21713253? ago

Is there some way to save this for offline viewing? We need to back up as much data as possible locally. Even if "Midterms are safe" Q is a larp, this is valuable shit to have.

21206367? ago

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21198590? ago

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21114532? ago

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21054288? ago

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21052330? ago

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21052300? ago

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21050781? ago

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21050780? ago

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21050588? ago


See the web?

21049355? ago

This is big. Be careful though, op.

21047028? ago

Mobile just shit a brick trying to load that graphic! Must be BIGLY!!!

21046683? ago

Much respect to whomever made this.

21045989? ago

I made this into a PNG for you faggots:


21044883? ago

Epstein is definitely a central player but unfortunately, I can't share this with normies. There is no sauce. More of a wish list. Not based on smoking guns. A couple of names I was glad to see. They were only associated with someone but that isn't proof. Lots of work done but I'm going to pass.

21044865? ago

Hmm have to wait till I get home. This slowed my phone to a crawl.

21043405? ago

would be interesting to know what percentage of those names are Christian...

21043200? ago

Loading 288 nodes... Forever

21050452? ago

Works with Firefox 70, I had older version.

21043036? ago


21042835? ago

This thing is so insane that my phone can’t even handle it.

21060222? ago

Try the png snapshot version https://voat.co/v/QRV/3481671/21055753

21047229? ago

my i7 based lenovo w530 was having a cow with it as we;;

21055666? ago

It's a graph database and requires large amount of memory to display. What we are seeing is basically a HUGE set of data been displayed on our screen. So if RAM is low or too small, it will freeze or crash your browser.

21059752? ago

My lenovo has 16GB

21042829? ago

What is a keystone?

21087261? ago

WHEN YOU'VE GOT A DIG TO DIG...DIG WITH THESE https://voat.co/v/QRV/3486951/21086600

U r me if u get me.

Peace bro, how many of us is there???!

21047195? ago

The American public is the keystone. When the public is kept in the dark about the reality of the cabal, they do not know who the enemy is. The keystone is when the public ALL wake up. Their entire arch of evil will fall. You can't do any dirty deeds if the public is aware of it, and demands that they are rounded up and prosecuted.

21042612? ago

That’s so unorganized and chaotic that it doesn’t serve to convey information. It is a good “look at my volume of data” picture but little more. Yes you’ve got a lot of data, but it’s not usable as presented.

21043032? ago

Oh well then, let's all go home! Anyone else need a nap???

21043065? ago

If you’re prone to giving up in the face of user feedback, then you should go home. Or you could take the feedback and incorporate it into your perspective and update the material to address the usability concerns.

21052238? ago

Man you need to look up the definition of SARCASM. LURK MOAR FAGGOT

21042768? ago

Plus it seems rather vague, like including Aldous Huxley who died (1963) when Epstein was 10 years old.

21056207? ago

Careful, your inner ignoramus is showing.

21042572? ago

This is very impressive! Holy shit! I can't even imagine how long this took to put together!

21087281? ago

TED Gunderson to WILLIAM Bar - Dear Mr. Barrr: the enclosed report contains infomration which indicates that FBI personnel have been... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3486837/21084076 Nice find!!

21088989? ago


21042553? ago

This should be a sticky!

21052634? ago

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21048700? ago

21042514? ago

Qpost 2700



12 Feb 2019 - 10:34:13 AM

POTUS: "This can never be allowed to happen again (in our Country or to another President)."

How do you deter & prevent this from happening again?

Simply by terminating employment of those responsible?

Simply by conducting a few 'non-threatening' investigations?

Or by:

Prosecuting those responsible to the fullest extent of the law?

Setting up new checks & balances and oversight designed to increase transparency?

Provide OIG office(s) w/ funding inc (size) ++ authority?

Provide select committees w/ access and in-house viewing of non NAT SEC CLAS material?

Provide a check on Directors/Dep Directors/Asst Directors of all such ABC agencies?

Establish 'financial checks/reviews' of those in senior (critical) positions (audits) + direct family (close proximity)?

Transparency and Prosecution is the only way forward to save our Republic and safeguard such criminal and treasonous acts from occurring again.

While some want to quietly remove those responsible and go about our business (save face on the World Stage), those in control, understand, this band-aid will simply not work.

Nobody should be above the law (no matter how massive the spider-web is (entangled)).

This will never happen again.




21047134? ago

Black hats all need to be de-funded. Liquidating their assets is key. They can't do anything without their ill gotten cash.

21058918? ago

Disney 'Marvel's Helstrom': Tom Austen, Sydney Lemmon to star in Hulu series Marvel's Helstrom is based on the Marvel character Daimon Hellstrom, aka the Son of Satan and Hellstorm ..adaptation ... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3462859/20881947 Nice find anon !!!! You linked to my voat thanks

21042409? ago

Extraordinarily deep and complicated this rabbit hole goes

PEOPLE around the WORLD are 'WAKING UP' to the FACT (NOT FICTION) that the CORPORATE [[D] party politically controlled] [6 CORPORATIONS OWN 90%] MEDIA [FAKE NEWS] IS NOT unbiased journalism but POLITICALLY MOTIVATED AND CONTROLLED.
Nobody escapes this.

21057164? ago

1) EPSTEIN'S TORTURE ISLAND #QANON Patriots are asking me to describe what really was happening on Epstein's Little Saint James Island (LSJ). WARNING: The theory in this thread will sadden your heart. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3478592/21012987 The truth of these evils will have the power to unite the entire world. Every decent person will stand against these sick fucks.

21088220? ago

Hey, I love this thread. Saw it first on twitter. I don't have an account, just lurking, but I always go and view 3days3n posts. It seems to me they 'get it'. RESPECT. ThankQ.

21042301? ago

This reminds me of a tale once told by Jesus.

21042477? ago

Post it up, that which you speak

21042162? ago

Interesting: Bill Barr in in the graph.......hmmm, makes you wonder. Everyone is in the graph. No wonder Trump has so much trouble finding clean people and Cabinet.

21087272? ago

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21042888? ago

Association is not necessarily guilt. It is the actions taken, and in some cases, not taken. Although in this circumstance, those who did take action upon learning ended up dead or reputationally ruined, so some mercy must be shown for those who walked away but did not take action.

21044671? ago

You make a good point. Some have walked away. I fear for their lives though. Barr, IF, he was part of the dirty web, is probably insulated with security though.

21042045? ago

Hella job on this graph! Holy shit this is impressive.

21042005? ago

The site is not working at the moment. It displays this message: "This site can’t be reached. graphcommons.com unexpectedly closed the connection."

21042892? ago

working now.

21041964? ago

what confuses me is Trumps connection to all these people.... seems supsicious, anyone have any theories on how that plays into Q and the Plan? makes me nervous..

21044134? ago

Nervous... If you live in NYC (5 Borough's) they are all like "Peyton Place" as in NOT MUCH ever goes unnoticed. If your face is front page NYT it's a auto bull's eye. He has been a Icon since he left Queen's 4 Manhattan (70's). Epstein & Co managed to compromise many... except PDJT. I'll just day this, it took 70-80yrs for the FBI to infiltrate & take down the syndicate. To equate him w/JE, Mossad, Ruskie ect. & assume he's guilty has tunnel vision. Photo's @ public events w/target, 1st of moves to discredit. His only vice has been women (10's),... Those who scream the loudest hate him because he has always had his finger on the pulse of people & never misses a beat!

21042185? ago

Trump and Epstein ran in the same business circles. Because mossad made sure of that. Very powerful people.

Epstein tried to get dirt on trump. And failed. That's what the two island visits are about. The visits didn't yield anything. After the second visit, trump made it clear he didn't want anything to do with Epstein. This is why he was happy to talk with the fbi and made clear he would testify against einstein. Which then placed Trump as the outsider.

21041998? ago

Trump the FBI informant... just like in the Gambino days.

21041561? ago

Epstein who? I don't recall anyone by that name.

21041441? ago

this graph is Anti-Semitic ....... (and where the fuck is PeeWee Herman?)

21041511? ago

... and full of Kremlin talking points (formally known as truth)

21041710? ago

Who is G. D. McDaniel? He must have been important because Joogle says he never existed.

21041386? ago

The criminality and corruption that controls our country and our world is pervasive. Draining the swamp sounds easy - just pull the plug and all the filth flows out. But in reality, the network of evilness of the cabal is broad and deep. The revelations that will come from the Epstein matter will certainly show that the puppets of the cabal are an evil and depraved bunch of people. But just like anything else as soon as something gets too close to revealing the cabal's evilness, people start getting murdered and the seditious MSM does not cover it. The MSM is very much part of the problem, as is the judicial system, law enforcement, academia, Hollywood, Big Tech, military leaders, etc. It is a very big swamp. It will take generations to clean this thing up.

21087156? ago

WHEN YOU'VE GOT A DIG TO DIG...DIG WITH THESE https://voat.co/v/QRV/3486951/21086227 Wow that is some list!

21044700? ago

This, my fellow Goats is what happens when you honestly believe communism is a joke or hoax. It is very very real and literally infiltrates any and all relevant institutions to achieve its goals.

21041451? ago

Well the MSM is a simple tool that is owned and operated by the Cabal, nothing is said or done without their approval.

No one gets out of line, once you take the money and given a position in the MSM you are already compromised. If you are foolish enough to think you actually got your job because you are a reporter you are targeted and destroyed.

21040926? ago


21041347? ago

My thoughts EXACTLY. WOW

21043376? ago

yep, WOW again!

and so much appreciation to the anons who organize and keep track of all this detailed information, us lurker anons would be lost without you.

21041342? ago

? https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514 Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous ??

21040890? ago

Hollywood is crumbling, they all feel it https://voat.co/v/QRV/3408514/20414229 'Lady Hervey' says she shared an 'intimate banquet' with Clinton, Trump, Epstein and Maxwell. Then she stayed at JE's 'sex flat' where she was spied on ... Hervey = Prince Randy Andy's Ex Girlfriend

21040651? ago

holey crap

21047864? ago

There is not an emoji big enough to describe this.

(jaw drops onto table and tongue rolls out while eyes telescope toward the graph)

21040868? ago

Anonymous - What's the deal with this Hollywood actor? Why is he raising his son to look like a girl? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3481629/21040688 Jesus Christ I don't know how I keep getting surprised by this shit but it's so fucking wrong right out in the open for all to see and take pictures of. How do people stay asleep?

21040913? ago

we cant take this apart fast enough...its beyond sick