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thebearfromstartrack ago

I'm waiting for reprisals from ISIS (DASH???) in US for big daddy blow up. Isn't Dash the name of Kardashian's stores for whores?

veteran88 ago

The coming war will be glorious.

We are in our homelands fighting for our own lives and our future.

There is no more just cause for war. No mercy for the enemy and those rats who brought them here.

undertheshills ago

Posts like this is why the rest of the Internet isnt allowed on voat.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Yup, that's non-whites for you.

And people think I'm extreme because I want to kill every single last man, woman, child and baby that is non-white.

If it weren't for people like me, our race will disappear in less than two generations.

Not a single person has had the gumption to stomach the killing of children on a massive scale, other than Jews. They've killed children by the millions over the centuries. It's time we return the favor and let the rest of the non-white subhumans have it as well.

The only way humanity becomes an interplanetary species before destroying ourselves or the planet is the extermination of all non-whites and the subsequent eradication of low-IQ/genetically inferior/sympathetic whites.

Prove me wrong.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You're right, but the trick is to get that started.

Monstrum ago

The problem is people like you do nothing but talk shit online. Start something, take action, inspire others

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

This world is going to burn to the fucking ground.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I will. We all will. The alternative is to die and for our children to die and we'll all be replaced by low-IQ subhumans.


tinder? pof? lolz... yeah if it were a white, he would get 250 years like that fella breivik...

fellowkikepeople ago


ErrorHasNoRights ago

Stay away from dating apps!

qTruthSoldier ago

...but if you insist, never shit on your own doorstep.

TopTierCIAShill ago

I always tell my male friends to never stay on dating apps simply so I can have a larger selection pool

HeavyBrain ago

Wanting thots who used dating apps.

If anything you should encourage your friends to use dating apps so you can have the non degenerates.

TopTierCIAShill ago

i agree with you.

But sometimes a clean thot is better than jerking off to jewish porn.

Doglegwarrior ago

if this had been a white man doing this to a migrant what would the sentence have been? actualy this guy needs to get a gun and do the exact same thing to a migrant? the amount of hypocracy that situation would cause would blow the sheeples mind.. basicsly the white guy would get a worse sentence then the amount of world wide coverage by the jew media would be mind blowing. this guy should really do it

HeavyBrain ago

Well of course he would, but "the immigrant climate refugee got a lighter sentence because, trauma, culture and less privilege" and the sheep will nod happily and go on with their lifes.

Plavonica ago

If this had been a white man doing this to a migrant, what would the sentence have been?

10 years in a muslim majority prison. Dead within 6 months. The guards saw nothing and all 36 cameras in the area suddenly broke.

HeavyBrain ago

Fuck that I would make the gun holding chimp beg for his life, chances are slim to nill the my under 6 foot half cripple ass would have any chances taking on him and 20 of his butt buddies who stand around, but at this point it doesnt matter.

JustAnotherUser ago

also the difference between you and the man in the video is that you would now be dead

HeavyBrain ago

Never claimed othewise.

But whats the point of living on your knees, next time they come, hold a gun to your head and tell to suck their aids ridden dicks.

JustAnotherUser ago

I'd rather get on my knees (if death is alternative) and live, and then stand up and fuck some shit up after the fact. You can die wastefully in the name of pride if you like but me personally I'd rather leave a mark. Once your dead you're dead, it doesn't mean shit to nobody if you stood your ground or not. Live and fight, or die and be forgotten.

MuricaPersonified ago

You haven't seen enough videos. If you ever are ordered on your knees at gunpoint, then assume that it's all over the second you get down. No, you shouldn't fucking do that. I'd rather die running or trying to fight.

The strongest video to demonstrate this is the old Dagestan Massacre video. Everyone gets tortured and their heads sawn off, except for the dude that made a break for it and took some 7.62 to the back.

HeavyBrain ago

Maybe I am too black pilled, but I assum there won't be a 2nd chance to get up.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Agreed. The thing is... if people are this terrified of dying, they will never fight to defend their countries. They can be kept in check simply through fear alone. Those who aren't afraid of dying will rule. If this guy is representative of the Dutch, then I think the Muslims could take the entire country with a battalion of less than a thousand men.

Plavonica ago

They can be kept in check simply through fear alone.

Hence the left wing communists.

derram ago :

Mark on Twitter: "When you ban guns only the bad guys will have guns. GET THAT?

This is in The Netherlands. 20 year old victim thought he was meeting someone via a dating app. This was the date.

Perp: only 2.5 years jail.

Stop ALL immigration.

Pray for the victim. 🙏📿


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Nonymous608 ago

Damn... That's terrifying to watch... What the fuck man