21319756? ago

You know what the ultimate fuck up was?

They decided they had the whole nation so cucked that they could drive the final nail in its coffin with the race card. So they put a fucking crooked Muslim nigger in the White House, and it back fired big time.

Their own arrogance and desire to push shit into the white man's face doomed them. Even if Trump doesn't succeed an awakening that cannot be stop has started.

21319033? ago

One of their many problems is that, because they are lying assholes, they have no idea how honest people think. It is beyond their comprehension. They, therefore, live in a little bubble and cannot anticipate what happens when Patriots unite.

21318735? ago

they put a black guy in charge and it all fell apart...


21318370? ago

He he this should ran as add in their fake newspaper like a whole page message

21318322? ago

Dont get complacent ourselves

21318208? ago

I made this exact post like 18months ago...

21318774? ago

Link? Shouldn't be too hard to scroll back in your post replies..

21331590? ago

Long gone....this was long before the migration to Voat.....this was back in either the CBTS reddit days, or after that one was shut down, one called /greatawakening maybe?

21333878? ago

Ahhh the good ol reddit days. I was at both of those subs too. I'm glad we migrated though.

21359650? ago

didnt have much choice....

21360224? ago

TBH I was angry at the time, but in hindsight it was good to get away from cabal territory.

21363269? ago

Again, I agree 100%

21317966? ago

They will be remembered as the ones that were executed.

21317904? ago

The cabal who built the spying infrastructure didnt think it would be used against them too. They relied on keeping the presidency but once they lost it they became a chicken without a head. Even websites they control like youtube, twitter once it allowed the masses to spread their views didnt make censorship possible as in the past.

21318073? ago

chicken without a head


21317704? ago

Their biggest mistake was the Internet ... They figured it would be the ultimate tool to control the masses, but they underestimated man's resourcefulness and man's hidden skepticism about the fake reality that is presented to us as real. They consider themselves masters at controlling social forces, but have stubbornly refused to learn from 150 years of failing utterly at social(ist) engineering. They kept on believing we would swallow their fake scripted reality at face value, and figured that the Internet would give them unlimited ways of tweaking the parameters. They never expected mankind would use the Internet to cross the cultural barriers that have kept us in place for centuries, to convene and compare notes. And figure out how we're getting screwed by them.

Yeah, they fucked up big time.

21318810? ago

You're right, for sure the internet played a major role in this, but even still, people are brainwashed to this day. It boggles my mind. prior to 2016, the internet was pretty much the wild west. There was nowhere near the level of censorship that there is now.

21317567? ago

Al Gore invented the internet and it's been all downhill for them since. The HiveMind with a resource that never forgets is a powerful counter to tyranny.

21317459? ago

Watch as what’s taken them hundreds of years to develop and plan be overturned by God in the blink of an eye.

21317307? ago

I surprised they didnt 187 john molesta as he was the one whom was phished/hacked, and his emails blew the Pizzagate story wide open.

21316314? ago

It seems that his name was Master Special Officer Craig J. Miller.

I am not saying I know what happened, other than he died on 9/11.

Maybe he ran up one of the other buildings to help people get out, and died that way. But there is a theory that he sabotaged the demo charges in wtc7, and they killed him for it.

The Secret Service office was in building 7.

21316473? ago

There all kinds of crazy offices in tower 7. CIA had an office there. I can only imagine what paperwork and hard drives got destroyed in that building that day.

21316258? ago

All the while mocking the people who knew. Anonymous ‘conspiracy theorists’, also known as seekers of truth, and in severe cases ‘autists’. WWG1WGA!

21316253? ago

Hubris. Satisfying.

21316036? ago

100 years in the making? Try 30x that long, then double it. These imbeciles wrecked a power machine that's been chugging away for thousands of years. Imagine being that incompetent.

21317145? ago

Wasn't them. It was that DAMNED FROG ! ! !

21316203? ago

Yes, I know they they've been in control since Babylon. I was more zeroing in on their quest to conquer America for good.

21315496? ago

they can't meme, that should say something. They cannot create, only extract or steal or destroy.

21317315? ago

Or invert.

21315538? ago

that makes sense right? like communists

21315480? ago

Plus One Million on this. But victory is not assured. Red pill at will.

I like that phrase!

21315073? ago

This is one of the best posts I've ever seen here. Bravo Anon.

21315891? ago

Thanks Anon!

21315068? ago

Don't get too overly confident...yet. We haven't finished this. There are several Republicans who are hoping that Schiff can give them ANYTHING so they can join the impeachment. The corruption is on both sides of the isle. How did Virginia go so blue with their election? They had no one running against the Dems!! We all talk a lot but there needs to be more work done than talk. We can't sit back and let "them" handle all that needs to be done. We've got to ALL do more to be sure there is someone to challenge the corrupt politicians running for office on both sides of the isle.President Trump can and has done an amazing job, but he can't do it all.

21314839? ago

Evil gains their power from US! There's a good reason Satan is called the great deceiver. He and his minions try to make us believe they are the path, they have the power but they don't. If we turn from God, we lose not them.

21314581? ago

Something about counting chickens before they are hatched...

21318185? ago

and who's to say they won't blow the who place up to thwart and spite us.They won't give up so unless they are wiped out completely...

21314554? ago

The old guard didn’t have the internet. The new generation of cabal created it and it backfired. Big time.

21318188? ago

and now they are slowly shutting it down on us.

21317334? ago

There was no putting the genie back in the bottle once Bill Gate's vision of having a computer in every home in America happened.

21316608? ago

Double edged sword. A means to spy on everyone, but they can’t control it effectively enough to keep the the truth hidden forever.

21317205? ago

Pandora's box

21314292? ago

It’s endemic of their boss, what they worship.

They are all a bunch of sick, demented, pederastic, murdering, foreflushing assholes.


21315948? ago


I've never heard this term used before LOL.

21466173? ago

Haha good welcome to the ancient classical revival!

21314271? ago

Getting cocky is pretty fucking stupid.

21314572? ago

Oh, the irony. lol

21314231? ago


the generation who lost it all

after all their bloodline achieved, they were the ones all drugged up to finally be out moved and out smarted

by the name Trump who united humanity

They never forgot

a new Golden Age

21316184? ago

That was a very interesting read in the first link there. Sounds like a poster I talked to a lot on reddit, back before it was comped/censored.

21313925? ago

They got greedy. They couldn’t be satisfied with a slice, they wanted the whole pie.

21317164? ago

And, the number pi includes their downfall! This movie is amazing.

21314975? ago

If they get a civil war or world war they might just get the pie. How much of an embarrassment, racial speaking, that whites wiped themselves out in WW1/2, just so liberal believe the news for everything types could kill off and be killed fighting those trying to uproot the newly created fed.

21313876? ago

Assassinating JFK was the mistake that started it all. Then Robert Kennedy who knew what they had done. Then, JFK Jr. who also knew and vowed revenge. That was the last mistake. Donald Trump was friends with JFK Jr. and he knew what they had done.

21319022? ago

Shooter? one of them belonged to a Masonic cult, See the Masonic Order of the Rose Cross, Rosicrucian Mysteries and Albert Pike. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3408950

21326002? ago

Sirhan was nothing more than a mind fucked tool. I've seen his interview and that was my impression.

21313403? ago

They threw drag queen story hour in our faces 10 years too soon. Now they need to die. All of them.

21315667? ago

Fuck, we will have to fight against Europe again this time.....the Swiss funded this shit big time for their "kids"

21318200? ago

At least the enemy is pretty easy to pick out this time.

21313285? ago

That's what happens when your kids are inbred soyboys & soulless girls.

21313282? ago

They poisoned the product and then hired from it

21312956? ago

9/11 was the tipping point for Trump imo

21313029? ago

Totally agree. That and the Clinton's killing Kennedy via plane crash.

21314785? ago

She stole his senate seat after a convenient plant crash.

21312922? ago

i love this post so much i have to comment again. Easily one of the coolest posts i've read.

21313084? ago

Funny thing is, it was my second post because the first one didn't go through. I felt my first one was way better because the thoughts were flowing into my head. The second one was more memory.

Oh well, that's VOAT for you!

21317156? ago

Before hitting submit, hit ctrl+a, ctrl+c (select all, copy) -- that way if something goes wrong you can paste it again.

Often, I compose in a text editor, then paste it in here. Generally, LibreOffice, as that saves my work so if the power goes out etc, I will lose as little as possible, rather than the entire post.

21318785? ago

I don't post very often, so i definitely learned my lesson. It didn't work the second time either hahah, but good thing I selected all and copied to my clipboard before hitting submit.

21313149? ago

can't imagine a better one! well stated, well told.

21313156? ago

Thanks Anon

21312891? ago

hahahahaah you know, it's even funnier to a) know someone else has had the same thought and b) to hear it verbalized. I often imagine, somewhere down the road, some prisoner is sitting reminiscing to another, remember that time...? the other: yeah, you know, hillary fucked that all up.

21317138? ago


Try long-necked GHOST.

21312815? ago

It’s not over.

21313105? ago

That's right, we are however, starting to win big. Trumps next term is going to be historic.

21315688? ago

It's not for sure. Work on it!

21312795? ago

Here we fucking are! HAHAHA

Deep state cabal faggots GTFO.

21312710? ago

It’s important to recognize the part the Internet has played. Hard enough to wake people up to this crap with instant global communication.

Absolutely impossible before...

21313120? ago

Yes, can't argue with that.

What does that say about the people who are still brainwashed? What does that say about the people who woke up before the internet?

21318213? ago

How about busy raising a family and trying to simply survive. If all they have us msm, they surely aren't getting the truth.

21317142? ago

a lot!

21312691? ago

They thought they were untouchable. God will show them otherwise.

21312601? ago

Well, there's still two things about Trump that's an issue. #1 is the status of Hillary behind bars (and the general statements of draining the swamp) and #2 is the Israel question, is Trump loyal to them or civilian US interests?

21312665? ago

he already is their downfall more or less...he is too pro israel still though kinda

21313577? ago

Yeah , too much Israel. I guess if you wanted to kill the octopus, you'd be nice so you could get your arms around his head. Then squeeze. I hope.

21317135? ago

Dubs confirm, octopus is difficult to eliminate bare-handed

Joco sang about them! https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=DE84HH8wNwY

21315698? ago


21312546? ago

Not to defend them or anything but it was WAAAY easier to pull this shit off without everyone having the internet and phones to communicate with/send evidence.

21312963? ago

At this point Al Gore probably wishes he hadn't invented the internet.

21315705? ago


21312511? ago

Too busy sucking cock and raping kids to pay attention to the goal. Good for us Patriots!!!

21312336? ago

If it weren't for hundreds of years of jewish inbreeding, they might of be able to pull off their jewish world order.

21312279? ago

These pathological personalities actually believe their narcissistic reality warping and gaslighting is real magic!

That's why they have had no problem repeating the same operations over and over until we couldn't deny the pattern. They think we are blinded to their tactics because it's magic and the symbols are magic and the loss of life also gives them more magical powers.

This is how fucked up your thought process becomes if you destroy your conscience!!!


That's why they have been so arrogant and shoved it all in our faces thinking they couldn't possibly be held accountable. This is why they didn't stop with this behaviour when we started calling them out. They just got more in our faces with the same tactics thinking they had the power to mind control us all and dictate the version of reality we believed.

That's why it's still completely incomprehensible to them that we can identify their tactics and call them out.

This is the most shocking thing for a psychopath.

And they are still going. Trying to pass far more extreme laws and invalidate and gaslight any opposition.

The problem is that this knowledge has gone from these forums to the general population and is currently going viral in the UK and Australia.

They have absolutely no grasp on reality. They believe they can change anything with their magic. They live in a psychotic power fantasy.

21317096? ago

Interesting post.

21312267? ago

Wrong. They won’t be remembered.

21312233? ago

Think about this: Right now Hillary Clinton and her ugly spawn are now over in the UK trying to convince the voters that the Russians are interfering in the upcoming election, lmao! The Brits (obviously) are not buying it. Talk about a massive fail.

21316919? ago

And they're running online campaigns to combat "misinformation regarding UK elections"...

21312358? ago

soros is mad as his makeshift kike relative, HRC

21312199? ago

HRC and greedy jews pushed too hard too quickly. America saw after 8 years of two faggot ass fucking in the WH, while America rotted.

21316147? ago

It's $orea$$ ;)

21316905? ago


21317095? ago

he's saying, if you're going to fuck up the spelling and change the "o" to an "a", you might as well include the "e" (and an extra "$") also to make the inflamed hemorrhoid reference. (I spelled that wrong initially, and used the spell check to fix it -- the fixed spelling looks a lot more like "horror" than my erroneous one, which is somewhat amusing and I digress, again)

21312113? ago

I've thought this over many times now. I've also played out many scenarios where this (GreatAwakening) is just another 'rich mans trick'.

21312658? ago

ok jew shill

21317241? ago

lol, right, everyones a fuckin jew, and, or shill around here right faggot?

21317394? ago

people who write generic copy paste "rich man's trick" responses to exposing the zionist cabal...um yes

21312097? ago

Really? have they failed? I must have missed that! Oh, it must have been when the Supreme court declared that you can sue a gun manufacturer for how it's product is used! Must have misinterpreted that win! Go ahead , start name calling, now! Or clear it up for this old first generation conspiracy theorist who remembers where he was when the C fucking A killed Kennedy!

21317048? ago

Let me quote Q at you, regarding this upcoming Supreme Court trial with Remington:


How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

21312242? ago

Wait, are you denying the progress (or lack of theirs) we've made in the last few years???

I know it's hard not to be pessimistic, but you cannot deny the progress that's been made....

21312592? ago

I just see Trump being investigated for "Bull Shit" and the loss of the House and the FBI still being run by a turd "Wray" ,the Supreme Court a total toilet and Trump surrounded by people who want to destroy him! Oh ,ya and 8kun a mess! I really do want to be wrong but the population doesn't appear to be getting smarter and at this point I don't know why he hasn't had his clock punched by another lone gunmen! I've seen allot in my life, I remember where I was when the "radio" broadcast said Kennedy had been shot, and never believed the warren commission for a second! Before I die i'd like to see the country headed in the right direction for my Grandchildren sake. It's been a long road and I never needed a red pill ! I've got an original copy of behold a pale horse, none dare call it treason and many others. Frustrated

21312845? ago

It's easy to be pessimistic, but if you've seen so much, why aren't you able to see all the progress that's taken place in the last 3 years? You've gotten an inside scoop but you still don't see it.

I know, I know, get off your lawn and all of that, but come on man, good things are happening...

21313273? ago

Allot of good people have died allot of children have been sacrificed i'm old and tired and i'm not use to this kind of cloak and dagger stuff! I keep thinking I could have done ,should have done more 30 to 40 years ago but I don't know what that would have been! Passed out flyers on street corners tried to organize but the Country was a mess in the 60s to with war, race relations ect , they had those tools then and they still use them now but ((they)) have gotten much better and the population is stupider and ask 10 people what kind of government we have and 9 wil say a democracy!

21312400? ago

you're replying to NPC

21312033? ago

Pride before the fall.

They never thought she would lose.

21312476? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#73388) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21311967? ago

They got too comfortable- they never thought she would lose.

21311729? ago

They never thought she would lose.

21311713? ago

100 years I think maybe several millennia

21311362? ago

They really are stupid. They do the same shit over and over again and think they're being so clever. Once one wakes up and see the Cabal MO, it's really obvious. And I agree with posters who point out their arrogance. The Cabal and its Stooges are like a virus that doesn't realize it goes down with the host. Fuck 'em all.

21316784? ago

How long, exactly, was the "dark ages"?

21313871? ago

I think that the originators of the plot died out years ago and for the last 30 years those continuing the plot have used a recipe book left by those who started it. not being as smart as there predecessors they cant adjust the plot when the unforeseen happens. things have derailed now and all they can do is recycle things that worked in the past to correct mistakes

21314315? ago

Sounds about right.

Plus...They never thought she would lose. :-)

21312930? ago

Until they are all locked up or no longer a part of our world, I'll reserve my gloating.

21315339? ago

Point taken. Plus the rule to love one's neighbor as oneself. What we we do to our former selves? Tough love. "I love you as a human being but it's a good idea to drop fucked-up thinking."

21313358? ago

Fair enough. Still, it's entertaining to watch them start to fail in real time.

21312846? ago

Maybe this is what happens when you drink your own kool-aid.

21316135? ago

And they eat shit. Yes human excrement. Sharing an ancient parasite that makes em think luciferian

21316201? ago

What parasite

21312278? ago

Well, the gnostics, the Bible and like every scriptures from other religions do point that the cabal has no imagination. Creation, imagination is a gift that was given to humans. The cabal has a solid playbook that they used time and again ad nauseam, and they have cunning. They can't create, but they can distort from something that is already created. You know, like human would create fire and use it to warm their home, cook their meal, provide light in the darkness... and the cabal minions would take that fire and start immolating humans in sacrifice to their gods.

21317007? ago

There was an episode of The Outer Limits (the new one) where teenagers were stuck in a cave and the sun went out. They determined that they needed to sacrifice one of them; drew straws, and the person chosen to kill the other person chosen chickened out, someone else grabbed the rock and did it.

Then the sun came back and it was just a "dust cloud" that the "solar system" had passed through. Consequences left to the viewer's imagination.

I envision all human sacrifice in a similar fashion -- the priests really don't know what they're doing, they're just trying to be fearsome and effective.

I read this book, "Dragon's Egg" about a life form on a neutron star, which we were scanning. A "priest" led the people towards the scan beam which gave them energy. Then the beam went the other way, and the people murdered the priest.

Seems many priests are that way.

Not all. There have been prophets, and will be.

21316548? ago

Creation, imagination is a gift that was given to humans.

I don't know if you're familiar with the High Level Insider or not, he used to post Q and A's on 4chan a couple of years before Q started dropping crumbs.

Well anyway, he kept telling everyone to pick up the book 'The Origin of Consciousness In the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind'. It. Kind of ties in to what you're saying about the cabal not having an imagination. Makes me think that maybe he was hinting at something. I feel like I'm connecting a dot here.

It's an old book, so needless to say, the publisher was probably shocked when copies started flying off the shelf for now reason, but I digress.

21319419? ago

The Master and his Emissary is a much better version of roughly the same idea. It was written by Iain McGilchrist. You might want to check it out...

21318387? ago

What's bicameral mind for those that can not read atm

21318883? ago

The bicameral mind is: (from Wikipedia)

Bicameralism (the condition of being divided into "two-chambers") is a hypothesis in psychology that argues that the human mind once operated in a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeys — a bicameral mind.

Now, since the second part is for obeying, it was thought that the kings or godkings controlled the masses through their minds. Now that we have lost that ability/trait, our right chamber is perfect for creativity and such. It's no question the cabl believes they have the divine right to rule us. If that's actually true, then maybe it's possible they never had an active side of that side of the brain, thus no creativity now.

There's obviously a lot more to it, but that's it in a nutshell.

22345716? ago

And they suck at it because they turned to darkness. Nature worked a few automatic fixes into the system to stop this sort of thing.

21312724? ago

No wonder music, movies and television all suck mightily right now. You're right - they don't have creativity and they have driven all the non-demons out of the industries. Never thought of it that way.

21311524? ago

I give credit where credits due though, they are really good at brainwashing people.

21312839? ago

They will might teach about MK Ultra as part of History classes one day.

21319003? ago

Currently History classes ARE MK Ultra.

21313562? ago

Mandelbrot set is in motion.

Echo Choir has been breached,

we are fielding the ball.

Good luck.

21317508? ago

Kabahla bullshit 101

21312069? ago

True. I was once fast asleep. But the interesting thing is, the programming can only go so far. A dose of reality eventually pops a bubble or two, then things get dicey for the would-be controllers as alarms go off, lies are exposed, and more and more people start to wake up. What's the saying, once the genie is out of the bottle? The cat is out of the bag? It will be hard for all but the most inured to ignore the truth once it starts to spread like it's doing now.

21313563? ago

Good point about the genie in the bottle. I think we're at the point where the lid is off, and little by little, the genie is coming out.

21312292? ago

it's called torches and pitchforks, nothing new

21316061? ago

The Day of the Galactic Pitchforks

It has a ring to it ;)

21314154? ago

Old man Rothschilds being ripped from his castle. Tumbling down the front stairs in his matching pajama night suit. Begging for his favorite blanket as shivers in handcuffs. His illegitimate family wealth seized and given back to the public with interest. Every last gold cache confiscated.

21311985? ago

That’s what makes it even worse. They were literally gifted a paralyzed population and only fail since Nov 2016.

21312315? ago

try making sense next time

21311322? ago

You’re right— symbolism will be their downfall. And the destruction of the towers was apparently an audacious Masonic ritual sacrifice conducted in full public view. (Towers seem to symbolize Boaz and Jachin, the pillars on the porch of the temple, so their destruction could be viewed as a fulfillment of Jeremiah 52, about the destruction of Solomon’s temple).

But maybe let’s wait to take that victory lap until this is over. Because it isn’t over until it’s over.

21315777? ago

We can't get cocky either.

21316358? ago

Stay classy. Digits confirm.

21313809? ago

According to this article, the Bible was numbered/ordered to represent the two pillars of Boaz and Jachin. The Bible has 1189 chapters. This is divided into 297 + 297 + 1 + 297 + 297 chapters. 297 is apparently a special number because it is 3 * 3 * 33.

The 297th chapter is about the building of Solomon's temple:

1 Kings 6:1 (KJV 1611)

And it came to passe in the foure hundred and fourescore yeere after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth yere of Solomons reigne ouer Israel, in the moneth Zif, which is the second moneth, that he began to build the house of the Lord.

The middle chapter of the Bible is Psalm 117 which is also the shortest chapter, and this chapter contains 33 words, the Masonic number.

Then the second pillar is apparently about the City of Nineveh which is also important to Freemasons.

21314245? ago

424 is supposed to be the gematria of Moshiach Ben David

21314220? ago

424 is supposed to be the gematria of Moschia Ben David

21314159? ago

Wow, very fascinating stuff.

Also noteworthy is how the freedom tower could well exemplify the Tower of Babel to the Freemasons, seeing as how it replaced the two towers (Boaz and Jachin) and how with it’s spire it rises 1776 from ground level— which is exactly 48 times the factor 37– just as the number 666 is 18 times 37. 37 is significant as the next star number after 13, which is the first natural number after 1 which can be arranged in the shape of the six-pointed Star. So 37 is like the successor to 13, and is also the largest prime factor of both 666 and 1776.

So maybe the freedom tower stands as a representation of the Tower of Babel to these magical dudes.

21316936? ago


So 37 is like the successor to 13

The wow: "leet"-speak is spelled numericall "1337"-speak! There's a 13, and what follows is a 37.

Mind, blown. Thanks patriot!

21316956? ago

LOL. Yeah I used to want to have a place with that address, I thought it would be cool.

Speaking of cool, check out the digits of my GET. Somehow I was bestowed with the first 6 digits of pi in base 10.

21321619? ago

kek yeah i saw someone else noticed that yesterday, nice!

21323575? ago

Check this out. A few hours prior to that get, I posted this comment in a different thread:

21323707? ago

"Contact" was a good movie the first time through. Second time? It just DRAGGED! Like "Heat", about the robbery with body armor.

21323950? ago

Heat, that’s a Val Kilmer right? I don’t remember it really.

Yeah, the adaptation of contact left something to be desired but I liked Matthew McConaghey as the zealot cult leader.

Interstellar is a much better wormhole movie. Interesting note, Kip Thorne was science consultant on both projects.

21328558? ago

yep, and pacino and de niro

21314376? ago

Wow, first of all I'm amazed by your post id (21314159) containing the first digits of Pi "3.14159" ...

Secondly, it's interesting you mention 1776 ... The timeline mentioned in the Bible is embedded in the number Pi. Everybody talks about the "tribulation" period, but few understand it. This period is actually 1260/1290/1335 days which start on August 29th, 2019...

666 is one of the most famous numbers of all time... A lot of people use it to be edgy, it seems cool... Little do they know that this is an important key in Pi, as 666 resides at the end of 2442 digits of Pi.

With December 21st, 2012 (the end of the 13th baktun) being one of the most important landmarks in history, 2442 days after 12/21/2012 is 8/29/2019.

2442 - 666 = 1776, another important number, the year of the founding of America.

There's a website which lists some of the things I've found: http://theprophetictimeline.com/

I've been wondering if there's a logical way to tie it all together rather than just finding some coincidences here and there... Maybe the star number thing is important.

21314492? ago

Forget repeating digits. We do transcendentals up in here.

21314599? ago

Can you elaborate on how transcendentals relate to this?

21314710? ago

21314453? ago

Also, 1221 (12/21) is exactly one half 2442, but I know that’s an obvious one.

21316948? ago

Thinking mirror -- Rush's "2112"

21316969? ago

There you go!

21312226? ago

Yes, as outrageous as it sounds, the WTC project was designed and constructed as a purpose built crematorium, more than three decades before it was destroyed on schedule.

21317835? ago

And never occupied except observation deck on one and restaurant on the other. It was to be used as a "Reichstag Fire" event for Nelson Rockefeller to pass an "Enabling Law".

My big red pill in regards to the breath and scope of Satanism was Madonna's Superbowl halftime Satanic ritual performance.

21312146? ago

I think the towers where supposed to fall over and crush wtc 7!

That was a massive fuck up that they then had to blow up the unscathed building. I don't think they even believed the towers would fall straight down. So they had to detonate the target building on live tv!

The twin towers were a distraction from the robbery and destruction of wtc7!

21312366? ago

No. The demolition of the 110 story WTC 1 & 2 towers went almost exactly as designed. The multistory basements were dug below the level of the river to contain most of the rubble pile and minimize the mess. I say almost exactly, as the top of the south tower started to twist and fall off as an intact ~ 20 story unit. Then this block (a large building by itself, was about to free fall about 90 stories) suddenly turned into dust and heavy steel shrapnel in mid air!

21312892? ago

Accurate. They were meant to fall straight down, relatively speaking. But the poster has a good point— why would they choose to implode 7 in front of everyone?

I was of the opinion that there was probably an accidental hangfire, and it was supposed to come down while covered in smoke from the second collapse.

21312342? ago

was it jews?


21312385? ago

Cheney wasn’t one. But many neocons were. So, lets go with the Illuminati for $1000, Alex.

21312322? ago

I’ve always been under a similar impression— not that 1 and 2 were meant to fall on it, but rather that 7 was meant to collapse at the moment it was sheathed in dust from the implosion of the second tower. I had a theory that there was a “hang fire”, either from malfunction or sabotage, that delayed the implosion of tower 7, forcing it to be collapsed in full public view. At least if it were shrouded in dust, the collapse would have been hidden preventing effective analysis, plus the argument could be made that debris from one of the collisions had weakened the support structure.

I was leaning toward the deliberate sabotage theory, because there were reports that a secret service agent who had been assigned to the House of Representatives prior tonthe date of the attack had been killed in tower 7, though other services said that no one had died in tower 7.

It was admittedly a theory, but it filled in a lot of gaps, mainly the question of why 7 was imploded in public in such an obvious demolition.

21315913? ago

Wow. An anonymously sacrificed hero. Sad and uplifting at the same time. That delayed demolition did wake a lot of people up.

21315858? ago

never considered that, its plausible

21316373? ago

Craig J. Miller was the name of the SS agent. Don’t know if it’s true.

21311895? ago

Then rebuilt only Jachin, the male tower (One World Trade Center), because they were recreating the Masonic pillars on a worldwide scale. The East would be Boaz, and the middle path (Tower 7), the truth, would be reserved for Israel.

21316974? ago

Would that explain the minaret on top?

21313215? ago

Nah look at the building. It's both towers fused into one. It's some trans shit

21316883? ago

Well, like in Back to the Future, it changed from the Twin Pines Mall to the Lone Pine Mall...

21311937? ago

can you splain that lucy?

21311868? ago

Then rebuilt only Jachin, the male tower, because they were rebuilding that paradigm worldwide. The East would be Boaz, and the middle path (Tower 7), the truth, would be reserved for Israel.

21311686? ago

Maybe decommission the Washington Monument then.?

21311807? ago

Divert the Potomac and flood it all and leave it in ruins as the reminder.

21311858? ago

Fuck yeah!

21311320? ago

“Let me just brag about the cult at the Super Bowl, in movies and tv”


These people are stupid. Symbolism has been their downfall

21312465? ago

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21311297? ago

John Podesta, You sunk the ship!!!

21317641? ago

Was he the idiot with "password" for his password?

21314430? ago

Surely that ignorance warrants punishment in that circle!

21314751? ago

He’s offered penance of changing HRC’s diaper.

21317104? ago

"Please don't seize, please don't seize, please don't seize..."

21311230? ago

Q did say these people are stupid. Their total arrogance in having gotten away with their corruption for so long has been their downfall. The world is watching. Dark to light.

21326531? ago

Also eyes on France Macron, Eye of Horus and Mason symbols, its where the hollywood criminal pedos flee to, the Jew Epstein had property there. Masonic Frogistani ex president Nicolas Sarkozy set to go on trial for corruption after final appeal fails, what would brother n little Olsen say? https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/565b3f2e3999e19f5062bf95/master/w_960,c_limit/t-mary-kate-olsen-olivier-sarkozy.jpg Extradite Businessman for Transferring Gaddafi Funds to Sarkozy Campaign... an internal French policy of forced race mixing? https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=ORZB6_taHDw 1/2 Hungarian Protestant, 1/4 Greek Jewish and 1/4 French Catholic ... full Satanist Luciferian? https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=I8yaiN6ew_g Sarkozy: Challenge of the 21st Century: Racial Interbreeding Sarkozy : Challenge of the 21st Century : Racial Interbreeding - ( You will be bred out. All remainder will be stamped out. abovetopsecret.com

21311210? ago

These people are very stupid. Hang them all.