21294730? ago

I'm not sure how all of this is related, but the North Pole features prominently in the Bock Saga, which connects all of these concepts, Odin, light, the rainbow bridge, the arctic. Worth a look, if you ask me.

21294245? ago

In images of Odin, for whatever reason, he is equated with baphomet

Christians like to equate any deity other than their own with the devil.

21294038? ago

It is important to note that Odin sacrificed one of his eyes so that he could be granted the power to see into the future. He then gazed into the future only to discover that evil eventually wins. Rather than accepting the future by submitting to evil, the gods decided to continue the fight against evil, in spite of the inevitable outcome, in hopes to delay it for as long as possible.

21294195? ago


21293612? ago

So here is where I get stuck...is the bible to be trusted or not? Is it the work of the devil (KJ1611) demonic bloodline to keep us subdued? Are there real scriptures that haven't been tainted? I feel so lost right now. I am trying to absorb as much as I can and then I wonder if its the devil drawing me in. This is a living hell for me.

21294214? ago

The truth is occulted. (Hidden)

They've always known that.

21293548? ago

Now this is real schizo posting!

21293304? ago

Project ODIN is an advanced DARPA virtual reality war simulator


The Battle of 73 Easting was viewed as confirmation of Jack Thorpe’s original vision for the SIMNET of using networked simulation technology to use history to prepare for the future. It set the standard of a future genre of training simulations. The simulation provided a link with history, but at the same time a dynamic interactive training vehicle for the future. As a computer simulation with programmable variables, the scenario could be replayed with different endings. Indeed the next step after creating this detailed, accurate historical simulation was to couple it with a war game simulation engine, called Project Odin that had been developed in preparation for Desert Storm by the Neale Cosby and the staff of the IDA.

The idea behind Project Odin was to create a simulated electronic environment housed in moving-van sized truck with generator-trailer. Odin was intended for use in the field. It would allow the intelligence officer, the operations officer and the commander to see the battlefield in three dimensions and enable them interactively to zoom to any location to see the arrangement of forces. The knowledgebase for the system was provided by up-to-date intelligence information arriving from the field. By being able to zoom to the different perspectives of the opponent it would be possible to infer the counterpart’s intent, and more easily gain mastery of the battlefield. As Neale Cosby explained, the idea was to create a mobile electronic battlefield with semi-automated forces, whose behavior closely emulates that of the enemy.25 Odin was not designed to destroy targets, but to assist in visualizing the battle about to be entered, or ideally, even going on.

SIMNET technology was at the core of Odin. As described above for SIMNET simulation units, Odin combined a digital terrain database of any part of the world; intelligence feeds of friendly and enemy orders of battle (through another DARPA program called Fulcrum); an order of battle generator; a map display with a two dimensional as well as an out-the-window three dimensional display called the “flying carpet”; and a war gaming engine with semi-automated forces using AI components. The “flying carpet” was the most innovative aspect of the SIMNET machine. It allowed zooming to any part of the battlefield as well as forward or backward jumping in time, from any perspective. Commanders could cruise a computer-generated battlefield that showed the deployment and operations of both allied and enemy orders of battle in two-dimensional and three-dimensional views. The simulated battlefield could be visually displayed from any viewpoint, air or ground, or the overall situation at any moment could be seen on a digitized map. Another important feature of the system was that in 3D mode a popup “billboard” display feature was present which permitted a commander to click on an aggregate of 17 battalions of armor, for instance, and get a selective representation of different classes of weapons, a useful feature for rapidly inspecting the force layout on the battlefield without all the clutter. Once the 73 Easting project was completed the IDA project Odin provided a perfect platform for an interactive, predictive simulation. With the simulation database plugged into Odin, it was possible not only to rerun the historical simulation, but change the equipment used by the enemy to test out tactics for other scenarios.

For example, it was hypothesized that a major factor that favored the 2d Cavalry in the battle was they had use infrared vision systems to navigate in the sandstorm whereas the Iraqis had only optical sights on their equipment. By adding that feature to the Iraqi equipment it was possible to see how the outcome of the battle would have been affected. In addition multiple Odin simulators could be hooked up to the network all running the 73 Easting database. Soldiers in the simulators and commanders at workstations could break into the simulation and add new tactics. With improvements in processors and graphics cards became available it was imagined that the size of the simulation units could be reduced and actually embedded into M1 tank units, attack helicopters, or F-16s themselves as real soldiers train for an impending mission right up to the hour of the engagement.

21294231? ago

Sounds like Jade.. (helm)

21293321? ago

Also, ODIN is the name of a massive 60kW laser for shooting down UAS's

UAV versus UAS, Why this Matters for the Navy's ODIN Laser Turret


The second weapon is the ODIN, or Optical Dazzling Interdictor, Navy (which formerly carried the bland-sounding moniker Low Power Module). ODIN is a laser designed to blind and disrupt “Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) and other platforms that will address urgent operational needs of the Fleet.” That wording implies drones are currently being used to watch U.S. ships at sea.

Words Matter

UAV is a drone

UAS is a system

The "S" in UAS, meaning 'system', includes the UAV (drone) PLUS the equipment to run it remotely, which means the line-of-sight comms facility or mobile unit (read: Radio Antenna tower, station; or terrestrial / naval mobile relay craft) and over-the-horizon comms equipment (read: satellite)

So what’s the difference between UAS and UAV – are they the same ? Well, not exactly….Whilst this does describe a UAV, it goes much further as it is not just the vehicle itself, but the complete system as a whole which includes everything needed to run an advanced operation – the ground control and pilot, communications, hardware/software support equipment, etc.

Translation: If ODIN is designed to neutralize UAS targets, that would include

1) drones,

2) low orbit satellites,

3) high altitude planes,

4) other ships,

5) land-based facilities such as radio towers,

6) UFOs,

7) weather balloons,

8) zepplins / blimps,

9) possibly (NOT SURE), geosynchronous sattelites


21293215? ago

Odion isn't baphomet. They share no correlation.

Baphomet is a version of Molech who is a version of Saturn, "Satan", chronos, Ra, etc.

Odin is Zeus is Jupiter is Prometheus is Yeshua is Lucifer is Atlas. You most recently called the Light-Bringer Nikola Tesla.

The Rainbow Bridge is your spinal column. There are 33 vertebra in your spine. The number is holy for many reasons. The Rainbow Bridge leads to Asgard or the other realm, where we truly came from. This place can be reached through deep meditation which takes you inside yourself and allows you to ascend. This process is very detailed and involved. This isn't the place for such explanation.

The arctic and antarctic are portals to the underworld, where the "real humans" live. Look in to Ibez and Operation Highjump. You were on the right track with Admiral Byrd. Read his diary, or at least seek a synopsis. There's just so much to this...

The Arc of the Covenant is the spiritual truth that lies within you. Gnosis, at least it's mention, reveals this secret and opens the Arc. Search within. You will find the answers you seek. Remember.

Stargate is soft disclosure. It references both the humans of Agartha and the ETs that came here to seed life and eventually to open our eyes to the wonders of the mysteries of the uni-verse.

Next, you describe snow white and the seven dwarves, Yeshua speaking of ascension and the door which stands at the gate of the awakened mind. We are all fractals of Creator. We are all one. Yeshua stole the secrets from the secret keeper and shined light on the darkness. He was, as all prophets are, murdered by the secret keepers. The yellow brick road is similar to rainbow road. Why do you think faggots use the rainbow as their symbol?... Penis activates the root Chakra at the base of the spine. This is why elite rape their young, to "activate" them.

Dorothy is us. We're not in Kansas anymore. Now, we play The Game. The objective is to remember your divinity. Remember. Gnosis.

Ahh, westworld. The depiction of real humans watching the "robots", the unawakened. You should really watch the show after reading all of this... Your eyes will never close again. Think simulation. Think about the way in which it's programmed, the parameters of The Game... Oh boy, you really did it now...

Odin traded an eye for knowledge. The divine exchange. It's said he could see more with one eye than any man could with three. Indeed, Odin is the Light-Bringer.

Wake up. Remember.

21294320? ago


Thanks for the response!

21292689? ago

Strava Heat map AntARktica:

Q - files.catbox.moe/flp3xb.png

Evergreen? - files.catbox.moe/07y9ey.png

Hermes boot - files.catbox.moe/sp90mt.png

Lightning bolt/Thor? - files.catbox.moe/ieag6y.png

? - files.catbox.moe/r9tys4.png

Ark - files.catbox.moe/xnsxc8.png

21292773? ago


21292154? ago

The Bible warns us that the enemy will come from the north. Also look at the UN-logo. It's a world map divided in 33 pieces(they love their numerology). The 33rd part is the pointing at the northpole.

21292142? ago

The emerald color is Gods love and is where we all belong.

Naughty Beaver youtube channel is highly recommended.

21292505? ago

Ill check it thx

21292069? ago

Doh God there's so much to explain...

Maybe if I get time later, I'll fill you in.

21292516? ago

Please do, add link here I've saved this thread.. -op

21291650? ago

Really nice read OP.

21291471? ago

Very interesting read.

Gonna have to read it again to take it all in.

Thanks for sharing.

21297353? ago

Seriously, this is a lot I haven't dug into and it doesn't make a lot of sense, though I get bits of it and that much is connected

21290541? ago

You litterally tied in everything i have immersed myself in of rabbitholes trough the last couple of years. Holymoly if this is the case.

Odin, and the one eye thing blew my mind. Hidden in plain site, and reversed as usuall satanic cuckarooin

21297323? ago

I don't get the eye reversed and how that's good? The eye is the satanists symbol is all seeing, and they usually invert their symbols

21303006? ago

They are propably tainting and stealing a symbol of God.

Im just guessing. They corrupt and invert everything is what i know.

21292175? ago

Hidden in plane (sic) sight like that giant Thor's hammer on the side of Trump's plane? Red and black (sun)?

Father and sun, beginning and end, first and last, alpha and Omega...

21292221? ago

Im amazed. Loving it❤️

Quick question for the ones in the know.

Whats the deal with Loke? How does he translate into this?

21291190? ago

We found Jims hidden message: "Theres a hammer with us" in one of his videos:


Also he wrote a message in greek about his lawsuit against freddy hotwheels brennan

21291977? ago

Whaaaaat? For reals 🙏 what a time to be alive

21291258? ago

Interesting, thanks!

21290737? ago

lol...things are starting to 'click' together... in such an odd way too...

Still leaves me with so many questions though!

21291053? ago

There is soooo many questions running around in my head, and propably also then in te collective. But things really has ramped up in divine syncronitic happenings all around ❤️🙏 God bless us all

Love and light.

21290504? ago
