21190398? ago

That was straight-up funny.

21186148? ago

Hahaha nice one

21184692? ago

That was fucking awesome!

21184407? ago

That guy on the gurney wasn't a dead guy.

21184248? ago


21184216? ago

I have never had tears of laughter develope so fast in my eyes. NICE.

21184152? ago

Now that is a big boom right there.

21183016? ago

Holy shit LMAO

21182964? ago

Hysterical XD

21182772? ago

Afterward, before break, Jessie said something to the effect of, there may be more to this story. He recovered from that guy saying that, pretty good.

21182272? ago

Instant legend.

21182259? ago

This is an instant classic for sure

21182101? ago

LOL!!! Even Jessie was surprised by it

21182076? ago

yeah, yeah, yeah, and the next thing you'll tell us is that 9/11 was done by Israel, school shootings are all false flags, and Nancy Pelosi's huge tits are nothing more than coconuts hanging in a pair of pantyhose.

21182893? ago

One of those isn’t true...but which one

21184397? ago

Of course not....

"They're real, and they're spectacular!"

21181946? ago


21181929? ago

The big push on "Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself" is understandable but perhaps not exactly what it seems.

While it's clear that many people on the Left had a lot to fear from Epstein's testimony, there's also a strong possibility that the Dems are using this campaign to insinuate that DJT had Epstein killed. There is video, for example, of Epstein hanging out and joking around with DJT whereas there is none of Epstein with Bill Clinton.

Think about it.

Trevor Noah asked HRC how she killed Epstein, completely tongue-in-cheek.

The clear implication was that HRC had nothing to do with it.

Normies are so confident of that fact that Noah could use it to get a laugh.

Normies firmly believe DJT had Epstein killed.

So when we see memes that say "Epstein did not kill himself" I don't think it's implicit that these are patriot sentiments.

In fact, I believe these memes are likely being spread by the Left to attempt to criticise POTUS who, let's face it, was technically in charge when Epstein died.

I realise that DJT does not control everything, especially in NY.

I'm also NOT saying DJT had anything to do with Epstein's death.

While I totally believe there was something fishy about Epstein's death, I am not personally going to be spreading "Epstein did not kill himself" memes out of respect for President Trump's administration.

Just my 2c

21185643? ago

He isn't dead.

21182066? ago

Shitty theory when the Clintons clearly have much much more to hide with their 40 flights to pedophile island vs Trump banning him from Mar a Lago.

Only one of these families has a known body count.

21183204? ago

Go ask any normie who they think killed Epstein.

21181885? ago

"Maybe more on that later"

21181806? ago

Epstein is not dead

21181737? ago

KEY from Baden: "Epstein was dead several hours before he was found."

Protocol was that the guards were supposed to make rounds every 30 minutes. The claim is that the guards fell asleep.

BOTH guards.


21183520? ago

I do in fact sleep for several hours each night

21181654? ago

We need more

21181401? ago

Spit my metaphorical coffee out. Hell yea borther!

21181287? ago

that vampire jew is still alive!

21181281? ago

That made my night.

21181126? ago

You made my day. Laughed so hard almost fell off my chair!!!!!!!!! TY.

21181080? ago


21180992? ago

Quality KEK!!

21187895? ago

not sure if weird fan fic or LARP ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3492728 I was often dressed up and paraded around parties at the hotel that were filled with super stars like Tom Hanks, John Cusack, Susan Sarandon, Tom Arnold, and lots of other very famous people. The most bizarre experience by far happened right before I was returned to my birth parents on the 360th day of my captivity - it had something to do with symbolism. I was taken to a room I'd never seen before, hidden through a back area and I was introduced to what I could only think of as a TV screen.

21180944? ago


21181471? ago






21180937? ago

great job!

21180778? ago

https://tweetsave.com/kbq225/status/1190795004333215744 :

Karli Bonne’⭐️⭐️⭐️ on Twitter: "I just fell down!😂😂😂😂😂… "

This has been an automated message.

21180750? ago

I saw that! Hilarious!

21180733? ago

We have memed another one into existence, good work guys

21183994? ago

Meme magic is real.

21181442? ago



The Digits Confirm the meme magic is strong with this thread. Shadilay Frens! Great day to be a Pepe!

21181553? ago

Suck my Pepe bitch!

21181651? ago

If I get doubles I'll suck your Pepe

Edit: no Pepe-sucking for you

21181578? ago

Thanks faggot. Great to be home. Now go fuck your self and Shadilay! kek