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21214545? ago

I wish we could get this Tweet directly from POTUS.

It would be a good first step.

21217421? ago


QUAD-DUBZ!!!....!!!!....Digits Confirm in a YUGE way!!! OMD (Oh My Digits) I've NEVER seen full digits in a post on QRV before!

Pepe: "Attention POTUS: THIS!!!!!!"

21220488? ago

How about this.?

21220593? ago

21220488? [BOOM] (when we see this on POTUS twitter)

21224739? ago

o-o ... DUDE, did you see the digits I got on my Mandela effect post??? ...!!!

21221717? = QQ digits! ( if you count all the letters its U,V,Q,Q = Q+Q in the sunlight??) Digits Confirm SOMETHING about this in a big way.

Full disclosure: I only tease about the Mandela effect because I lived it (weird long story) but I still only half believe it, I use it because its the only thing that fits what habbened to me, but man things like this keep me from dismissing the idea completely... Each time something like this goes on, makes it harder to deny. THEN on top of it add in "The Adventures of little Barron Trump" and "The Last President" ~ Ingersol Lockwood in the 1890's.... (It's getting spoopy here, kek)

Sometimes I miss being a normie, but I'm not gonna be a little bitch like the traitor guy in "The Matrix" who sold out his friends to get back in and forget it all. Good thing this buttercup is fully buckled up (and puckered up too kek). WOW what interdasting times to be alive!

"Quantum Chaos is a hell of a drug" =





Shadilay Fren, Shadilay!

21230476? ago

Can you please link that post ?

21232419? ago


21221717? ago

...and then, ::Mandela Effect:: habbened. Best timeline ever. Welcome to the best possible outcome Fren! Its cool here, they have "stained bears" and weird logos on everything, and Sinbad NEVER made that crappy wannabe genie movie here either (thank God!). Quantum Chaos is a hell of a drug I tell ya. Hey you know how many timelines we had to skip to get here? The nuke holocaust one, that zombie one you came from, the robot terminator one next door to yous, the fake alien invasion one (yuck and ouch), probably missing a few, but you get the idea.

I mean don't get me wrong I'm still expecting something drastic, but so far so good, right? I think as long as we all behave ourselves and stay frosty and don't get too attached it will work out pretty good here. I don't see that doom and gloom anymore, but my guard is still up, still prepped, still locked and loaded. Tinfoil hat is fully afixed, until jetson-cars and teleporters and space travel are things (again).

Sweet Dreams, Godpeed, Good Luck and of course Shadilay Fren!

21231850? ago

"those who know can't sleep"~Q

Anon 1717 here again:

Ya, and at least one reason is because they are too frikin' excited about how good its going to get when Earth is free from her/our chains. KEK!

I keep going over this post in my head even when I'm trying to sleep! These are the yugest digits I think this Pepe has ever gotten yet. It's based partly on what I've seen in my dreams (of a happy future), and stuff I remember that never habbened in this timeline. I'm also pretty sure the bad futures I dreamed are past because I was younger in them. I think it would've started under Barry if it was gonna habben on this timeline. I think The Patriots stopped the worst of it. Maybe "John Titor" did it back the 90's when he hit our timeline, not sure, but I'm SO thankful.

That fake alien invasion was a recurring nightmare I had a lot as a kid, really sucked balls too (I got eaten alive). My body is stricken with things now that I never had in those, but none of the bad stuff has come to pass either, so hey I'll take the hit to avoid the bad times. The VA fucked me up here, but if that's the cost of avoiding living hell, its a great deal I'd say.

Just writing this as my official Thank You card to The Universe! Thanks Universe! (and all your helpers too, Thanks!) Shidilay Universe, Shadilay! And to ALL my Pepe Frens too, so glad I get to meet all you wonderful faggots this time! (Much love, no homo kek) ThankQ! (This is all new to me, its nice!)

21234884? ago


Good Day

Long live kermitt. Kek.