21971394? ago

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21971374? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457141 Boomers: I hate Mexicans, they need to go back to their country. Also Boomers: Let's go get Mexican food tonight, I'm gonna have a margarita

21330652? ago

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21330649? ago

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21329033? ago

I think you will get the rope for yourself.

21328967? ago

Its nice to see the OP steering clear of controversy for the sake of Controversy- Wasn't Gary Webb a Boomer-?

Im an Xer-

I remember listening to Kurt Vonnegut Speak sort of to the subject of generations and this thread I think would be particulary amusing to him-

I think one would need to qualify the Boomers a bit more- like sleeping boomers, or libtard boomers-for example i saw a man driving a truck (s10) with a HRC sticker-he was boomer age, how about the sell out boomers the ones who helped dismantle america one factory at a time for their 30pcs- call them traitor boomers-

but boomers in general-if i had to choose- mudsharks all the way

21328815? ago

coal burners are gonna burn the coal... then pay the toll

21971442? ago

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21971387? ago

The booze or drugs created the kids? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3522486/21387716

21328800? ago

You're up first, read history, useful idiot.

21328889? ago

I think you are confusing me for Antifa. Maybe you should read up on history, and stop repeating what stupid fake conservatives say on the ben shapiro show.

21328965? ago

You obviously know WAY more about about fake conservatives and the Ben Shapiro show than I do. ROLCON much, ShareBlue?

21328984? ago

Dude, I don't know what ROLCON or ShareBlue is.....do you just say shit like that and "DNC operative" to anyone you don't agree with?

21329016? ago

You obviously do know, that's why you included DNC operative, fag puff. Kick rocks, cuck boy.

21329049? ago


21328771? ago

Boomers Rock.

21328902? ago

Back and forth.

21328925? ago

What are you saying?

We are stardust we are golden.

21328447? ago

Boomers burning coal obviously.

NAZIs are getting dumber every genertion.

21328464? ago

Damn dude. I feel so stupid. I need to go back to NAZI school.

21328295? ago

Millinums then coal burners.

21328305? ago

The whole millennium?

21971441? ago

21328054? ago

Actually, you first. Simple logic. Euphinasia of the mentally inept.

21328046? ago

Politicians, media, millennials, and snowflakes.

If you have something against the baby boom generation, just remember that a lot of us will still be around 30 or 40 years from now.

21328153? ago

Enjoy being abused by your philippino pets in the nursing home.

21328028? ago

The first choice would be cretins such as yourself OP who keep posting retarded nonsense such as this. Get a life.

21328008? ago

What's a boomer?

21327988? ago

This war on boomers is retarded. Not a boomer, but it is bullshit to think you can compartmentalize a generation as being one anything.

Using that logic I can say millenials are lazy and stupid.

21328263? ago

No it's not. Boomers see outside foreigners as more belonging to this country than their own family. They threw this Nation into the garbage bin of history and totally disregarded their families. They are one of the most shameful group of people to ever exist.

21329712? ago

Really? WHICH Boomers are you referring to? LIB Boomers? because a lib will lib no matter what the generation. Im at the END of the boom 1962 so I qualify and im so far to the right I make Reagan look like a New Dealer. I also grew up in Mass and saw first fucking hand what libs DO to a country ala Dead Kennedy. You want to lay the blame at the feet of ALL boomers for the current situation..why? Because we didnt hit the streets? I dont see ANY subsequent generation doing that either. I see alot of bitching on QRV. I see alot of standing around waiting for Q to do something but I dont see alot of actual ACTION from any generation AFTER Boomers.

You know, its really easy to sit and judge knowing what YOU know now, but we didnt HAVE that option. Back when Dinosaurs roamed the Earth there was no internet, no alt media no NOTHING. You know what there WAS??? THREE Network TV channels, 2 UHF stations and PBS. A few Major Papers a couple of major magazines and ALL controlled and NO ONE to blow the whistle and even if they did, WHO heard it? The Nation began being co opted before the ink was dry on The Constitution but again, Logistics, population, time, available communication, these were all limited.

If Boomers are to blame for EVERYTHING..... how about the generation that Fought The Civil War? That was a war based on bullshit. WW1? More BS The Lusitania was sacrificed to get us into that. WW2? another FF. Korea? Nam? Shall I continue? EVERY generation up to and including the current one that actually HAS all these new means of information at their fingertips gets duped.

CON men have been around since The Pharisees and they aren't going anywhere. This fight will NEVER be over because evil never sleeps. They are quite good at what they do or the world wouldnt BE the shit storm it IS. But you want to blame ONE generation for ills that have been around since time began? Sounds a bit short sighted to me.

21329789? ago

keep it simple stupid. I aint reading all of that.

21332726? ago

So be lazy. I dont GAS

21328795? ago

not my Dad

21328783? ago

I will kick your young ass you fag boy, and you will say Boomers Rock (cause they do and you know it).

21327967? ago

Your dumb ass!


21327987? ago

Ok, Boomer.

21328009? ago

People of all ages recognize a retard from a mile away.

Stop licking the windows and GTFO!

21328105? ago

Wow, seems to be a lot of shills on QRV tonight.

21328002? ago

Ooh, burn?