21237288? ago

Just call the libtard boomers


21235520? ago

It ain't the Boomers rooting for socialism and communism.

Many generations are at fault for being lazy and not heeding the wisdom of the Founding Fathers.

21235554? ago

I got it now. It is the libtards using the term boomers. They were projecting in their posts and I got confused.

21235496? ago

As a boomer, I, for my generation apologize for the stupid shit that slipped through. Also would like to remind you that many of the underlying strands of the Great Awakening were first spun by boomers (anti war, anti banks, transcendent spiritualism, etc.)

So there's that...

Oh, yeah and we birthed you guys.


21235563? ago

I got it now. It is the libtards using the term boomers. They were projecting in their posts and I got confused.

21235737? ago

I can live with that.

21235427? ago

According to exit polls, Trump's success among the boomers is what gave him the White House. So there's that.


21235463? ago

Aaaah, so "boomers" are baby boomers. It's the libtards projecting again.

Got it.

21235408? ago

Nope just the underlings passing blame


Let'em chirp

21235571? ago

I got it now. It is the libtards using the term boomers. They were projecting in their posts and I got confused!

21235970? ago


My parents were Woodstock boomers.

Im nearing 60yrs

21235301? ago

Seek out a book called the fourth turning. Will explain all you ever wanted to know about generational patterns.

21235577? ago

I got it now. It is the libtards using the term boomers. They were projecting in their posts and I got confused!!

21238849? ago

You've got nothing.

21235271? ago

Honestly, I think ragging on boomers is just something that feels good. They are a very selfish generation, through no fault of their own. It's how they were raised. And they were also corrupted by the Commie Jew.

21235583? ago

I got it now. It is the libtards using the term boomers. They were projecting in their posts and I got confused!!!!

And it wasn't muh joo!

21235431? ago

But understanding 50-60yrs old isnt a boomer.

Boomers birthed the now 50's+

Simple fuck tards cant do math from the 60's forward

21235290? ago


21235433? ago

So you saying the Jews do not want to divide and conquer?

Or they are pushing divide and conquer and the OP is one of them.

Sure wish you could be clearer on this.

Orange Man Bad, Boomer Man Bad (if white) and Epstein did not kill himself.

Rodger that.