21319024? ago

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20680940? ago

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20430803? ago

This MK utra zombie didn't even kill RK. The cop did, he was a card carrying kkk member.

20435664? ago

That's irrelevant, even if he was just the patsy, he was under MK ultra mind control and knows enough that he could blow the case wide open.

20421891? ago

Very odd timing indeed, after all these years. There are no coincidences.

20421392? ago

They are going to find out that he was a victim of MK Ultra.

20427536? ago

Yup, and all the evidence is tucked away deep in his mind somewhere, just waiting for the right person to pull it all out. The brain remembers everything, even if its programmed to be inaccessible.

20419802? ago

No, the two people who posted the same thing yesterday feel the same way.

20419654? ago

Prior to JFK/RFK declas?

20664272? ago

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20419684? ago

hmm, interesting observation.

20419342? ago

if you're not familiar, you need to look this up. Thane Cesar, woman in a polka dot dress & the corrupt LAPD pulling excessive bullets out of the wall & ceiling. Sirhan shook his hand from the front & RFK was shot from the back. RFK's death makes less sense than JFK's & MLK's combined. it's egregious

20419443? ago

Bunkers? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3409025 Lifeboat Foundation

20423491? ago

Wow, thanks for the link! I added this over there:

Interesting! I did business with Eric Klein decades ago and do not recommend it. Ended up losing everything I invested. Shady character. Bad-mouthed the other investors which of course should have been a fucking clue, but oh well.

It was a long time ago. Funny to see him again in relation to Q. Does not seem to have aged well based on his picture.

20419054? ago

Strange like scalise 187 shermans 187 whitey bulger 187 epstein 187 waiting for el chapo 187 and others

20419426? ago

don't forget Seth Rich, Michael Hastings, Andrew Britebart, Bill Cooper and many more

20419454? ago

Of course thanks for adding to the list

20419240? ago

Tying up all of the many Manchurian loose ends.

20419047? ago

He may be one of the only high profile MK Ultra "TOOLS" still alive that could unlock the "REAL" story. They want him gone!

20971701? ago

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20932957? ago

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20419264? ago

and Order of the Garter?

20419251? ago

That's my thought too.

20419309? ago

All these years and all of a sudden he is in the news again? Seriously? I am not buying it. They silenced Whitey Bulger in prison too. And they silenced Jeffery Epstein. They must think we are stupid???? Stupid is what stupid does though!

20419404? ago

All these coincidences, they just keep stacking up like dead bodies around the Clintons. I don't know what nitwits still buy the company line, but if they do, they are beyond stupid.

20419995? ago

Fren..... I could not agree more! We as Q followers are ahead of those that have not been exposed to the truth. We are the vehicle now to deliver them the news. I just got off the phone with my 87 yr old father. I was actually discussing with him the Satanic, Pedo, Cannibalism shit that Patriots are exposing daily. Do you think I could have done that 6 months ago? FUCK NO. He would have thought I was a nut job. He is now asking questions about it. Q team is exposing some of this shit through the MSM (atleast in small doses that can get by the filters). WE are driving it home with our words with proof and with making the normies think for themselves and to ask questions. The Great Awakening is habbening!!! Slowly but habbening!!!

20419028? ago

I'm surprised that guy is still alive guess he never met a Clinton

20419026? ago

doesn't look like patriots in control for me

20419435? ago


20419257? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL0hqxeumIg Why Didn't Freemason Lodge # 124 Burn Down in Paradise, California?

20418868? ago

We had a discussion on 4chan about the odd timing...what I'm curious about is Julian Assange. Whats up with him? I haven't seen or heard squat.

20419263? ago

yeah, so much is happening off stage out of sight. We only get glimpses of what is happening.

20419316? ago

and I'm actually ok with it, I didn't start out that way. So much has happened it's just a matter of time before what was, will not be.

20419405? ago

and I'm actually ok with it, I didn't start out that way

I'm the opposite. Tired of the secrecy and lies and deceptions. What happened re: Dark to Light?

the Truth shall set us free, imo

20419444? ago

I can understand that. I don't know what I don't know...not a lot I can do really other than take time to do a little digging here and there.

20419376? ago

He was a Manchurian candidate, and I"m sure there is knowledge in his brain that with the right technology might be accessed, they can't have that happen.

20419423? ago

I have been searching around everywhere for more information on him....it's kinda odd nothing can be found on the dude. I'm not talking about old articles, those are all over archive....I'm I2P'ing around like a weiner and shooting blanks. This has my interest as much as Sirhan himself.

He was certainly under some form of altered state of mind, probably drug/programming combo...MKUltra had so many splinter programs and so many 'human performance' studies at Universities all over the world I do not doubt for one second he did not know what he was doing until it well after it was done.

20419535? ago

He's always been a loose end in one of the CIA's sloppiest operations, but people quickly went to sleep and forgot about him, there was no reason to bring any more light on the subject by killing him, just let him fade away in unknown obscurity.........until now. They never thought she would lose. So many loose ends, so many things to cover up, too many.

20419928? ago

It's kind of amazing that he's still alive. He's been in jail for a pretty long time. All this time, there hasn't been a single peep....then he just up and gets stabbed? Out of nowhere? Not buying it. I agree, all loose ends are getting tied. All chips are being cashed...this feels like panic move after panic move.

20427797? ago

I can only think, up until now, nobody was interested, most of us had forgotten about him so just leave sleeping dogs alone. BUT, now that people are asking questions and researching, ALL loose ends must be tied down. I'm not buying the timing, not one bit. I guess that now Q has one more avenue to put a FISA on and track down more DS operatives. They didn't kill him, they fucked up again, they are sloppy under pressure.

20418997? ago

The Rosencreutzer Masonic, Rose-Croix rosacruz freemason? @flyingcuttlefish ? @Conspirologist @bdmthrfkr @roznak ?

20419193? ago

Correct, a lot of people don't know he was Rosicrucian. I don't know who any of those other faggots are, that's not me. I don't comment out in the wild in Voat...for...reasons. Lurk, oh yes, but comment nope.

20419306? ago

If I'm reading between the lines correctly, you probably shouldn't even have said that.

20419324? ago

tip o fedora

20418935? ago


20419267? ago

I can't find the Sirhan specific one...I was in this one and its still there...https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/224938896/who-is-the-greatest-president-america-never-had-i

20419234? ago

I check the archive hold on

20418814? ago

While an interesting topic, I'm not drunk enough to discuss it at this time.

20418941? ago

In vino veritas

20418770? ago

Yes you are! You Tinfoil hat nigger!

20419284? ago

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but damn man, you called me a nigger, that really hurts. /s

20418929? ago

Hermeticism is a religious and philosophical tradition based primarily upon pseudepigraphical writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus ("Thrice Great"). These writings have greatly influenced the Western esoteric tradition and were considered to be of great importance during both the Renaissance and the Reformation. The tradition claims descent from a prisca theologia, a doctrine which affirms that a single, true theology exists which is present in all religions and was given by God to man in antiquity. The war of Babylon? 1310, Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII of Luxembourg marched into Italy at the head of 5,000 troops. Dante saw in him a new Charlemagne who would restore the office of the Holy Roman Emperor to its former glory and also retake Florence from the Black Guelphs. He wrote to Henry and several Italian princes, demanding that they destroy the Black Guelphs. Mixing religion and private concerns in his writings, he invoked the worst anger of God against his city and suggested several particular targets that were also his personal enemies. http://www.lvx.org/ The Fraternity of the Hidden Light also publishes occult books.

20418781? ago

LA coroner: I 'never said that Sirhan killed Robert Kennedy'

20418765? ago

girl in polka dot dress

20419292? ago

she was the trigger for his programming wasn't she?

20418707? ago

Deep.state can longer hide what they have done and.they know.it. Loose.ends

20418802? ago

Freemason cult group he was with Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis

20418738? ago

? @Himfirst @EuropeNeedsFixing ? @Conejo_loco @MrTerry @Dogsoldiertoo Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doesn't believe Sirhan Sirhan assassinated his father? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3407197/20400442 MK Ultra polka dot dress

20420825? ago

It was my understanding that recently disclosed documents from FOIA requests shed significant light on the assassination.

20418682? ago

This happened on Friday afternoon. Only your timing is suspect.

20419335? ago

Yeah, I guess nothing ever happens on Friday. But if it were a Monday, oh hell yeah, we'd have something then. /s

20418810? ago

Masonic Order of the Rose Cross

20418763? ago

Wasn't there another dead Kennedy, a young girl? v/3rdCouncilofNicea So they said Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doesn't....