21187903? ago

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21148947? ago


21145573? ago

Praying you know the love of Jesus and are full of His Holy Spirit...so much love, joy peace I received at 17 yrs old...I read Acts 1:5...in my simple understanding I prayed "Jesus will you baptize me with your Holy Spirit" changed my life He is a Good father , wonderful friend, the Lover of my soul!!! No turning back!

21143664? ago

Something I didn't catch from the OP, what is the sex of the person writing this? Boy or girl?

21145585? ago

I'm female.

21147465? ago

Well it's heartbreaking to think that parents are capable of such deeds. Hope you are ok now.

21156571? ago

Thank you

21143361? ago

You kept participating tho.

21156572? ago

I'm not sure what you mean? I was kept restrained and drugged for almost an entire year and was almost six. Participation wasn't optional in anything that happened.

21143088? ago

You write very well- despite the abuse.

Haven’t you found a Christian person/ community ?

21156577? ago

I spent a lot of time in writing programs and studies as a therapy. Journaling was a big part of my recovery and I was lucky enough to be in some great writing groups with other PTSD and abuse survivors.

I am part of a methodist church here where I live now that is truly amazing. The people there are really supportive and all know my story.

21156670? ago

Thank God He has put these people in your life !

I hope you find the right authorities who you can go to.

I believe you,

I know of a mother whose estranged husband took his daughters into the woods for strange rituals with other adults. Was supposed to be just a campfire.

She believed her daughters when they told of her about their dad and the other strange people in robes.

She told me one day after Catholic mass... I was grateful she entrusted me with such strange, almost unbelievable story.

I remember the fear in her eyes as she shared. Poor thing.

Fortunately we are friends with a very good man ( former FBI) , who was able to help . She and her daughters are doing great now !


21142413? ago

Based on my research, you were actually relatively lucky.

These evil people must be exposed, and their parasitic practices stopped dead.

21140932? ago

This song by Peter Gabriel, whenever I sing it, I dedicate this song to brave survivors like you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeI-FtSayS4

21142778? ago

Thank you!

21140637? ago

When you are scared, say, "Jesus help me" . The fear and battle then become His, he will save you. Demons flee at His name.

21140269? ago

Thank you for sharing. Prayers for your healing.

21139039? ago

God bless you, friend.

21138855? ago

This sites a honey pot ur a dumb fag or a glownigger

21138718? ago

God bless you, Anon.

21138673? ago

God Bless you. Forgive them all, and move on somehow.

21137738? ago

God bless you Patriot. There's lots of other cases that's worst than yours.

Stay strong. The satans are going to be taken out, justice will come.

You are not a victim. A victim has no power. Empower yourself. Stay strong with your mind.

Learn from the past but plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present.

21137727? ago

When you say dressed up do you mean in like formal attire as an adult?

Or are we talking some sort of sexualized lingerie.

21142782? ago

Kind of both. There were a lot of odd ritual clothes, like robes, wraps, stuff along those lines, then lots of costumes and lingerie type of things.

21137484? ago

May God bless you and protect you.

Death to the pedophiles.

21137433? ago

It is my understanding that Halloween is a very bad time for those held captive for satanic ritual abuse. Although, things seem to be going in the right direction, I wish we could have exposed this sooner to help save the children who will be tormented tomorrow. I can't stop thinking about them. Thanks for sharing your story. God bless you.

21156579? ago

You are actually spot on, and it's what prompted me to share when I did. I was tormented by a lot of people wearing masks and things like that, so I spend a lot of time NOT leaving the house on Halloween.

21137281? ago

Pics or it didn't happen.

21137273? ago

Well the Good news is were here to hunt

21137255? ago

We are a skeptical bunch here. If your unfortunate story is true, don't get discouraged and give up. Bring out the truths and reveal. Once you break through the skeptics and are accepted as 'for real' you will find a family of supporters who will fight for you and spread the word of truth. WE, are attacked by shills many times each day, those who would discredit us and break us apart. The Plan tells us to stay together, support one another and trust "The Plan". You have come this far, don't stop now. Major pedophiles and Satanists are about to be brought down. Find other outlets. We all know pedophilia, sex slaves, Satanic sacrifices and the circle of sickness is real. Stay strong. Twitter and YouTube also have platforms on this subject. I am so sorry this happened to you. Letting this out is important to your healing. God bless..

21156585? ago

I've recorded a very in depth YouTube video but I'm hesitating on releasing it because there are a lot of details and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. My friend who gave me this login is the one who helped me make the video and he is very convinced that Trump is going to open up a huge safety net for people like me to share my store very very soon.

21137170? ago

Welcome, fellow survivor!

I never went through anything as Intense as what you just described, but I was also kidnapped. I was drugged at a bar in Lincoln, Nebraska and taken by a man, who worked with several other openly satanic individuals who orchestrated my entire abduction.

I was missing for a month, but managed to escape.

Even though we will never meet face to face, it's still comforting knowing there are others out there.

I will be praying for you. Perhaps one day you can tell your story and not have to fear being taken. I know the feeling.

It's not just the people you have to worry about, but the demons that follow you after you escape.

Once you leave that darkness, it comes back with a vengeance. It can even Influence others around you if they are not saved and cannot discern or readily detect spiritual warfare.

It's an on going battle for the rest of your life.

God bless you.

21136657? ago

Was it Gadreel?

21142773? ago

I've actually thought about this a lot when a guy I was traveling with pointed out who Gadreel was in the bible. I may very well have heard it wrong, but it makes a lot of sense.

21136379? ago

Thank you for posting. Some of us have been researching this for a long time, we understand what you are talking about and I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Just know there are people all around the world working hard right now to put an end to this evil.

21136334? ago

are you cute?

21148132? ago


21136291? ago

One day soon these sick, wicked, soul-less servants of satan will not be able to walk down the street...are you listening Hanks, Sarandon, Arnold, Schiff for brains, and all the other hollywood dregs who prey on the innocent so that they can live out their perverted fantasies at the expense of our children!

21136080? ago

Nothing happens to us, only for us. Before you incarnated you chose these difficulties and adversities to learn from. I know it sounds cold but for whatever reason you needed this fucked up life you got. Be it karma or progression you will learn the lesson eventually. You are not a victim, you are a student in the most fucked up University in the universe. Many try to incarnate on Earth and you are lucky to be here. I wish I could tell you what you need to learn but that is entirely up to you.

21135915? ago

Pics or gtfo!

21135896? ago

You are in some serious need of healing. It would take too much time to convince you that I know what I'm talking about; and in some ways, I'm still learning.

What has happened to you sounds like the work of the Black Sun order. They are a bunch of lunatic losers who have for eons been preying on the strong as a leech parasitically feeds on its host. For their own weakness and fear of working on themselves directly, they seek externally to harvest the energy of others. These fools fully embody the scarcity mindset.

They tried to - and probably succeeded - divide your mind to make you more controllable. There have likely been programs implanted in your mind to react and serve their purposes. You may not have much success seeking aid from psichiatrists, as they are largely part of the dark system. I suggest to you, as did Christ, to seek within, to unite your inner self, and regain your internal connection to your heart, which is where you'll find your connection to Source.

Sorry to be brief, and good luck finding your path to healing.

21135757? ago

God Bless you. You have been added to my prayers. I think there are more of you than any of us will ever understand. I am so sorry so many of us have been asleep and had no clue this was even going on. We are awake now. AND we are pissed!

21135713? ago

Imagine writing up a fanfiction like OP to fuck with people on this board, and then laughing their asses off when boomers suck their dick unquestionably and claiming that denial of their story is an equivalent of subversion.

There is absolutely nothing of substance in this story. If I sat down for an hour I could write something even better. Nothing this person said is news. Even if it were true what is the point of telling us without any evidence? Fuck them shit like this helps no one.

21141300? ago

BTW if a child up thru 12 yrs old who has been on the streets so long and being abused from house to house, when would they have had time to go to school and learn to write a story and communicate so clearly?? Does spell checker really clean things up? How about grammar and street talk? I'm sorry to be insensitive, but I was just wondering..

21142754? ago

I ended up in a pretty decent high school after a few years of not learning much, and I did have a few nice people who helped me along the way. After that I went to community college and got an AA then (barely) made it into a state school where I got a degree that I currently use for my full time job.

21149170? ago

OP, I Just can't buy this. I've taught plenty of kids from preschool to elementary thru 'decent' high school who can hardly string good sentences together and they have never been molested, drugged, raped etc. Many have naggy, abusive, or just negligent or lax parents. You must be a genius to overcome such odds and do the MOUNTAIN of homework required just to get out of 'decent' high school let alone make it through community college where many drop out and just work at Starbucks. OOOo you 'barely' made it to a 'state' school. Is that the usual prejudice of 'university' grads showing through?? Violin music maestro pls? BTW, you also through in the whole kitchen sink into your story. Everything we have discussed on these posts is in there. Yes, you flushed out the good people here on VOAT and can add coins to your 'degree that you currently use for your full time job'. Unless you are doing computer work, there is no such thing that college specifically trains you for. Our family friends were in G.A.T.E., nice families, good grades, studied hours upon hours and are burned out. None of them have jobs of them have jobs related to their degrees. The Indians from India have those jobs. This "fanfiction" is an apt description. Many glaring holes in this story.

21156515? ago

Have you never heard of a nursing degree?

I appreciate your concern and doubt. Personally finishing my education was very difficult and it was a defense mechanism. I worked with a lot of tutors and spent a lot of time struggling so I could get to where I was because economic freedom for me meant freedom from having to rely on others, and that meant getting a well paying job that let me be independent.

My boyfriend was traumatically abused by his parents and some other people and left for dead at 13. He managed to rise above and he's a firefighter now and also does well for himself.

Some people do languish and are not able to overcome those things, but I knew that I didn't want to die, I didn't want to live on the street, and I didn't want to struggle, so I did what I had to do and sat down and studied my ass off. Different people have different motivations.

21135667? ago

I was rescued by a random homeless man

That was no "random homeless man"...that was an angel from God. Probably your guardian angel.

21156596? ago

We actually joke about that. We have randomly met three times in my life. When I was little and he helped me get out of that situation, then when I was 15 and was lost in a city 1000 miles away, I ran into him walking out of a grocery store. And the third time I was leaving a restaurant next to my college and he was asking for money outside of it. That was about 500 miles from the last place. It seems mystical but we talked a lot each time and it was just coincidence.

21135546? ago

If it gives you any peace... We are going to KILL them.

21137410? ago

I'm waiting for the day it will be safe for me to wear my "DEATH TO PEDOPHILES" t-shirt out in the open.

21139762? ago

I'd say throw it on and anyone who gives you ANY shit for it, you're legally allowed to beat to a pulp.

21135473? ago

Please be careful. I believe you have given people enough information to figure out who you are already.

I hope you find peace and happiness.

21156599? ago

I have a concern that the people demanding more and more details may not have the best intentions.

21135069? ago

God is fighting for your soul right now. Rejoice Christ and Q+ have already won the battle. We are in the end times of revelation.

21135165? ago

I truly believe this.

21134929? ago

Thank you for trusting us with your life story. Absolutely horrific.

This guy on youtube does SRA survivor interviews: https://www.youtube.com/user/dnajlion7 in the event you ever feel like sharing your story with a wider group of believers.

God bless you. We love you and we support you and we condemn what has been done to you.

21135138? ago

I'll look into his channel.

21142241? ago

Don't trust him. He is a creep and a fake. There are videos of him on You Tube claiming Trump is evil before he figured out how to milk the movement for money. Be careful. God bless.

21134836? ago

This is why they should all executed publicly.

21134821? ago

Well I thought it was a very interesting story. And you told it so well, with such enthusiasm.

21134793? ago

David Lee Roth tried to lick my butt hole

21134747? ago

I finally have hope that someone is doing something about these horrific people

Who is doing what about these horrific people?

21134739? ago

Truely BRAVE!

Speaking Truth when your have been powerless is the utmost act of Courage. So your doing something right!

Super glad you found this community.

Would you consider cross posting this on reddit The_Donald? That Community would also welcome you tho they are not as far down the rabbit hole as the people on VOAT.

Be encouraged! You have the support of millions of people who have yet to understand the depth of depravity we are living in... and that You lived thru!


21134706? ago

Were you at the Standard Hotel?

21135148? ago

Yes, the year it opened.

21134685? ago

St. Louis. Care to divulge any other information

21135157? ago

I met someone who had family there and we traveled there together, he gave me a ride.

21134634? ago

Just remember this.

If you ever think you're too small to make difference, try spending a few days in a locked room with a handful of mosquitoes.

21134537? ago

As has been said, we don't "know" you, but if what you say is true - it is sickening and I am truly sorry. Sadly, this does go on and your story seems believable. I will say that along the way, you must have received a good education somehow because your writing is good - better than I would expect.

You might reach out to Sara Ruth Ashcroft in some way as she had similar experiences - with high profile entertainers - and is leading a public campaign to bring this out into the open:

Here is her Twitter page: https://twitter.com/SaRaAshcraft

21135076? ago

I spoke with Sara on the phone last month after I shared my story with her over twitter. She's really amazing.

21138698? ago

Awesome. God bless you and stay strong!

21134466? ago

If this is true, please gather any evidence you have, proof of your identity and your parents' success, find a well armed right wing militia group, and go live with them while you go public with your story,

21142767? ago

I've tried to confront my parents, they now claim they gave me up for adoption.

21134339? ago


21134330? ago

So you happened to use your friends login on the day, or day after, registration is reopened. Cool story bro.

How’s the weather in tel-aviv. Proof or gtfo.

21156558? ago

I don't know about that, I've been writing this post for a week or so.

21134995? ago

^^^^^^This. Gaderoll gave him away. He's laughing in his mom's basement right now

21142748? ago

I always assumed it was connected to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadreel

21137989? ago


21139711? ago

Lol. We all saw that.

21134292? ago

You came to the right place. The courage of your post will not be forgotten.

A friend of mine was abducted when he was a child and forced into MK Ultra. They dosed him so many hallucinogens that he says it's amazing that he's still able to think as an adult. They always force the drugs on to the children to discredit their perspectives. Don't worry, your day is coming. We've already started hunting them. It's only a matter of time until we get to put the noose around their necks.

21135102? ago

This is really true. I was fed pills, MDMA, and LSD constantly at 5 years old. I haven't touched a drug since and I feel like I can still feel it sometimes.

21148233? ago

OP you stated the following, so I take it drug usage was beyond 5 years old, no time for schooling in there. Are you some writer making fun of everyone in here that has a kind heart. WE WILL ALL BE VOTING FOR TRUMP IN 2020. Get some help and attention at some local church. You will find plenty of sensitive people genuinely wanting to help and not hurt you. Let's get back to politics folks.

Many times I was hooked up to IV drugs, fed massive amounts of hallucinogens, kept unnaturally skinny and underfed, and shown brutal and bizarre videos.

21156523? ago

I have not touched any sort of drugs since I was released from there, so I'm not sure what your assumptions are.

21140185? ago

You probably always will. The average person has no idea what the long-term effects of giving those types of drugs to a still-developing brain are. The sick fucks who gave you those drugs might have a bit of a clue but doubtful. The military might because they tested some of those drugs on vets to use as potential warfare agents.

21134284? ago

Interesting story. As a victim myself I can empathize however, my details are rather explicit and I have not forgotten a detail. Christinas participated as well. So I do not find solace with any large group or hive collective overall. A few questions if you do not mind answering them;

  • How old are you now?

  • A) Was the tv screen in the hotel? B) Was the tv screen on or showing you anything?

  • How were you able to track time as it passed?

Hope you're feeling better after exercising some of your demons.

21142861? ago

Hope you're feeling better after exercising some of your demons.

I make my demons exercise every day, out in the yard. I make them lift weights and do push-ups.

Or did you mean "exorcise"?

21153025? ago

That's the way to subdue them. The only way. Energy expenditure.

21135129? ago

I'm 27. The screen was in a back room that looked kind of like a private library inside of one of the rooms in the hotel. The screen wasn't blank. It had some sort of line on it like when they show what sounds look like - I forget the term for that. Like a heartbeat diagram kind of thing. It would sometimes flash to a face that was very fuzzy.

I honestly wasn't able to track time, I was told time passed but there were weeks when I wouldn't see the sun.

21153068? ago

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Anything kinda supernatural occur? Or did they try things like 'scare tactics' just when you thought you were going to be safe?

Mine wasn't a screen like yours but instead it was a tv that only showed certain channels. Literally a type of slow programming. It scaled with my age.

21156498? ago

Over the years looking back, I thought there were supernatural things, but I was on a lot of different drugs, so I think now they were just different stimuli made to seem paranormal.

21134133? ago

You've been prayed for. God Bless YOU!!

21134089? ago

thank you for sharing this story, it is incredibly brave of you. for the people asking, "how do we know it's true?" - I just want to chime in to say that I'm a former child actor and it would shock you how widespread this sort of thing is in and around the entertainment industry, esp. in the Hollywood area. This definitely sounds like a truthful accounting to me.

21142743? ago

There were a handful of us girls there, but w ewere never allowed to talk, I'd just see them in passing.

21148976? ago

Yeah, I'm not surprised. I have heard very similar stories from other survivors. I wish I could tell you to pm me if you'd like to talk further, but this subverse is anon. If you would like to, I can leave my email addy or something here.

21136699? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/AnonBoard comment.

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21133944? ago

Thank you for sharing your story. I hope sharing eases some of the pain in a cathartic way.

21133920? ago

You need to find a way to get your story told to Sidney Powell, Gen. Flynn's attorney. If you are legit, they'll take good care of you. If you are a shill, don't bother.

21156602? ago

I sent him an email, we'll see what happens!

21133879? ago

I'll just leave this here,


21133655? ago

Absolutely horrible what you had to endure - stay safe

21133592? ago

My love and respect to you, anon.

21133539? ago

I dont believe you.

21133962? ago

We thank you for courageously telling your story.

21133518? ago

First, thank you for sharing your story. I have no reason to doubt your authenticity. These stories need to be told. Still, you're telling the wrong people, the wrong things. Sure, we can act as some moral support. (Or ridicule you in some cases) But we are ultimately powerless to help you and those like you. Unless...

What we do well, what the MSM refuses to do, is actually track down leads. Compile evidence. (anecdotal or otherwise) and raise the visibility of those details to all who will listen, for the growing awakening that is slowly taking place. What we need from you, if you truly want our help, is specifics. Who? Where? When? How? Can we substantiate any of it? The more you can recall and share the more leads and information we have to work with. These often lead to new leads and evidence that you may not even be aware of yourself. Let the Q community help you. But you have to help us.

Is this risky for you? Of course. keep your anonymity, for now. (If you must) But the safest thing for you to do today is start sharing everything that you can, every detail matters, so that these events can be exposed (by us all) and avoid being yourself, the sole target out there for silencing.

Or don't. You've already survived being a victim. You don't owe anybody anything. Just remember, silence only serves to encourage the tormentor. It never helps the tormented.

21136567? ago

need to name the criminal names

21142717? ago

I named the ones I could later put a face too, the rest of the people weren't anyone I knew, but I could point them out, all of their faces are burned into my eyes.

21134287? ago

Right, we won’t try to dox anyone. But if OP would like us to try to substantiate any part of the story, just say the word, and any details OP would like to provide would help. But it’s understandable why OP would want to stay off the radar.

21142715? ago

What sort of details? All I have is my memories of the time since I spent so many years between foster homes and living on the street.

21149491? ago

Details for bringing people to justice: Names of perpetrators, dates of offenses, crimes.

Details for verifying story: anything relevant. Who, what, when, where.

21156500? ago

I listed a lot of that in what I wrote above, it's almost everything I know.

21139793? ago

Anons digging on behalf of victims...

I like it. We should do this, regardless of the outcome.

21133370? ago


21133288? ago

This is crazy if true. How do we know its true though? I want to believe it, just convince me somehow so i can be positive..

21135159? ago

You have seen and researched enough info on this site and 8chan and qmap.net to know this story is true. Why would anyone make up something like this. Worse things happened on epstains island.

21134358? ago

We don’t know. So we treat it as a LARP. This is standard for internet bullshit. Q had to prove himself. So does this person. Until then it’s bullshit.

21139752? ago

Agreed but as I'm reading about this, it almost makes sense about the Standard Hotel. Like, Q said about Schiff, what went on there? Is it shit like this? An entire floor unknown to the public and staff that warehouses evil shit like this? They then can sneak their child prostitutes into any room in the building for their "special" guests?

21133436? ago

I would like to avoid convincing you but I would like to share why I am convinced. The claims, not just those by OP, are so horrible as to strain credibility to breaking. However, as I looked at the material, the types of horror converged to a few basic strategies. The usefulness of the strategies is evident as I listened to the claims. That meant the only thing holding me back was my faith that humans could not sink so low. Then I got over that.

21134082? ago

I’m able to believe it.

I was exposed to a different form of manipulation, and I was already an adult. For that reason, and because I was raised to have faith and because I had strong family support, it did not work. But it was absolutely bonkers. These people are very, very sick. I don’t know that OP is telling the truth, but I can believe it. I also expect that the gaderol computer was probably a person interacting with OP in a deceptive way, mainly for deniability and security reasons, so he couldn’t ID the person and would not be believed if he told people about it. The brother could have been a lie to try to entice him to agree to stay.

21134374? ago

We are all able to believe it. That doesn’t make it true.

21134407? ago

Of course.

BS detector calibrated ✅

21132965? ago

Balazs was there and I got to know him a little bit over the year I lived there.

I assume you are referring to André Tomas Balazs.


In 1998, Balazs opened the first of five hotels called The Standard in West Hollywood.[15][16] Balazs subsequently opened and operated five Standard hotels: in Hollywood, Downtown Los Angeles, Miami, and two in New York City, the most renowned being The Standard, Highline, before selling his interests in the real estate assets in a series of transactions

I'm so glad you escaped the life, fren. I'm also glad to hear that you are embracing Christ. It is very common for those who were sexually abused become abusers themselves, and faith can help with that.

Pedophiles keep a sharp eye out for runaways. If you are abused by your parents, and they live in a community protected by pedophile Freemason law enforcement etc, you can't go to any authorities without the risk of being returned. You story is all too common, and we need to figure out how to fix this.

I was taken to a room I'd never seen before, hidden through a back area and I was introduced to what I could only think of as a TV screen.

It was a highly advanced computer (keep in mind this was 1999) that spoke with a normal voice, could answer and ask questions, and was some sort of leader to the people who were holding me there. The computer, which spoke with a man's voice and called himself Gaderoll when I asked him his name. The computer showed me videos of my parents partying while I was suffering and it showed them making fun of me. Gaderoll also showed me videos of a brother I didn't know I had who was also in captivity at the same hotel and I'd never seen or met him.

Gaderoll asked me if I wanted to grow up and "serve" the hotel. I said I didn't and I wanted to leave

At first I was skeptical of this part, thinking it might have been the drugs. But they probably have a big concern about people running away and telling on them. They may have figured out that if the kid says he or she wants to stay they are much less likely to do that. I assume that Gaderoll was a deception, and a person was certainly controlling it. They would do that for several reasons, but mostly so you would sound crazy if you told anybody. They probably also drugged you to make you more receptive to accepting what you saw.

Thank you for telling your story here. Stay safe!

21134681? ago

Balazs "also had a relationship with comedian Chelsea Handler from 2011 to 2013.[32]" ~ Wikipedia

21135066? ago

And Uma Thurman

21134539? ago

I have read that Satan is an ancient AI.....

21156544? ago

I met a guy who was handing out pamphlets at my college that were all about some person named Pindar which is supposed to be the CEO of Earth. I had a great conversation with him, then when I got home I started looking it up and it was all reptilians own the planet stuff and a big part of it talked about God and Satan are dueling AI or businesses or something that run the Earth.

21136641? ago

It is a multi-dimensional entity that the ancient Hebrews called a "spiritual-numeric entity." Using today's language Artificial Intelligence.

It is the entity known as YHWH (Which is just four letters/tones of a 42-letter/tone full name/code). It has lots of names.

This is in contrast to our Father in Heaven.

21141103? ago

YHWH is satan

Found the jew. Gtfo, Mossad.

21141413? ago

"Jew" hardly I worship Christ.

And they aren't "Jews" they are Satanists. That you call them "Jews" is due to your ignorance. As long as you are ignorant you will be cattle. Or are you Mossad and just projecting? Either way you are either ignorant or a shill.

21141728? ago

YHWH is the name of the Lord, as it is revealed all through the scriptures; and to reject His name is to reject Jesus Christ and His infallible Word.

21141999? ago

The creator has no given name since he always was. You can refer to him as Our Father in Heaven or The Creator, etc. His son is Christ, which is The Way, The Truth and The Life.

YHWH is the tetragramaton the four letter name of the LORD. LORD = Ba'al = Saturn = Satan. Satan is the father of lies, the father of this realm of time and space. His son is Lucifer, which is an angel of light.

You have been fooled to worship Satan. Or maybe you haven't been fooled and you wish to worship Satan.

Seek Christ in all things.

21139723? ago

not making fun, but honestly, how could you possible know such things.

Please dont take me the wrong way, I am listening.

21141386? ago

Know your enemy.

I'm an occult researcher by hobby. Easy to know if you care to do the research. Start by reading the bible, the apocryphal books, etc. Read the masonic books, Manly P Hall, Helena Blavatski, etc.

If you prefer video format start with "trample on snakes 6" Youtube channel and watch those videos. Look for "Saturn research videos" The sources for each item is usually listed in each video (or is discoverable during the video with an internet search). Also search for Occult Science Ark online, has a website and he does some analysis of news items on occasion.

Once you know you will be embarrassed at how ignorant you used to be and annoyed with how ignorant the world is.

21143347? ago

YHVH or YHWH is simply a power word, one with many uses, not a name. As an "occult researcher" you should know this.

21144560? ago

Read my comment from three above. "It is the entity known as YHWH (Which is just four letters/tones of a 42-letter/tone full name/code). It has lots of names."

And it is the entity otherwise known as Saturn.

21152651? ago

One can invoke whatever one wants with it, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, etc, and yes, even Saturn. The conflation of planetary powers with "Satan" is one of the things I laugh at them for. The "Jews" may have went out and copied all the esoterica they could find, but they are bumbling idiots who do not understand it.

21136440? ago

That comment made me think about a video I saw on YouTube, it may have been one of those conspiracy type of videos where it’s a montage of different clips from all areas of media edited to show their agenda. Anyway, the video I believe was something about satan or the likes of, the particular clip I remember was Pinky & The Brain? Or two cat characters talking to a TV screen. What if op is telling the truth.. I have no idea

21147947? ago

Pinky & The Brain were Pavlov's lab mice, not cats.

21148242? ago

Well now we know. And knowing is half the battle!

21135177? ago

I have read that Satan is an ancient AI.....

I've never heard that one.

21147757? ago

4chan Post, read down a bit and you will find this:

Snip talking about AI

This would make sense..god made us in his image (A soul), Angels could be some kind of AI (no soul)..we use computers to run the world. The movie 2001 Space odyssey was supposedly made by the elite to show this to those in the know...Monolith turns out to be an advanced AI that teaches early man technology.

21148769? ago

If Satan is an AI, then we are living in a simulation and we are the equivalent of AIs also.

21156552? ago

Not really, I mean we have AI now, and we're not in a simulation. They can exist apart from each other.

21157216? ago

Not really, I mean we have AI now, and we're not in a simulation.

We would not know it if we are in a simulation. And AI could run inside a simulation. For example, one user made a working computer in minecraft by crafting circuits.

If there is only one real universe, then we are almost certainly living in a simulation. Because it is clear that the technology will arrive to make such simulations. It stands to reason that in the future it will be possible to run billions of simulations. Essentially that means there are billions of universes. What are the chances that we are in the one universe that is real? Almost zero.

21157541? ago

Or God is real

21157623? ago

What does it matter if the substrate of our universe is subatomic particles or digital information? They are both real. The universe is what it is. If the building blocks of all matter are digital in nature, that doesn't mean God is real or He isn't. To me, the universe feels less real every day, though. That's what happens when everything you believed in turns out to be a lie.

21149010? ago

Your thinking in the wrong terms...think multi dimensional.

21137937? ago

Research something called The Black Sun, which may be a dark star in orbit with our regular sun and/or a super advanced rogue AI who is secretly in charge of luciferianism.

21141151? ago

You should check out this blog of an alleged ET contactee that talks about an AI entity worshipped by beings called "Dark Lords" (which are believed to be the fallen angels of the bible), which is apparently an actual entity in space that is some kind of AI-power plant: http://www.orionmindproject.com/agendaexplained.html (see the "The Eye God" section). I believe what this author refers to as "The Eye" may be the Black Sun, and is probably also "The Eye" that Q references a few times ("many governments of the world feed The Eye" ).

21138245? ago

No space, only earth in dome. No crazy, can't measure the curve no matter what you do.

21147773? ago

^^This guy.

21137383? ago

this in another deception to make us feel less powerful, but both Satan and Lucifer (two different beings) are totally and forever shorn of all power by our beloved Christ, Jesus. Jesus IS Lord. Satan is bound in Jesus name.

this deception is a clever way thwart resistance to the menace of AI.

21132958? ago

Incredible. Literally.

21133325? ago

It is hard to credible if you haven't waded through the ick and noticed the recurring patterns. If it were nothing, the patterns would be more divergent. The stories would be just as fantastic sounding but they would be all different kinds of hard-to-believe instead of converging on the similar, disgusting pattern.

21134300? ago

Excellent point, anon.

21132944? ago

Thanks for sharing your story. Its sounds really horrible. Were you ever able to find your brother? I wonder what happened to him or if you have other siblings. I also

hope that someone is doing something about these horrific people.

21132963? ago

That weird moment was the only time I ever heard about him, and my parents denied I had a brother when I asked them about the whole thing. They told me I was crazy.

21141745? ago

Consider that the sudden presentation of "facts" may have all been some lies meant to control and blackmail you into submission.

Whether you had a brother, or not is possible. It's also possible that they were attempting to establish an "emotional hold" on you using these new facts.

They probably understood you were uncooperative and planning to run.

These devils require compliance to enter your mind and break your will. Even if its because of a lie. Thats how hypnotism and mind control really works.

Good on you for getting away. You did not "open the door" and "let them in"

God protect you !!

21142733? ago

It's all possible, I have no real way to argue if it's facts or lies.

21139172? ago

My family is military and they've always felt comfortable calling me crazy. Bastards. I'm glad you're alive.

21142737? ago

Sorry, that sucks that they do that.

21187230? ago


21133215? ago

It is all crazy, that is fact. In the v/pizzagate subverse there were quite a few others sharing equally horrific accounts (going back a few years) and I've met some in real life. You seem very strong and I wish you justice, nobody deserves what you have endured.

21132896? ago

Gaderoll would be impressed by your ability to recognize and identify by name, so many celebrities at the tender age of five!

21132918? ago

I was six by that time.

21133350? ago

Good answer. Please ignore the fearful comments. I'm glad to hear your voice.

21132743? ago

Yes we know what these monsters are.


We know they commit the most unspeakable crimes because the victims sound nuts just telling their story.

They have shoved their mind control in our face and we have identified their whole playbook!


I too have suffered 40 years of satanic ritual abuse. I know how this works. My family have done many similar things to me. I know you are telling us the truth.

I'm holding on because I want to see them all hang. I want to be able to tell my story and not be shouted down with gaslighting. We are getting close to that day. Be hopeful!

21139198? ago

I think it sounds kinda hot.

21133556? ago

Have you told your story somewhere?

I too have suffered 40 years of satanic ritual abuse

Did you really suffer exactly 40 years, as the number 40 has some symbolism to it, like 40 days and 40 nights constantly mentioned in the Bible?

21134337? ago

I think it’s (((40))) years.

21133826? ago

I can't put a precise date on the start of this. I was very young.

I also can't put an end date on this as it's still ongoing with gangstalking, electronic harassment, robbery, attempted murder, blacklisting and gaslighting.

It's been approximately forty years. But I don't see the bible as being in anyway significant.

21134744? ago

It's not the Bible that's significant, just the numerology of 40 in general...

gangstalking, electronic harassment, robbery, attempted murder, blacklisting and gaslighting.

I see this shit about "gangstalking" all over the internet, yet nobody has ever given any high quality explanation of it, and to be honest, everyone who mentions it sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic.

How has "gangstalking" affected you? Can you go into detail? Are you saying there are groups of people who just dedicate their entire lives to making sure they are ready to follow you wherever you go just to torment you psychologically? Seems like an extraordinary amount of effort. Who are these guys working for and how do they have the time for such activities? How is this massive secret kept?

21139640? ago

Allow me first honestly answer with "I DONT KNOW"

Now, I can postulate and share my personal experiences....

I've met TWO people IRL that claim to be victims of gangstalking, of note is that I did not meet them online and this was before it was even on my radar (and I'm here so... my radar is decent). They are both the only people who tell me stories that I never believed, but that does not mean their stories are not compelling.

First, a male, Taiwanese (both of the 2 were of asian descent, idk if that infers anything), who was very much a loser, but he used to have lots of money from the Porn CD-ROM boom times of cheesy strip poker. When I met him, he was living with his mother, smoking meth, and covering his bedroom with tin foil, literally.

He claimed that people would stalk and eventually contact both him and his friends. They would force them to be part of what they called 'black ops' where they fucked with other people, he claimed they blackmailed him with more harassment.

He was the first person I ever heard make the claim that sonic frequencies were being used to control his behavior by government agents. That is the encounter that made me first search the term 'mind control'. Thats how I found out about Admiral Boorda.

The 2nd was a female, Filipino, around 50yo... I broke up with her because she seemed fundamentally unstable mentally, at first it didnt bother me, but she made remarks which made me believe over time she could become a danger to herself and others, myself included, so I dumped her (she was hawt, 50yo in filipino is like 35 in whitelady years).

Her story was thus, her parents came to USA first, and worked in secret with USA government, learning secrets as part of their position, as such, they always had security around. She claims when they died, they told her the gov would never stop watching her because of what they had known. She sees an ambulance go by with sirens, she says its her handlers warning the folks up the road that she's inbound, crazy shit like that. She also believes a marking, which I can confirm was odd and visible, 5 dots in a star pattern on her back/shoulder, she says it is an implant, but that she used strong magnets to disable them.

So... thats whats happening in 'reality'. Not a solid case by any measure, but a fine pair of case studies.

I must agree, most of them do seem either insane, or catering to the insane with this content.

However, if one truly was under attack by such a program, if it were successful, this would be exactly how it would appear, by design.

In conclusion, how the fuck should I know.

21137954? ago

Our Universe is all numbers. Where do you think we're living? Look into the very tiny atom, it's made of more sub partial. We humans ain't even solid.

It's all code, computer code. Numbers is important becomes numbers is the universal language.

Look at this: https://external-preview.redd.it/J5KMBCSzSZyUfWbYWkvApPsvPbtliSZLf3OmTW8dc0k.png?auto=webp&s=22587056e9794efaa732fc2106592d944cbeedd8

Trump will win was post number 77777777.

21140737? ago

An atom, I learned, is not even physical matter. It is energy spinning so fast, it gives the illusion of matter. That's truly awakening to me. Even the atom doesn't exist. Every thing is energy.

21135054? ago

I’ve never quite understood the reason behind gangs talking either so thanks for posing the question.

21135320? ago

Read this if you don't understand.


The motive is narcissistic supply! These people are insane. They don't have rational motives that you would understand!

21132732? ago

Sounds legit......

21135463? ago

He did speak to Siri's father.

21132656? ago

Name actual names and dates and places or get the fuck out of here you dumb attention seeking nigger.

Go get molested by a jew

21132951? ago

They want you divided.

You must be the THEY

21135683? ago

Imagine writing up a fanfiction like OP to fuck with people on this board, and then laughing when people like you suck their dick unquestionably claiming that denial of their story is an equivalent of subversion.

There is absolutely nothing of substance in this story. If I sat down for an hour I could write something even better. Nothing this person said is news, even if it was true whats the point of telling us without any evidence? Fuck them.

21133232? ago

They means jews.

you are a nigger

21132836? ago

Read what I wrote, I named names and gave dates.

21133380? ago

It works better not to answer. Their comments then just disappear at the bottom. Ah. As they have now done.

21156603? ago

I fear the person demanding my parents names doesn't have good intentions.

21162694? ago

I think those are valid instincts.

21132761? ago

Last part was a little unnecessary. OP's probably full of shit though.

21132731? ago

They did you fucking faggot. Why don’t you learn to read before spouting off from you jew cock sucking pie hole?

21133217? ago

No claims that the names abused the poster. Only said star names. Never named the abusers.

21133594? ago

Well... I thought it was implied.

21137040? ago

Was it? It's hard to tell. They won't even name their shitbag parents and choose to post anonymously. It's like those niggers at CNN, "my source tells me"...

Calling bullshit needs to cut both ways.

21132759? ago

The pedo shills get triggered when we expose their friends!