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21293215? ago

Odion isn't baphomet. They share no correlation.

Baphomet is a version of Molech who is a version of Saturn, "Satan", chronos, Ra, etc.

Odin is Zeus is Jupiter is Prometheus is Yeshua is Lucifer is Atlas. You most recently called the Light-Bringer Nikola Tesla.

The Rainbow Bridge is your spinal column. There are 33 vertebra in your spine. The number is holy for many reasons. The Rainbow Bridge leads to Asgard or the other realm, where we truly came from. This place can be reached through deep meditation which takes you inside yourself and allows you to ascend. This process is very detailed and involved. This isn't the place for such explanation.

The arctic and antarctic are portals to the underworld, where the "real humans" live. Look in to Ibez and Operation Highjump. You were on the right track with Admiral Byrd. Read his diary, or at least seek a synopsis. There's just so much to this...

The Arc of the Covenant is the spiritual truth that lies within you. Gnosis, at least it's mention, reveals this secret and opens the Arc. Search within. You will find the answers you seek. Remember.

Stargate is soft disclosure. It references both the humans of Agartha and the ETs that came here to seed life and eventually to open our eyes to the wonders of the mysteries of the uni-verse.

Next, you describe snow white and the seven dwarves, Yeshua speaking of ascension and the door which stands at the gate of the awakened mind. We are all fractals of Creator. We are all one. Yeshua stole the secrets from the secret keeper and shined light on the darkness. He was, as all prophets are, murdered by the secret keepers. The yellow brick road is similar to rainbow road. Why do you think faggots use the rainbow as their symbol?... Penis activates the root Chakra at the base of the spine. This is why elite rape their young, to "activate" them.

Dorothy is us. We're not in Kansas anymore. Now, we play The Game. The objective is to remember your divinity. Remember. Gnosis.

Ahh, westworld. The depiction of real humans watching the "robots", the unawakened. You should really watch the show after reading all of this... Your eyes will never close again. Think simulation. Think about the way in which it's programmed, the parameters of The Game... Oh boy, you really did it now...

Odin traded an eye for knowledge. The divine exchange. It's said he could see more with one eye than any man could with three. Indeed, Odin is the Light-Bringer.

Wake up. Remember.

21294320? ago


Thanks for the response!