21252645? ago

Because the whites are not making babies and the Master's need to grow the population to fleece taxes.

21252448? ago

That is fundamentally NOT true.

21251044? ago

Why? Only logical reason may be that caucasians (whites) have a secret plan to move elsewhere.

21250162? ago

they wanna fight.

21250043? ago

I thought the Q mentality supported immigration?

Look to the right of the screen to the "We Stand for (bullshit)" section- equality, Compassion, religious freedom, human rights, might as well stand for nothing

21248311? ago

If you include Canada run by Open Borders Globalist Justin Trudeau , Muslims want all of North America.

Peace Y

21248200? ago

I think the correct response is to force the Africans Asians Arabs and Hispanics to migrate to each other's regions. Then, sit back and watch what happens...

21248199? ago

YES. This. We need to reverse the brown trend. Also getting really sick of every fucking commercial is either full of nothing but minorities, or a white woman in a black man. Ditto with all new shows. Enough!!! I want to watch movies and TV shows with predominately people of color cast, I wanna see people who look like me. White.

21247201? ago

Because jews.

21246913? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i think they aka the (((international bankers))) need world war 3 and the only way that can happen on a large scale is white people we are the masters of war and have been for a long time. the jew has divided us and got us to murder esch other multiple times there big final play is a world wide race war that will lead to perpetual war between the three states.. oceania. ohhh shit this is george orwells book not reality my bad

21253400? ago

wtf? I'm doglegwarrior!

21254638? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ive had this convo with you anon retards i respect what yall are doing you and Q but your attacking people just for using their name is fucking retarded. im agnostic and believe in a creator but if the shit hits the fans im teaming up with christians especially white christians against the jews socialist liberal traitors etc... now leave me the fuck alone or call me dogleg for short!

21259010? ago

from: doglegwarrior

I sniff my farts.

21260750? ago

from: the real doglegwarrior

that was hillarious but you stole that from south park. great episode.

21246820? ago

EXACTLY. Liberal heads must roll. DEATH TO TRAITORS.

21246813? ago

Israel is right about Refugees. Isreal is right about borders. Isreal is right about immigration. Isreal is right about walls.

Could really have fun with this one.

21246757? ago

The same question could have been asked regarding the British colonists. They had their own land mass, so why did they need to invade North America / India / etc.?

21247207? ago

For the resources. Now all those people control their lands and the resources. Why can't they build anything with it?

21246660? ago

USA was never meant to be a white ethnostate....hell the whites who came here couldnt get along with other whites...thats why they came here in the first place KEK

21246235? ago

IMO, ALL people of color should leave North America and resettle on the African continent or South American continent. Let them develop the world and society they "want" on those continents and leave us the hell alone!

21245975? ago

Jews are not victims.

21245972? ago

Good fucking question.

21245787? ago

Because diversity is our strength! /s

21245741? ago

Jews STOLE an ethnostate

21247300? ago

On the blood of white Christians.

21245661? ago

They're in the US & Europe because they are the only 2 areas of this world that have embraced the rule of law enough to afford the average joe's of this world a comfortable and safe life to live out.

Opinoin: I dont think 1st-gen citizen-immigrants should be afforded voting rights. The party that supports immigration legal or illegal, will get their votes 9/10 times because of a humans innate ability to pay allegiance to their dues.Their dues is a vote supporting the party that afforded them the life in their new home country.

21247050? ago


21245507? ago

Don't forget about Australia and New Zealand. The Christchurch shooter was in New Zealand. What the fuck are Muslims doing in New Zealand?

21245415? ago

Drugs and poison in the food, iq reducers. And the federal reserve.

21245339? ago

I love how Americans always seem to forget Canada.

21246725? ago

What is to remember about Canada? That we will be nuking it in the near future when you're muslims take full control and pull some tough guy shit on us?

21248044? ago

And you wonder why people hate you all around the world? You are what you hate, remember that.

21247534? ago

Ironic, that the country that has sunk the furthest from being a white nation thinks it's in any position to throw shit around at other, far whiter nations.

And as for the laughable delusions that other countries are more responsible for pulling "tough guy shit" than the us?

goddamn but you mutts do lack any kind of self reflection.

21245490? ago

Canada, as part of North American continent, needs to be an ethnostate too, alongside US.

21245331? ago

Really, you're going to divisionfag over asians?

Show me on the doll where the asian beat you at math.

21245216? ago

Yes, a thousand times thix

21245125? ago

You win the common sense question of the day.

21245075? ago

Why ? Because you are not in charge, your countries are not controlled by patriots.

21245034? ago


21244804? ago

The sooner Muslims take over the world and send the Jews all packing for Israel, the sooner the Messiah returns.

Should Zionists Support A White Ethno State?

21244889? ago

The only difference between kikes and muslims is that the kikes are better at hiding, and the muslims are useful idiots for the kikes. Muslims and kikes are one and the same.

21244902? ago

Except that Jews want Christians and Muslims to go to war in a big blood sacrifice to that demon they worship.

21253365? ago

"Why don't you and him, fight?"

21253373? ago

Why don't Jews just fight their own wars? All of them.

21258966? ago


21244484? ago

We're not giving it to them, they are taking it. Only 6% of the world's population is white, they are trying to reduce that to 0%, ie genocide whites.

21253238? ago

Our leaders are traitors and letting it happen. We're fucked without major revutions.

21249674? ago

Jews have an ethnostate. Muslims have 50 nations under Sharia. Why are we giving them US/Europe?

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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21246550? ago

fact: whites are the world's smallest ethnogroup. fact: population among whites is falling off a cliff.

21248903? ago

fact: Jews are terrified we will wake up and exterminate them completely.

21259585? ago

GOD is already doing this JOB!

21245914? ago

Revelations says you idiots will be slaughtered to near nothing. Israel is secure, and the kikes want to rebuild the temple.

You are creating end times. Bon appetit. Eat it, faggots.

21248927? ago

I thought you didn't believe the Bible?

21249099? ago

I believe you are a robot.

21245979? ago

The "end times" are when satans children (the jews) are brought to long overdue justice and the world sees them for what they truly are. Antihuman, vampiric, parasitic goblins with no soul.

Coming soon to a theater near you kike. Muslims are going to pour over that little wall and fuck you morons like the goats they pass around next door.


21246024? ago

Tribulations first, kikespawn.

21246103? ago

Oh good one. We got a darby student over here who watches the fake youtube christians that dont understand the book they are reading. Get out of here you stupid jew. Your time will come soon enough.

21246170? ago

By all means, quote your verses, kikespawn.

Mine are always better. They drive you mad.

21246205? ago

I didnt quote any verses you inbred jew. This is why your messiah never showed up, he think you blackhat halfniggers are fucking retarded. You cant even read. ive seen way better JIDF clowns. If anything this exchange is entertaining me at the moment

21246254? ago

You're not even kikespawn? Lol, you're in for a rude awakening.

Keep dreaming, failure worshipper. These fags will never go for it, and it's going to be a long time before conditions are bad enough for white nationalists to take over.

Things will go on as they always have for christcuck countries since cucktianity was first invented. Deal with it, kike.

21246441? ago

"Youre not even kikespawn? Lol"


21246458? ago

You don't even know what you are. You have no idea why you believe what you believe, but you're sure of it.

Your madness is my entertainment. You will serve the kike god until the day you die, no questions asked.

21246638? ago

So are you excited for the big return of jews to israel your rabbis just announced?? You like the book of revelations so much. Thoughts?

21246682? ago

I could give a shit. This is what kikespawn desire.

I'm not lifting a finger for anyone. Under this game, it's every rational shit man for himself. The women are poison, and the men all serve kike gods.

I will survive and prosper. They will live exactly as they want as kike slaves. Fuck them.

21246721? ago

You quoted revelations in your original post. Clearly you subscribe to this prophecy?

21246740? ago

Serve your kike masters, kikespawn.

You are the true traitors to whites. Without your weak minded voluntary slavery to the kike, they would be nothing.

Kill yourself, honorary kike.

21246751? ago

Why quote revelations in such an excited manner, and then claim you dont even believe it??

21246914? ago

Kikespawn, you don't even understand the basics of your own religion.

Never convert from cucktianity please. I love what you'll always do to yourselves. You kikespawn be extinct eventually. Since prophecy would never naturally occur to a rational population, you are making it happen now.

I will just wait you out and mop up what's left.

21246934? ago

Why quote something you dont believe in???

21246959? ago

I can't make it any plainer to you. You will never understand.

That's the best part. You're just a programmed computer. You have no free will. You were born into kikery, and all of your little shits will be kikespawn for life, and so will theirs, and so on.

Until you all die out as you should. The more Christlike you are, the more you destroy whites. It's beautiful.

21246992? ago

Lets go over this. Explain what happens in the tribulation you mentioned.

21247020? ago

Explain why you're a cucked robot.

21244811? ago

Bibi's even been bragging about their numbers coming up and overtaking whites.

21244827? ago

who do you think goes next after the whites? I always wondered who was the 2nd most hated.

21244873? ago

No one else makes them look as bad (disproving the "we're the smartest because God chose US") in comparison. They HATE whites and Christians and most especially White Christians.

21244869? ago

Japanese. Think back to WW2.

21245789? ago

Asian males.

21246715? ago

They won't be hard to delete have you seen these shemales?

21244899? ago

you're right!

21244399? ago

Good point I guess we're just fn stupid.

21244878? ago

Uh did everyone just forget about Russia?

21245363? ago

In the 1970s in high school, I read a prophecy all white nations would fall except the eagle and the bear. After fifty years, the eagle and bear would join forces and eradicate the evil. At the time, Europe was thriving, so I used this prophecy to pooh pooh all prophecies. For the past ten years, I no longer pooh pooh such prophecies. I think such prophecies are written by those who hear whispers of the schemes and seek to counteract the schemes.

21245537? ago

i've heard that one too. where is it from?

21246491? ago

Don't know.

21249279? ago

found it. Nostradamus

21245472? ago

What do you mean by ‘Pooh-pooh’, I apologize I just do not understand.

21245497? ago

American slang for dismiss

21245128? ago

Jews already killed most of the whites from there

21244364? ago

Africans had their own continent until whites invaded and took all the wealth while killing and oppressing the native Africans.

Aboriginal Australians and Native Americans no longer have their continents because whites are like a spreading virus.

Whites also tried to take over most of Asia at one point.

So boo hoo

21245118? ago

This is all blue pilled nonsense.

21244942? ago

Took all the wealth lol

21245157? ago

We raided their mud huts and wooden sticks!

Africans sit on possibly the richest continent and never learned to farm or mine or sail or do anything other than slap mud and grass together to form shelters and throw sharpened sticks.

The valuable resources beneath their feet aren't worth shit unless you have the IQ to do something with it.

21246672? ago

Jews helped create a more equitable society for whites in Europe....prior to Jewish control, you would have been a serf

21244900? ago

1804 Haiti removed white people. How successful they have been.

Africa is removing white people...

Seems they are either resorting to cannibalism or bending the knee to the Chinese.

Whites bring wealth and tech..

Every other culture slavery and oppression comes from them.

jooos are not white, they are shape shifters.

This life that gives you comfort would not be possible without whites.

We let all creatures into our kingdom as family.

The dogs, cats, birds and other species.

Our kindness is what let's other species keep their tongue, even if they are ungrateful.

And think about it.. a world without whites...

The Jooos would own every country.

You would be cattle and regulated and never realize your purpose until harvested.

21244933? ago

The Jews already completely own whites.

Haiti isn't successful because it was sabotaged by enemy white nations.

Whites needed to import blacks, Chinese to help build the US.

Hell, whites couldnt even live in peaceful coexistence with each other in Europe...they have been waging war for millenia.

21245583? ago

Tell my why the biggest slave owners were black, from Africa, or Jews?

Haiti isn’t successful period since they’ve purged whites and submitted to evil..

If you think we are the only people who’ve been fighting, then you are wrong. Let’s say this group of shape shifters has been around for 5000+ years. We know they sow discord in society, and can obviously see they’ve been doin so for a long time. So why should you blame the dogs fighting in the ring, if they are being put on to fight by the people watching?

The demons that these “people” like to worship, are all of those things sitting around the ring, egging the dogs on for entertainment, spreading their wealth amongst each other whilst the whole time sharing their hatred of us. That’s how it really is

21245814? ago

Tell my why the biggest slave owners were black, from Africa, or Jews?

Largest slave owning country was Brazil, which was made of Portuguese whites who interbred with the black and natives kek. Also, the 16 largest slave owning families in the USA were of White British stock, just like most of the Caribbean slave owners. Whites themselves were basically enslaving each other in the form of serfdom throughout Europe.

Haiti isn’t successful period since they’ve purged whites and submitted to evil..

Wasn't successful under whites either, unless you count exploitation of humans to make sugar for French kings and Jewish bankers a success.

21244619? ago

If you're against invasion, population replacement and genocide for Africans, Aboriginals and Native Americans, when then aren't you against it for innocent whites?

What you're describing is generational revenge. You can't expect any reasonable or decent person to take you seriously.

21244648? ago

What goes around comes around

21244588? ago

Only mistake was not finishing the job. Shitskins have zero value. Lower than livestock.

21244633? ago

Finishing the job...kek...most whites actually chose to interbreed with them kek.

Modern Latinos are a mix of White European Spaniards and Native Americans. Even the presidents and founders of the USA used to breed with their black slave women.

Now white men jack off to Japanese cartoon porn and black gangbang porn at increasing levels kek. You are the first species to jack off to its own extinction

21244477? ago

Welcome to planet Earth where every race has invaded and gained wealth. It’s been that way for thousands of years.

21244485? ago

Ok then, dont bitch and complain when you get invaded and taken over then

21244663? ago

I have not done so nor plan on it. I only bitch and complain when politicians try to force illegal immigration down our throats. There’s not a single nation or group of people on the Earth that can straight up take over America.

21244698? ago

21246699? ago

haha fair enough. I should have specific through means of war...

21244537? ago

we will be sure to clap back in a murderous rage

no worries bitch!

21244590? ago

21244267? ago

21246376? ago

They do lie. Joy Behar claims to be Christian. No way!

21244249? ago


I didn't give them anything. It was never mine. It passed from the hands of my father to the hands of a jew.

21245987? ago

Fucked up century. Why did the USA win the Space race against the Soviets to now allow China and others to take the planets and stars.

21253272? ago

Well, it was really a "race to the firmament" and once we got there, now what?

21244216? ago

Because we are muh melting pot and muh statue of liberty and stuff.

21248915? ago

fuck the Statue!

21244321? ago

melting pot

Conceived by (((Israel Zangwill)))

statue of liberty

At it's pedastal, you'll find its famous poem:

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

by (((Emma Lazarus)))

21245053? ago

That poem was also written before the welfare state we live in now.

21244356? ago

((( oh )))

21244318? ago

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