news". That is it. He was able to create real news which didn't deceive people. The jews owned the fake news. Today, "propaganda" means the "spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person," or in other words: today, propaganda doesn't mean 'news', it means 'deception'. That is a huge difference.

Also, I'd advise you to stop getting your history lessons from Hollywood.

21352886? ago

LMAO Do you work for Catholic League?

21335492? ago

We should give the muzzies an ultimatum--stop your medieval bullshit or we'll turn that stupid black box in the desert into a pile of ashes.

21335672? ago

Do it anyway. It's probably an entrance to an underground rape dungeon.

21335487? ago

This Evil loves to drive good people to suicide, so please, "put your armor on" as Q has advised us to do last night - twice.

21340221? ago

To be fair, Q has told us to put that armour on a few times. So far, for naught.

21337113? ago

Your "armor" is Christ, if you are white and European. Never let the Jews take that away from you with their lies and mockery.

21336154? ago

Wish I could upvote your comment 10000 times. Absolutely not blaming the beautiful young lady for her decision, but if at all possible, put your armor on, for her sake and the beautiful souls like her who find the cross too heavy.

21335595? ago

Amen to This^

21335480? ago

but diversity, it makes us all so much better

21335479? ago


21511588? ago

Netherlands: Muslim "refugee" turns out to be former commander of jihad group suspected of war crimes https://voat.co/v/IslamHate/3490534

21335454? ago

No matter how sad this makes you, it won't stop unless we do something about it. Criticizing those responsible will not fix this issue.

21336012? ago

We must kill Invaders anywhere and everywhere

21335366? ago

Curse the muslims and luciferian jews + euro pedos who brought them in to the deepest pits of hell, Amen.

21335130? ago

Horrible. We need to clean this influx og incompatible humans with screwed up values. Peacefully. They need to be sent home. We need to unite in love, and those who will not participate will have to leave. There is only one god. And it has nothing to do with religions of any kind.

21335128? ago

moslems are a cancer, it kills the host.

21335117? ago

God bless her soul,

she should have gone to any type of neo nazi group that is stron enough to off all of those bastards

start a revolution keep her family in Poland or Romania while she is fighting the maggots

21335093? ago

With watching this, today a piece of each of us died.

She is in God's loving arms now... HE will do what is best. 😢

21859826? ago

? and Finally THE DOLLAR, lost Gold ...its symbolism A. A. O. N. M. S.... the first London Amsterdam Royal Dutch Shell global Bank...Why US addicted to Black Satanic Arab Oil like heroin meth junkie https://voat.co/v/QRV/3477207 ?

21348012? ago

I truly hope she receives the full and complete forgiveness from God. Hers was an incredibly difficult situation. My soul weeps for her and her family.

21337493? ago

A fake economy, Dutch Netherlands makes services clearing flase money, Yen, Indian rupee, Dollars, Pounds, Euro, Russian rouble ... the switch cards a show you see with the Carnie at the funfair. Then they also got this hooker, beer, weed tourism thing, tower of Babylon tourism with islamists, the mongrel horde and negroids openly selling. They want to give every jihadi negroid welfare, unemployment, benefits for shitting out more mongrels. They sell fuels including oil: $90 + billion of Oil, none of it is Dutch you just got tricked by the dealer of pot and beer, the swindle that Americans and Middle East people die over...blood for oil and the Dutch-London banker, the old friend of a Clinton or a Bush Dutch buddy is the one who takes the profits? They sell cars they do not own and never built, they sell you Iron, steel they also do not have and do not own ... think of facebook ...the largest multi media company that produces no media, think of uber the largest taxi company with no fucking taxis, the Ducth masonic swindle is another UberFacebook, sell you something they never had owned.

Other chemical goods: $12.3 billion ... a political person murdered and raped by her own kind?

21335028? ago

Suicide is NEVER the answer.

21511592? ago

https://voat.co/v/Worldnews/3476492 Netherlands: Footage released of 20-year-old man forced at gun-point by migrant to strip naked on his knees and beg for his life. 2.5 years for perpetrator.

21335983? ago

If she was killed, everyone would know the Muslims did it. A political hit job. A female should never have to endure this.

21334997? ago

I HATE quitters!

21334915? ago



21340253? ago

Maybe jews have been controlled like puppets due to their lazyness and greed by the Jesuit Order.

21340274? ago


Get the fuck outta here.

Read the Talmud Jew , it’s your holy book after all.

21340320? ago

lol...you sound like a triggered snowflake...FAAAAG.

21344270? ago

Ok (((boomer)))

21347911? ago

Another proof of you being a demorat little snowflake...(((boomer)))...oooh you are not even close. Try again.

21351722? ago

You have the mentality of a boomer...you are a spiritual kike no one gives a shit how old you

21351821? ago

I don’t think you belong here...go back to your masters.

21352518? ago

Stop projecting jew.

21353194? ago

Useless to the awakening you are...done with you wasting our time.

Keep calling everyone names...you have lost already.

Buh bye...

21340339? ago

So you are a Jew and need to read the Talmud.

You didn’t deny it , instead you attempt to slide.


21344010? ago

Yep. Hes just a black hearted, low IQ jewish piece of shit. And everyone reading can see it.

21336075? ago


21335140? ago


21335137? ago

For 2% of the population they sure are pushy...


21334815? ago

Bless Willie's family, Lord. This death is on the EU elites & Muslim rape culture for crimes against humanity. God's justice is coming for us all, & most of all those who choose this evil willingly with no remorse or spiritual conscience. .

21336351? ago

When did these Holland folk, Netherlands people lose their nation and country? Is their Prince and Queen another of those gloablist mudshark types? First international bank, a religion back to the time of Babylon, Anglo Dutch war mongers, oil traders and friends to the islamist ragheads @DirectPressure @Hirion ? @Splooge ? @kobold @con77 .... the pray to a Pyramid with a flame Eye on top?

21338055? ago

yes. i think they hunt and then cook and eat children

21336689? ago

A Native city and Cahokia Mounds...others say Vikings arrived on the East and later Chinese to the West... all before Columbus day. Some group likes to cut and paste religions, leech on other cultures, confused and break a family @GumbyTM someone has re-wrote world history? @TrialsAndTribulation @Niggardly_Jew @ old structures in N.Africa, Asia, Europe and South America .... @ardvarcus @Rotteuxx Who would benefit to re-write history or hold back technology, the mainstream media says talk of the 'elite' is just conspiracy?

21336581? ago

Yes it also seems the Jewish Occult has been involved with the clown world blackmail party. Dutch lost their nation a long time ago, maybe to a cult which came from the Templar returning, some Knights changed faith did things to survive behind enemy line and an old pagan middle East secret society arrives in a new Holland? @mememeyou @waucka A cult of Dutch Franks burning London to the ground in 1666, the new age of exploration and conquest, a new Babylon was to see new buildings? ...Now remember it was not just French and Spanish and English there in the conquest and exploration of the America's the real colonial war mongers part of an evil sect of Masory, who was Albert Pike ...Asking @threesevens ...What are the Shiners and what is the Frankist movement of Sabbatean Kabbalism? @TheGreatAustralian @AdmiralEnchilada a person betrayed by a white convert to the islamist satanic horror ! Some founding fathers were Masons but not all were, some were Christians, some were reformist and new age religion, would they look in horror, blackmail, destruction of the American family, would they look in horror to see what modern masonry has become.... who wanted to fund Marxism, the Bolsevik, rituals from Arabia, the pedo Vatican and the Jewish Occult connecting to Mystery Babylon? Is there a link here ... ??

21334877? ago

Even taken down on bitchute wtf

21335126? ago

it's working now

21334986? ago

Try this - now made Streamable: https://streamable.com/edlhc

21334703? ago

The Democrats and NWO Republicans want to bring this nightmare to America, regardless of what YOU want, so you and your daughters are silenced and made subservient to Islam.

Remember ^^^THIS^^^ when Justice comes for all those who wished to kill or enslave you and your progeny for 1000 years. Do not ever grieve for those soon to be executed and imprisoned.

21343222? ago

No regrets. These satanic sand niggers are going to burn in hell for all eternity.

They pray to a fucking rock. They're mentally ill, every last one of them.

21342683? ago

LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful?

@ 3516311 :) Do not be afraid I will NOT try to put irrational fear into you. How about you, are you going to try to put irrational fear into others? Are you going to let others put irrational fear into you?

You wrote:

Dutch politician Willie Dille gang-raped by Muslims for speaking out against Islam. Threatened with execution. Commits suicide. Her farewell video.

Sounds like you are FEARFUL of irrational fear? Are you? I suggest to not let irrational fear creep in you. Otherwise you would expose yourself to be first USE by others, then CONTROL by others, next ABUSE by others, after that LIE by others into you repeating all of this cycle with others, and so on. This is how irrational fear spreads.

Evil's Strategy?

For those not familiar with the EVIL's strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, hatred, psychological trauma, expediency, selfishness, ignorance, destruction or neglect." Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil

With infinite love ♥

Love ♥'s Strategy?

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love is "a virtue representing human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

RATIONAL FEAR or Irrational Fear?

Irrational fear is NOT to confuse with a rational fear.

A rational fear is GOOD for you. For example, wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle is a GOOD fear. Because the fear is motivated by a safety prevention to reduce risk of a potential serious head injury in the unlikely event of an accident.

An irrational fear is BAD for you. For example, using name-calling, ad hominem, bullying, or death threat to target ALL motorcyclists. Because a MINORITY of motorcyclists had proven unethical or illegal behaviors. This would be a BAD fear. An IRRATIONAL fear. In other words, the IMMATURE behaviors of a minority of motorcyclists is not to confuse with the MATURE behaviors of a the majority of motorcyclists.


Here is a challenge for you if you are interested. If people post comments below. Are you able to detect which comments do NOT try to put fear in you? Compare to comments that DO try to put fear in you?

In other words, LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful? And which one are you going to let in?

With infinite love ♥

21342972? ago

Law abiding Aliens are welcome if they love our country, love our people, embrace our culture, respect our laws, learn our language, support themselves, contribute to society, become "American".

Those pawns who want to Balkanize our cities, create division and hate, disrespect our laws, disrespect our people, despise our country, bleed our finances and resources can go straight back to the 3rd world shit hole they came from. The Politicians and MSM try but can't hide the harm these bad actors are causing America and Europe. All without the approval of the citizenry, all by design.

21338659? ago

The executions must be public so that future leaders understand the penalty for treason.

21337683? ago

This is already here. The U.N. is staffing areas of the US with people. They are divided into regions. Ie people from say Iraq go to this US area. Look at MN.

21335728? ago

Who put the White European South Africans into concentration camps? Old elite royal Masonry Houses still fighting and killing each other, who burned London to the ground in 1666? Why did Bush kiss Saudi and Iranian anus after 911, enough blackmail that he even flew familes out of America the day after the WTC attacks? What weird shit happens at Yale and other College and University, the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, also known as M.O.V.P.E.R what is the Grotto? That Pyramid and the Burning Eye, why do some of them carry 'bibles' that say prayers to Mahomet and a Moongod Al Lah? Wilhelmina Ruurdina Dille, commonly known as Willie Dille, was a Dutch politician. Blamed the mayor (Pauline Krikke) for starting the investigation into her residence, and city council member Arnoud van Doorn (former Party for Freedom, and now representing an Islamic party), whom she blamed for triggering the investigation. She didn't feel that she and her family were safe. She also accused him of organizing a group of Muslims to abduct, rape and abuse her, in order to shut her up.

21335627? ago

This nightmare is already here. DeJavious UggoBuggo and Javier Salvidar are no more American than Mohammed Al Naseem is Dutch.

21335365? ago

I won't celebrate executions, because it's not in my nature to celebrate death of even an enemy. But, I will be very much relieved when evil people are cleansed from the earth and I certainly will not shed a single tear for them. Not ever.

21335717? ago

from: doglegwarrior

it is christ cuck statements like this that will doom whites. our only strongly united group of whites are the christians. who is all about forgiveness and being a cuck? christians they are thebones who had slaves. they are the ones who fought to free slaves chrisrian women and their endless bleeding hearts are the ones with good intentions that will lead the white race to be slowly genocided.. we are curre tly 10% of the world population yet some how every other group is the minority.. asians and jews percaptia hous3 hold income is higher then white americans...

wake the fuck up people

21336032? ago

We have identified the threat. The next step is to eliminate the threat.

Deport them ALL, along with those who perpetrated them on us, and their sympathizers.

21337991? ago

you mean jews? sypathisers where fucking mind tricked or brainwashed by jew propaganda

21334936? ago

A thousand points of Arabian dick.

21334868? ago

Amen, brother/sister!

A New World is awakening!

21334609? ago

Poor choice. Never let an enemy make you kill yourself....never.

21340238? ago

Yeah well after being raped and tortured and have no protection, it is difficult to judge her...WE have stay strong...WWG1WGA.

21338916? ago

She's a woman. Cut her some slack.

21337659? ago

She should've shot them.

21336407? ago

I don't know, let's wait and see if she gets called racist. She might be onto something here.

21335634? ago

Why didn’t she just quit?

21334847? ago

Or at least take a few out in a blaze of glory.

21337171? ago

fuckin A exactly right

21335644? ago

Nah, she made the best choice for her situation. This will bring international outrage. If she had taken some out in a blaze of glory, the shitskins would be seen as the victims.

21342410? ago

this happened back awhile, there was not much outrage if i remember correctly

21340447? ago

I hate how right you are about this - but its true, and its exactly why have to "trust the plan". I have no doubt there are patriots seething for justice the same as I am, but civil war in America is part of (((THEIR))) plan, not ours. The most important war ever fought will be for the hearts and minds of the nation.

21335544? ago

That's right. Should of already happened. Where did the alpha males go? Europe has fallen.

21337035? ago

The women brought this upon themselves with their votes. The men are letting the women get their belly full of what they voted for. White European men should only intervene when the women renounce their vote and admit they are servants to men.

21347920? ago

shut up mudhommud

21348203? ago

Sorry no, Women need to choose wisely.

21336314? ago

I only know one there now. He's checking out of Denmark and moving to Norway. Apparently once out of Oslo 99% of this crap disappears. The bottom line though is that the alpha males have likely decided it is a battle they cannot win and are leaving.

21335664? ago

Jews had them all kill each other in WWI and WWII.

Also, it's, "should have", not, "should of", you absolute fuck.

21336727? ago

F off Grammer nazi. World wars were long ago. I suspect outside influences killed them. Poison water air food.

21338130? ago

It's "Grammar", faggot.

21340169? ago

It's "grammar," actually.

I am the most senior grammar faggot.

21340792? ago

He should have said, "Grammar Nazi." But I agree that I should have said the full, "Grammar Nazi" myself, for clarity's sake.

21341180? ago

Nice comma work there.

21341563? ago


21335398? ago

I know, right? If I had been so abused as this woman was, I would be taking something interesting to my local mosque to share with them. At least then the news would have a different sort of story to wring their hands over the following Saturday.

21335677? ago

I think she was worried they would then go after her family. Frankly I’m surprised they hadn’t already done that. They are animals. Less than animals, actually.

21335056? ago

A few dozen

21335258? ago

Your a fag if you don't get at least triple digits

21334975? ago

I agree with both of you, but there are some creatures in creation who were never meant to handle the ugliness of it all. Some people are fragile, that is a part of why they are beautiful. My wife's flowers remind me of this. All it takes is a kid tromping around the wrong way, and the strongest, most vibrant, beautifully colored one will begin to wilt after even one petal is damaged. This shit makes me sick to my stomach. I'm developing a knot inside over the shit that is happening to these people. These fucking muzzies have got to go back to their shithole lives. The crimes these fucking globalists have committed are absolutely un fucking forgivable.

21340144? ago

Yes. We are supposed to shield those sorts of people (women) from this sort of reality.

21338227? ago

It's what we get for letting women vote

21338213? ago


21337355? ago

Thank-you for this reminder to us - your 1st sentence is me, I will never be ok again.

21347915? ago

I really hope you get justice.

21337274? ago

Don't make them go back in the dark!

Light their way with the Flash of God in his 10000 megaton nuclear blast radius.

21336292? ago

The crimes these fucking globalists have committed are absolutely un fucking forgivable.

The last 10 years have truly staggered me as to the lengths and depths they will go to win.

But, we will see a reckoning on this within my lifetime.

21335663? ago

Crimes against humanity is what it’s called and I’m praying they will be hung on the steps of the capital building with their faces exposed as they slowly suffocate while live-streamed around the world.

21335067? ago

I forget how innocent many people are about this. I've been in the dark for so long I don't remember anything else; I forget that so many have not touched the dark. When they do, it has devastating effects. Makes me sick too, man.

21335900? ago

"...I've been crawling on my belly

Clearing out what could've been.

I've been wallowing in my own chaotic

And insecure delusions.

I wanna feel the change consume me,

Feel the outside turning in.

I wanna feel the metamorphosis and

Cleansing I've endured within

My shadow

Change is coming.

Now is my time.

Listen to my muscle memory.

Contemplate what I've been clinging to.

Forty-six and two ahead of me...."

21335036? ago

solution start doing to them and joos what they are doing to us

after all they are on our turf, our ground.

start the game

21337801? ago

Ain't sticking my dick in any of that shit. And beheadings look like too much work. I can spare a flex of my index finger though.

21337860? ago

ahhhhhhaa ha ha ha

nope I menat to terrorize them


whenever possible not to fucking rape them cunts or waste time offing those bastards

21403458? ago

Yep, for a start let's open their borders and lei in all their beloved neighbours whom by the way belong Strong Palestine!

21335718? ago


21334585? ago

Should've carried a gun.

Lot harder to get raped that way.

21335711? ago

One woman with a gun can not fight islam on her own. THE FUCKING MEN IN EUROPE NEED TO OVERTHROW THEIR KIKES!

...as do we.

21360737? ago

she can with a full auto and a big mag. Of course even American laws won't allow proper personal protection.

21335989? ago

I think one woman with a gun could stop her own rape pretty effectively.

21337265? ago

They can't buy guns there.

21337285? ago

Make one.

21337423? ago

She was too weak to even think of it. They all capitulated decades ago.

21347973? ago

She wasn't too weak, she was betrayed in a vicious planned war and invasion. Even Cesaer could not survive betrayal.

21337434? ago

Well of she doesn't value her own life I'm glad she's dead.

Make way for stronger whites.

21337496? ago

I agree. The weak perish, the strong survive.

21334991? ago

I was in amsterdam in 2000. There was a shooting described as a machine gun massacre at a cafe while I was there. At least that is what the dutchman said his newspaper headlines were. We chatted. He told me even cops can't carry firearms, and that it takes like three chiefs or whatever to even open up an armory for when the cops do need them. So, not really an option in the land of the orange.

21336818? ago

Sabbateans it connects Holland Amsterdam with Rome, the Jew Occult and the moslem Horde. The masonic House of Orange is strange... Oscar Wilde wrote Dorian Gray a story about Drugs & a Faustian bargain. The perverts at the BBC and Roman Catholic church are the same devil worshipers, bombings, shootings, murder it became the norm, the leverage was the blackmail, see the Kincora Boys' Home e in Belfast, Northern Ireland a scene of serious organised abuse, both the Loyalist, the IRA, the Mi6 would use the kids as meat and fodder to get blackmail and leverage over the other side... Holland Dutch Black Nobility - House of Orange / Creating The First Central Bank In The World. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=ARQsSUZpvQo Netherlands now over run with the alien hordes

21335033? ago

I'm pretty sure you can just put them in your pocket, bro. It's really easy.

21335163? ago

True. She could have just bought a black market curse for the purse from her local muslim invader. Dumb bitch.

21335460? ago

Exactly. Then she wouldn't be dead. If you don't defend yourself, is your life worth anything? Clearly she thought not.

21340234? ago

In such circumstances, if you do defend yourself you'd get life in prison.

21340318? ago

She's dead now, so life in prison is better.

Also, what're you basing that idea on? Got any examples of women getting life imprisonment for self-defense?

21340455? ago

It wouldn't be for self defence.

It would be for possession of an illegal firearm.

21340748? ago

Got any examples of women being sentenced for possessing an illegal firearm?

21334572? ago

Thanks soros thanks deep state

Thanks EU and thanks Dutch politics

21950014? ago

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21335905? ago

Rothschild controlled central banking cartel.

21335660? ago

What are the Shriners.....Two Masonic Houses still at War? another Hague anti-Islam politician dies