21219924? ago

How about the brother? He has got to be as dirty as his brother. He's running around investigating the so called, murder. Why isn't he in jail? Why hasn't the entire Epstein family's accounts been liquidated? ALL ILL GOTTEN GAINS.

21214724? ago

ABC doesn't run story, Trump's buddy Perlmutter still takes big checks from Disney. Disney still makes big money off their IP's. People still sit at home laughing at "Epstein didn't commit suicide" memes. WTF really changed? Nothing.

21212031? ago

So far it's a dud. ABC had the info, wouldnt run it. Shocking.

21210871? ago

Let me guess, an interview with a bunch of people who knew him who say he's really biased. lol

21209754? ago

My body is ready

21209562? ago

It's not trending, every time project veritas makes a statement they lie. I really liked that video they made to get you on their mailing list where they shows the production room where "their team is working hard to finish a video" and their wasn't one person in there.

21210550? ago

I would expect most staffers would like to be incognito - perhaps some of them are undercover as well and don't want to blow their cover?

21211267? ago

Yeah, make excuses.

21210866? ago

Exactly. The whole joke/point was that there was no faces/people....fag-fag

21208924? ago

It WAS trending, but now Twitter is giving people 12 hour bans in some cases (ie Brendan Dilley), just using that hashtag.

21209767? ago

shut it down !!!

21209317? ago

damnit did they get dilley?

21210932? ago

For a day, at least. I wish I could figure out how to post the screenshot.

21208101? ago

Because there is video (widely shared by the fake news MSM) of Epstein and DJT laughing and joking at a party, normies believe DJT had Epstein killed. Go ask one.

I believe that Leftists created the "Epstein didn't kill himself" meme for their own political ends.

If corrupt leftist Bill De Blasio is pushing the "Epstein didn't kill himself" meme, doesn't it follow that the entire narrative is anti DJT?


But you guise go on pushing their meme like a bunch of useful idiots.

21208674? ago

Since De Blasio can't be trusted we can be pretty sure he has an ulterior motive. He could be warning those at risk of being outed that Epstein isn't dead.

21208237? ago

Everyone should just go back to sleep and ignore Epstein and forget our government is compromised by pedo rings? You are out of your damn mind. Both sides have to demand it be investigated or it will never be investigated. Who cares if it provides some bullshit propaganda ammo so long as the real sickos get rooted out?

21208250? ago

You think that's why the mayor of NYC is calling it out? Because he believes the truth will emerge and there will be justice.

You're delusional and you're on De Blasio's side.

Keep spreading that meme like a good goy.

21208285? ago

You saying you think Trump is guilty?

21207909? ago

Deadman Switch Activated! No turning back now. Rock N Roll. O’Keefe is an American, make that World Hero! This man is going where no one has the courage to do. May God and the Angels keep O’Keefe safe. Thus is HUGE!

21207714? ago

Nothing can stop what's coming.

21206807? ago

Veritas should not oversell this.

21208245? ago

exactly what i was thinking... But we have to admit that Veritas is doing a great work in the DARK to LIGHT game. And it seems that insiders turning whistleblowers agree with that

21207319? ago

Yet they will, just as they always do.

21206032? ago

You dipshits actually believe the memes started and are spread by citizens? Ridiculous.

21205638? ago

Who killed JR.

21205633? ago

Y'all have short memories. Absolutely nothing came of Project Veritas' CNN exposé despite the dramatic countdown.

21206179? ago

The Boomers who can no longer pretend CNN is "fair and balanced" would like to have a word with you.

21207328? ago

Uh, if they were pretending that CNN is fair and balanced even before then, you're not going to change their minds now.

21208524? ago

wrong... video and audio can be persuasive

21205549? ago

And yet again we watch as they try and hype us around “coming soon” info lol.

I wonder if any real patriots fall for this.

Wait and see what comes out, stop trying to prepare and get ready for supposed bomb shells.

21211156? ago

DOCUMENTS Page 2 Exhibit A Daily mail article concerning Prince Andrew, Epstein and Virginia Roberts (Giuffre) - Andrew sold a property for 15 million to a Kazakh Businessman after it was left unsold at 12 million for 5 years. - Had criticized an official corruption investigation into the huge Al-Yamamah arms deal between Britain and Saudi Arabia,

is close to Saif Al-Islam Ghaddafi,

may have had role in early release of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al Megrahi

Known Epstein since at least 2000

First seen on holiday with Maxwell and Giuffre in Thailand. Then a Halloween party in Manhattan.

Strolled with Epstein in Central park

Spent four days in Epstein’s mansion, which included woody Allan at dinner.

Was also guest at cocktail party years earlier, packed with young Russian models.

Page 4

Police claim Epstein’s donations, connections to politicians and dream team of lawyers got him off easy.

Epstein has made 17 out of court settlements at the time of this article.

Page 6

Epstein guaranteed her a minimum of 200 each time they met for an erotic massage.

She worked to stay in his favour and say his number one girl.

Page 7

Epstein bought her many gifts

Went on 6-week trip, travelled the world.

Ghislaine joked about having to trade her in soon because she was to old.

Page 8

Claims in this article that is was Ghislaine who put the puppet on her hand and fondled Giuffre while Andrew grabbed the other.

She met prince Andrew three times.

Was told that Jeffrey wanted her to have his child.

Wanted her to sign contract giving up rights to child.

This woke her up.

Exhibit B Page 11

Daily mail article on Epstein and Giuffre.

Flew Chris Tucker and Kevin Spacey to Africa to discuss aids.

Epstein has donated over 75K to candidates in the democratic party.

Flew Mr. Clinton to Russia, Oslo, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing

Giuffre says she was never lent out to Clinton.

As far as she knows, Clinton did not take the bait when it came to the two brunettes.

Page 12

She met bill Clinton twice.

Epstein told her they were good friend and that bill owed him some favours.

Claims bill must have known about the girls.

Desks were covered with Jeffrey sharking hand with famous people and of naked girls in three desks in the living room of the villa.

Emmy Taylor - Ghislaine assistant - dined with them and Bill and the two brunettes

After dinner she gave Epstein a erotic massage but doesn’t remember seeing Bill again.

Arnold Prosperi, Clinton acquittance, visited Epstein in jail the first time.

Mr. Clinton in the final hours of his presidency, commuted this man’s sentence for tax fraud to house arrest.

Page 13

She met the Gores and had no idea Al Gore was being accused of trying to force sex on a woman at a therapeutic massage he had booked.

Jeffrey did not ask her to give him a massage.

There might have been other girls on that trip, but she couldn’t imagine gore doing that.

She planned to vote for gore when she was 18.

Senator George Mitchell frequently visited.

Was very close to Epstein, was Obamas middle east peace envoy.

Met Ehud Barak, Israel defense secretary.

He attended several functions with other leading businessmen, university presidents, Nobel prize laureates, and public figures.

Page 14

Epstein knew Matt Groening, Simpsons creator

he drew pictures of Bart and Homer for her on a flight.

She gave matt a foot massage.

Met Naomi Campbell at birthday party of her on yacht in south of France

Was real bitch but friend of Ghislaine.

More then 20 of Epstein’s girls have sued for damages., at least 17 settled.

Clinton, Gore and Mitchell were contacted for comment but declined.

Exhibit C PR HUB Article - Statement on behalf of Ghislaine Maxwell Page 16

Maxwell denies allegations

Exhibit D

Page 19

Jane Doe 3 and 4 wished to join the action involved in the CVRA.

Page 20

Jane doe 3 (appears to be Giuffre) was approach by Maxwell. The government knew Maxwell regularly participated in Epstein’s sexual exploitation of minors.

Jane doe 3 was 15 at the time and persuaded to come to Epstein’s mansion.

Epstein and Maxwell turned a massage into a sexual encounter.

Converted her into a sex slave after and she was sexually trafficked

Page 21

Claims forced to have sex with Alan Dershowitz in numerous occasions including Florida and an airplane, New York, New Mexico, US Virgin Islands.

Eyewitness to other girls being abused.

Page 22

Government is aware of some underaged illegal child porn pictures and has them in their possession.

Prince Andrew again.

Jean Luc Brunel would bring young girls as young as 12 to the US for sexual purposes and farm them out to friends.

Page 23

Brunel would off the girls modeling jobs.

Epstein forced her to have sex with Brunel numerous times, in Virgin Islands, New York, New Mexico, Paris, south of France, and California.

Epstein required her to sleep with powerful men in order to black mail them.

The government hid the deal for non-prosecution with Epstein from Giuffre violating her rights under the CVRA

Page 25

The offences Epstein committed had no statue of limitations

Page 27

There was a request made for documents pertaining to Epstein’s lobbying efforts to persuade the government to give him a more favourable deal.

Exhibit E

Order denying petitioners motion to join under rule 21 and motion to amend under rule 15

Page 34

Jane Doe 3 and 4 can’t join under rule 21, rule 15 is the proper procedure.

Failed to join under rule 15 because undue delay joining, undue prejudice that amendment will cause.

Page 35-36

Issue with rule 21 is they were not omitted due to inadvertence or mistake and are instead trying to join under rule 20

Rule 15 covers these types of situations so rule 21 is denied.

Portions of 21 motion stricken from record along with related findings.

Page 38

Alan Dershowitz intervened “for the limited purposes of moving to strike the outrageous and impertinent allegations made against him and requesting a show cause order to the attorney that have made them”. Court strike’s anyways so motion to intervene will be denied as moot.

This also moots Alan Dershowitz motion for leave to file supplemental reply in support of motion for limited intervention.

Page 39

Rule 15 motion

It is unnecessary for jane doe 3 and 4 to be parties rather then act witnesses (seems to be telling them to file their own lawsuits)

Page 40

Lawyers for 4 Jane does claim don’t want duplicate proceedings at same time and instead coordinate efforts.

Motion doesn’t show why addition of “other similarly-situated victims” is now necessary to “vindicate their rights as well”.

Can participate but that participation is not limited to listing them as parties rather then witnesses.

Page 41

Jane does 3 and 4 can participate and may offer relevant evidence but listed as parties is not necessary.

Page 42

Rule 21 motion denied

Rule 15 motion denied

Alan Dershowitz motion for intervention and motion for leave to file supplemental reply in support of motion for limited intervention are denied as moot.

Motion to seal is denied as moot.

Certain materials stricken from record.

Exhibit F

Page 44

Ross Gow letter on behalf of Maxwell

Repeating claim that she claims Virginia Roberts (Giuffre) is lying

Exhibit G

Virginia Giuffre V Ghislaine Maxwell

Video deposition

Page 53

Meredith Schultz appearing for plaintiff Giuffre with David Turner – from Boies, Schiller and Flexner LLP.

Laura Menninger Appearing on behalf of Ghislaine Maxwell From Haddon, Morgan and Foreman (Missing pages)

21205546? ago

I went to a small party yesterday. I told them about the guy on Watter's World slipping in an "Epstein didn't kill himself." Everyone thought it was funny and said that they didn't think he killed himself either. This is out in the real world. We were in a crowded restaurant and didn't keep very quiet either. Of course, being in the South, we can say what we want anyway.

21208181? ago

The podesta mail, facebook and wikileaks from instagrams .... #carisjames - code for Little St. James Island Temple

21206361? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3481671 HUGE graph showing connections from Epstein and the US Government to every other person involved...... SPIDER WEB!!

21212024? ago

I don't understand. I just wrote that all this stuff is getting around in normal circles, as evidenced by everyone in a group of friends knowing some of it. And then you write up all this stuff I already knew. Why?

21210453? ago

Remember, Ep was just the Butler.

The extortion juice Ep collected was for others, someone, to gain power.

Maybe Hill and Bill’s trips to the Island weren’t to play.

Someone had to be buying the juice.

21211046? ago

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21205543? ago

9:00AM Eastern or what?

21205812? ago

Exactly. There's eastern time and then "those other people out there."

21207342? ago

That's fine. The entire rest of the country despises east coasters and are more than happy to be "other people."

21208627? ago

Except for southern men. They love east coast women.

21205822? ago

I resent that. My time zone is not only standard but central to this nation.

21207510? ago

Standard since a day ago.

21205527? ago

Ready for what?

21205515? ago

We have a sitting president and DOJ, yet this shit is pushing by citizens. What a pity.

21207773? ago

This is exactly how it needs to be done. Veritas gained massive credibility when their google leak turned out to he true. Whe. They git people with this what follows are indictments because its backed up through multiple sources. And when normies find out jeff sessions initiated Durham. Well bois, that's a wrap

21207866? ago

And Veritas has the tendency of announcing that they will announce the announcement of a leak 48 hours before they leak

"Show me the money in 48 hours or we will leak the real shit"

Jeff's a stealth bomber - > whitewalker is the destroyer -> Durham is the wrapper -> whoever is the punisher -> ....Mr.X the grand Procrastinator will bring justice in year 2050

Gimme a break. Arrest or GTFO

21210763? ago

A civilian like PV or JW can only show the corruption. They need a functional DoJ for the arrests part. I'm not sure what more these guys can do. I agree people need to just release though.

21209609? ago

"Show me the money in 48 hours or we will leak the real shit"

Yeah, kind of along the lines of what I was thinking, to be honest.

21207491? ago

pushed by citizens

And psyops

21207589? ago

Yup. I am pretty sure the purpose of pushing this thing is to enhance the narrative that Epstein is Dead while he obviously isn't.

21210449? ago

Not very many other ways he could crawl into witness protection.

21209889? ago

to enhance the narrative that Epstein is Dead while he obviously isn't

ding ding ding!

we have a WINNER!

21207312? ago

Plausible deniability

21206651? ago

All politicians are puppets for israel and jews.

21219021? ago

All politicians are puppets for israel and jews.

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

21219274? ago

You're a paid jew to do damage control kek

21207297? ago

Good vs evil


We are going to win though 🇺🇸

21207684? ago

Nope. Jews. You're enabling their evil by not naming them.

21207750? ago

That would be like saying Americans are responsible for the actions of individuals with that group. We are ALL free to believe whatever we want. Also, we are ALL responsible for our OWN actions.

Generalizing doesn't help our movement...so you are either simply emotional and uninformed on what our leader speaks of or you're a divisionfag shill who wants to damage our mission.

Which is it?

[They] want to divide us all

21209332? ago

and then a wild jew appeared!

21208005? ago

We'll eventually be confronted with the choice of pushing back against the "bad Jews" or being massacred.

When it kicks off, when push comes to shove, the "good Jews" will overwhelmingly side with the "bad Jews".

It happened in Germany during/after Soviet Russia and Weimar Republic. It'll happen again because historically, you don't know your ass from your elbow.

21208132? ago

..And I trust my leader...


21208106? ago

Doesn't matter. If they are American citizens they have rights. Violating those rights destroys our country and is opposite of MAGA. Our leader has spoken.

Nobody said this was going to be easy.

21208162? ago

I'm not talking about taking away their rights. I'm talking about them taking away ours.

21208148? ago

Fuck off kike. You and your tribe are traitors and terrorists. Wait until the world realizes what youve done.

21208527? ago

Lmao! I have NO religion. Try harder. Our leader has spoken.

[You] are a divisionfag. [You] are the enemy.

21208577? ago


21207705? ago

Not according to Q. But nice try. Maybe try harder.

21207752? ago

It's your karma, creep.

21207794? ago


21207195? ago

Israel, Jews, Pedophiles all mean the same IMHO.

21205650? ago

Try harder shill

21205693? ago

Oh wow demanding full disclosure and investigation on Epstein cover is considered shilling now !? How far this hivemind will sink ?

21205787? ago

Yeah? You're demanding it while on voat? Try harder faggot

21207307? ago

Kill yourself, kike.

21209083? ago

The jew cries as it strikes out, far as I can tell you're either a dumb nigger or more likely jew

21212683? ago

I'm your worst nightmare, Odin's chosen. Just you wait, niggerkike, you'll rue the day you fuckers decided to challenge whites.

21212849? ago

Sure, go do something about then faggot. Fucking keyboard warrior kids, do your parents know you're on the internet

21213627? ago

I'm right outside in your bushes, prepare to be smashed by the white power of Thor WWG1WGAWWG1WGAWWG1WGAWWG1WGAWWG1WGAWWG1WGAWWG1WGAWWG1WGAWWG1WGAWWG1WGA

21205596? ago

That's how you wake the masses


21207696? ago

muh 4D chess

fucking idiot

21205631? ago

what pussy admin need the masses to do their job ?


21207619? ago

When they people are hypnotized by poisonous media, they have to reawaken themselves. No one can do it for them. Plus, they’ve been conditioned to think potus is a dictator and if he moves against the perpetrators overtly there are a number of ways the public can be manipulated against it, like pushing the mass hysteria aka satanic panic narrative, saying potus is crooked, etc. so it’s important to basically let the public awaken itself to the horrors we’ve allowed to fester for so long, so that their immune system becomes primed again. Once they “get it” the normies will have the natural reaction to reject the evil. If you believe they’re too far gone for that then tell me what hope can you have for our nation at all?

21207793? ago

when you have been hypnotized by some internet anon with hope porns, you will come with such ridiculous excuse for an admin not doing their job.

Muh optics muh normie psych muh 99% of the truth must be hidden muh Israel last.

I say do the fucking job or GTFO.

21207899? ago

Ok. But the Veritas thing drops tomorrow so let’s resume this discussion after that. Cool?

21207982? ago

It is excruciatingly obvious why they love announcing it early : to make deals with group involved to trade for a much "light" version of the leak. What they leak tomorrow likely was 1/10 of what they got on the topic.

All they are doing is a type of psyop called desensitizing, small doses at a time to make people insensitive to the frauds and corruptions.

We can resume this discussion when Hillary is in jail. Thanks.

21208051? ago

21206993? ago

Fuck off you are probably one of the same ass holes who wants Trump impeached because he wants to stop corruption. Go dig yourself a fucking hole some where and bury yourself in it.

21206751? ago

Fuck off faggot shill, turn down your glow switch, too obvious. I see you have your “squad” to furnish your upvoats too, how quaint.

21206737? ago

Better question: How many pussy admins were involved in corruption and coverup for decades?

What happens if you file criminal charges and have corrupt DOJ lawyers prosecuting the cases? Laughable. They would make sure they lost the cases.

Step 1: Find out which lawyers and judges are corrupt.

Step 2: Replace the corrupt co-conspirators, so they have no power.

Step 3: Prosecute with honest lawyers and judges.

21206163? ago

The People are supposed to hold Government accountable.

It's become twisted and is now the other way around. The People need to fix the dynamic.

Government does not fix itself. There is no such thing as a non-violent Revolution.

21207303? ago


21205365? ago

https://archive.ph/vlw2T :

Project Veritas on Twitter: "It’s official, #EpsteinCoverup is now trending in the United States.

Tomorrow at 9am, we take it to #1

Stay tuned...





#EpsteinCoverup… /RmtcquSLev"

This has been an automated message.

21205242? ago

I am @Tallest_Skil and it sucks that Epstein was killed. He was my #2 supplier of foreskins. I have now been forced to scower the dumpsters behind the local jew hospital for scraps.

21207349? ago

lol that guy is living in your head rent-free

21205502? ago

I hear his favorite way to eat them was fried like chicharrones. Is this true?

21205855? ago

No, breaded like calamari rings.

21205899? ago

Remember don't over cook them, that makes them chewy....

21205177? ago

so ready