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21229131? ago

They have been doing this slowly over the past few decades.

It is cultural marxism, as it is colloquially known.

The idea is to humiliate the population into submission.

It started out where there would just be a few of these examples here and there.

If you pointed them out, "hey it's just a movie, don't get your panties in a wad."

Now if you say this, you are a "bigot, racist, etc," and it is industry standard, not just a few here and there.

Soon it will be against the law to cast white males in these roles, and or there will be hate speech laws to punish you for wrong think.

They know it doesn't reflect reality. You know it doesn't reflect reality. They know that you know that it doesn't reflect reality.

That isn't the point. The point is obedience, and it will only get worse if the same (((people))) remain in power.

21244299? ago

Frogistani gave the Statue? Africans, Latinos and Asians each have an entire continent. Jews have an ethnostate. Muslims have 50 nations under Sharia. Why are we giving them US/Europe?