20832841? ago

Gen X: I hate illegal invaders, also let's get some carne asada tonight.

20832561? ago

Eating a Hot Pocket from mommie's microwave while typing this, no doubt.

20832600? ago

Babysitting your mulatto grandkid while typing this, no doubt.

20832703? ago

Nothing wrong with mulatto, racist. Get bent, NPC shill.

20832404? ago

I've never even had a Taco. I don't do Mexican anything.

20831337? ago

t. mexican food....mexicans can't afford to eat American Mexican food or drink magaritas

20831148? ago

Save me a quesadilla, ese

20831080? ago

Boomers: I hate ~~Mexicans~~ illegal aliens, they need to go back to their country.

Also Boomers: Let’s go eat at that new Mexican restaurant tonight. We need to support local businesses.


20831015? ago

In the immortal words of Cheech and Chong...” Beaners, gonna kick you in the face”. In the immortal words of cartman “ Taco, taco, burrito kisses! Taco, Taco

20830870? ago

Boomers Rock.

We are stardust, we are golden.

20831137? ago

Gold medal special Olympians for sure

20830847? ago

Tex mex food is the the kiss of death to the white male.

20830790? ago

The irony of this failed post is that what people call Mexican food isn't Mexican food. It's Tex Mex.

20830732? ago

Apparently, ShareBlue has released the "boomer" hate brigade tonight.

Sad that this is the only job that the droolers can get.

20830694? ago

you just described me --- thank you .. and pass the tacos

20830643? ago


20830634? ago

And free salsa with the chips.

20830662? ago

Gibs me more chips and salsa. Boomers love their free stuff KEK.