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21260575? ago

Interesting to relate that hitlers crackdown on Freemasonry and Fortune tellers was apparently precipitated in part by the “defection” of his chief of staff, Rudolf Hess, to the U.K. Hess was convinced he could arrange a peace agreement between German and the U.K., which would mean that Germany could focus on the Eastern front, and which also implied that the U.K. wouldn’t be used as a staging ground for bombing raids or invasions against the continent. But though it was reported as a defection on both sides of the war (Hess disobeyed direct orders when he took it upon himself to broker the price agreement), he was actually held as a high-value prisoner of war by the British, and was brutally interrogated via torture, administration of drugs, and terrorization.

Because the the British secret service operative Aleister Crowley was involved in Hess’s interrogation and torture, it is alleged by some that Hess’a belief in and susceptibility to the occult was actually used to lure him to England on his peace mission, since he had been seeking tarot card readings and dream interpretations from a fortune teller in Germany prior to his flight.

At any rate, these events immediately preceded Hitler outlawing Freemasonry, Fortune Telling and Occult practices, and placing a price on Crowley’s head.

Don’t misconstrue what I say to mean that I think the Nazis were the good guys. But it is a matter of record that very evil people were in the service of the British Crown, so make what you will of that information.

21263809? ago

Don’t misconstrue what I say to mean that I think the Nazis were the good guys.

It's a shame that you have to have disclaimers even in a place like this, even though the story involves the very evil people being brutally against the nazis and Hess being naive and peace-loving enough to be fooled into going to his own torture, like many whites do.

Good Information!

21264100? ago

well if I don’t say that then nazifags here may think I’m defending their ideals. I’m not. It May be understandable why the Nazis were empowered but the things they did were completely indefensible. Because as a nation, Germany got manipulated. They got played. There’s a reason why England was called Perfidious Albion. That’s were the Illuminati was centered. Freemasonry is based there. They say the grand lodge was founded in 1717 but even a cursory study will prove that its history as an institution in the British isles goes back much further than that, even back as far as Alfred’s grandson the Good King Aethelstan.

But the Nazis were focused on a racial purity and racial supremacy ideology, which completely perverted their thinking, strategy, and beliefs. Like Hess, thinking that he had a chance to broker peace with Britain because of shared Saxon heritage. Or like assuming the Germans are genetically superior to Poles and Jews, justifying murder and domination. The Nazis are an understandable movement because of what happened to Germany from at least since WWI and the treaty of Versailles, not to mention the economic and moral destruction which occurred during the Weimar era. But they responded immorally. In other words, it wasn’t merely poor strategy which resulted in them being their nation’s downfall. They were operating on immoral principles because they justified devaluing other human beings. If the German leadership has adhered to moral leadership, it wouldn’t have been an easy sell for the Illuminati to turn the world against them. But as it was, they behaved evilly and represented a clear threat— not just to their neighbors but to the entire world. They didn’t stand for freedom. They stood for a disgusting and hateful ideology. As I said, there are understandable reasons why the Nazis came to power, but just because they were used as bogeyman by evil people in no way makes the Nazis good guys. The only way to be a good guy is to stick to actual principles of justice, equality under the law, fairness toward others, and standing up for what is right. Every human being is valuable in God’s eyes, and the moment we afford ourselves the power to judge the value of another human being’s worth we have failed to live righteously and honorably in the eyes of our Creator.