21302179? ago

Yep, this has been about time-travel all along, plus we definitely went to the moon, aliens are real and they make the crop circles along with Satan.

GTFO, faggot.

21303303? ago

Why are you even here then faggot? You got it all figured out, you don't need QRV.

In fact what do we even need Q for we this this guy master of all knowledge ladies gentlemen.

Naww I aint mad, you make my little world right this wouldn't be a proper Truth thread without doubter debbie showing up. PLEASE do Tell me more of how stupid we ALL are for following the fucking crumbs and thinking for ourselves!

No double meanings allowed either right? We didn't go to the MOON at ALL, because THIS guy watched a documentary about Stanley Kubrick on history channel. There's NO POSSIBLE WAY we fucking WENT for REAL and used the fake footage to cover up the fleet of ships surrounding our real guys really on the moon, cuz IF that habbened NASA would have told us ALL ......Am I fucking RIGHT debbie downer?!?!?!

Go home yur drunk debbie! Q just changed the world, but crabby crabs gonna crab. All is going to Plan.

"You'll find out!"~Q+ KEK! I aint mad at all I feel bad for you, can't even celebrate a huge victory for the future of Mankind. Sad for you bro, so sad. Shadilay.

21303356? ago

21303303? Digits Confirm. Also, I got GIANT Thoth digits, because I got nasty and told it how it is, to try and dare this guy to think for himself! (I know fat chance, but WWG1WGA.) Digits Confirm.

21300756? ago

I'm there! Thanks. Mine wasn't meant to be, such is the chaos. Thanks faggot, see you around Fren.

21300782? ago

OK fren zzzzzzzzzz

21301007? ago

Sleeping, WTF? Do even know bro? Those who know..... kek

21300532? ago

I just uncovered something of GREAT interest while looking for info in my saved links. Not sure if this is related or not. Check this out and let me know what you think.

Remember "Alice" in Wonderland????



Q = Alice

You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland.

Everything has meaning.

God bless.


21300454? ago

This aint the same shit that was posted.

21300519? ago

You got the original? Please post it I WILL edit the OP to include....

21300189? ago

Q drop #74

Q = Alice

21299973? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=ThmKZU9Qf3I :

David Wilcock - Stargate, Project Looking Glass & Contact - 2012 - YouTube

This has been an automated message.


21299804? ago

Q is Quantum AI at NSA.

Very similar to the enemy system at Google of which DeepMind is a part.

“Shall we play a game?”

21299965? ago

Could be. The video is short, it seems related to what you say. Q could be the computer they used to de-interlace the images from the future.

21299795? ago

I know Wilcock is controversial, but he's got a LOT of ears. The conspiracy community largely agrees with what I remember in the video, re-watching now...