21210788? ago

Whether POTUS realizes it or not he is setting the stage for the Antichrist to come. Scripture tells us those in the tribulation period won’t be able to buy or sell, he will be able to track people, etc.

21210456? ago

Imagine the intelligence we get on these people when they travel within cell signal range.. imagine expanding that range 10 fold..

21210410? ago

Who is leading in the development of 5g tech? Israel and China. Trump has all but banned Chinese tech, so who gets all of the juicy Telecom dollars for a Nationwide 5g rollout?

Despite being the leader of the technology, the Jews won't have it in Israel.


21209921? ago

Theory: maybe 5g is a war tactic to kill DS controlled telecom industry

21209618? ago

i think its about shitting up the internet by giving access to even more stupid people, soon their will be so many stupid people you won't be able to tell whats up and down anymore.

21209547? ago

I was worried about that as well. In the same way we were freaking out about the TPP when that was forging ahead before Trump got in. Trump even sounded like he was going along with it but then he did an about face and it was all off yay. I am kinda hoping that this 5G thing will be a bit the same. Maybe its the Streisand effect at work.

21209237? ago

if 5g can do all that harm...it would also be capable of the highest degrees of security.

Those chemtrails can be redirected.

America would have another tool to utilize against Bio-weapons.

21208785? ago

The 5G network protocol will transmit data speeds at the speed of current fiber optic lines. And not just the low end fiber speeds, but mid to upper level fiber speeds. It's not just faster, it's a communications technological marvel that will alter the future.

We are talking about real time data transfer over hundreds of miles with lag (delays, stutters) so small that it's not perceivable to the human eye. Imagine remote control- anything you can think of, with a range of hundreds of miles, or more. To call it a game changer, is almost an understatement.

That's why you hear so much propaganda against it. Some people don't want other people to have that tech advantage. There are of course military, and national security implications involved with technology of this power. Que foreign propaganda about how it will boil your skin, kill birds in mid air, kill trees, mind control people, cause cancer, and generally be the end of the world, and mankind as we know it. Just like global warming.

21220967? ago

Can you point to any long term safety studies?

How is it propoganda to demand those happen before racing to get this up? Even the FCC chairman acknowledged they don't intend to be delayed by testing because there's too much money to be made.

So before you say others are issuing propaganda, maybe you can throw up some (non-industry funded) research to prove the product is safe, yes? :)

21222845? ago

Can you point to any long term safety studies?

We don't need to, because there is zero proof of anything hazardous regarding 5G network protocol signals. Or as the propagandists like to call it "5G radiation.

That is why the propaganda against 5G signals always includes the caveat "long term health effects." It's because the people who make this propaganda know that there are no proven hazards.

So how do they trick people into believing their propaganda if there is no proof of health dangers? Glad you asked. Answer: Through the application of hyperbolic conjecture, baseless speculation, assumptions, and deliberate, misleading conflation of known scientific facts, and omissions of other known scientific facts. A.K.A. Bullshit propaganda tactics.

All of their junk propaganda is based around the well known scientifically proven fact that electromagnetic waves in the microwave frequency range CAN indeed cause damage to humans.

What they DON'T tell you, is that it has only ever been proven to happen when applied at very high power output levels. Power levels a few HUNDRED times more powerful than anything a 5G signal will produce.

Their argument is like me trying to tell you that long term exposure to a 5 mph. breeze is going to cause you harm because it is a known fact that wind can harm the human body....Without me mentioning that my fact is based on tests done using a 2,000 mph. wind blast.

21236621? ago

There are people protesting it in Switzerland right now. They have physical reactions that started as soon as the towers were installed. Insomnia. Ringing in their ears. Depression fatigue. Etc. there are articles about this. You should read them.

21226018? ago

Telling me they don't have to safety test something going outside my bedroom window sounds like a convenient plausible deniability avenue for lawsuits later on. Not to mention breathtakingly arrogant...lol

I mean, even FDA drugs have to do some testing, and that's for stuff that ISN'T being forced on cities and individuals.

21228323? ago

The burden of proof lies on those who make a claim. When they claim there is a health hazard, they need to show proof. Otherwise they are simply stating unproven opinions, not scientific facts. There is no proof in this case, nor any evidence that shows that microwave frequencies at such low power output can affect the human body at all, ergo, propaganda.

21241246? ago

Splendid, then I'm sure they'll have no problem putting it in writing and insuring me from harm so that my neighbors so my neighbors and I can sue later on if they're wrong! ;)

21243579? ago

I can sue later on if they're wrong! ;)

Ignorant technophobic people will be manipulated by competing foreign, and corporate propaganda, and used as pawns to sue them anyways. Agenda pushing tactics 101.

21247334? ago

Corporate outlets are the ones stifling the so called "fake news" websites reporting this.

So yeh - Tell us the burden of proof lies in OUR hands in spite of it being THEIR tech that's being FORCED on us, then ignore/discredit any studies we do provide that don't support the technology.... Then when they get sued (WHEN, not if), say it's some foreign boogyman manipulating us to protect our right to health and privacy.

Makes sense to me. /s

Anyone lurking this thread can read more about 5G here:


And then go to here for steps to take against this corporate enterprise that cares NOTHING about testing their product, as evidenced here in these Voat comments above:


I'm about done with this projection about "propaganda" ;)

21247553? ago

Electromagnetic waves in the 5G range have been studied for a century. Science has long known that when used in high power (several thousands of watts) applications those waves can kill a person in seconds. And it is also know that the power output of the 5G network (power output less than 5-20 watts) are completely harmless.

You are simply ignorant of the science, and as such, ideal prey for the propaganda that is telling you that the sky is falling because of 5G "radiation." Read hard science books, instead of bullshit tabloid propaganda, and learn something.

21248989? ago

Studied vs tested are not the same.

We're not talking about power wattage, we're talking about Radio frequency. My lightbulb (to use your analogy to the other commenter) uses double what your proposed 5G does but it measures zero RADIO frequency. Whereas my cell phone does use minimal power wattage and yet it sends my EMF reader into the red/unsafe levels as defined by the national standards.

You're talking about apples while I'm talking oranges. I don't know if you're just trying to confuse me, but hopefully this is clear. Voat is making replies very difficult because of the number of our replies.

21234992? ago

Wrong a scientist from au was working on 5g and he determined it was very unsafe. Ne sued the Au government and won preventing 5 g from being used for the last 10 years but nobody remembers. I read the god dam article ffs.! < So what your telling me is this never happend. How about a big go fuck yourself.!

Its not propganda he won the court case.

21235428? ago

Winning a court case does not prove legitimate scienctific findings. Only scientific facts prove that. Environmentalists win court cases all the time to ban all sorts of things based on unproven global warming junk "science."

Sounds like the article you read was bullshit too. So link it of gtfo.

21236628? ago

You’re a retarded robot. I’m not OC but have followed your arrogant idiocy. There are articles all over. Go use a search engine.

21237788? ago

The articles are garbage. The electromagnetic "radiation" used in the 5G protocol cannot harm you any more than the electromagnetic "radiation" from a light bulb in your room.

The light bulb radiation in your home, or office is in a frequency range TWO orders of magnitude higher than 5G radiation AND is being emitted at 10-50 times the power level!!! You scared of your light bulbs?

Learn science, and think for yourself, or else rely on propagandists tell you what to believe through "articles."

21251636? ago

Wait what?

So you’re saying 5G is....?

And why is everyone freaking out?

The birds falling out of the sky are....?

People having side effects from the frequency are...??

You’re saying that radiation emitted by 5G is smaller than your lightbulb?

I’m gonna need sauce. And you to write a well posited essay on this shit. If ever there was a place to do it, it’s here of QRV.

If I’m a fool, give me the education. I want to know.

21208747? ago

if Trump wants it... DS and libs will be against it...so.... no 5G

21236663? ago

That’s the one thing I see bipartisan agreement on. Or rather crickets from both sides.

21208710? ago

5G testbeds have been around for years and various metropolitan areas have already gone live. Anyone who poo poos the potential health effects of 5G are ignorant of the topologic insulator characeristics of the human skin, and that how these waveforms interact with our surfaces effect what happens below the surface.

Sweat glands, unfortunately, are shaped in spiral fashion resembling micro antennas, and so they will for one be 'receiving' what hits our surfaces.

60GHz such as what Qualcoomm is blasting in San DIego is absorbed by oxygen. That's fine unless you happen to be a living organism whose mitochondira depend on oxygen as a terminal electron receptor.

Disease statistics among the population will continue to manifest in clusters, pockets, and be zip code specific because it will depend on the kind of technology being deployed in that specific area. Look especially for mitochondrial related diseases and spikes in infections in densely populated metro areas that went full 5G. Also wildlife populations will be impacted, especially insects.

The telcom industry has been successful in quashing any legitimate debate and research into the biological effects of any sort of non ionizing radiation beyond a thermal effect.

Despite the hundreds of studies stating otherwise.

I refuse to support Trump or his campaign. Because I am in interested in Making America Great Again rightly defined; which necessarily includes elevating the priority of public health even in the face of big tech and big business who buy and sell science to have their way with the blessing of congressional acts and federal agencies.

Trump is a business man and he will do what he can to boost our economy, tech advances are obviously critical in his calculus. The military / security application is the added bonus and historically those entities have hardly prioritized public health in what is developed and utilized.

I do not expect Q to ever address this, because the Q plan is apparently critically dependent on controlled 5G build out. Nevertheless there are no assurances that this is either biologically safe or self-inhibted fromm violating our 4th amendment rights.

So its up to the community to decide what we are willing to accept as 'necessary' for the plan.

21236603? ago

I love you. Thank you.

21220737? ago

I'm with you as well. This is a line I simply don't want crossed. Especially based on faith alone, or a promise to somehow make it safe. I will allow for the possibility that POTUS is bluffing with his apparent enthusiasm, but I will never back this technology.

21208576? ago

Defense for many things, the firewall.

21208402? ago

I have heard 2 reasonable explanations for 5G

1: HIgh conspriacy... 5G is an evil mind control tool that will be used as an advanced form of Trans-Cranial-Direct-Stimulation to directly (from towers) or indirectly (through our phones or whatever) manipulate our minds by tuning to our nervous system frequency. It appears to be a blunt tool that will do stuff like disrupt sleep, burn the skin or make your ears ring. Not something that would let a nefarious individual force you to send a specific email or whatever.

2: ALL of the 5G negativity is simply Guerilla marketing targeted at people like us for the benefit of... drumroll please... THE CABLE and DSL COMPANIES! They know that gigabit internet in your pocket that could be used for a local near-infinite-bandwidth mesh network will put them the fuck out of business completely in a few years so they have hired shills and gaslighters to make up the 5G is evil story so that we will all push back against it thus cementing in their monopoly for another generation.

I don't fucking know but what I do know is that there are smart motherfuckers out there who would be hacking this tech the minute it hit their hands. If there was some secret shit they would hack it and use it to rob a bank or get to fuck a hot woman or whatever... They would invariably get caught and I havent hear jack shit like this happening so it leads me to believe #2.

But that could be the plan of the CIA to get me to come her and tell you #2 is real which means it must be bad... If its bad I have a feeling it would be killing mosquitos and such in the droves... maybe hang a bug-attracting light right in front of your 5g antenna when it is forced on you with a screen so they can't die simply by burning to death on the bulb from heat and see if the corpses pile up. Hell, do a scientific experiment with a dozen 'control' lightbulbs and a single 'test' lightbulb which is right in front of the antenna. Move the antenna every night from bulb to bulb and count the dead insects.

If the antenna is killing them then you shoudl see the peak deaths move with it. Next up try it with rats, mice, pigs, etc.

21236643? ago

How would 5G put them out of business? We still need “carriers” to “give us access” to the 5G network. Just like we do now with 3 and 4g

21237851? ago

I believe. 5g is fast. Enough that it can be turned into local mesh networks easily... No carrier. Poin to point.

21208981? ago

What else... Ummm, I have heard that 5G is banned in Israel.

Not only that -- try gay marrying, or gay adopting, in Israel!

21209464? ago

So Israel ain’t all bad then.

21209225? ago

Crossing a national border illegally?

21208291? ago

This dialogue is not on the level and I don't like it. They talk about 5g as if it were some form of mind control tech and they think they can use it to defeat communism by zapping Americans with it. It's like the coverage matters because they need to make sure to get us all.

Why the FUCK is it a priority to install new cellular radio transmitters before making public prosecutions of criminals for treason?

You sound as angry as I am - I know firsthand that prosecutions can be slow - but, my word. all this crap's getting implemented (along with Hussein's leftover initiatives,) and ALL of it is eroding our and our descendants freedoms.

21208021? ago

The wall is so much more than we know.

21208411? ago

Space wars

21208938? ago

You got a dub! One chance in ten.

Seems accurate. Firmament.

21208102? ago


21207799? ago

There's a good 5g and a bad 5g. One is harmless (to an extent) and the other is deadly (over the liong term . e.g cancer and oxidative stress at the biological cellular level) Trump had to have been told this otherwise he wouldn't be shilling the good 5g. This came from the gregarious edge of wonder folks who have inside ties to alliance and Q briefings. They know more than they are letting on...

21209271? ago

I doubt that Rob or Ben from Edge of Wonder ever claimed any inside relationship to or briefings with Q. They cover many many subjects, not the least of which is the dangers of Communism.

21208075? ago

OG anons see your bullshit! Edge of wonder popped up months AFTER Q started posting.


Be Careful Who You Follow

21207743? ago

Because we all will HAVE to be connected in real time so we are easier to control.

21219916? ago

Sat installer here comms cert3 . The only thing they cared about was gps cords. Tis why i stuck any random number in the box. Long live free will.

21207673? ago

Maybe 5G will be necessary to send everyone various proofs (videos, pictures, etc.)

21207569? ago

Q and 5G are both Jewish inventions.

21207426? ago

This is an excellent question that I've been needing Q or POTUS to answer as well.

21207341? ago

Maybe it can harm humans a little, but maybe it also kills reptilians or other bad archons.. ?

If any of that shit is real?

Maybe it'll cause them greivous sores?

21208130? ago

Ahh thanks for the piece.

21207318? ago

Deep state already poisoned us all with a parasitic fungus that reacts to high frequency radio transmissions. It was genetically engineered based on shit like this Ophiocordyceps unilateralis but changed to respond to radio signals. They've been spraying it on us for long enough that probably 98%-99% of us are fully irreversibly infected. (The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.) Think of it like a fungal spore that infects you and grows into your brain and responds to a 5g signal so you can be controlled like a remote control puppet.

The deep state wanted to create a real zombie plague just like the movies. However in reality it would be like a cross between zombies and the skynet attack from the Terminator movies since the "zombies" can be controlled by AI using every cellphone on the planet to make people murder each other.

That's why the power had to go out in California while Q team killed/captured the leader of ISIS. The digital infrastructure is already deployed there and is still under deep state control. (watch California)

That's the "Z" Q talks about when Q says "avoided Z" and it's the reason declass has to wait for 5g tech.

21232478? ago

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21232424? ago

Good share.

What I've been hearing is Earth has been quarantined by Aliens. No outside shall contact Earth. Why? Because there's an AI on Earth. Earth is infected with this AI, and the Aliens dont want it spreading.

I remember the Aliens, the Grays (I think), are like zombies. They have been genetically progressed for so long that they can't reproduce, hence why they were abducting humans for testing of the reproduction system. I also do believe The Grays are controlled by an AI.

I also know that the chemtrials was spraying nanotech fuel for the nanotech that's already in our body to get the nanotech to reproduce itself in our bodies. We already got the nanotech from injection of some kind, and it can only reproduce itself for so long until it needs fuel.

I also do know that the chemtrail tech was taken over by Q and Trump, so this will be turning around.

21240098? ago

Interesting. I've seen some nano detox protocols, but have also heard it's vital to deprogram it before trying to remove it or it will just replicate & be even worse. Do you know about that?

The chemtrails are still happening, but they're different now, in that they disappear much faster (not as fast as a contrail, but still faster). I'm also seeing a ton of really trippy pancake-like cirrus clouds lately.

21246518? ago

I havn't heard about that. What I've heard was keep your mind strong, love and light is the most important thing in life, as we create our own reality.

I have heard of a theory that the nano tech gets triggered when your body is example a certain age. That's just rumors, but I wouldn't be surprised.

The best way to remove cancer is to go on water detox. Don't eat anything. Just drink water. Do it for 30 days and your body will remove all the crap, and eat all the crap from your body. Cancer can't grow if there's no food, and your body will eat the weakest part of your body, so cancer is part of it because it's just waste product.

21247424? ago

That's more and more what I think - what you just said about keeping the mind strong and heart full of love & light. Arguing and resisting this shit is tempting, but also feeds it your energy.

Focusing on it being dismantled seems a better route ;)

21260971? ago


The only thing I've heard over and over again in different context is ... We create our own reality.

BUT remember, when focusing on war on terror - it creates more terror. Should be focusing on world peace.

Focusing on war on drugs, creates more drugs. Should be focusing on healthy living.

Google's motto, don't be evil. They became evil. They got rid of it, but it's ironic the stuff they say dont, it then becomes real.

That's why our mind don't see the word Dont. It only sees the words after it. So always focus on the positive. Not the negative.

21268411? ago

I am with you Fren. I spend hours meditating on filling the Earth's grids with love and light. You're right - our subconscious hears the thought without our judgement, and produces accordingly. That's why I try to give as little focus to the news as possible while still being aware. I DO think awareness of the bad stuff is important but detrimental to dwell on, especially when going to bed at night.

21273868? ago

You are 100% correct Patriot!!!

The world is waking up. The Great Awakening! I can feel it!

21232452? ago

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21219222? ago

Z = World War Z > The Final War.

Z is the last letter of the alphabet.

Z does not exist in the Isisian coding system for that reason. <

21220568? ago

^^^ trips!!! ^^^

21220629? ago

Digits confirm. <

21214800? ago

I've had this same idea for years. If you read confessions of an Illuminati vol 666 he writes about pretty much this exact scenario. Scary.

21210211? ago

whats the cure bro

21219397? ago

excellent question. I guess if you were designing such a thing you would fear being infected yourself so you would probably give the organism a kill switch that could be activated via radio transmissions. So maybe 5g tech can also be used to cure us?

21209138? ago

i'm gunna need a source on that.

21208510? ago

o7 I like me some high conspiracy! Any sauce?

21210399? ago

edited to include nonsauce

21208144? ago

Post 144. Goggle

Conspiracy (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

21232475? ago

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21219185? ago

Yes I am on it Fren as discussed. <

21220619? ago

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21208166? ago


21208916? ago

With a 166!

21207430? ago

I followed until the Z part. I still don't get what declass has to do with 5G

21207800? ago

because it includes so much, many years of corruption, probably thousands of hours of video, picture, exhibits, documents. The population needs to be able to access and see the truth, such a dump of info would crash current system.

21207403? ago

Makes me think of the book "Cell" by Stephen King...

I still don't understand what the power outages had to do with cell towers since those always have big generators (?)

21219198? ago

Stephen King is a high level Satanist and Architect of Evil. <

21220346? ago

Yes. Could easily be presenting truth as fiction ;)

21220392? ago

It's soft disclosure of what (((their))) plans are. < They must tell us what they plan, or they don't gain the dark power to do it. Hence the function of all Media, Music, Movies, TV, and Ads. It is more than just brainwashing/Mind Kontrol. <

Cell also means > Terrorist Cell. <

21220525? ago

Yes, spot on. In the book they literally roamed around in flocks with a telepathic hive mind killing the so-called "normies" who hadn't been infected by the "pulse" from peoples' phones. It's a lot like OP's dream actually ...And what I suspect capabilities are in reality.

21208910? ago

You touched on a key hidden point: the amount of power supplied to the cell towers, FAR EXCEEDS the amount of power necessary to transmit signals.

So -- what's that facility doing with the extra power??!?

21210779? ago

Yes, very thick wires leading up, and lots of them. The generators tell me they VERY much don't want them ever going down... Like, ever.

21207268? ago

It helps detect alien dna

21209842? ago

This was my train of thought as well. The alien presence among us.

21207102? ago

I think the Matrix movies reference how this ends.

21207457? ago

I wouldn't make any assumptions on that.

21207099? ago

for the last 2-4 months, all day every day, pretty much 100% of daylight hours, there has been a helicopter flying non-stop missions to install new telephone poles and what looks like radio transmitters on top of the mountain near my house.

21207044? ago

Qanon does not mention it.

Despite the FCC report, CIA research, and many peer-reviewed documents stating the biological effects of it.

It is a geo/bio fence that allows for real time tracking of any bio-signature.

21209428? ago

I’ll bet it also allows 4D mapping of said bio-entities.

21221048? ago

Kirlian photohraphy. With military capable of wearing goggles that capture heat, consider what they can do after spraying our bodies for 30+ full time. And then also consider how suburban neighborhoods use cheaper and cheaper materials almost entirely devoid of heavy metals. Everything is plaster and plastic surrounded by ground layering 5G.

21240841? ago

Notice they've banned lead paint & largely phased out aluminum screens?


21300473? ago


21208528? ago

It's the main thing that has me suspecting the end game of all this is NOT what many here assume. You better be comfortable with redefining your notions of "freedom" in a level of surveillance state you couldn't have imagined previously.

21221015? ago

Which makes be suspect the Satanic Penic people are working with the new and improved Pedophile panic people in order to further propagate the notion that we must all be tagged and tracked for our own safety.

Very similar psyops and disclosure processes using the exact same crowds only 30 years apart.

21209117? ago

we are blindly following the Horse of the apocalypse.

21208882? ago

well, i've got internal parasites, what's a few more outside? only so much blood they can get from a stone!

21208174? ago

spot on

21208088? ago

Turn up the dial and poof everyone goes night night. Turn up the next dial crazy. Then death.

21220988? ago

Exercise or majijane seem to be decent deterrents.

Perhaps it is time for headbands to come back into fashion.

21221063? ago

Soaked in cbd oil perhaps.

21221125? ago

Woven with copper and silver thread.

21221142? ago


21208867? ago

many movies!

that m night shyamalamadingdong about the plants that make people jump off buildings

etc, who cares

21207687? ago

Well, we can track [them]. But otherwise wtf.

21207041? ago

i'm with you man, it stinks. all i know is if it's bad, i'd rather the US deploy it first. At least we're less likely to use it for world domination.

21207465? ago

We need to rose up to stop it, period. I think another country did that recently. Was it Japan? Switzerland? I cannot recall

21207028? ago

Based on the shit Qanon says and what research reveals, this movement is supposed to be pretty much the most difficult single planned operation ever undertaken in all of human history. They are supposedly trying to purge systemic world-wide corruption without it devolving into a war that kills everyone. Seems like during such an operation they would primarily focus on planning for things that are absolutely mission critical. Like, you don't see them bragging at political rallies that iOS is gaining market share vs Android because phone operating systems don't matter in the big picture with regards to world politics and bringing justice....so why the fuck does the speed of cellphone internet matter?

21209114? ago

Speed doesn't matter. Speed is dependent on wave form and materials that deter or hinder the wave from propagating and penetrating to a receiver. 5G only works with hundreds of tiny receivers and meshing.

Fiber requires none of that. Also there is no harmful microwave radiation or mood inducing side-effects. To the say the least of it...

21220817? ago

Question - if they're wiring "fiber" near me along the road (aerial), would this be for wireless or hard wired only? It's connecting the cell towers supposedly, but I don't know if that means they're gonna throw up some small cells in between, or if this is legit fiber (only) the way I've always understood it to be? I've also seen them doing pole measurements so I'm concerned.

21243507? ago

The sheathing on the cable is extremely important. Typically they contained a gelatin material, copper, and composite materials to keep from "kinking."

Generally speaking it is better to be 18-24 inches underground, not strung about on poles. The only reason they use poles still is that splicing is easier from a boom-truck versus digging up the property or requiring heavy trenching equipment.

To answer specifically, if their is a broadcast mechanism then the cable is only being used to connect the current to the transmitter. If you have lines to each house from a base node or box (safest way) then you are receiving a direct line-to-line connection which is considered safer. Then the only transmitter is your wifi which can be neutralized (depending on the Cable Company on their equipment) with ethernet cables.

For the sake of these types of arguments, and to use more liberal legal language, what we want is to reduce all emissions to 0. On the inverse side of that statement, we need technology that reveal equipment emission. The technology available to monitor or capture emissions is expensive and not commercially known to the public. Purchasing it may or may not put you on a whitelist or blacklist also (I'm guessing).

21246700? ago

I'm with you. We keep our WiFi off and use Ethernet cables. We even ditched our DECT cordless phones and turn off any WiFi capabilities on other gadgets when it's present. I have an EMF reader ($130) to check emissions, and it only goes up to 3 GHz but unless there's a cell phone or microwave oven in use, we are almost always in the green thankfully. I've gone through a bit in order to not produce emissions, so it annoys me greatly to see it being forced upon us. I asked the workers what was going on & they said they were running fiber from one tower to another and didn't know beyond that (everything is so compartmentalized anymore and of course they were a contract company..). The wires didn't look especially thick like you'd see on a tower so idk. I HOPE it's direct fiber, as that would be awesome. But after that is when I saw people doing utility pole measurements, pictures, survey sticks etc.. And I don't think they'd need to do that if we were just being hard wired :(

I'm with you - It doesn't matter how much we shield - I still want zero emissions, for the good of ALL.

21260753? ago

It is possible it is a censor array. Hard to say.

If you have any other resources on commercially available products, I'd be interested in seeing what you have. If you want to dig deep, bio-fencing, you can find a cheap aura (yes, aura, camera on Amazon. And Kirlian photography is very old technology.

Combine those two things and you have a powerful eye on everyone. You can tell when they're having sex, getting angry, falling asleep. TSA scanners are nothing compared to what they use internally. Now you add chemtrails full of heavy particulates and a low-level ground layer saturated with 5G; you have an eye on the zoo at all times.

21276324? ago

It's just horrible, and unfortunately none of this is hard to believe for me. I also suspect those Ring/surveillence cams they get people to put on their houses are able to catch much MUCH more than they let on. How devious, getting unsuspecting neighbors to spy for them until they get the real deal up and running.

All i have is a basic EMF reader (www.radmerers.com), which won't measure the ranges 5G is capable of. I would love to have a Kirlian camera though (I've always wanted to be able to keep tabs on my aura and think those things are cool as heck..lol)

21208851? ago

I think it's an attack vector that VSG GEOTUS President Trump is attempting to delay.

21220754? ago

Delay, as in pretend to want it quickly but delaying 5G rollout behind the scenes? I've considered this.

21236594? ago

Except it’s rolling out.

21241170? ago

I know. It's coming to my street.

21221187? ago

Yes, that's my thinking.

21225423? ago

I'm hoping. I sure know anything he touts will get automatically opposed by the other side, but a lot of them already oppose it. So maybe it's to get people researching/talking about it. (To get the oppsition stronger..lol)

BUT, I'm also seeing the masts popping up all over my town, so I'm watching closely.

What's VSG?

21225691? ago

Very Stable Genius

21226022? ago

Ahhh OK ...nice!

21207509? ago

One video I watched claimed that 5g network supports encrypted communications for first responders. So no more radios that people can scan (does anybody do that these days anyway?).

I have not seen any evidence to support this, though. I support full transparency from our government

21241149? ago

Ironically, firefighters in CA were the ones lobbying to keep it away from them:


21207574? ago

first responders have been on encrypted comms for a while now only small precincts are still in the clear

21207136? ago

More people need faster access to cat pics and porn to keep them occupied.