21224953? ago

POTUS Press? Just how is this twitter account associated with Trump?

21222116? ago

I made an FCC complaint about them after the Syrian/KY Night Shoot blatant propaganda, and after this I contacted the DOJ and FBI. The Powers That Shouldn't Be need to know we're pissed off, and this cannot stand!

21219238? ago

All at the same time the MeToo movement was front and center. Just more proof that these people are completely full of shit.

Aaannndd she still works for abc. Guess she’s full of shit too.

21218709? ago

No, they also have the freedom not to speak.

21217924? ago

That's a fan account

21217919? ago

I don't think so. Negligence implies their was no ill intent.

21217515? ago

This is an unofficial Twitter feed. It is not from the Administration or POTUS. Stop using fake Twitter crap for fucksakes to push an agenda.

21217506? ago

Based on the "Will and Kate" story they didn't want to miss out on, Brian Cates surmises that ABC actually had this information FOUR years ago--that the video given to Project Veritas was already a year old.


21217103? ago

because they are all guilty, CIA runs the govt

21217067? ago

Where in the world is GHISLAINE MAXWELL?

21217652? ago

Yeah! Her! And Feinstein?

21216837? ago

Now read EO 13818 again, and know how fucked abc just became!!!! Time to pay up those sheckles, Disney Faggots!

21216600? ago

It's a trolling tweet because he knows the answer and he's doing something about it. And I take total credit for this. I wrote an email to his lawyers outlining the exact legal strategy. I'm a lawyer and never was able to convince my litigator partners to take on this case, but it looks like Trump's lawyers are doing it now. We've been in back and forth communication on it. Trump's tweet makes me think they are going to do it!

The basic idea is that we are all consumers of newspapers, cable news, subscriptions to online news agencies, etc. And as consumers we have a right - protected by statute in every state - to fair and non-deceptive representations of the product or service we are paying for. It is called the Consumer Protection Act or the Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices Act, depending on your state. Consumers can sue for damages, tripled, and all their attorney fees. Consumers can become a class as well. Imagine the size of a judgment requiring all the cable companies, the online subscriptions, newspapers and magazines to refund their revenues and start labeling their work product with, "parts of the following article are the conclusions, opinions and unverified accusations of the author."

Go get em Donald.

21220638? ago

How do the rest of us get in on the class action part? Surely don't have enough energy/money to sue something so big myself.

21220658? ago

You have to either approach a class action law firm and ask them to take on the case (if they say yes they'd do it on their nickel, not yours) or you have to wait for a class action lawyer to start the case and then ask to join as a class member.

21220334? ago

POTUS Press is not the President's account.

21218343? ago

Definitely not a law fag here...Can it be a class action suit and all of us can get a settlement?

21220235? ago

Yes, so long as you're registered in the class. If a law firm does this all the way, it can bankrupt the MSM and require future reporting to either stick to the facts or admit when their articles contain non-factual conclusions. It would be the most consequential thing in American politics.

21223027? ago

Wouldn't that be a grand way to hold them accountable for that crime? But there is still the issue of conspiracy and treason that is a separate but related issue.

21217519? ago


Digits Confirm lawfags story! FULL DUBS AGAIN!!!! Quad-Dubz TWICE in ONE thread??? WOW Pepe is with you lawfag, Good Hunting, Godspeed, and Good Luck! Get 'em!

21218630? ago

21 21 66 00

What are the odds of that clean number. Very interesting pickup. Its all real!

21219472? ago

What are the odds

I'm not sure but I'd say it was "mathematically impossible". (Meme magic is no JOKE!)

21216524? ago

The name for it is misprision of a felony.

21220355? ago

Which is a horrible legal concept because it assumes everyone graduated from law school and knows a felony when they see one.

21216513? ago

Please stop being stupid newfag.

This has no connection to potus. It's unaffiliated.

21216388? ago

Aiding and abetting Child sex traffickers requires a brutal Justice. The lose of all safety nets for the dependents and next of kin is not enough. Public executions need to be swift and MANY.

21217140? ago

Canada is a Pedo controlled State. US now has harsh punishments to make child trafficking a Capitol crime if they are exported or imported. This is according to National Security laws on the books. (Thank Trump!)

21216372? ago

but he wouldn't have known about it unless the ABC news anchor told.

21216366? ago

What if..... Trump signed a doc saying that they could take any money that was gotten by child trafficking. Isnt that called the Executive Order?

Who owns ABC?

Are they connected to Disney?

Disney sent kids to Little Saint James pedo island.

If Disney is attached to Little Saint James, AND owns ABC, wouldnt that mean the Executive Order would allow them to take ABC's AND Disney's assets??

21224469? ago

Probably already frozen a lot of assets -> Magic Wand -> (((they))) can't collapse stock markets since can't sell...

God speed Patriots!


21218660? ago

Trump did say the fake news will all collapse without Trump when he finishes his second term.

Would be awesome!

21216156? ago

That's not POTUS. Don't really know who that is but they bring up a good point.

21216071? ago

The whole Epstein story and his Lolita Express broke around 2013. Why is this ABC news chick acting like she "knew before anyone". When Epstein was arrested, he was re-arrested and then the SECOND Epstein story broke, not the first.

21216065? ago

Is it aiding and abetting? Did it put any of the women in danger?

21217153? ago

Only children at the time of the human trafficking.

21215181? ago

Project Veritas and Judicial Watch dropping Red Pill MOAB's.

21224482? ago



21215749? ago

Well today they dropped a turd in the punchbowl

21216407? ago

Want to bet your freedom on it... (snicker)

21215857? ago

Watch the roaches scury about trying to get extra punch. Eye eye.

21216552? ago


21215171? ago

ABC just got exposed but do you think all the other news channels didn't know about Epstein? They're all soulless filth.

21216332? ago

21219638? ago


I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

21219927? ago

You disagree that >85% of the media is comprised of Jews?

Too fucking bad. The truth is not democratic.

21221572? ago

You never make it past the cover story.. Why do they all go to Jesuit colleges?

21223975? ago

Why do they all go to Jesuit colleges?

Because they helped set 'em up?

21232638? ago

All roads still lead to Rome. We see you alt left fags.

21223972? ago

Jews, Jesuits ... is there really any difference other than the ways they glean their blackmail material?

In the end, all the trouble makers originate in nations beginning with I and identify themselves as words that start with J.

21232707? ago

Are you Canadian? Mexican? Brazilian?... So there is a difference. You ROLCON fags are hilarious.

21215117? ago

shiiiiiit…. 16 years ago, Jeb Bush had evidence that Epstein was guilty

21215049? ago

Not a lawfag but any victims that were victimized in the last 36 months could blame ABC/disney indirectly.

21216025? ago

I'm not a lawfag either, but isn't that called conspiracy? Most crimes that are prosecuted are just that. Conspiracy to commit xyz crime. Means they knew crimes had been or were about to be committed and said/ did nothing. It is a chargeable and prosecutable offense.

21221006? ago

Enterprise conspiracy even, maybe.

21216463? ago

Exactly. Most people think Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for treason but they were actually convicted and executed for Conspiracy to Commit Espionage.

21217974? ago

Since the deep state was already in control of the communist party have already infiltrated the government. I wonder what they really died for.

21216239? ago

Teachers who are aware of crimes against children are legally bound to report it. I would think ANYONE who is aware of crimes being committed against children are, by law, required to report it.

21217050? ago

Teachers aren't the only ones compelled to report it. There are a number of different fields that have this requirement.

And, it's not just young children, it's all minors.

21220866? ago

Minors or disabled adults, elderly, or basically anyone in a position where they are dependent on care from another.

21215011? ago

They could be afraid to walk the streets.

21214973? ago

Maybe he should be asking the same questions to Alex Acosta, who let Epstain off with a slap on the wrist back in 2008.

21216889? ago

Cyrus vance Jr told Acosta to stand down with orders from Mueller. THIS IS FACT.

21215836? ago

Acosta was told to stand down on Epstein. Epstein was with Intelligence and above Acosta's pay-grade.

21214866? ago

Oh shit, who cares?

21217220? ago

Pretend you are not worried. Show that brave face while your guilty associates are executed. The PAIN just might miss your perversions. (snicker)

21215005? ago

Isn't it time for you to go loofah mom's glutes?

21214895? ago

It’s how these companies are going to pay a price. Those harmed since they know about it, and there could be a shitload, could destroy the company. Politicians, media and corporations need cleansing.

21214891? ago

yuo do mother fucker.... here you are.

21214600? ago

https://archive.ph/Kbnsw :

POTUS Press ✩ on Twitter: "3 years ago @ABC had the evidence the Epstein was guilty .. they sat on it. Question to attorneys, can the media be held accountable for negligence in any way?"

This has been an automated message.

21214567? ago

That's what a Justice Department is for.

21215713? ago

That is easy, it has always been the Department of Just Us

21214948? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3480046 DOJ Tweet: "The Department of Justice will not stand for exploitation of our nation's children." .. "if you are involved in crimes of this nature, we are coming for you."-Deputy AAG Downing

21216409? ago

Good thing we are drowning in all those arrests....

21214545? ago

I wish we could get this Tweet directly from POTUS.

It would be a good first step.

21217421? ago


QUAD-DUBZ!!!....!!!!....Digits Confirm in a YUGE way!!! OMD (Oh My Digits) I've NEVER seen full digits in a post on QRV before!

Pepe: "Attention POTUS: THIS!!!!!!"

21220488? ago

How about this.?

21220593? ago

21220488? [BOOM] (when we see this on POTUS twitter)

21224739? ago

o-o ... DUDE, did you see the digits I got on my Mandela effect post??? ...!!!

21221717? = QQ digits! ( if you count all the letters its U,V,Q,Q = Q+Q in the sunlight??) Digits Confirm SOMETHING about this in a big way.

Full disclosure: I only tease about the Mandela effect because I lived it (weird long story) but I still only half believe it, I use it because its the only thing that fits what habbened to me, but man things like this keep me from dismissing the idea completely... Each time something like this goes on, makes it harder to deny. THEN on top of it add in "The Adventures of little Barron Trump" and "The Last President" ~ Ingersol Lockwood in the 1890's.... (It's getting spoopy here, kek)

Sometimes I miss being a normie, but I'm not gonna be a little bitch like the traitor guy in "The Matrix" who sold out his friends to get back in and forget it all. Good thing this buttercup is fully buckled up (and puckered up too kek). WOW what interdasting times to be alive!

"Quantum Chaos is a hell of a drug" =





Shadilay Fren, Shadilay!

21230476? ago

Can you please link that post ?

21232419? ago


21221717? ago

...and then, ::Mandela Effect:: habbened. Best timeline ever. Welcome to the best possible outcome Fren! Its cool here, they have "stained bears" and weird logos on everything, and Sinbad NEVER made that crappy wannabe genie movie here either (thank God!). Quantum Chaos is a hell of a drug I tell ya. Hey you know how many timelines we had to skip to get here? The nuke holocaust one, that zombie one you came from, the robot terminator one next door to yous, the fake alien invasion one (yuck and ouch), probably missing a few, but you get the idea.

I mean don't get me wrong I'm still expecting something drastic, but so far so good, right? I think as long as we all behave ourselves and stay frosty and don't get too attached it will work out pretty good here. I don't see that doom and gloom anymore, but my guard is still up, still prepped, still locked and loaded. Tinfoil hat is fully afixed, until jetson-cars and teleporters and space travel are things (again).

Sweet Dreams, Godpeed, Good Luck and of course Shadilay Fren!

21231850? ago

"those who know can't sleep"~Q

Anon 1717 here again:

Ya, and at least one reason is because they are too frikin' excited about how good its going to get when Earth is free from her/our chains. KEK!

I keep going over this post in my head even when I'm trying to sleep! These are the yugest digits I think this Pepe has ever gotten yet. It's based partly on what I've seen in my dreams (of a happy future), and stuff I remember that never habbened in this timeline. I'm also pretty sure the bad futures I dreamed are past because I was younger in them. I think it would've started under Barry if it was gonna habben on this timeline. I think The Patriots stopped the worst of it. Maybe "John Titor" did it back the 90's when he hit our timeline, not sure, but I'm SO thankful.

That fake alien invasion was a recurring nightmare I had a lot as a kid, really sucked balls too (I got eaten alive). My body is stricken with things now that I never had in those, but none of the bad stuff has come to pass either, so hey I'll take the hit to avoid the bad times. The VA fucked me up here, but if that's the cost of avoiding living hell, its a great deal I'd say.

Just writing this as my official Thank You card to The Universe! Thanks Universe! (and all your helpers too, Thanks!) Shidilay Universe, Shadilay! And to ALL my Pepe Frens too, so glad I get to meet all you wonderful faggots this time! (Much love, no homo kek) ThankQ! (This is all new to me, its nice!)

21234884? ago


Good Day

Long live kermitt. Kek.

21218700? ago

I believe you!!! Ignore the naysayers!

I remember all 7s

21220160? ago





Shadilay Fren, Shadilay!

21217828? ago

Lay off the solvents, dude....

21219784? ago

Dude, open your eyes! Go ahead "prove" its bunk,....I DARE you!

What will THAT take?:

1. Study of statistical mathematics.

2. Study of "Quantum chaos" physics (math) theory.

3. Study of Carl Jung's extensive body of work on "The collective unconscious".

4. Historical study of "Meme magic" or "Chaos Magic" through ALL Human history.

5. Study of the probability of "getting digits" on these boards with sequential anonymous post numbering systems.

6. Study of the accuracy of digit getting posts since at least when The Digits predicted Trump's winning.

But hey, if you want to hear from an anon with all that under their belt already, here's my opinion:

Is Meme magic real? YES. Ignore it at your own risk! Once you know "the odds" you'd be an absolute FOOOL to ignore what they tell us!

I call out the digits as a public service to newbies, to try and save clean underwear everywhere, you're welcome because WWG1WGA! (try NOT to shit yourself when you find out...)

21224551? ago

One thing I'm sure: non-human...

21215024? ago

I completely agree. Today it seems we are seeing a lot of 3rd party news with little sauce to back up the claims. This tweet is almost misleading in a way that makes it appear that POTUS is saying this. IMO If he was going to convey this message then he would do it himself.

21218686? ago

You mean like Q? Some things are meant to be slowly revealed. How do you build up an event? Build it slowly and look after it, nature it. Then boom! The reveal and that's when you have already won.

Look weak when you are strong.

21215324? ago

POTUS wants the MSM to try to tie him to Epstein to keep Epstein in the news. They are being worked, again.

And again.